Ejemplo n.º 1
def enhance(sol, dataset):

    for scan in dataset.scans():
        scan3D = scan.scan3D()
        sol3D = make_sol3d(sol, scan)
        enhance_scan(sol3D, scan3D)
        for idx, slice in enumerate(sol3D):
            cnts = findContours(slice)
            for cnt in cnts:
                coords = flatten(
                    pixelToMM(scan.aux[idx + 1], x, y)
                    for (x, y) in cv2tolist(cnt))
                yield [scan.id(), idx + 1] + ["%.4f" % xy for xy in coords]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute(params):
    scan_id, slice, nbslices, aux, scan3D, lung = params
    img = scan3D[slice - 1]
    print(scan_id, slice)
    cnts = collect_contours(img, slice, nbslices)

    res = []
    if cnts:
        # Keep best candidate
        merged = merge_and_filter(cnts, slice, scan3D, lung)
        corrected_cnts = findContours(merged)
        for cnt in corrected_cnts:
            # cnt = expand_blob(scan3D[slice-1], cnt)
            coords = flatten(pixelToMM(aux, x, y) for (x, y) in cv2tolist(cnt))
            res.append([scan_id, slice] + ["%.4f" % xy for xy in coords])
    return res
 def compute(params):
     scan_id, slice, nbslices, img, aux = params
     print(scan_id, slice)
     res = []
     for idx, contour_extractor in enumerate(contour_extractors):
         for cnt in contour_extractor(img):
             if (len(cnt) >= 5):  # needed for fitEllipse
                 features = [idx, slice, slice / nbslices
                             ] + features_from_contour(cnt, img)
                 features = [features]  #single sample
                 precision = precision_clf.predict(features)
                 if precision > 0.01:
                     recall = recall_clf.predict(features)
                     if recall > 0.01:
                         coords = flatten(
                             pixelToMM(aux[slice], x, y)
                             for (x, y) in cv2tolist(cnt))
                         res.append([scan_id, slice] +
                                    ["%.4f" % xy for xy in coords])
     return res
    def compute(params):
        scan_id, slice, nbslices, img, aux = params
        print(scan_id, slice)
        res = []
        for idx, contour_extractor in enumerate(contour_extractors):
            for cnt in contour_extractor(img):
                if (len(cnt) >= 5):  # needed for fitEllipse
                    features = [idx, slice, slice / nbslices
                                ] + features_from_contour(cnt, img)
                    features = [features]  #single sample
                    precision = precision_clf.predict(features)
                    if precision > 0.01:
                        recall = recall_clf.predict(features)
                        if recall > 0.01:
                            coords = flatten(
                                pixelToMM(aux[slice], x, y)
                                for (x, y) in cv2tolist(cnt))
                            res.append([scan_id, slice] +
                                       ["%.4f" % xy for xy in coords])
        return res

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(40)
    solutions = flatten(pool.imap(compute, dataset.images_and_aux()))

    with open("/home/gerey/hms_lung/example_predictions_valid12.csv",
              "w") as f:
        # with open("/home/gerey/hms_lung/example_predictions8.csv","w") as f:
        for s in solutions:
            f.write(",".join(map(str, s)))
Ejemplo n.º 5

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #dataset = Dataset("/home/gerey/hms_lung/data/provisional_extracted_no_gt", withGT=False)
    dataset = Dataset("/home/gerey/hms_lung/data/example_extracted_valid",
    #dataset = Dataset("/home/gerey/hms_lung/data/extract", withGT=False)

    scan_index = 1
    solutions = []
    for scan in dataset.scans():
        for id, img, aux in scan.images_aux():
            scan_id = scan.id()
            # only process middle slices
            # TODO: expend once false negatives are cleared
            if scan.nb_slices() / 4 < id < scan.nb_slices() * 1.7 / 3:
                print(scan_id, id, len(slices))
                contours = contouring_binsym(img)
                for contour in contours:
                    coords = flatten(
                        pixelToMM(aux[id], x, y) for (x, y) in contour)
                    solutions.append([scan_id, id] +
                                     ["%.4f" % xy for xy in coords])

    with open("/home/gerey/hms_lung/predictions_valid8.csv", "w") as f:
        # with open("/home/gerey/hms_lung/example_predictions8.csv","w") as f:
        for s in solutions:
            f.write(",".join(map(str, s)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_features(iter):

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(10)
    return flatten(pool.imap(compute_features, iter))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gen_params():
    for scan in dataset.scans():
        scan3D = scan.scan3D()
        if USE_LUNG:
            lung = segment_lung_mask(scan3D, fill_lung_structures=True)
            if MAX_MASK:
                lung = np.any(lung, axis=0)
            lung = None
        for scan_id, slice_idx, aux in scan.gen_aux():
            yield scan_id, slice_idx, scan.nb_slices(), aux, scan3D, lung

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # dataset = Dataset("/home/gerey/hms_lung/data/provisional_extracted_no_gt", withGT=False)
    dataset = Dataset(

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(30)
    solutions = flatten(pool.imap(compute, gen_params()))
    # solutions = flatten(map( compute, gen_params() ))

    with open("/home/gerey/hms_lung/exemple_predictions_sample2_33.csv",
              "w") as f:
        # with open("/home/gerey/hms_lung/predictions31.csv","w") as f:
        for s in solutions:
            f.write(",".join(map(str, s)))