Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_fullratingitems(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        category = request.query.get('category')
        if category:
            dbitems = cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT * FROM ratingitem WHERE category = %s AND project_id = %s ORDER BY name", [category, cntx.pid])
            dbitems = cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT * FROM ratingitem WHERE project_id = %s ORDER BY name", [cntx.pid])
        result = []
        for item in dbitems:
            result.append(get_ratingitem_data(cntx, project, item['id']))
        return jdump(result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_timeline(project):
    offset = 0
    limit = 300
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("""SELECT user.displayname as user, innerSelect.* FROM user, ((SELECT advice.user_id as user_id, name as targetLabel, 'advice' as action, advice.advice as value, advice.creation_time as time
                                               FROM ratingitem, advice WHERE advice.ratingitem_id = ratingitem.id AND advice.project_id = %s)
                                             (SELECT creation_author as user_id, name as targetLabel, 'new' as action, 
                                               'created' as value, creation_time as time FROM ratingitem WHERE ratingitem.project_id = %s)) innerSelect
                                             WHERE innerSelect.user_id = user.id
                                             ORDER BY time DESC
                                             LIMIT %s, %s""",
                                        [cntx.pid, cntx.pid, offset, limit]));
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_advice(project, user, ratingitem_id):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdict("SELECT * FROM advice WHERE user_id = %s and ratingitem_id = %s AND project_id = %s""",
                                       [user, ratingitem_id, cntx.pid]));
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_ratingitem(project, no):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(get_ratingitem_data(cntx, project, no));
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_ratingitems(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        item_self_link = cntx.db.concat("'" + "/api/"+ project + "/ratingitem/'", "id");
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT *, "+item_self_link+" as self FROM ratingitem WHERE project_id = %s ORDER BY name", [cntx.pid]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_categories(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT * FROM category ORDER BY orderindex"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_advices_bv_user(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT * FROM advice WHERE user_id = %s AND project_id = %s""",
                                        [cntx.userid, cntx.pid]));
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_ratingitem(project, no):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(get_ratingitem_data(cntx, project, no));
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_ratingitems(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        item_self_link = cntx.db.concat("'" + "/api/"+ project + "/ratingitem/'", "id");
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT *, "+item_self_link+" as self FROM ratingitem WHERE project_id = %s ORDER BY name", [cntx.pid]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_categories(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT * FROM category ORDER BY orderindex"))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_advices_bv_user(project):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdicts("SELECT * FROM advice WHERE user_id = %s AND project_id = %s""",
                                        [cntx.userid, cntx.pid]));
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_advice(project, user, ratingitem_id):
    with context(project, 'read') as cntx:
        return jdump(cntx.db.fetchdict("SELECT * FROM advice WHERE user_id = %s and ratingitem_id = %s AND project_id = %s""",
                                       [user, ratingitem_id, cntx.pid]));