def predict_to_catalyst_sam(self, dataframe, server, database, table, schema=None, predicted_column_name=None):
        Given a dataframe you want predictions on, make predictions and save them to a catalyst-specific EDW table.
            dataframe (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): Raw prediction dataframe
            server (str): the target server name
            database (str): the database name
            table (str): the destination table name
            schema (str): the optional schema
            predicted_column_name (str): optional predicted column name (defaults to PredictedProbNBR or
        # Make predictions in specific format
        sam_df = self.create_catalyst_dataframe(dataframe)

        # Rename prediction column to default based on model type or given one
        if predicted_column_name is None:
            if self.is_classification:
                predicted_column_name = 'PredictedProbNBR'
            elif self.is_regression:
                predicted_column_name = 'PredictedValueNBR'
        sam_df.rename(columns={'Prediction': predicted_column_name}, inplace=True)

            engine = hcai_db.build_mssql_engine_using_trusted_connections(server, database)
            healthcareai.common.database_writers.write_to_db_agnostic(engine, table, sam_df, schema=schema)
        except HealthcareAIError as hcaie:
            # Run validation and alert user
            hcai_dbval.validate_catalyst_prediction_sam_connection(server, table, self.grain_column, self.prediction_column)
            raise HealthcareAIError(hcaie.message)
    def predict_to_catalyst_sam(self, dataframe, server, database, table, schema=None, predicted_column_name=None):
        Given a dataframe you want predictions on, make predictions and save them to a catalyst-specific EDW table.
            dataframe (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): Raw prediction dataframe
            server (str): the target server name
            database (str): the database name
            table (str): the destination table name
            schema (str): the optional schema
            predicted_column_name (str): optional predicted column name (defaults to PredictedProbNBR or
        # Make predictions in specific format
        sam_df = self.create_catalyst_dataframe(dataframe)

        # Rename prediction column to default based on model type or given one
        if predicted_column_name is None:
            if self.is_classification:
                predicted_column_name = 'PredictedProbNBR'
            elif self.is_regression:
                predicted_column_name = 'PredictedValueNBR'
        sam_df.rename(columns={'Prediction': predicted_column_name}, inplace=True)

            engine = hcai_db.build_mssql_engine_using_trusted_connections(server, database)
            healthcareai.common.database_writers.write_to_db_agnostic(engine, table, sam_df, schema=schema)
        except HealthcareAIError as hcaie:
            # Run validation and alert user
            hcai_dbval.validate_catalyst_prediction_sam_connection(server, table, self.grain_column, self.prediction_column)
            raise HealthcareAIError(hcaie.message)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_should_succeed(self):
        """Note this should only run on testing platforms w/ access to a MSSQL server on localhost"""
        # TODO clarify EXACTLY what this is testing

        # Gin up new fake test database and table
        temp_table_name = 'fake_test_table-{}-{}'.format(
            uuid.uuid4(), uuid.uuid4())
        temp_db_name = 'fake_test_db-{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
        server = 'localhost'
        _create_mssql_database(server, temp_db_name)

        full_table_path = '[{}].[dbo].[{}]'.format(temp_db_name,
        _build_deploy_mssql_tables(server, full_table_path)

        # Run the test
        is_valid = validate_catalyst_prediction_sam_connection(
            server, '{}'.format(full_table_path), 'PatientEncounterID',

        # Clean up the mess
        _destroy_database(server, temp_db_name)
    def test_should_succeed(self):
        """Note this should only run on testing platforms w/ access to a MSSQL server on localhost"""
        # TODO clarify EXACTLY what this is testing

        # Gin up new fake test database and table
        temp_table_name = 'fake_test_table-{}-{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(), uuid.uuid4())
        temp_db_name = 'fake_test_db-{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
        server = 'localhost'
        _create_mssql_database(server, temp_db_name)

        full_table_path = '[{}].[dbo].[{}]'.format(temp_db_name, temp_table_name)
        _build_deploy_mssql_tables(server, full_table_path)

        # Run the test
        is_valid = validate_catalyst_prediction_sam_connection(

        # Clean up the mess
        _destroy_database(server, temp_db_name)