Ejemplo n.º 1
    def build(self):

        self._mean, self._log_sigma = self._generate_condition(

        # Sample conditioning from a Gaussian distribution parametrized by a Neural Network
        self.z = helper.sample(self._mean, self._log_sigma)

        z = tf.reshape(self.z, (self.batch_size, 5, self.cfg.emb.emb_dim))

        def one_pass_over_the_image(image, range):
            # Encode the image
            emb = z[:, range, :]
            encoded = self._encoder(image, emb)
            # Decode the image
            reconstructed_hole = self._decoder(encoded)
            generated_image = helper.reconstructed_image(
                reconstructed_hole, self.true_image)
            return generated_image

        self.generated_images = tf.scan(
            lambda image, index: one_pass_over_the_image(image, index),

        self.generated_image = self.generated_images[-1]
        self.reconstructed_hole = self.generated_image[:, 16:48, 16:48, :]
        # self._adversarial_loss()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def PrintResults():
    for diversity in [0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:
        print('----- diversity:', diversity)

        generated = ''
        sentence = SENTENCE
        sentence = sentence.lower()
        generated += sentence

        for i in range(400):
            x = np.zeros((1, SEQUENCE_LENGTH, len(chars)))
            for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
                x[0, t, char_to_index[char]] = 1.

            predictions = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
            next_index = helper.sample(predictions, diversity)
            next_char = indices_char[next_index]

            generated += next_char
            sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char


Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_text(seed_text, num_words):
    input_text= seed_text
    for _  in range(num_words):
        #tokenize text to ints
        int_text = helper.tokenize_punctuation(input_text)
        int_text = int_text.lower()
        int_text = int_text.split()
        int_text = np.array([word_to_int[word] for word in int_text], dtype=np.int32)
        #pad text if it is too short, pads with zeros at beginning of text, so shouldnt have too much noise added
        int_text = pad_sequences([int_text], maxlen=sequence_length)
        #predict next word:
        prediction = model.predict(int_text, verbose=0)
        output_word = int_to_word[helper.sample(prediction, temp=0.3)]
        #append to the result
        input_text += ' ' + output_word
    #convert tokenized punctuation and other characters back
    result = helper.untokenize_punctuation(input_text)
    return result
def infer(input_text):
    input_text = preprocess(input_text)
    print('input_text***********', input_text)
    generated = ''
    generated += input_text
    for i in range(400):
        x = np.zeros((1, SEQUENCE_LENGTH, len(chars)))
        for t, char in enumerate(input_text):
            x[0, t, char_to_index[char]] = 1.

        predictions = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
        next_index = helper.sample(predictions, DIVERSITY)
        next_char = indices_char[next_index]

        generated += next_char
        input_text = input_text[1:] + next_char

    return generated
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def build(self):

        self._mean, self._log_sigma = self._generate_condition(

        # Sample conditioning from a Gaussian distribution parametrized by a Neural Network
        self.z = helper.sample(self._mean, self._log_sigma)

        # Encode the image
        self.z_vec = self._encoder(self.cropped_image, self.z)

        # Decode the image
        self.reconstructed_hole = self._decoder(self.z_vec)
        self.generated_image = helper.reconstructed_image(
            self.reconstructed_hole, self.true_image)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def CPD_MWU(X, F, sketching_rates, lamb, eps, nu, rank, num_iterations=100):
    # Keep residual errors + res time
    error = []
    res_time = 0

    # Cache norm + Id + unfolding of X
    norm_x = norm(X)
    Id = np.eye(rank)
    X_unfold = [unfold(X, mode=0), unfold(X, mode=1), unfold(X, mode=2)]

    # Initialize weights
    weights = np.array([1] * len(sketching_rates)) / (len(sketching_rates))

    # Randomly initialize A,B,C
    dim_1, dim_2, dim_3 = X.shape
    A, B, C = rand_init(dim_1, rank), rand_init(dim_2,
                                                rank), rand_init(dim_3, rank)

    # Append initialization residual error
    error.append(residual_error(X_unfold[0], norm_x, A, B, C))

    # Run CPD_MWU for num iterations
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        # Select sketching rate with probability proportional to w_i
        s = sample(sketching_rates, weights)

        # Solve Ridge Regression for A,B,C
        A, B, C = update_factors(A, B, C, X_unfold, Id, lamb, s, rank)

        # Update weights
        if bern(eps) == 1 and len(sketching_rates) > 1:
            update_weights(A, B, C, X_unfold, Id, norm_x, lamb, weights,
                           sketching_rates, rank, nu, eps)

        print("iteration:", i)
        start = time.time()
        error.append(residual_error(X_unfold[0], norm_x, A, B, C))
        end = time.time()
        res_time += end - start
    return A, B, C, np.array(error), res_time
def searchfive():

    print('$' * 10)
    import numpy as np
    from keras.models import load_model
    x = np.zeros((1, 40, 49))
    # M = load_model("lyrical_lstm.h5")
    # M._make_predict_function()
    # print(M.predict(x, verbose=0)[0])
    # print(predictor(x))
    print(loaded_model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0])
    print('^' * 10)

    content = flask.request.get_json(silent=True)
    input_text = content['search_text']
    print(input_text, '#' * 10)
    input_text = ' '.join(five.get_sentences(input_text))
    print('@' * 10, input_text, '@' * 10)
    return flask.jsonify({'generated': input_text})
    # generated = lyric.infer(input_text)
    input_text = preprocess(input_text)
    generated = ''
    generated += input_text
    for i in range(400):
        x = np.zeros((1, SEQUENCE_LENGTH, len(chars)))
        for t, char in enumerate(input_text):
            x[0, t, char_to_index[char]] = 1.

        predictions = loaded_model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
        next_index = helper.sample(predictions, DIVERSITY)
        next_char = indices_char[next_index]

        generated += next_char
        input_text = input_text[1:] + next_char


    return flask.jsonify({'generated': generated})
Ejemplo n.º 8
def generate(custom_seed):

    notes_in_bar = 17  # 16 notes plus a BAR seperator
    seq_len = 8 * notes_in_bar  # 8 bars of notes
    bars = 32 * notes_in_bar  # 32 bars worth of notes to generate by the model

    path = 'notes.txt'
    text = open(path).read()  # opens the notes.txt file and prints the length
    print('corpus length:', len(text))

    notes = text.split(' ')
    chars = set(notes)  # creates a set of every unique note in the text file
    text = notes
    print('amount of notes:', len(text))

    char_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(
        chars))  # maps every unique note to a value (key value pairs)
    next_pred = sorted(
    )  # creates a sorted list of every unique note to draw upon for predicting the next in the sequence
    num_notes = len(
    )  # integer value of the total number of unique notes in the text file, printed to console
    print('total chars:', len(next_pred))

    sentences = [
    ]  # two blank lists, one to contain all the note sequences, and the other to contain the note sequences that follow
    next_chars = []
    for i in range(0, len(text) - seq_len, notes_in_bar):
            text[i:i + seq_len]
        )  # for loop to append the note sequences to the two lists as described above
        next_chars.append(text[i + seq_len])
    print('nb sequences:',
          len(sentences))  # prints the number of note sequences
    X = np.zeros(
        (len(sentences), seq_len, num_notes), dtype=np.bool
    )  # 3-d array of dimensions, number of note sequences, by sequence length, by number of unique notes
    y = np.zeros(
        (len(sentences), num_notes), dtype=np.bool
    )  # 2-d target array of dimensions, number of note sequences, by number of unique notes
    for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
        for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
            X[i, t, char_indices[
                char]] = 1  # double for loop to append both X and y with their respective values for one-hot encoded notes
        y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1

    result_directory = 'results/'  # directory to store the resulting text files

    batch_size = seq_len  # feed sequences of 8 bars at a time into the model
    num_epochs = [
        1, 30, 60
    ]  # output new txt files of predictions after the number of training epochs listed
    counter = 1
    # counter for number of training iterations

    start_index = random.randint(0,
                                 len(text) - seq_len -
                                 1)  # random value for seed

    if custom_seed:
        seed_path = 'seed.txt'  # opens seed.txt if custom seed is selected, prints confirmation to console
        print("Custom seed text applied")
        print("Custom seed not selected. Random seed to be taken from dataset"
              )  # prints confirmation of random seed to console

    model = lstm(
        128, seq_len, num_notes
    )  # creates the lstm model, default 128 units but can be increased

    for epoch in num_epochs:

        print('Iteration: ', counter, ' Number of epochs: ', epoch)

            X, y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epoch
        )  # begins training by feeding note sequences and target sequences in 8 bar batches.

        print('Saving model after %d epochs...' % (epoch))

            '%smodel_after_%d_epochs.h5' % (result_directory, epoch),
            overwrite=True)  # saves the trained model to a .h5 file for reuse

        for temperature in [
                0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2
        ]:  # temperature values for reweighting probability distributions for next note in sequence
            txt_file = '%siter_%d_epochs_%d_temperature_%4.2f.txt' % (
                result_directory, counter, epoch, temperature
            )  # saves the text file with the counter, epochs and temperature to distinguish from one another
            with open(txt_file, 'w') as f:
                print('Saving temperature %4.2f to' % temperature, txt_file)
                    'temperature:%4.2f\n' % temperature
                )  # writes the temperature value to the beginning of the text file

                generated = []

                if custom_seed:
                    seed_sentence = open(seed_path).read(
                    )  # if custom seed is selected, chooses this for seed
                    seed = seed_sentence.split(' ')
                    seed = text[
                        start_index:start_index +
                        seq_len]  # if no custom seed, takes random seed from dataset

                sentence = seed
                generated = generated + sentence  # appends the seed to the start of the text file

                for i in range(bars):
                    x = np.zeros(
                        (1, seq_len, num_notes)
                    )  # creates a new numpy array for dimensions 1, by 8 bars, by number of unique notes

                    for j, char in enumerate(sentence):
                        x[0, j, char_indices[
                            char]] = 1.  # appends the seed sentence to the beginning of the numpy array x

                    preds = model.predict(
                        x, verbose=0
                    )[0]  # generates the softmax probability distribution with respect to the seed and what the model has learned
                    next_index = sample(
                        preds, temperature
                    )  # reweights the probability distribution by the temperature and chooses next note in sequence
                    next_char = next_chars[
                        next_index]  # finds the note value in the list of notes

                    )  #appends the predicted note to the end of the already generated notes
                    sentence = sentence[1:]

                    )  # flushes the buffer, meaning everything in the buffer is written before proceeding to next step loop

                if custom_seed:
                    f.write(sentence + '\n')
                    f.write(' '.join(sentence) + '\n')

                f.write(' '.join(generated))

        counter = counter + 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
    "final.h5")  # you can skip training by loading the trained weights

for diversity in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:
    print('----- diversity:', diversity)

    generated = ''
    # insert your 40-chars long string. OBS it needs to be exactly 40 chars!
    sentence = "The grass is green and my car is red lik"
    sentence = sentence.lower()
    generated += sentence

    print('----- Generating with seed: "' + sentence + '"')

    for i in range(400):
        x = np.zeros((1, SEQUENCE_LENGTH, len(chars)))
        for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
            x[0, t, char_to_index[char]] = 1.

        predictions = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
        next_index = helper.sample(predictions, diversity)
        next_char = indices_char[next_index]

        generated += next_char
        sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char

Ejemplo n.º 10
char_to_index, indices_char = helper.get_chars_index_dicts(CHARS)
  Load the model
modelFile = Path(PATH_TO_MODEL)
if modelFile.is_file():
    model = load_model(PATH_TO_MODEL)
  GEN_LENGTH needs to be the same that was used when model was saved
generated = ''
sentence = CORPUS[0:GEN_LENGTH]
sentence = sentence.lower()
generated += sentence

for z in range(50):
    for i in range(GEN_LENGTH):
        x = np.zeros((1, GEN_LENGTH, len(CHARS)))
        for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
            x[0, t, char_to_index[char]] = 1.

        predictions = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
        next_index = helper.sample(predictions, DIVERSITY)
        next_char = indices_char[next_index]

        generated += next_char
        sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char

Ejemplo n.º 11
def bras_CPD(F, X, rank, B, alpha, beta, num_iterations=100, max_time=None):
    # bookkeeping
    total_time = 0
    res_error = []
    time = []

    # Cache norm
    start = timer()
    norm_x = norm(X)
    F_norm = [norm(F[0]), norm(F[1]), norm(F[2])]

    # Randomly initialize A,B,C
    dim_1, dim_2, dim_3 = X.shape
    A = [
        rand_init(dim_1, rank),
        rand_init(dim_2, rank),
        rand_init(dim_3, rank)
    total_col = {0: dim_2 * dim_3, 1: dim_1 * dim_3, 2: dim_1 * dim_2}

    # Cache Unfoldings
    X_unfold = [unfold(X, mode=0), unfold(X, mode=1), unfold(X, mode=2)]

    # Finish timing initialization step
    end = timer()
    total_time += end - start

    # Append initialization residual error
    res_error.append(residual_error(X_unfold[0], norm_x, A[0], A[1], A[2]))

    # Run bras_CPD
    if max_time == None:
        for r in range(num_iterations):
            if (r + 1) % 5000 == 0:
                print("iteration:", r)

            # Time start step
            start = timer()
            # Randomly select mode n time update.
            n = sample(3)
            # Generate sketching indices
            idx = generate_sketch_indices(B, total_col[n])
            # Update Factor matrix
            update_factor_bras(X_unfold, A, idx, n, rank, alpha)
            # Update learning rate
            alpha /= (r + 1)**beta
            # Time iteration step
            end = timer()
            total_time += end - start
            # Append error
                residual_error(X_unfold[0], norm_x, A[0], A[1], A[2]))
        r = 1
        while total_time < max_time:
            # Time start step
            start = timer()
            # Randomly select mode n time update.
            n = sample(3)
            # Generate sketching indices
            idx = generate_sketch_indices(B, total_col[n])
            # Update Factor matrix
            update_factor_bras(X_unfold, A, idx, n, rank, alpha)
            # Update learning rate
            alpha /= (r + 1)**beta
            r += 1
            # Time iteration step
            end = timer()
            total_time += end - start
            # Append error
                residual_error(X_unfold[0], norm_x, A[0], A[1], A[2]))

    return total_time, res_error, time
Ejemplo n.º 12

if not 'loaded' in globals():
	print 'loaded is not in globals'
	global loaded
	loaded = False

if not loaded:
	ttjets_sl = helper.sample('ttjets_sl','../closureTest/ttjets_semi_closureOutput_SS.root'  )
	ttjets_fl = helper.sample('ttjets_fl','../closureTest/ttjets_full_closureOutput_SS.root'  )
	ttjets_ha = helper.sample('ttjets_ha','../closureTest/ttjets_hadronic_closureOutput_SS.root'  )
	singletop = helper.sample('singletop','../closureTest/singletop_closureOutput_SS.root'  )
	wjets     = helper.sample('wjets'    ,'../closureTest/wnjets_closureOutput_SS.root'  )
	rares     = helper.sample('rares'    ,'../closureTest/rares_closureOutput_SS.root')
	#qcdmuenr  = helper.sample('qcdmuenr' ,'../closureTest/qcdmuenr_closureOutput_SS.root')
#	dyjets    = helper.sample('dyjets'   ,'../closureTest/dyjets_closureOutput.root'  )
	doublemu  = helper.sample('doublemu' ,'../closureTest/doublemu_closureOutput_SS.root')
	doubleel  = helper.sample('doubleel' ,'../closureTest/doubleel_closureOutput_SS.root')
	samples = [ rares, wjets, ttjets_fl, ttjets_sl, ttjets_ha, singletop, doublemu, doubleel]
	#samples = [ ttjets_sl]
	for sample in samples:
		for sr in SRs:
			sample.regions.append(helper.region(sample.name, sr))
Ejemplo n.º 13

    # and make our data loaders
    # batch size is exactly 1 character by default, which is exactly what we need
    train_loader = DataLoader(train_data)
    validation_loader = DataLoader(validation_data)

    # Part 3: modelling
    # we create our model
    model = CharRNN(num_chars).to(device)
    # and the initial hidden state (a tensor of zeros)
    initial_state = model.init_hidden(batch_size, device)

    # we evaluate the capability of our model
    # a character to parameter ratio approaching 1 is optimal
    # too many parameters and the model may overfit
    # too few and the model may underfit
    char_param_ratio = len(text) / count_parameters(model)
    print("Character to model parameter ratio: %f\n" % char_param_ratio)

    # Part 4: training

    # Part 5: evaluation
    print(sample(model, char2int))
Ejemplo n.º 14
net = CharRNN(chars, n_hidden=512, n_layers=2)

n_seqs, n_steps = 128, 100

# you may change cuda to True if you plan on using a GPU!
# also, if you do, please INCREASE the epochs to 25

print(helper.sample(net, 2000, prime='Anna', top_k=5, cuda=False))

# change the name, for saving multiple files
model_name = 'rnn_1_epoch.net'

checkpoint = {
    'n_hidden': net.n_hidden,
    'n_layers': net.n_layers,
    'state_dict': net.state_dict(),
    'tokens': net.chars

#Save trained model
with open(model_name, 'wb') as f:
    torch.save(checkpoint, f)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        #print(maxlen, maxWord,len(mh.char_indices),len(mh.word_indices))
        Xchar,Xword,Xcon,dummy    = helper.getCharAndWordNoState(recipes,contextVec,maxlen,maxWord,mh.char_indices,mh.word_indices,step=1,predict=True)
        newLength   = (Xchar.shape[0])/4        
        inds        = [(newLength*(divind+1))-1 for divind in range(0,batchSize)]

        Xchar   = Xchar[inds]
        Xword   = Xword[inds]
        Xcon    = Xcon[inds]        

        preds       = model.predict_on_batch([Xchar,Xword,Xcon])[0]
        for d,pred in enumerate(preds):
            next_index  = helper.sample(pred, div[d])
            next_char   = mh.indices_char[next_index]
            if recipes[d][-1]  != "$":
                recipes[d] += next_char
        dropIt  = [(r[-1] == '$')*1. for r in recipes]
        if int(np.sum(dropIt)) == batchSize:
    with open("../somerecipesfriend.txt",'a') as f:
        for d,rec in enumerate(recipes):
            print("with diversity:",div[d],"\n\n",rec,'\n\n')
            f.write("with diversity:"+str(div[d])+"\n\n"+rec+'\n\n')