def interactive_tests_CPPR():
    while True:
        queryid, user_id = map(int, raw_input("QueryID UserId?").split())
        print "Computing CPPR(u,q)..."
        pr = CPPR(user_id, queryid)
        print "Done. Computing result..."
        result = [0] * 100
        i = 0
        for _ in g.vertices():
            # print "PR for vertex", i, "is\t", pr[_]
            pp(result, (pr[_], i))
            i += 1
        print "Top 100 PR scores="
        print nlargest(100, result)
def interactive_tests_CCPPR():
    while True:
        print "New CPPR computation..."
        queryid, user_id = map(int, raw_input("QueryID UserId?").split())
        print "Computing CCPPR(u,q)..."
        t0 = time()
        pr = CCPPR(user_id, queryid)
        print "Done in", time()-t0
        print "Computing top result..."
        result = [0] * 100
        i = 0
        for _ in g.vertices():
            # print "PR for vertex", i, "is\t", pr[_]
            pp(result, (pr[_], i))
            i += 1
        print "Top 100 CPR scores="
        print nlargest(100, result)
def compute_user_sim_batch(start):
        This function will be executed by the worker process. It computes a batch of user similarities, starting at
        start-th user_id in the global variabl `users_set` and until the (start+BATCH_SIZE)-th user_id

        For every user_id it will compute the similarity against _ALL_ the other users (except the same user) and
        will keep the `TOP_N_SIMILAR_USERS`-th top ones in terms of similarity value.

        It will then commit them directly to mongodb before terminating.

    from heapq import heappushpop as pp
    print "Starting compute_user_sim_batch(", start, ")"
    # Initializing heaps for every user we are going to deal with
    results = {uid:([0] * TOP_N_SIMILAR_USERS) for uid in list(users_set)[start:start+BATCH_SIZE]}
    t0 = time()
    t1 = time()
    i = 0
    print_interval = int(BATCH_SIZE*len(users_set)/N_OF_PRINTS_PER_BATCH)  # So that we approximately print the state X times
    for u1, u2 in user_pair(start):
        # print "Executing process", start, "for", u1, u2
            sim_res = us.sim(u1, u2)
            if abs(sim_res - 1.0) < ZERO_FLOAT:
                continue  # Do not keep similarities too close to 1.0 (too similar users)
            pp(results[u1], (sim_res, u2))
        except KeyError as err:
            print err
            print "Huh? KeyError u1=", u1, "start=", start, "BATCH_SIZE=", BATCH_SIZE
        i += 1
        if i % print_interval is 0:
            print i+1, \
                "sim() calls\t in     %5.1f"    % (time()-t0), \
                "\t\t avg     %.4e"             % ((time()-t0)/float(i+1)), \
                "\t local_avg     %.4e"         % ((time()-t1)/float(i+1)), \
                "\t(process", start, ")"
            t1 = time()
    print "Computation from", start, "to", start + BATCH_SIZE, "finished in", time()-t0,". Committing..."
    t0 = time()
    commit_user_sims(start, results)
    print "Finished committing in", time()-t0
    return True  # Just to show we finished things properly