Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, root_dir, model_path, device):
     self.root_dir = root_dir
     self.device = device
     self.transform = NormalizeToTensor()
     self.scale = Rescale((224, 224))
     self.model_path = model_path
     self.model = GoNet()
     self.gt = []
     self.opts = None
     self.curr_img = None
     checkpoint = torch.load(
         model_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
     frames = [file for file in os.listdir(root_dir + '/img') if'jpeg' in file or 'jpg' in file]
     frames = [root_dir + "/img/" + frame for frame in frames]
     self.len = len(frames)-1
     frames = np.array(frames)
     self.x = []
         f = open(root_dir + '/groundtruth_rect.txt')
         f = open(root_dir + '/groundtruth.txt')
     lines = f.readlines()
     #print('frame length is', self.len)
     #print('gt length is', len(lines))
     #choose min between gt and the frame for evaluation
     self.len = min(self.len, len(lines)-1)
     lines[0] = re.sub('\t', ',', lines[0])
     lines[0] = re.sub(' +', ',', lines[0])
     init_bbox = lines[0].strip().split(',')
     init_bbox = [float(x) for x in init_bbox]
     init_bbox = [init_bbox[0], init_bbox[1], init_bbox[0]+init_bbox[2],
                  init_bbox[1] + init_bbox[3]]
     init_bbox = np.array(init_bbox)
     self.prev_rect = init_bbox
     self.img = []
     for i in range(self.len):
         self.x.append([frames[i], frames[i+1]])
         img_prev = cv2.imread(frames[i])
         img_prev = bgr2rgb(img_prev)
         img_curr = cv2.imread(frames[i+1])
         img_curr = bgr2rgb(img_curr)
         self.img.append([img_prev, img_curr])
         lines[i+1] = re.sub('\t', ',', lines[i+1])
         lines[i+1] = re.sub(' +', ',', lines[i+1])
         bb = lines[i+1].strip().split(',')
         bb = [float(x) for x in bb]
         bb = [bb[0], bb[1], bb[0]+bb[2], bb[1]+bb[3]]
     self.x = np.array(self.x)
 def _get_sample(self):
     Returns cropped previous and current frame at the previous predicted
     location. Note that the images are scaled to (224,224,3).
     prev = self.prev_img
     curr = self.curr_img
     prevbb = self._last_bbox
     prev_sample, opts_prev = crop_sample({'image': prev, 'bb': prevbb})
     curr_sample, opts_curr = crop_sample({'image': curr, 'bb': prevbb})
     prev_img = bgr2rgb(self.scale(prev_sample, opts_prev)['image'])
     curr_img = bgr2rgb(self.scale(curr_sample, opts_curr)['image'])
     sample = {'previmg': prev_img, 'currimg': curr_img}
     self.curr_img = curr
     self.opts = opts_curr
     return sample
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_orig_sample(self, idx):
     Returns original image with bounding box at a specific index.
     Range of valid index: [0, self.len-1].
     curr = cv2.imread(self.x[idx])
     curr = bgr2rgb(curr)
     currbb = self.y[idx]
     sample = {'image': curr, 'bb': currbb}
     return sample
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, root_dir, model_path, device, live=False):
     self.root_dir = root_dir
     self.device = device
     self.transform = NormalizeToTensor()
     self.scale = Rescale((224, 224))
     self.model_path = model_path
     self.model = GoNet()
     self.gt = []
     self.opts = None
     self.curr_img = None
     checkpoint = torch.load(model_path,
                             map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
     if live:
         # contains only img.
         frames = glob.glob(os.path.join(root_dir, '*.jpg'))
         frames = sorted(frames)
         self.len = len(frames) - 1
         frames = np.array(frames)
         self.x = []
         self.img = []
         for i in range(self.len):
             self.x.append([frames[i], frames[i + 1]])
             img_prev = cv2.imread(frames[i])
             # img_prev = bgr2rgb(img_prev)
             img_curr = cv2.imread(frames[i + 1])
             # img_curr = bgr2rgb(img_curr)
             self.img.append([img_prev, img_curr])
         self.x = np.array(self.x)
         frames = os.listdir(root_dir + '/img')
         frames = [root_dir + "/img/" + frame for frame in frames]
         self.len = len(frames) - 1
         frames = np.array(frames)
         self.x = []
         f = open(root_dir + '/groundtruth_rect.txt')
         lines = f.readlines()
         lines[0] = re.sub('\t', ',', lines[0])
         lines[0] = re.sub(' +', ',', lines[0])
         init_bbox = lines[0].strip().split(',')
         init_bbox = [float(x) for x in init_bbox]
         init_bbox = [
             init_bbox[0], init_bbox[1], init_bbox[0] + init_bbox[2],
             init_bbox[1] + init_bbox[3]
         init_bbox = np.array(init_bbox)
         self.prev_rect = init_bbox
         self.img = []
         for i in range(self.len):
             self.x.append([frames[i], frames[i + 1]])
             img_prev = cv2.imread(frames[i])
             img_prev = bgr2rgb(img_prev)
             img_curr = cv2.imread(frames[i + 1])
             img_curr = bgr2rgb(img_curr)
             self.img.append([img_prev, img_curr])
             lines[i + 1] = re.sub('\t', ',', lines[i + 1])
             lines[i + 1] = re.sub(' +', ',', lines[i + 1])
             bb = lines[i + 1].strip().split(',')
             bb = [float(x) for x in bb]
             bb = [bb[0], bb[1], bb[0] + bb[2], bb[1] + bb[3]]
         self.x = np.array(self.x)