Ejemplo n.º 1
def mu_binning(powerspectrum,
	This function is for internal use only.

    if weights != None:
        powerspectrum *= weights

    assert (len(powerspectrum.shape) == 3)

    k_comp, k = _get_k(powerspectrum, box_dims)

    mu = _get_mu(k_comp, k, los_axis)

    #Calculate k values, and make k bins
    kbins = _get_kbins(kbins, box_dims, k, binning=binning)
    dk = (kbins[1:] - kbins[:-1]) / 2.
    n_kbins = len(kbins) - 1

    #Exclude k_perp = 0 modes
    if exclude_zero_modes:
        good_idx = _get_nonzero_idx(powerspectrum.shape, los_axis)
        good_idx = np.ones_like(powerspectrum)

    #Make mu bins
    if isinstance(mubins, int):
        mubins = np.linspace(-1., 1., mubins + 1)
    dmu = (mubins[1:] - mubins[:-1]) / 2.
    n_mubins = len(mubins) - 1

    #Remove the zero component from the power spectrum. mu is undefined here
    powerspectrum[tuple(np.array(powerspectrum.shape) / 2)] = 0.

    #Bin the data
    print_msg('Binning data...')
    outdata = np.zeros((n_mubins, n_kbins))
    for ki in range(n_kbins):
        print_msg('Bin %d of %d' % (ki, n_kbins))
        kmin = kbins[ki]
        kmax = kbins[ki + 1]
        kidx = get_eval()('(k >= kmin) & (k < kmax)')
        kidx *= good_idx
        for i in range(n_mubins):
            mu_min = mubins[i]
            mu_max = mubins[i + 1]
            idx = get_eval()('(mu >= mu_min) & (mu < mu_max) & kidx')
            outdata[i, ki] = np.mean(powerspectrum[idx])

            if weights != None:
                outdata[i, ki] /= weights[idx].mean()

    return outdata, mubins[:-1] + dmu, kbins[:-1] + dk
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mu_binning(powerspectrum, los_axis = 0, mubins=20, kbins=10, box_dims=None, weights=None,
			exclude_zero_modes=True, binning='log'):
	This function is for internal use only.
	if weights != None:
		powerspectrum *= weights


	k_comp, k = _get_k(powerspectrum, box_dims)

	mu = _get_mu(k_comp, k, los_axis)

	#Calculate k values, and make k bins
	kbins = _get_kbins(kbins, box_dims, k, binning=binning)
	dk = (kbins[1:]-kbins[:-1])/2.
	n_kbins = len(kbins)-1
	#Exclude k_perp = 0 modes
	if exclude_zero_modes:
		good_idx = _get_nonzero_idx(powerspectrum.shape, los_axis)
		good_idx = np.ones_like(powerspectrum)

	#Make mu bins
	if isinstance(mubins,int):
		mubins = np.linspace(-1., 1., mubins+1)
	dmu = (mubins[1:]-mubins[:-1])/2.
	n_mubins = len(mubins)-1

	#Remove the zero component from the power spectrum. mu is undefined here
	powerspectrum[tuple(np.array(powerspectrum.shape)/2)] = 0.

	#Bin the data
	print_msg('Binning data...')
	outdata = np.zeros((n_mubins,n_kbins))
	for ki in range(n_kbins):
		print_msg('Bin %d of %d' % (ki, n_kbins))
		kmin = kbins[ki]
		kmax = kbins[ki+1]
		kidx = get_eval()('(k >= kmin) & (k < kmax)')
		kidx *= good_idx
		for i in range(n_mubins):
			mu_min = mubins[i]
			mu_max = mubins[i+1]
			idx = get_eval()('(mu >= mu_min) & (mu < mu_max) & kidx')
			outdata[i,ki] = np.mean(powerspectrum[idx])

			if weights != None:
				outdata[i,ki] /= weights[idx].mean()

	return outdata, mubins[:-1]+dmu, kbins[:-1]+dk
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _get_k(input_array, box_dims):
	Get the k values for input array with given dimensions.
	Return k components and magnitudes.
	For internal use.
	dim = len(input_array.shape)
	if dim == 1:
		x = np.arange(len(input_array))
		center = x.max()/2.
		kx = 2.*np.pi*(x-center)/box_dims[0]
		return [kx], kx
	elif dim == 2:
		x,y = np.indices(input_array.shape, dtype='int32')
		center = np.array([(x.max()-x.min())/2, (y.max()-y.min())/2])
		kx = 2.*np.pi * (x-center[0])/box_dims[0]
		ky = 2.*np.pi * (y-center[1])/box_dims[1]
		k = np.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2)
		return [kx, ky], k
	elif dim == 3:
		x,y,z = np.indices(input_array.shape, dtype='int32')
		center = np.array([(x.max()-x.min())/2, (y.max()-y.min())/2, \
		kx = 2.*np.pi * (x-center[0])/box_dims[0]
		ky = 2.*np.pi * (y-center[1])/box_dims[1]
		kz = 2.*np.pi * (z-center[2])/box_dims[2]

		k = get_eval()('(kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2 )**(1./2.)') 		
		return [kx,ky,kz], k
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _get_k(input_array, box_dims):
	Get the k values for input array with given dimensions.
	Return k components and magnitudes.
	For internal use.
    dim = len(input_array.shape)
    if dim == 1:
        x = np.arange(len(input_array))
        center = x.max() / 2.
        kx = 2. * np.pi * (x - center) / box_dims[0]
        return [kx], kx
    elif dim == 2:
        x, y = np.indices(input_array.shape, dtype='int32')
        center = np.array([(x.max() - x.min()) / 2, (y.max() - y.min()) / 2])
        kx = 2. * np.pi * (x - center[0]) / box_dims[0]
        ky = 2. * np.pi * (y - center[1]) / box_dims[1]
        k = np.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2)
        return [kx, ky], k
    elif dim == 3:
        x, y, z = np.indices(input_array.shape, dtype='int32')
        center = np.array([(x.max()-x.min())/2, (y.max()-y.min())/2, \
        kx = 2. * np.pi * (x - center[0]) / box_dims[0]
        ky = 2. * np.pi * (y - center[1]) / box_dims[1]
        kz = 2. * np.pi * (z - center[2]) / box_dims[2]

        k = get_eval()('(kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2 )**(1./2.)')
        return [kx, ky, kz], k