Ejemplo n.º 1
def upload_benchmark(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx):
    # Import excel file into temp table
    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    modules = [4170, 4171, 4172, 4173]
    modules = map(str, modules)

    data = db.get_data(qry_get_modules(tt_name, modules))
    ok = [db.execute(qry_update_expiry(row[0], row[-1])) for row in data if row[0] == row[1]]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def upload_benchmark(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider):
    # Import excel file into temp table

    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    backup_table(db, "ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries")

    count = db.execute(qry_delete_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info("{} deleted from ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries".format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_add_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info("{} added into ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries".format(count))
    assert count == len(tt_name)

    logger.info("Before inserting data to tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries from ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries")
    rows = db.get_data(
    select top 1 igs.*
    from tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries igs
    inner join tblBenchmarkCode ic on igs.benchmarkID = ic.benchmarkID
    where ic.BenchmarkCode=(select top 1 code from {tt_name} order by newid())
    and ic.isUsedForGrowthSeries= 1
    order by igs.[date] desc

    count = db.execute(qry_refresh_data_in_table("tblBenchmarkCode", tt_name, data_provider, "benchmarkCode"))
    # assert count == len(tt_name)
        logger.info("After inserting data to tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries".format(rows[0][1]))
        rows = db.get_data(
        select top 1 * from tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries
        where benchmarkid=?
        order by [date] desc
        logger.info("New or Error")

    # now insert new codes if exist
    to_be_added_benchmark_codes = db.get_data(qry_check_codes_not_exist_in_tblBenchmarkCode(tt_name, data_provider))

    if to_be_added_benchmark_codes:
        to_be_added_benchmark_codes = [row.code for row in to_be_added_benchmark_codes]
        logger.info("{} do not exist in tblInvestmentCode, need to add".format(to_be_added_benchmark_codes))
        logger.info("Need to be implemented")
        logger.info("There is no new benchmark codes")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def upload_investment(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider):
    # Import excel file into temp table

    def qry_insert_straight_to_tblInvestmentGrowthSeries(tt_name):
        # always Lonsec data provider = 1
        return """
        insert into tblInvestmentGrowthSeries (InvestmentID, Date, Value, ValueExDiv, IsLonsecData)
        select code, [Date], [Value], 0, 1
        from {tt_name}

    def qry_delete_all_existing_data_this_month(tt_name):
        return """
        delete igs
        from [tblInvestmentGrowthSeries] igs
        join {tt_name} tt
             on     tt.Code = igs.InvestmentID
                and igs.Date = tt.date

    def qry_check_all_existing_data_previous_month(tt_name):
        return """
        select count(*)
        from [tblInvestmentGrowthSeries] igs
        join {tt_name} tt
             on     tt.Code = igs.InvestmentID
                and igs.Date = cast(DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, cast(tt.date as date))-1, -1) as date)

    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    count = db.get_one_value(qry_check_all_existing_data_previous_month(tt_name))
    assert count == len(tt_name)

    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    backup_table(db, "tblInvestmentGrowthSeries")

    count = db.execute(qry_delete_all_existing_data_this_month(tt_name))
    logger.info("{} deleted from tblInvestmentGrowthSeries".format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_insert_straight_to_tblInvestmentGrowthSeries(tt_name))
    logger.info("{} inserted into tblInvestmentGrowthSeries".format(count))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def upload_benchmark(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider):
    # Import excel file into temp table

    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries')

    count = db.execute(qry_delete_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info('{} deleted from ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_add_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info('{} added into ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))
    assert count == len(tt_name)

    logger.info('Before inserting data to tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries from ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries')
    rows = db.get_data('''
    select top 1 igs.*
    from tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries igs
    inner join tblBenchmarkCode ic on igs.benchmarkID = ic.benchmarkID
    where ic.BenchmarkCode=(select top 1 code from {tt_name} order by newid())
    and ic.isUsedForGrowthSeries= 1
    order by igs.[date] desc

    count = db.execute(qry_refresh_data_in_table('tblBenchmarkCode', tt_name, data_provider, 'benchmarkCode'))
    # assert count == len(tt_name)

    logger.info('After inserting data to tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries'.format(rows[0][1]))
    rows = db.get_data('''
    select top 1 * from tblBenchmarkGrowthSeries
    where benchmarkid=?
    order by [date] desc
    ''', rows[0][1])

    # now insert new codes if exist
    to_be_added_benchmark_codes = db.get_data(qry_check_codes_not_exist_in_tblBenchmarkCode(tt_name, data_provider))

    if to_be_added_benchmark_codes:
        to_be_added_benchmark_codes = [row.code for row in to_be_added_benchmark_codes]
        logger.info('{} do not exist in tblInvestmentCode, need to add'.format(to_be_added_benchmark_codes))
        logger.info('Need to be implemented')
        logger.info('There is no new benchmark codes')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def process(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx):

    helper.backup_table(db, 'tblInvestmentGrowthSeries')

    # Import excel file into temp table
    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)
    unique_investmentids = db.get_one_value(qry_unique_investment_id(tt_name))

    current_gs_tt_name = TempTable.create_from_query(db, qry_current_growth_series(tt_name))

    qry_turn_off_gs = partial(qry_update_gs, 0, current_gs_tt_name)
    qry_turn_on_gs = partial(qry_update_gs, 1, current_gs_tt_name)

    assert unique_investmentids == len(current_gs_tt_name)

    db.execute(qry_turn_off_gs())   # ignore count
    db.execute(qry_turn_on_gs())   # ignore count
Ejemplo n.º 6
def upload_investment(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider):
    # Import excel file into temp table

    def qry_insert_straight_to_tblInvestmentGrowthSeries(tt_name):
        # always Lonsec data provider = 1
        return '''
        insert into tblInvestmentGrowthSeries (InvestmentID, Date, Value, ValueExDiv, IsLonsecData)
        select code, [Date], [Value], 0, 1
        from {tt_name}

    def qry_delete_all_existing_data_this_month(tt_name):
        return '''
        delete igs
        from [tblInvestmentGrowthSeries] igs
        join {tt_name} tt
             on     tt.Code = igs.InvestmentID
                and igs.Date = tt.date

    def qry_check_all_existing_data_previous_month(tt_name):
        return '''
        select count(*)
        from [tblInvestmentGrowthSeries] igs
        join {tt_name} tt
             on     tt.Code = igs.InvestmentID
                and igs.Date = cast(DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, cast(tt.date as date))-1, -1) as date)

    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    count = db.get_one_value(qry_check_all_existing_data_previous_month(tt_name))
    assert count == len(tt_name)

    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    backup_table(db, 'tblInvestmentGrowthSeries')

    count = db.execute(qry_delete_all_existing_data_this_month(tt_name))
    logger.info('{} deleted from tblInvestmentGrowthSeries'.format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_insert_straight_to_tblInvestmentGrowthSeries(tt_name))
    logger.info('{} inserted into tblInvestmentGrowthSeries'.format(count))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def upload_cost(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx):
    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    # create other quries for attribute 19
    tt_name = TempTable.create_from_query(db, qry_clone_date_to_attribute_id_19(tt_name, "Fees & Indirect Costs Date"))

    count = db.execute(qry_update_last_date_of_month(tt_name))
    logger.info("{} updated to ensure [date] column is last day of the month\n".format(count))

    cols = db.sp_columns("{}".format(tt_name))
    attribute_lookup = {col: db.get_one_value(qry_get_attribute_id(), col) for col in cols}
    # remove columns not matched tblAttribute
    attribute_lookup = {k: v for k, v in attribute_lookup.items() if v is not None}

    # back up tblInvestmentAttribute
    backup_table(db, "tblInvestmentAttribute")

    for attribute_name, attribute_id in attribute_lookup.items():

        attribute_tt_name = TempTable.create_from_query(
            db, qry_create_temp_table_for_attribute_name(tt_name, attribute_name, attribute_id)
            "create table [{}] for attribute name [{}][{}] - Qty {}".format(
                attribute_tt_name, attribute_name, attribute_id, len(attribute_tt_name)

        count = db.execute(qry_update_DateTo_of_tbInvestmentAttribute(attribute_tt_name))
        logger.info("{} updated by closing off current attributes".format(count))

        count = db.execute(qry_insert_new_investment_attributes(attribute_tt_name))
        logger.info("{} inserted into tblInvestmentAttribute".format(count))
        assert count == len(attribute_tt_name)

    # cleaning up junk data due to re-run
    count = db.execute(qry_delete_rerun_data("tblInvestmentAttribute"))
    logger.info("{} deleted in tblInvestmentAttribute due to re-run".format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_regenerate_report(tt_name, code_field="code"))
    logger.info("{} updated for regenerating report".format(count))
def extract(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider, output):
    # Import excel file into temp table
    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)
    another_tt_name = TempTable.create_from_query(db, qry_get_apircode_from_citicode(tt_name))
    orig_citi_codes = db.get_data('select citicode from {}'.format(tt_name))
    orig_citi_codes = {code.citicode for code in orig_citi_codes}

    assert len(tt_name) == len(another_tt_name)

    holding_tt_name = TempTable.create_from_query(db, qry_get_top_holdings(another_tt_name, data_provider))

    rows = db.get_data('select * from {}'.format(holding_tt_name))
    unique_citi_codes = {row[0] for row in rows}

    csvwriter = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n')
    header = 'FundProductCode,HoldingCode,HoldingName,Weight,DateFrom'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def upload_top10(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider):

    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)

    unique_tt_name = TempTable.create_from_query(db, qry_get_distinct_code_date(tt_name))

    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblUnderlyingFund
    backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblUnderlyingFund')
    count = db.execute(qry_update_fund_name_tblUnderlyingFund(unique_tt_name))
    logger.info('{} fund name updated in tblUnderlyingFund'.format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_insert_new_fund_tblUnderlyingFund(unique_tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info('{} fund name inserted in tblUnderlyingFund'.format(count))

    count = db.execute(qry_update_DateFrom_tblUnderlyingFund(unique_tt_name))
    logger.info('{} fund name updated with latest date in tblUnderlyingFund'.format(count))
    assert count == len(unique_tt_name)

    # close off any open holdings for funds where changed
    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblTopHoldings
    backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblTopHoldings')
    count = db.execute(qry_update_DateTo_of_current_holdings(unique_tt_name))
    logger.info('{} updated by closing off any open holdings for funds where changed'.format(count))

    # add the new holding code
    backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblHolding')
    count = db.execute(qry_add_new_holding_name(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info('{} updated by adding the new holding code'.format(count))

    # add new holding
    count = db.execute(qry_add_new_holdings(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info('{} updated by adding the new holding'.format(count))
    assert count == len(tt_name)

    count = db.execute(qry_regenerate_report(tt_name))
    logger.info('{} updated for regenerating report'.format(count))

    # cleaning up junk data due to re-run
    count = db.execute(qry_delete_rerun_data('ExternalData..tblTopHoldings'))
    logger.info('{} deleted in ExternalData..tblTopHoldings due to re-run'.format(count))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def upload(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider, upload_type):
    # Import excel file into temp table
    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)
    fy = helper.get_financial_year()


    if 'hybrids' in upload_type:
        rename(db, tt_name, 'Code', 'StockCode')
        rename(db, tt_name, 'Annual DPS', 'DPS')
        rename(db, tt_name, '% FRANKED', 'PERCENT_FRANKED')
    elif 'model' in upload_type:
        rename(db, tt_name, 'Stock', 'StockCode')
        rename(db, tt_name, 'FY16 DPS', 'DPS')
        rename(db, tt_name, 'FY16 EPS', 'EPS')
        rename(db, tt_name, 'FY16 EPS GROWTH', 'EPSGrowth')
        rename(db, tt_name, '% FRANKED', 'PERCENT_FRANKED')
        rename(db, tt_name, 'FY16 PER', 'PER')
    elif 'ubs' in upload_type:
        rename(db, tt_name, 'Franking', 'PERCENT_FRANKED')

    count = db.get_one_value('''
    select count(*)
    from {tt_name}
    where PERCENT_FRANKED > 1

    if count > 0:
        update {tt_name}

    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    helper.backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblStockEarnings')

    rows = db.get_data('''
    select *
    from ExternalData.dbo.tblStockEarnings
    where investmentCode in (select top 2 stockCode from {tt_name}) and FinancialYear={fy}
    '''.format(tt_name=tt_name, fy=fy))
    for row in rows:

    qry_update = qry_update_model_stock_code if 'model' in upload_type else qry_update_stock_code
    qry_update = qry_update_ubs_stock_code if 'ubs' in upload_type else qry_update
    logger.info('Data provider {}'.format(data_provider))
    count = db.execute(qry_update(tt_name, fy, data_provider))

    if upload_type in ['model']:
        count = db.execute(qry_update(tt_name, fy, data_provider=1))
        logger.info('{} updated with 1'.format(count))
        count1 = db.execute(qry_delete_lonsec_if_ubs(tt_name, fy))
        logger.info(str(count1)+' deleted')

    logger.info('{} updated/inserted into External.dbo.tblStockEarnings'.format(count))
    rows = db.get_data('''
    select *
    from ExternalData.dbo.tblStockEarnings
    where investmentCode in (select top 2 stockCode from {tt_name}) and FinancialYear={fy}
    '''.format(tt_name=tt_name, fy=fy))

    for row in rows:

    if count < len(tt_name):
        logger.info('Some stock codes are not available on vewEquities, they are needed to added')
        rows = db.get_data('''
        select tt_name.StockCode
        from {tt_name} tt_name
        left join vewEquities ve on tt_name.StockCode = ve.StockCode
        where ve.StockID is null
        stocks = [row[0] for row in rows]
        logger.info('They are: {}'.format(', '.join(stocks)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def upload(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider, upload_type, enable_not_found_is_ok):

    gs_table_name, table_name, key_field_code, key_field_id \
        = 'tbl{upload_type}GrowthSeries tbl{upload_type}Code {upload_type}Code {upload_type}Id'\
          .format(upload_type=upload_type).split(' ')

    # Import excel file into temp table
    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)


    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries')

    count = db.execute(qry_delete_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))
    logger.info('{} rows deleted in ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))

        count = db.execute(qry_add_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider, value_ex_div=True))
        logger.info('{} rows inserted in ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))
        count = db.execute(qry_add_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider, value_ex_div=False))
        logger.info('{} rows inserted in ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))

    rows = db.get_data(qry_check_codes_not_exist_in_tblStock(tt_name))
    if rows and 'investment' in upload_type:
        for row in rows:
            logger.info('{} does not exist in tblStock'.format(row.code))
        if enable_not_found_is_ok:
            logger.info('There are stock codes not exist in tblStock')
            raise Exception('There are stock codes not exist in tblStock')

    logger.info('Before inserting data to {gs_table_name} from ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'
    rows = db.get_data('''
    select top 1 igs.*
    from {gs_table_name} igs
    inner join {table_name} ic on igs.{upload_type}id = ic.{upload_type}id
    where ic.{key_field}=(select top 1 code from {tt_name} order by newid())
    and ic.isUsedForGrowthSeries= 1
    order by igs.[date] desc
    '''.format(tt_name=tt_name, table_name=table_name, key_field=key_field_code
               , upload_type=upload_type, gs_table_name=gs_table_name))

    backup_table(db, gs_table_name)
    db.execute(qry_refresh_data_table_GrowthSeries(table_name, tt_name, data_provider, key_field_code))

    logger.info('After inserting data to {}'.format(gs_table_name))
        rows = db.get_data('''
        select top 1 * from {gs_table_name}
        where {upload_type}id=?
        order by [date] desc
        '''.format(upload_type=upload_type, gs_table_name=gs_table_name), rows[0][1])
    except IndexError:
        logger.info("data should be All new (INSERT INSTEAD OF UPDATE)")

    # now insert new codes if exist
    to_be_added_stock_codes = db.get_data(qry_check_codes_not_exist_in_table(table_name, tt_name
                                                                             , data_provider, key_field_code))
    if to_be_added_stock_codes:
        to_be_added_stock_codes = [row.code for row in to_be_added_stock_codes]
        logger.info('{} do not exist in {}, need to add'.format(table_name, to_be_added_stock_codes, table_name))
        count = db.execute(qry_add_new_data_table(table_name, to_be_added_stock_codes, data_provider, upload_type
                                                  , key_field_code, key_field_id))
        logger.info("{} has been added in tbl{type}Code"
                    .format(count, type='stock' if 'investment' in upload_type else upload_type))

        rows = db.get_data('''
        select top 1 igs.*
        from {gs_table_name} igs
        inner join {table_name} ic on igs.{key_field_id} = ic.{key_field_id}
        where ic.{key_field_code} = ?
        and ic.isUsedForGrowthSeries= 1
        order by igs.[date] desc
        '''.format(gs_table_name=gs_table_name, key_field_code=key_field_code, table_name=table_name
                   , key_field_id=key_field_id), to_be_added_stock_codes[-1])
        # can not do asset because trigger return 0 :-(
        # assert len(to_be_added_stock_codes) == count

    # if 'investment' in upload_type:
    #     # dont need to refresh once switching over report controller from SSRS
    #     count = db.execute(qry_regenerate_report(tt_name))
    #     logger.info('{} updated for regenerating report'.format(count))

    return tt_name
Ejemplo n.º 12
def upload(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx, data_provider):
    # Import excel file into temp table

    tt_name = helper.upload_excel_to_tempdb(db, excel_file, sheet_name_or_idx)


    # back up ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries
    backup_table(db, 'ExternalData.dbo.tblGrowthSeries')

    count = db.execute(
            tt_name, data_provider))
        '{} rows deleted in ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))

    count = db.execute(
        qry_add_codes_in_externaldata_tblGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))
        '{} rows inserted in ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'.format(count))

    rows = db.get_data(qry_check_codes_not_exist_in_tblStock(tt_name))
    if rows:
        for row in rows:
                '{} does not exist in tblStock (due to trigger, capture only 1 message'
        raise Exception('There are stock codes not exist in tblStock')

        'Before inserting data to tblInvestmentGrowthSeries from ExternalData..tblGrowthSeries'
    rows = db.get_data('''
    select top 1 igs.*
    from tblInvestmentGrowthSeries igs
    inner join tblInvestmentCode ic on igs.investmentid = ic.investmentid
    where ic.investmentcode=(select top 1 code from {tt_name} order by newid())
    and ic.isUsedForGrowthSeries= 1
    order by igs.[date] desc

    backup_table(db, 'tblInvestmentGrowthSeries')
        qry_refresh_data_tblInvestmentGrowthSeries(tt_name, data_provider))

    logger.info('After inserting data to tblInvestmentGrowthSeries'.format(
    rows = db.get_data(
    select top 1 * from tblInvestmentGrowthSeries
    where investmentid=?
    order by [date] desc
    ''', rows[0][1])

    # now insert new codes if exist
    to_be_added_stock_codes = db.get_data(
        qry_check_codes_not_exist_in_tblInvestmentCode(tt_name, data_provider))
    if to_be_added_stock_codes:
        to_be_added_stock_codes = [row.code for row in to_be_added_stock_codes]
        logger.info('{} do not exist in tblInvestmentCode, need to add'.format(
        count = db.execute(
        logger.info("{} has been added in tblStockCode".format(count))

        rows = db.get_data(
        select top 1 igs.*
        from tblInvestmentGrowthSeries igs
        inner join tblInvestmentCode ic on igs.investmentid = ic.investmentid
        where ic.investmentcode = ?
        and ic.isUsedForGrowthSeries= 1
        order by igs.[date] desc
        ''', to_be_added_stock_codes[-1])
        # can not do asset because trigger return 0 :-(
        # assert len(to_be_added_stock_codes) == count

    count = db.execute(qry_regenerate_report(tt_name))
    logger.info('{} updated for regenerating report'.format(count))

    return tt_name