def test_concat_string(self):
   folks = dict(Gandalf="I am %s the Grey", 
     Toby="Give %s some more dinner!", 
     Eddie="Don't worry about %s. I'll be over here in the corner")
   for name, phrase in folks.items():
     hello = Hello()
     res = hello.concat_string(name, phrase)
     self.assertEqual(res, phrase % name)
 def test_run(self):
   folks = dict(Gandalf="I am %s the Grey.\n", 
     Toby="Give %s some more dinner!\n", 
     Eddie="Don't worry about %s. I'll be over here in the corner.\n",
     Robie="Hello %s. Working hard!\n")
   for name, phrase in folks.items():
     greeting_phrase = phrase % name
     expected = "What is your name? %s" % greeting_phrase
     testinputio = StringIO(name)
     testoutputio = StringIO()
     hello = Hello(inputio=testinputio, outputio=testoutputio)
     self.assertEqual(testoutputio.getvalue(), expected)
 def test_get_name(self):
   names = ["Toby", "Eddie", "Robie"]
   for name in names:
     testinputio = StringIO(name)
     hello = Hello(inputio=testinputio)
     self.assertEqual(hello.get_name(), name)
 def test_ask_name(self):
   testoutputio = StringIO()
   hello = Hello(outputio=testoutputio)
   self.assertEqual(testoutputio.getvalue(), 'What is your name? ')