Ejemplo n.º 1
                logger.debug(f'\tCharging current (A): {charging_current:.2f}')

                added_energy = (charging_current * charging_voltage * \
                                update_interval/3600) / 1000
                logger.debug(f'\tAdded energy (kWh): {added_energy:.4f}')
                current_soc[j] = current_soc[j] + added_energy / batt_list[j]
                logger.debug(f'\tSOC: {current_soc[j]:.4f}')
                logger.debug(f'\tNo messages at endpoint {endpoint_name} '
                             f'recieved at '
                             f'time {grantedtime}')

            # send charging current message
            # to this endpoint's default destination, ""
            h.helicsEndpointSendBytesTo(endid[j], str(charging_current), "")  #
            logger.debug(f'Sent message {charging_current:.2f}'
                         f'from endpoint {endpoint_name}'
                         f' at time {grantedtime}')

            # Store SOC for later analysis/graphing
            if endid[j] not in soc:
                soc[endid[j]] = []

        # Data collection vectors

    # Cleaning up HELICS stuff once we've finished the co-simulation.
    # Printing out final results graphs for comparison/diagnostic purposes.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    # Data collection lists
    time_sim = []
    power = []
    charging_current = {}

    # Blocking call for a time request at simulation time 0
    initial_time = 60
    logger.debug(f'Requesting initial time {initial_time}')
    grantedtime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(fed, initial_time)
    logger.debug(f'Granted time {grantedtime}')

    # Apply initial charging voltage
    for j in range(0, end_count):
        message = str(charging_voltage[j])
        h.helicsEndpointSendBytesTo(endid[j], "", message.encode())  #
        logger.debug(f'\tSending charging voltage of {message} '
                     f' from {endid[j]}'
                     f' at time {grantedtime}')

    ########## Main co-simulation loop ########################################
    # As long as granted time is in the time range to be simulated...
    while grantedtime < total_interval:

        # Time request for the next physical interval to be simulated
        requested_time = (grantedtime + update_interval)
        logger.debug(f'Requesting time {requested_time}')
        grantedtime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(fed, requested_time)
        logger.debug(f'Granted time {grantedtime}')

        for j in range(0, end_count):
Ejemplo n.º 3
                logger.debug(f'\tNo messages at endpoint {endpoint_name} '
                             f'recieved at '
                             f'time {grantedtime}')

            # Publish updated charging voltage
            h.helicsPublicationPublishDouble(pubid[j], charging_voltage[j])
            logger.debug(f'\tPublishing charging voltage of {charging_voltage[j]} '
                         f' at time {grantedtime}')

            # Send message to Controller with SOC every 15 minutes
            if grantedtime % 900 == 0:
                destination_name = str(
                h.helicsEndpointSendBytesTo(endid[j], "",
                                               ))  #
                logger.debug(f'Sent message from endpoint {endpoint_name}'
                             f' at time {grantedtime}'
                             f' with payload SOC {currentsoc[j]:4f}')

        # Calculate the total power required by all chargers. This is the
        #   primary metric of interest, to understand the power profile
        #   and capacity requirements required for this charging garage.
        total_power = 0
        #logger.debug(f'Calculating charging power')
        for j in range(0,pub_count):
            charging_power = charge_rate[(EVlist[j]-1)]
            total_power += charging_power
            #logger.debug(f'\tCharging power in kW for EV{j+1}: {charging_power}')
Ejemplo n.º 4
            source = h.helicsMessageGetOriginalSource(msg)
            logger.debug(f'Received message from endpoint {source}'
                         f' at time {grantedtime}'
                         f' with SOC {currentsoc}')

            # Send back charging command based on current SOC
            #   Our very basic protocol:
            #       If the SOC is less than soc_full keep charging (send "1")
            #       Otherwise, stop charging (send "0")
            soc_full = 0.95
            if float(currentsoc) <= soc_full:
                instructions = 1
                instructions = 0
            message = str(instructions)
            h.helicsEndpointSendBytesTo(endid, source, message.encode())
            logger.debug(f'Sent message to endpoint {source}'
                         f' at time {grantedtime}'
                         f' with payload {instructions}')

            # Store SOC for later analysis/graphing
            if source not in soc:
                soc[source] = []


        # Since we've dealt with all the messages that are queued, there's
        #   nothing else for the federate to do until/unless another
        #   message comes in. Request a time very far into the future
        #   and take a break until/unless a new message arrives.
Ejemplo n.º 5
                logger.debug(f'\tNo messages at endpoint {endpoint_name} '
                             f'recieved at '
                             f'time {grantedtime}')

            # Publish updated charging voltage
            h.helicsPublicationPublishDouble(pubid[j], charging_voltage[j])
                f'\tPublishing charging voltage of {charging_voltage[j]} '
                f' at time {grantedtime}')

            # Send message to Controller with SOC every 15 minutes
            if grantedtime % 900 == 0:
                destination_name = str(
                message = f'{currentsoc[j]:4f}'
                h.helicsEndpointSendBytesTo(endid[j], message.encode(), '')  #
                logger.debug(f'Sent message from endpoint {endpoint_name}'
                             f' to destination {destination_name}'
                             f' at time {grantedtime}'
                             f' with payload SOC {currentsoc[j]:4f}')

        # Calculate the total power required by all chargers. This is the
        #   primary metric of interest, to understand the power profile
        #   and capacity requirements required for this charging garage.
        total_power = 0
        #logger.debug(f'Calculating charging power')
        for j in range(0, pub_count):
            charging_power = charge_rate[(EVlist[j] - 1)]
            total_power += charging_power
            #logger.debug(f'\tCharging power in kW for EV{j+1}: {charging_power}')