Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, idascope_config):
     print("[|] Loading WinApiProvider")
     self.os = os
     self.string = string
     self.ida_proxy = IdaProxy()
     self.downloader = Downloader()
     self.idascope_config = idascope_config
     self.winapi_data = {}
     if self.idascope_config.winapi_load_keyword_database:
     self.online_msdn_enabled = self.idascope_config.winapi_online_enabled
     self.last_delivered_filepath = self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir
     self.backward_history = []
     self.forward_history = []
     self.is_appending_to_history = True
     self.download_receivers = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, idascope_config):
     print ("[|] Loading WinApiProvider")
     self.os = os
     self.string = string
     self.ida_proxy = IdaProxy()
     self.downloader = Downloader()
     self.idascope_config = idascope_config
     self.winapi_data = {}
     if self.idascope_config.winapi_load_keyword_database:
     self.online_msdn_enabled = self.idascope_config.winapi_online_enabled
     self.last_delivered_filepath = self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir
     self.backward_history = []
     self.forward_history = []
     self.is_appending_to_history = True
     self.download_receivers = []
Ejemplo n.º 3
class WinApiProvider():
    Data provider for request concerning WinApi information.

    def __init__(self, idascope_config):
        print ("[|] Loading WinApiProvider")
        self.os = os
        self.string = string
        self.ida_proxy = IdaProxy()
        self.downloader = Downloader()
        self.idascope_config = idascope_config
        self.winapi_data = {}
        if self.idascope_config.winapi_load_keyword_database:
        self.online_msdn_enabled = self.idascope_config.winapi_online_enabled
        self.last_delivered_filepath = self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir
        self.backward_history = []
        self.forward_history = []
        self.is_appending_to_history = True
        self.download_receivers = []

    def _loadKeywords(self):
        Loads the keywords database from the file specified in the config.
        keywords_file = open(self.idascope_config.winapi_keywords_file, "r")
        self.winapi_data = json.loads(keywords_file.read(), object_hook=JsonHelper.decode_dict)

    def registerDataReceiver(self, receiving_function):
        (Observer Pattern) Register a data receiver for downloaded data. Each time an
        online lookup is performed, the data receiver is provided with the downloaded content.
        @param receiving_function: the function to receive the downloaded data
        @type: receiveing_function: a function that receives one (str) parameter.

    def onDownloadFinished(self):
        When a download of MSDN data is finished, notice all receivers.
        print "WinApiProvider.onDownloadFinished(): DOWNLOAD FINISHED"
        data = self.downloader.get_data()
        if not data:
            data = "Download failed! Try again or check your Internet connection."
        for receiver in self.download_receivers:

    def hasOfflineMsdnAvailable(self):
        Determines whether the offline MSDN database is available or not.
        This is evaluated based on whether the keywords database has been loaded or not.
        @return: (bool) availablity of the MSDN database
        if len(self.winapi_data.keys()) > 0:
            return True
        return False

    def hasOnlineMsdnAvailable(self):
        Determines whether the online MSDN database is available or not.
        @return: (bool) setting of the online lookup flag
        return self.online_msdn_enabled

    def setOnlineMsdnEnabled(self, enabled):
        Change the state of the online lookup availability.
        self.online_msdn_enabled = enabled

    def getKeywordsForInitial(self, keyword_initial):
        Get all keywords that start with the given initial character.
        @param keyword_initial: an initial character
        @type keyword_initial: str
        @return: (a list of str) keywords in WinApi that start with that initial.
        if keyword_initial in self.winapi_data.keys():
            return sorted(self.winapi_data[keyword_initial], key=str.lower)
            return []

    def getKeywordContent(self, keyword):
        Get the content for this keyword.
        @type keyword: str
        @return: (str) HTML content.
        api_filenames = self._getApiFilenames(keyword)
        if len(api_filenames) == 1:
            api_filenames = [self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir + api_filenames[0]]
        elif self.online_msdn_enabled and len(api_filenames) == 0:
            return self._getOnlineMsdnContent(keyword)
        return self._getDocumentContent(api_filenames)

    def getLinkedDocumentContent(self, url):
        Get the content for a requested linked document
        @param url: URL of the requested file
        @type url: QUrl
        @return: a tuple (str, str) with content and anchor within the content
        anchor = ""
        if url.isRelative():
            url_str = url.toString()
            anchor = ""
            document_content = ""
            if "#" in url_str:
                anchor = url_str[1 + url_str.rfind("#"):]
                url_str = url_str[:url_str.rfind("#")]
            if url_str != "":
                filename = self.os.path.join(str(self.last_delivered_filepath), str(url_str))
                document_content = self._getSingleDocumentContent(filename)
            return document_content, anchor
            return self._getSingleDocumentContent(url.toString()), anchor

    def hasBackwardHistory(self):
        Get information about whether backward history stepping is available or not.
        @return: (boolean) telling about availability of history stepping.
        return len(self.backward_history) > 1

    def hasForwardHistory(self):
        Get information about whether forward history stepping is available or not.
        @return: (boolean) telling about availability of history stepping.
        return len(self.forward_history) > 1

    def getPreviousDocumentContent(self):
        Get the content of the previously accessed document. This implements the well-known "back"-button
        @return: a tuple (str, str) with content and anchor within the content
        # first move latest visited document to forward queue.
        if len(self.backward_history) > 0:
            history_entry = self.backward_history.pop()
            # obtain former penultimate document from history and return its content
            if len(self.backward_history) > 0:
                self.is_appending_to_history = False
                history_entry = self.backward_history[-1]
                document_content = self._getDocumentContent(history_entry[0]), history_entry[1]
                self.is_appending_to_history = True
                return document_content
        return ("", "")

    def getNextDocumentContent(self):
        Get the content of the previously accessed document. This implements the well-known "back"-button
        @return: a tuple (str, str) with content and anchor within the content
        # first move latest visited document again to backward queue.
        if len(self.forward_history) > 0:
            history_entry = self.forward_history.pop()
            self.is_appending_to_history = False
            document_content = self._getDocumentContent(history_entry[0]), history_entry[1]
            self.is_appending_to_history = True
            return document_content
        return ("", "")

    def _cleanupHistories(self):
        Eliminate subsequent similar items from history lists
        self.backward_history = self._cleanupList(self.backward_history)
        self.forward_history = self._cleanupList(self.forward_history)

    def _cleanupList(self, input_list):
        Eliminate subsequent similar items from a list
        @param input_list: A list of arbitrary items
        @type input_list: list
        @return: (list) the input list without subsequent similar items
        cleaned_list = []
        last_entry = None
        for entry in input_list:
            if entry != last_entry:
            last_entry = entry
        return cleaned_list

    def _getApiFilenames(self, keyword):
        Get filenames that are associated with the given keyword.
        @param keyword: keyword to get the filenames for
        @type keyword: str
        @return: (a list of str) filenames that cover this keyword.
        if len(keyword) > 0:
            keyword_initial = keyword[0].lower()
            if keyword_initial in self.winapi_data.keys():
                if keyword in self.winapi_data[keyword_initial]:
                    return self.winapi_data[keyword_initial][keyword]
        return []

    def _getDocumentContent(self, filenames):
        Produce the document content for a given list of filenames.
        If there are multiple filenames, no document content is returned but a rendered list fo the filenames,
        @param filenames: the filename(s) to get content for
        @type filenames: list of str
        @return: (str) HTML content.
        document_content = "<p>No entries for your query.</p>"
        if len(filenames) > 1:
            document_content = self._generateHtmlListOfFilenames(filenames)
            if self.is_appending_to_history:
                self.forward_history = []
                self.backward_history.append((filenames, ""))
        elif len(filenames) == 1:
            document_content = self._getSingleDocumentContent(filenames[0])
        return document_content

    def _generateHtmlListOfFilenames(self, filenames):
        Convert a list of filenames as string into a mini-HTML document with the list entries as links to the files
        in a bullet list.
        @param filenames: the filenames to include in the bullet list
        @type filenames: list of str
        @return: (str) a HTML file with a bullet list of links to the filenames
        document_content = "<p>Multiple files are covering this keyword. Choose one:</p><ul>"
        for filename in filenames:
            # sanitize filenames as obtained from the config file.
            filename = filename.replace('\\', self.os.sep)
            document_content += "<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>" % (self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir + \
                filename, filename)
        return document_content

    def _getSingleDocumentContent(self, filename):
        Load a single document by filename and return its content.
        @param filename: the filename to load
        @type filename: str
        @return: (str) the content of the file
        document_content = ""
            # sanitize the filename as obtained from the config file.
            filename = filename.replace('\\', self.os.sep)
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                document_content = f.read()
                self.last_delivered_filepath = filename[:filename.rfind(self.os.sep)] + self.os.sep
            if self.is_appending_to_history:
                self.forward_history = []
                self.backward_history.append(([filename], ""))
        except Exception as exc:
            document_content = "<html><head /><body>Well, something has gone wrong here. Try again with some" \
                + " proper API name.<hr /><p>Exception: %s</p></body></html>" % exc
        return document_content

    def _getOnlineMsdnContent(self, keyword):
        This functions downloads content from the MSDN website. It does not return the
        information instantly but provides it through a callback that can be registered
        with the function I{registerDataReceiver}.
        @param keyword: the keyword to look up in MSDN
        @type keyword: str
        @return: (str) a waiting message if the keyword has been queried or a negative answer if
            there are no entries in MSDN
        feed_url = "http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Search/en-us/feed?format=RSS&Query=%s" % keyword
        feed_content = self.downloader.download(feed_url)
        if not feed_content:
            return "<p>Could not access the MSDN feed. Check your Internet connection.</p>"
        msdn_url = self._getFirstMsdnLink(feed_content)
        if msdn_url != "":
            return self._cleanupDownloadedHtml(self.downloader.download(msdn_url))
            # FIXME: should threading in IDA ever work, use this...
            # self.downloader.setDownloadUrl(msdn_url)
            # self.downloader.downloadStoredUrl
            # self.ida_proxy.execute_sync(self.downloader.downloadStoredUrl, self.ida_proxy.MFF_FAST)
            # return "<p>Fetching information from online MSDN, please wait...</p>"
            return "<p>Even MSDN can't help you on this one.</p>"

    def _getFirstMsdnLink(self, feed_content):
        Parses the first MSDN URL from a RSS feed.
        @param feed_content: a rss feed output
        @type feed_content: str
        @return: (str) the first MSDN url if existing.
        while feed_content.find("<link>") > -1:
            start_index = feed_content.find("<link>")
            end_index = feed_content.find("</link>")
            link_url = feed_content[len("<link>") + start_index:end_index]
            if "msdn.microsoft.com" in link_url:
                return link_url
                feed_content = feed_content[feed_content.find("</link>") + 7:]
            return ""

    def _cleanupDownloadedHtml(self, content):
        content = content[content.find("<div class=\"topic\""):content.find("<div id=\"contentFeedback\"")]
        content = "".join(s for s in content if s in self.string.printable)
        return content
Ejemplo n.º 4
class WinApiProvider():
    Data provider for request concerning WinApi information.
    def __init__(self, idascope_config):
        print("[|] Loading WinApiProvider")
        self.os = os
        self.string = string
        self.ida_proxy = IdaProxy()
        self.downloader = Downloader()
        self.idascope_config = idascope_config
        self.winapi_data = {}
        if self.idascope_config.winapi_load_keyword_database:
        self.online_msdn_enabled = self.idascope_config.winapi_online_enabled
        self.last_delivered_filepath = self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir
        self.backward_history = []
        self.forward_history = []
        self.is_appending_to_history = True
        self.download_receivers = []

    def _loadKeywords(self):
        Loads the keywords database from the file specified in the config.
        keywords_file = open(self.idascope_config.winapi_keywords_file, "r")
        self.winapi_data = json.loads(keywords_file.read(),

    def registerDataReceiver(self, receiving_function):
        (Observer Pattern) Register a data receiver for downloaded data. Each time an
        online lookup is performed, the data receiver is provided with the downloaded content.
        @param receiving_function: the function to receive the downloaded data
        @type: receiveing_function: a function that receives one (str) parameter.

    def onDownloadFinished(self):
        When a download of MSDN data is finished, notice all receivers.
        print "WinApiProvider.onDownloadFinished(): DOWNLOAD FINISHED"
        data = self.downloader.get_data()
        if not data:
            data = "Download failed! Try again or check your Internet connection."
        for receiver in self.download_receivers:

    def hasOfflineMsdnAvailable(self):
        Determines whether the offline MSDN database is available or not.
        This is evaluated based on whether the keywords database has been loaded or not.
        @return: (bool) availablity of the MSDN database
        if len(self.winapi_data.keys()) > 0:
            return True
        return False

    def hasOnlineMsdnAvailable(self):
        Determines whether the online MSDN database is available or not.
        @return: (bool) setting of the online lookup flag
        return self.online_msdn_enabled

    def setOnlineMsdnEnabled(self, enabled):
        Change the state of the online lookup availability.
        self.online_msdn_enabled = enabled

    def getKeywordsForInitial(self, keyword_initial):
        Get all keywords that start with the given initial character.
        @param keyword_initial: an initial character
        @type keyword_initial: str
        @return: (a list of str) keywords in WinApi that start with that initial.
        if keyword_initial in self.winapi_data.keys():
            return sorted(self.winapi_data[keyword_initial], key=str.lower)
            return []

    def getKeywordContent(self, keyword):
        Get the content for this keyword.
        @type keyword: str
        @return: (str) HTML content.
        api_filenames = self._getApiFilenames(keyword)
        if len(api_filenames) == 1:
            api_filenames = [
                self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir + api_filenames[0]
        elif self.online_msdn_enabled and len(api_filenames) == 0:
            return self._getOnlineMsdnContent(keyword)
        return self._getDocumentContent(api_filenames)

    def getLinkedDocumentContent(self, url):
        Get the content for a requested linked document
        @param url: URL of the requested file
        @type url: QUrl
        @return: a tuple (str, str) with content and anchor within the content
        anchor = ""
        if url.isRelative():
            url_str = url.toString()
            anchor = ""
            document_content = ""
            if "#" in url_str:
                anchor = url_str[1 + url_str.rfind("#"):]
                url_str = url_str[:url_str.rfind("#")]
            if url_str != "":
                filename = self.os.path.join(str(self.last_delivered_filepath),
                document_content = self._getSingleDocumentContent(filename)
            return document_content, anchor
            # PyQt5 percent-encodes urls when performing toString() on them while PySide returns "" when using fromPercentEncoding()
            decoded_url = url.fromPercentEncoding(url.toString())
            if not decoded_url:
                decoded_url = url.toString()
            return self._getSingleDocumentContent(decoded_url), anchor

    def hasBackwardHistory(self):
        Get information about whether backward history stepping is available or not.
        @return: (boolean) telling about availability of history stepping.
        return len(self.backward_history) > 1

    def hasForwardHistory(self):
        Get information about whether forward history stepping is available or not.
        @return: (boolean) telling about availability of history stepping.
        return len(self.forward_history) > 1

    def getPreviousDocumentContent(self):
        Get the content of the previously accessed document. This implements the well-known "back"-button
        @return: a tuple (str, str) with content and anchor within the content
        # first move latest visited document to forward queue.
        if len(self.backward_history) > 0:
            history_entry = self.backward_history.pop()
            # obtain former penultimate document from history and return its content
            if len(self.backward_history) > 0:
                self.is_appending_to_history = False
                history_entry = self.backward_history[-1]
                document_content = self._getDocumentContent(
                    history_entry[0]), history_entry[1]
                self.is_appending_to_history = True
                return document_content
        return ("", "")

    def getNextDocumentContent(self):
        Get the content of the previously accessed document. This implements the well-known "back"-button
        @return: a tuple (str, str) with content and anchor within the content
        # first move latest visited document again to backward queue.
        if len(self.forward_history) > 0:
            history_entry = self.forward_history.pop()
            self.is_appending_to_history = False
            document_content = self._getDocumentContent(
                history_entry[0]), history_entry[1]
            self.is_appending_to_history = True
            return document_content
        return ("", "")

    def _cleanupHistories(self):
        Eliminate subsequent similar items from history lists
        self.backward_history = self._cleanupList(self.backward_history)
        self.forward_history = self._cleanupList(self.forward_history)

    def _cleanupList(self, input_list):
        Eliminate subsequent similar items from a list
        @param input_list: A list of arbitrary items
        @type input_list: list
        @return: (list) the input list without subsequent similar items
        cleaned_list = []
        last_entry = None
        for entry in input_list:
            if entry != last_entry:
            last_entry = entry
        return cleaned_list

    def _getApiFilenames(self, keyword):
        Get filenames that are associated with the given keyword.
        @param keyword: keyword to get the filenames for
        @type keyword: str
        @return: (a list of str) filenames that cover this keyword.
        if len(keyword) > 0:
            keyword_initial = keyword[0].lower()
            if keyword_initial in self.winapi_data.keys():
                if keyword in self.winapi_data[keyword_initial]:
                    return self.winapi_data[keyword_initial][keyword]
        return []

    def _getDocumentContent(self, filenames):
        Produce the document content for a given list of filenames.
        If there are multiple filenames, no document content is returned but a rendered list fo the filenames,
        @param filenames: the filename(s) to get content for
        @type filenames: list of str
        @return: (str) HTML content.
        document_content = "<p>No entries for your query.</p>"
        if len(filenames) > 1:
            document_content = self._generateHtmlListOfFilenames(filenames)
            if self.is_appending_to_history:
                self.forward_history = []
                self.backward_history.append((filenames, ""))
        elif len(filenames) == 1:
            document_content = self._getSingleDocumentContent(filenames[0])
        return document_content

    def _generateHtmlListOfFilenames(self, filenames):
        Convert a list of filenames as string into a mini-HTML document with the list entries as links to the files
        in a bullet list.
        @param filenames: the filenames to include in the bullet list
        @type filenames: list of str
        @return: (str) a HTML file with a bullet list of links to the filenames
        document_content = "<p>Multiple files are covering this keyword. Choose one:</p><ul>"
        for filename in filenames:
            # sanitize filenames as obtained from the config file.
            filename = filename.replace('\\', self.os.sep)
            filepath = self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir + filename
            document_content += "<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>" % (filepath,
            # document_content += "<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>" % (self.idascope_config.winapi_rootdir + filename, filename)
        return document_content

    def _getSingleDocumentContent(self, filename):
        Load a single document by filename and return its content.
        @param filename: the filename to load
        @type filename: str
        @return: (str) the content of the file
        document_content = ""
            # sanitize the filename as obtained from the config file.
            filename = filename.replace('\\', self.os.sep)
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                document_content = f.read()
                self.last_delivered_filepath = filename[:filename.rfind(
                    self.os.sep)] + self.os.sep
            if self.is_appending_to_history:
                self.forward_history = []
                self.backward_history.append(([filename], ""))
        except Exception as exc:
            document_content = "<html><head /><body>Well, something has gone wrong here. Try again with some" \
                + " proper API name.<hr /><p>Exception: %s</p></body></html>" % exc
        return document_content

    def _getOnlineMsdnContent(self, keyword):
        This functions downloads content from the MSDN website. It does not return the
        information instantly but provides it through a callback that can be registered
        with the function I{registerDataReceiver}.
        @param keyword: the keyword to look up in MSDN
        @type keyword: str
        @return: (str) a waiting message if the keyword has been queried or a negative answer if
            there are no entries in MSDN
        feed_url = "https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/search/en-US/feed?format=RSS&query=%s" % keyword
        feed_content = self.downloader.download(feed_url)
        if not feed_content:
            return "<p>Could not access the MSDN feed. Check your Internet connection.</p>"
        msdn_url = self._getFirstMsdnLink(feed_content)
        if msdn_url != "":
            return self._cleanupDownloadedHtml(
            # FIXME: should threading in IDA ever work, use this...
            # self.downloader.setDownloadUrl(msdn_url)
            # self.downloader.downloadStoredUrl
            # self.ida_proxy.execute_sync(self.downloader.downloadStoredUrl, self.ida_proxy.MFF_FAST)
            # return "<p>Fetching information from online MSDN, please wait...</p>"
            return "<p>Even MSDN can't help you on this one.</p>"

    def _getFirstMsdnLink(self, feed_content):
        Parses the first MSDN URL from a RSS feed.
        @param feed_content: a rss feed output
        @type feed_content: str
        @return: (str) the first MSDN url if existing.
        while feed_content.find("<link>") > -1:
            start_index = feed_content.find("<link>")
            end_index = feed_content.find("</link>")
            link_url = feed_content[len("<link>") + start_index:end_index]
            if "msdn.microsoft.com" in link_url:
                return link_url
                feed_content = feed_content[feed_content.find("</link>") + 7:]
            return ""

    def _cleanupDownloadedHtml(self, content):
        content = content[content.find("<div class=\"topic\""):content.
                          find("<div id=\"contentFeedback\"")]
        content = "".join(s for s in content if s in self.string.printable)
        return content