Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_stack_output(response):
    values = H.unicode_string('')

    # Display exception name and message
        values += H.unicode_string('[{name}] {message}\n' \
                                  .format(name=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['name'], message=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['message']))

    # Walk through elements in response
    has_output = False
        for child in response:
            # Get stack attribute values
            if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                # Append values
                values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))
                has_output = True

    # When no stack use values from exception
    if not has_output and S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION:
        values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                  .format(level=0, where='{unknown}', lineno=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['lineno'], filename=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['filename']))

    return values
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_stack_values():
    Get stack information for current context.
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.SESSION:
            # Get stack information
            response = S.SESSION.read()

            for child in response:
                # Get stack attribute values
                if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                    stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                    stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                    stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                    stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                    stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                    # Append values
                    values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                              .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))
        except (socket.error, ProtocolConnectionException):
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            connection_error("%s" % e)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_watch_output():
    Generate output with all watch expressions.
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.WATCH is None:
        return values
    for watch_data in S.WATCH:
        watch_entry = ''
        if watch_data and isinstance(watch_data, dict):
            # Whether watch expression is enabled or disabled
            if 'enabled' in watch_data.keys():
                if watch_data['enabled']:
                    watch_entry += '|+|'
                    watch_entry += '|-|'
            # Watch expression
            if 'expression' in watch_data.keys():
                watch_entry += ' "%s"' % watch_data['expression']
            # Evaluated value
            if watch_data['value'] is not None:
                watch_entry += ' = ' + generate_context_output(watch_data['value'])
                watch_entry += "\n"
        values += H.unicode_string(watch_entry)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_breakpoint_output():
    Generate output with all configured breakpoints.
    # Get breakpoints for files
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.BREAKPOINT is None:
        return values
    for filename, breakpoint_data in sorted(S.BREAKPOINT.items()):
        breakpoint_entry = ''
        if breakpoint_data:
            breakpoint_entry += "=> %s\n" % filename
            # Sort breakpoint data by line number
            for lineno, bp in sorted(breakpoint_data.items(), key=lambda item: (int(item[0]) if isinstance(item[0], int) or H.is_digit(item[0]) else float('inf'), item[0])):
                # Do not show temporary breakpoint
                if S.BREAKPOINT_RUN is not None and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['filename'] == filename and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['lineno'] == lineno:
                # Whether breakpoint is enabled or disabled
                breakpoint_entry += '\t'
                if bp['enabled']:
                    breakpoint_entry += '|+|'
                    breakpoint_entry += '|-|'
                # Line number
                breakpoint_entry += ' %s' % lineno
                # Conditional expression
                if bp['expression'] is not None:
                    breakpoint_entry += ' -- "%s"' % bp['expression']
                breakpoint_entry += "\n"
        values += H.unicode_string(breakpoint_entry)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_stack_values():
    Get stack information for current context.
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.SESSION:
            # Get stack information
            response = S.SESSION.read()

            for child in response:
                # Get stack attribute values
                if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                    stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                    stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                    stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                    stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                    stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                    # Append values
                    values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                              .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))
        except (socket.error, ProtocolConnectionException):
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            connection_error("%s" % e)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_stack_output(response):
    values = H.unicode_string('')

    # Display exception name and message
        values += H.unicode_string('[{name}] {message}\n' \
                                  .format(name=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['name'], message=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['message']))

    # Walk through elements in response
    has_output = False
        for child in response:
            # Get stack attribute values
            if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                # Append values
                values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))
                has_output = True

    # When no stack use values from exception
    if not has_output and S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION:
        values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                  .format(level=0, where='{unknown}', lineno=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['lineno'], filename=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['filename']))

    return values
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_breakpoint_output():
    Generate output with all configured breakpoints.
    # Get breakpoints for files
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.BREAKPOINT is None:
        return values
    for filename, breakpoint_data in sorted(S.BREAKPOINT.items()):
        breakpoint_entry = ''
        if breakpoint_data:
            breakpoint_entry += "=> %s\n" % filename
            # Sort breakpoint data by line number
            for lineno, bp in sorted(breakpoint_data.items(), key=lambda item: (int(item[0]) if isinstance(item[0], int) or H.is_digit(item[0]) else float('inf'), item[0])):
                # Do not show temporary breakpoint
                if S.BREAKPOINT_RUN is not None and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['filename'] == filename and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['lineno'] == lineno:
                # Whether breakpoint is enabled or disabled
                breakpoint_entry += '\t'
                if bp['enabled']:
                    breakpoint_entry += '|+|'
                    breakpoint_entry += '|-|'
                # Line number
                breakpoint_entry += ' %s' % lineno
                # Conditional expression
                if bp['expression'] is not None:
                    breakpoint_entry += ' -- "%s"' % bp['expression']
                breakpoint_entry += "\n"
        values += H.unicode_string(breakpoint_entry)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 8
def generate_watch_output():
    Generate output with all watch expressions.
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.WATCH is None:
        return values
    for watch_data in S.WATCH:
        watch_entry = ''
        if watch_data and isinstance(watch_data, dict):
            # Whether watch expression is enabled or disabled
            if 'enabled' in watch_data.keys():
                if watch_data['enabled']:
                    watch_entry += '|+|'
                    watch_entry += '|-|'
            # Watch expression
            if 'expression' in watch_data.keys():
                watch_entry += ' "%s"' % watch_data['expression']
            # Evaluated value
            if watch_data['value'] is not None:
                watch_entry += ' = ' + generate_context_output(watch_data['value'])
                watch_entry += "\n"
        values += H.unicode_string(watch_entry)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 9
def generate_context_output(context, indent=0):
    Generate readable context from dictionary with context data.

    Keyword arguments:
    context -- Dictionary with context data.
    indent -- Indent level.
    # Generate output text for values
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if not isinstance(context, dict):
        return values
    for variable in context.values():
        has_children = False
        property_text = ''
        # Set indentation
        for i in range(indent): property_text += '\t'
        # Property with value
        if variable['value'] is not None:
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '({type}) {value}\n'
        # Property with children
        elif isinstance(variable['children'], dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None:
            has_children = True
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]\n'
        # Unknown property
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '<{type}>\n'

        # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation
        value = ''
        if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0:
            value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ")

        # Format string and append to output
        values += H.unicode_string(property_text \
                        .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable['numchildren']))

        # Append property children to output
        if has_children:
            # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode)
            values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent+1)
            # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated
            limited = False
            if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(variable['numchildren']):
                if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']):
                    limited = True
            elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']:
                limited = True
            if limited:
                for i in range(indent+1): values += H.unicode_string('\t')
                values += H.unicode_string('...\n')
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_context_output(context, indent=0):
    Generate readable context from dictionary with context data.

    Keyword arguments:
    context -- Dictionary with context data.
    indent -- Indent level.
    # Generate output text for values
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if not isinstance(context, dict):
        return values
    for variable in context.values():
        has_children = False
        property_text = ''
        # Set indentation
        for i in range(indent): property_text += '\t'
        # Property with value
        if variable['value'] is not None:
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '({type}) {value}\n'
        # Property with children
        elif isinstance(variable['children'], dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None:
            has_children = True
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]\n'
        # Unknown property
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '<{type}>\n'

        # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation
        value = ''
        if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0:
            value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ")

        # Format string and append to output
        values += H.unicode_string(property_text \
                        .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable['numchildren']))

        # Append property children to output
        if has_children:
            # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode)
            values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent+1)
            # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated
            limited = False
            if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(variable['numchildren']):
                if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']):
                    limited = True
            elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']:
                limited = True
            if limited:
                for i in range(indent+1): values += H.unicode_string('\t')
                values += H.unicode_string('...\n')
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 11
def generate_stack_output(response):
    values = H.unicode_string('')

    # Display exception name and message
        values += H.unicode_string('[{name}] {message}\n' \
                                  .format(name=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['name'], message=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['message']))
    has_output = False

    for level, stackData in response.items():
        stack_level = level
        stack_type = 'file'  #child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
        stack_file = get_real_path(H.url_decode(stackData['source']))
        stack_line = stackData['line']
        stack_name = stackData.get(
            'name', '')  #child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
        stack_namewhat = stackData[
            'namewhat']  #child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')

        if stack_namewhat != '':
            values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}:{lineno} - {name}({namewhat})\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, name=stack_name, namewhat = stack_namewhat, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))
            values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))

        has_output = True

    # Walk through elements in response

    #    for child in response:
    #        # Get stack attribute values
    #        if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
    #            stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
    #            stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
    #            stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
    #            stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
    #            stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
    #            # Append values
    #            values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
    #                                      .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))
    #            has_output = True
    #    pass

    # When no stack use values from exception
    if not has_output and S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION:
        values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                  .format(level=0, where='{unknown}', lineno=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['lineno'], filename=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['filename']))

    return values
Ejemplo n.º 12
def generate_stack_output(response):
    values = H.unicode_string('')

    # Display exception name and message
        values += H.unicode_string('[{name}] {message}\n' \
                                  .format(name=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['name'], message=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['message']))

    # Walk through elements in response
    has_output = False
        for child in response:
            # Get stack attribute values
            if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                # Append values
                filename = os.path.basename(stack_file)
                values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {lineno} {filename} {where} {filepath}\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filepath=stack_file, filename=filename))
                has_output = True

    # When no stack use values from exception
    if not has_output and S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION:
        filename = os.path.basename(stack_file)
        values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {lineno} {filename} {where} {filepath}\n' \
                                  .format(level=0, where='{unknown}', lineno=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['lineno'], filepath=S.BREAKPOINT_EXCEPTION['filename'], filename=filename))

    # Space all out equally
    lines = values.split('\n')
    lines_bits = [x.strip().split(' ') for x in lines]
    bit_widths = []
    for line_bits in lines_bits:
        for i, line_bit in enumerate(line_bits):
            line_bits[i] = line_bit.strip()
            if len(bit_widths) <= i:
            bit_widths[i] = max(bit_widths[i], len(line_bit.strip()))
    new_lines = []
    for i, line_bits in enumerate(lines_bits):
        if(len(line_bits) > 1):
            line_bits[1] = line_bits[1].rjust(bit_widths[1])
        new_lines.append(' '.join([b.ljust(bit_widths[j]) for j, b in enumerate(line_bits)]))
    values = '\n'.join(new_lines)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def init(self):
        if not is_connected():

        # Connection initialization
        init = S.SESSION.read()

        # More detailed internal information on properties
        S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n='show_hidden', v=1)
        response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set max depth limit
        max_depth = self.get_option('max_depth', S.MAX_DEPTH)
        S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n=dbgp.FEATURE_NAME_MAXDEPTH, v=max_depth)
        response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set max children limit
        max_children = self.get_option('max_children', S.MAX_CHILDREN)
        S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n=dbgp.FEATURE_NAME_MAXCHILDREN, v=max_children)
        response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set breakpoints for files
        for filename, breakpoint_data in S.BREAKPOINT.items():
            if breakpoint_data:
                for lineno, bp in breakpoint_data.items():
                    if bp['enabled']:
                        self.set_breakpoint(filename, lineno, bp['expression'])
                        debug('breakpoint_set: ' + filename + ':' + lineno)

        # Determine if client should break at first line on connect
        if self.get_option('break_on_start'):
            # Get init attribute values
            fileuri = init.get(dbgp.INIT_FILEURI)
            filename = get_real_path(fileuri)
            # Show debug/status output
            self.status_message('Xdebug: Break on start')
            info('Break on start: ' + filename )
            # Store line number of breakpoint for displaying region marker
            S.BREAKPOINT_ROW = { 'filename': filename, 'lineno': 1 }
            # Focus/Open file window view
            self.timeout(lambda: show_file(filename, 1))

            # Context variables
            context = self.get_context_values()
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_CONTEXT, context))

            # Stack history
            stack = self.get_stack_values()
            if not stack:
                stack = H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=0, where='{main}', lineno=1, filename=fileuri))
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_STACK, stack))

            # Watch expressions
            # Tell script to run it's process
            self.run_command('xdebug_execute', {'command': 'run'})
Ejemplo n.º 14
def generate_stack_output(response):
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    # Walk through elements in response
        for child in response:
            # Get stack attribute values
            if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                # Append values
                values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))

    return values
Ejemplo n.º 15
def generate_stack_output(response):
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    # Walk through elements in response
        for child in response:
            # Get stack attribute values
            if child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_STACK or child.tag == dbgp.ELEMENT_PATH_STACK:
                stack_level = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LEVEL, 0)
                stack_type = child.get(dbgp.STACK_TYPE)
                stack_file = H.url_decode(child.get(dbgp.STACK_FILENAME))
                stack_line = child.get(dbgp.STACK_LINENO, 0)
                stack_where = child.get(dbgp.STACK_WHERE, '{unknown}')
                # Append values
                values += H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=stack_level, type=stack_type, where=stack_where, lineno=stack_line, filename=stack_file))

    return values
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def handle_break_command(self, filename, line):
        S.SESSION_BUSY = True
        filename = get_real_path(filename)

        # Show debug/status output
        self.status_message('GRLD: Break')
        info('Break: ' + filename)
        # Store line number of breakpoint for displaying region marker
        S.BREAKPOINT_ROW = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': str(line)}

        # Focus/Open file window view
        self.timeout(lambda: show_file(filename, line))

        coroutines_dict = self.get_all_coroutines()


        coroutines_str = generate_coroutines_output(coroutines_dict,
        self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_COROUTINES, coroutines_str))

        # Stack history
        stack = self.get_stack_values()
        if stack:
            stack_levels = [int(level) for level in stack.keys()]
            min_stack_level = min(stack_levels)
            self.current_stack_level = min_stack_level
            stack_str = generate_stack_output(stack)
            stack_str = H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                        .format(level=0, where='{main}', lineno=1, filename=fileuri))

        self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_STACK, stack_str))


        #self.timeout(lambda: render_regions())

        S.SESSION_BUSY = False
Ejemplo n.º 17
def generate_context_output(context,
    Generate readable context from dictionary with context data.

    Keyword arguments:
    context -- Dictionary with context data.
    indent -- Indent level.

    # Generate output text for values
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if not isinstance(context, dict):
        return values

    # make sure keys are displayed in correct order
    keys = [int(key) for key in context.keys()]
    sorted_keys = keys

    for key in sorted_keys:
        variable = context[key]

        is_last_element = (key == sorted_keys[-1])

        has_children = False
        property_text = ''
        # Set indentation
        for i in range(indent):
            property_text += '\t'

        # Property with children
        if 'children' in variable and isinstance(
                dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None:
            has_children = True
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]'
        # Property with value
        elif variable['value'] is not None:
            name = variable['name']
            if name == '<error>':
                property_text += '<error> '
            elif name and not values_only:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            #property_text += '({type}) {value}\n'
            property_text += '{value}'
        # Unknown property
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '<{type}>'

        # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation
        value = ''
        if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0:
            value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ")

        if multiline or has_children:
            property_text += '\n'
            if not is_last_element:
                property_text += ', '

        # Format string and append to output
        values += H.unicode_string(property_text \
                        .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable.get('numchildren', 0)))

        # Append property children to output
        if has_children:
            # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode)
            values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent + 1)
            # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated
            limited = False
            if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(
                if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']):
                    limited = True
            elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']:
                limited = True
            if limited:
                for i in range(indent + 1):
                    values += H.unicode_string('\t')
                values += H.unicode_string('...\n')
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 18
                                  (0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF), (0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF),
                                  (0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF), (0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF),
                                  (0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF), (0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF),
                                  (0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF), (0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF),
                                  (0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF), (0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF),
                                  (0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF), (0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF),
                                  (0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF), (0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF),
                                  (0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF), (0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF)]

    '%s-%s' % (H.unicode_chr(low), H.unicode_chr(high))
    for (low, high) in ILLEGAL_XML_UNICODE_CHARACTERS if low < sys.maxunicode

ILLEGAL_XML_RE = re.compile(
    H.unicode_string('[%s]') % H.unicode_string('').join(ILLEGAL_XML_RANGES))

class Protocol(object):
    Class for connecting with debugger engine which uses DBGp protocol.

    # Maximum amount of data to be received at once by socket
    read_size = 1024

    def __init__(self):
        # Set host address to listen for response
        self.host = get_value(S.KEY_HOST, S.DEFAULT_HOST)
        # Set port number to listen for response
        self.port = get_value(S.KEY_PORT, S.DEFAULT_PORT)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def init(self):
        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Begin (%s)' % self.name)
        if not is_connected(show_status=True):
                '(SocketHandler.init) Client is not connected to debugger engine'
            debug('(SocketHandler.init) Done (%s)' % self.name)

        # Connection initialization
        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Connection initialisation')
        init = S.SESSION.read()

        # More detailed internal information on properties
            '(SocketHandler.init) Asking for more detailed internal information on properties'
        S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n='show_hidden', v=1)
        response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set max children limit
        max_children = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_CHILDREN)
        if max_children is not False and max_children is not True and (
                H.is_number(max_children) or H.is_digit(max_children)):
            debug('(SocketHandler.init) Setting max children limit to %s' %
            response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set max data limit
        max_data = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_DATA)
        if max_data is not False and max_data is not True and (
                H.is_number(max_data) or H.is_digit(max_data)):
            debug('(SocketHandler.init) Setting max data limit to %s' %
            response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set max depth limit
        max_depth = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_DEPTH)
        if max_depth is not False and max_depth is not True and (
                H.is_number(max_depth) or H.is_digit(max_depth)):
            debug('(SocketHandler.init) Setting max depth limit to %s' %
            response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Set breakpoints for files
        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Setting breakpoints for files')
        for filename, breakpoint_data in S.BREAKPOINT.items():
            if breakpoint_data:
                for lineno, bp in breakpoint_data.items():
                    if bp['enabled']:
                        self.set_breakpoint(filename, lineno, bp['expression'])
                        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Breakpoint set: ' +
                              filename + ':' + lineno)

        # Set breakpoints for exceptions
        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Setting breakpoints for exceptions')
        break_on_exception = get_value(S.KEY_BREAK_ON_EXCEPTION)
        if isinstance(break_on_exception, list):
            for exception_name in break_on_exception:
                debug('(SocketHandler.init) Exception breakpoint set: ' +

        # List breakpoints (write to debug log)
        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Listing breakpoints')
        response = S.SESSION.read()

        # Determine if client should break at first line on connect
        if get_value(S.KEY_BREAK_ON_START):
            # Get init attribute values
            fileuri = init.get(dbgp.INIT_FILEURI)
            filename = get_real_path(fileuri)
            # Show debug/status output
            self.status_message('Xdebug: Break on start')
            info('(SocketHandler.init) Break on start: ' + filename)
            # Store line number of breakpoint for displaying region marker
            S.BREAKPOINT_ROW = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': 1}
            # Focus/Open file window view
            self.timeout(lambda: show_file(filename, 1))

            # Context variables
            context = self.get_context_values()
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_CONTEXT, context))

            # Stack history
            stack = self.get_stack_values()
            if not stack:
                stack = H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n' \
                                          .format(level=0, where='{main}', lineno=1, filename=fileuri))
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_STACK, stack))

            # Watch expressions
            # Tell script to run it's process
            self.run_command('xdebug_execute', {'command': 'run'})

        debug('(SocketHandler.init) Done (%s)' % self.name)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def generate_controls_output():
    content = '<Run>\n<Step Over> <Step Into> <Step Out>\n<Evaluate>  <Stop>      <Detach>\n<Auto Evaluate>'
    if S.AUTO_EVALUATE is not None:
        content += '\n' + S.AUTO_EVALUATE
    return H.unicode_string(content)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    (0x00, 0x08), (0x0B, 0x0C), (0x0E, 0x1F), (0x7F, 0x84),
    (0x86, 0x9F), (0xD800, 0xDFFF), (0xFDD0, 0xFDDF),
    (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF),
    (0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF), (0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF), (0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF),
    (0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF), (0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF), (0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF),
    (0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF), (0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF), (0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF),
    (0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF), (0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF), (0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF),
    (0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF), (0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF), (0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF),
    (0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF) ]

ILLEGAL_XML_RANGES = ["%s-%s" % (H.unicode_chr(low), H.unicode_chr(high))
                  for (low, high) in ILLEGAL_XML_UNICODE_CHARACTERS
                  if low < sys.maxunicode]

ILLEGAL_XML_RE = re.compile(H.unicode_string('[%s]') % H.unicode_string('').join(ILLEGAL_XML_RANGES))

class Protocol(object):
    Class for connecting with debugger engine which uses DBGp protocol.

    # Maximum amount of data to be received at once by socket
    read_size = 1024

    def __init__(self):
        # Set port number to listen for response
        self.port = get_value(S.KEY_PORT, S.DEFAULT_PORT)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    (0x86, 0x9F), (0xD800, 0xDFFF), (0xFDD0, 0xFDDF),
    (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF),
    (0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF), (0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF), (0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF),
    (0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF), (0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF), (0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF),
    (0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF), (0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF), (0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF),
    (0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF), (0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF), (0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF),
    (0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF), (0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF), (0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF),
    (0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF)]

    '%s-%s' % (H.unicode_chr(low), H.unicode_chr(high))
    if low < sys.maxunicode

ILLEGAL_XML_RE = re.compile(H.unicode_string('[%s]') % H.unicode_string('').join(ILLEGAL_XML_RANGES))

class Protocol(object):
    Class for connecting with debugger engine which uses DBGp protocol.

    # Maximum amount of data to be received at once by socket
    read_size = 1024

    def __init__(self):
        # Set host address to listen for response
        self.host = get_value(S.KEY_HOST, S.DEFAULT_HOST)
        # Set port number to listen for response
        self.port = get_value(S.KEY_PORT, S.DEFAULT_PORT)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    (0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF),
    (0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF),
    (0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF),
    (0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF),
    (0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF),
    (0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF),
    (0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF),

    "%s-%s" % (H.unicode_chr(low), H.unicode_chr(high))
    if low < sys.maxunicode

ILLEGAL_XML_RE = re.compile(H.unicode_string("[%s]") % H.unicode_string("").join(ILLEGAL_XML_RANGES))

class Protocol(object):
    Class for connecting with debugger engine which uses DBGp protocol.

    # Maximum amount of data to be received at once by socket
    read_size = 1024

    def __init__(self):
        # Set port number to listen for response
        self.port = get_value(S.KEY_PORT, S.DEFAULT_PORT)