def quit(self): ''' Quit the application by shutting down the CherryPy server. @param self: the class instance itself @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.quit()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, None) # Quit after sending response threading.Timer(2, lambda: os._exit(0)).start() helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, None) return {}
def visualize(self): ''' Launch ParaView to visualize simulation results. @param self: the class instance itself @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.visualize()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, None) try: if not cherrypy.session.has_key('simulation_done') or not cherrypy.session['simulation_done']: # simulation must be run first cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : 'Simulation must be run first.' } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret elif not cherrypy.session.has_key('postprocess_done') or not cherrypy.session['postprocess_done']: # postprocess must be run first cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : '"SAVE AS TECPLOT" must be run right after a successful simulation.' } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret else: # Call visualize service services.visualize(cherrypy.session['simulation_dir']) helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, None) return {} except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def postprocess(self, json_str): ''' Run post-processing. @param self: the class instance itself @param json_str: the json string posted by client @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.postprocess()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, {'json_str': json_str}) # Set session variable postprocess_done to False by default. cherrypy.session['postprocess_done'] = False try: if not cherrypy.session.has_key('simulation_done') or not cherrypy.session['simulation_done']: # simulation must be run first cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : 'Simulation must be run first.' } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret else: # Call post-processing service ret = { 'log' : services.postprocess(cherrypy.session['simulation_dir'], self.construct_postprocess_parameters(json_str)) } cherrypy.session['postprocess_done'] = True helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def postprocess(self, json_str): ''' Run post-processing. @param self: the class instance itself @param json_str: the json string posted by client @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.postprocess()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, {'json_str': json_str}) # Set session variable postprocess_done to False by default. cherrypy.session['postprocess_done'] = False try: if not cherrypy.session.has_key('simulation_done') or not cherrypy.session['simulation_done']: # simulation must be run first cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : 'Simulation must be run first.' } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret else: # Call post-processing service ret = { 'log' : services.postprocess(cherrypy.session['simulation_dir'], self.construct_postprocess_parameters(json_str), self.queue) } cherrypy.session['postprocess_done'] = True helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def upload_file(self, uploadedFile): ''' Upload a file via AJAX request, the file will be created in temporary directory and the full path will be sent back as JSON response. @param self: the class instance itself @param uploadedFile: the uploaded file @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.upload_file()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, {'uploadedFile' : uploadedFile}) try: temp_dir = os.path.join(TEMP_DATA_DIRECTORY, uuid.uuid1().hex) os.mkdir(temp_dir) filepath = os.path.join(temp_dir, uploadedFile.filename) # We must use 'wb' mode here in case the uploaded file is not ascii format. with open(filepath, 'wb') as output: while True: data = if data: output.write(data) else: break try: with open(filepath, 'r') as input: points, panels = self.determine_points_panels(input) ret = { 'filepath' : filepath, 'points' : points, 'panels' : panels } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) ret = { 'filepath' : filepath } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def simulate(self, json_str): ''' Run simulation. @param self: the class instance itself @param json_str: the json string posted by client @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.simulate()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, {'json_str' : json_str}) try: # Prepare simulation directory simulation_dir = services.prepare_dir('simulation_') cherrypy.session['simulation_dir'] = simulation_dir cherrypy.session['simulation_done'] = False # Call simulate service ret = { 'log' : services.simulate(simulation_dir, self.construct_simulation_parameters(json_str)) } cherrypy.session['simulation_done'] = True # Set postprocess flag to False if a new simulation has been done successfully. cherrypy.session['postprocess_done'] = False helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def simulate(self, json_str): ''' Run simulation. @param self: the class instance itself @param json_str: the json string posted by client @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.simulate()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, {'json_str' : json_str}) try: # Prepare simulation directory simulation_dir = services.prepare_dir('simulation_') cherrypy.session['simulation_dir'] = simulation_dir cherrypy.session['simulation_done'] = False # Call simulate service ret = { 'log' : services.simulate(simulation_dir, self.construct_simulation_parameters(json_str), self.queue) } cherrypy.session['simulation_done'] = True # Set postprocess flag to False if a new simulation has been done successfully. cherrypy.session['postprocess_done'] = False helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def generate_mesh(self, **kwargs): ''' Launch Mesh Generator to generate mesh. @param self: the class instance itself @param kwargs: the other arguments @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.generate_mesh()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, kwargs) try: # Prepare meshing directory'Preparing meshing directory') meshing_dir = services.prepare_dir('meshing_')'Meshing files will be located at ' + str(meshing_dir)) # Call generate_mesh service ret = { 'log' : services.generate_mesh(meshing_dir, MeshingParameters(**kwargs)) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret
def apply_configuration(self, **kwargs): ''' Apply the application wide configuration. @param self: the class instance itself @param kwargs: the other arguments @return: the response as a dictionary, will be serialized to JSON by CherryPy. ''' signature = __name__ + '.WebController.apply_configuration()' helper.log_entrance(self.logger, signature, kwargs) try: # Prepare meshing directory'Applying configuration ...') # Call generate_mesh service ret = { 'log': services.apply_configuration(ConfigurationParameters(**kwargs)) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Error with input, respond with 400 cherrypy.response.status = 400 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret except Exception as e: helper.log_exception(self.logger, signature, e) # Server internal error, respond with 500 cherrypy.response.status = 500 ret = { 'error' : str(e) } helper.log_exit(self.logger, signature, [ret]) return ret