Ejemplo n.º 1
def create(client, name):
    """Create a virtual sensor.

    Create a virtual sensor with a name.
    sensor = Sensor.create(client, name=name)
    Sensor.display(client, [sensor])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sensor(client, label, mac, **kwargs):
    """List sensors for a label.

    List sensors for a given LABEL.

    Add, remove or replace sensors from the LABEL by using the --add,
    --remove or --replace arguments respectively. Note that you can
    specify "none" with these to indicate an empty list.

    label = Label.lookup(client, label)

    actions = lookup_label_action_resources(client, Sensor, mac=mac, **kwargs)

    if actions.add is not None:

    if actions.remove is not None:

    if actions.replace is not None:

    sensors = label.sensors()
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create(client, name):
    """Create a virtual sensor.

    Create a virtual sensor with a name.
    sensor = Sensor.create(client, attributes={'name': name})
    Sensor.display(client, [sensor])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def label(client, sensor, mac):
    """Get the labels for a sensor.

    Gets all the labels that a given SENSOR is part of.
    sensor = Sensor.lookup(client, sensor, mac=mac)
    Sensor.display(client, sensor.labels())
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update(client, sensor, name, mac, **kwargs):
    """Updates the attributes of a sensor.

    Updates the attributes of a given SENSOR.
    sensor = Sensor.lookup(client, sensor, mac=mac)
    sensor = sensor.update(name=name)
    Sensor.display(client, [sensor])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def sensor(client, label, **kwargs):
    """Lists sensors for a label.

    Lists sensors for a given LABEL.
    label = Label.lookup(client, label, include=[Sensor])
    sensors = label.sensors(use_included=True)
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update(client, sensor, name, mac, **kwargs):
    """Updates the attributes of a sensor.

    Updates the attributes of a given SENSOR.
    sensor = Sensor.lookup(client, sensor, mac=mac)
    sensor = sensor.update(attributes={'name': name})
    Sensor.display(client, [sensor])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sensor(client, element, mac, **kwargs):
    """Get the sensors for an element.

    Gets the sensors last known to be connected to a given ELEMENT.

    element = Element.lookup(client, element, mac=mac, include=[Sensor])
    sensors = element.sensors(use_included=True)
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def sensor(client, element, mac, **kwargs):
    """Get the sensors for an element.

    Gets the sensors last known to be connected to a given ELEMENT.

    element = Element.lookup(client, element, mac=mac, include=[Sensor])
    sensors = element.sensors(use_included=True)
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def list(client, sensor, mac, **kwargs):
    """List sensors.

    Lists information for a given SENSOR or all sensors in the

    if sensor:
        sensors = [Sensor.lookup(client, sensor, mac=mac)]
        sensors = Sensor.all(client)
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def list(client, sensor, mac, **kwargs):
    """List sensors.

    Lists information for a given SENSOR or all sensors in the

    if sensor:
        sensors = [Sensor.lookup(client, sensor, mac=mac)]
        metadata = kwargs.get('metadata') or None
        sensors = Sensor.where(client, metadata=metadata)
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def validate_format(output, client, sensors, capsys):
    first_sensor = sensors[0]

    # With sort
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, format=output, sort='name')
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert first_sensor.short_id in out

    Sensor.display(client, sensors, format=output, sort='name', reverse=True)
    reversed, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert reversed != out

    # Without sort
    Sensor.display(client, sensors, format=output)
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert first_sensor.short_id in out

    Sensor.display(client, sensors, format=output, reverse=True)
    reversed, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert reversed != out
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_formats(client, sensors, capsys):
    for output in ['csv', 'tabular', 'json']:
        validate_format(output, client, sensors, capsys)

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        Sensor.display(client, sensors, format='xxx')