Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def leitzeile_json (passage_or_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve the leitzeile for the verse containing passage_or_id. """

    auth ()

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        verse_start = (passage.start // 1000) * 1000
        verse_end = verse_start + 999

        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT l.begadr, l.endadr, l.lemma, ARRAY_AGG (p.pass_id)
        FROM nestle l
          LEFT JOIN passages p ON (p.passage @> l.passage)
        WHERE int4range (:start, :end + 1) @> l.passage
        GROUP BY l.begadr, l.endadr, l.lemma

        UNION -- get the insertions

        SELECT p.begadr, p.endadr, '', ARRAY_AGG (p.pass_id)
        FROM passages_view p
        WHERE int4range (:start, :end + 1) @> p.passage AND (begadr % 2) = 1
        GROUP BY p.begadr, p.endadr

        ORDER BY begadr, endadr DESC
        """, dict (parameters, start = verse_start, end = verse_end))

        Leitzeile = collections.namedtuple (
            'Leitzeile', 'begadr, endadr, lemma, pass_ids')
        leitzeile = [ Leitzeile._make (r)._asdict () for r in res ]

        return make_json_response (leitzeile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def ranges_json (passage_or_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve a list of ranges.

    Serves a list of the configured ranges that are contained inside a book in
    the NT.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.
    :param integer bk_id:        The id of the book.


    auth ()

    passage_or_id = request.args.get ('pass_id') or passage_or_id or '0'

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        bk_id   = request.args.get ('bk_id') or passage.bk_id

        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT DISTINCT range, range, lower (ch.passage) as begadr, upper (ch.passage) as endadr
        FROM ranges ch
        WHERE bk_id = :bk_id
        ORDER BY begadr, endadr DESC
        """, dict (parameters, bk_id = bk_id))

        Ranges = collections.namedtuple ('Ranges', 'range, value, begadr, endadr')
        # ranges = list (map (Ranges._make, res))
        ranges = [ Ranges._make (r)._asdict () for r in res ]

        return make_json_response (ranges)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: textflow.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def stemma_png (passage_or_id):
    """ Return a local stemma diagram in .png format. """

    auth ()

    dot = stemma (passage_or_id)
    png = tools.graphviz_layout (dot, format = 'png')
    return make_png_response (png)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: textflow.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def stemma_dot (passage_or_id):
    """ Return a local stemma diagram in .dot format. """

    auth ()

    dot = stemma (passage_or_id)
    dot = tools.graphviz_layout (dot)
    return make_dot_response (dot)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: textflow.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def textflow_png (passage_or_id):
    """ Return a textflow diagram in .png format. """

    auth ()

    dot = textflow (passage_or_id)
    png = tools.graphviz_layout (dot, format = 'png')
    return make_png_response (png)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: textflow.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def textflow_dot (passage_or_id):
    """ Return a textflow diagram in .dot format. """

    auth ()

    dot = textflow (passage_or_id)
    dot = tools.graphviz_layout (dot)
    return make_dot_response (dot)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def manuscript_full_json (passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.


    auth ()

    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get ('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id
    chapter    = request.args.get ('range') or 'All'

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage   = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        ms        = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id     = passage.range_id (chapter)

        json = ms.to_json ()
        json['length'] = ms.get_length (passage, chapter)

        # Get the attestation(s) of the manuscript (may be uncertain eg. a/b/c)
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique
        FROM apparatus_view_agg
        WHERE ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id = :pass_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id = ms.ms_id, pass_id = passage.pass_id))
        json['labez'], json['clique'], json['labez_clique'] = res.fetchone ()

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to all manuscripts
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT avg (a.affinity) as aa,
        percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.affinity) as ma
        FROM affinity a
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, rg_id = rg_id))
        json['aa'], json['ma'] = res.fetchone ()

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to MT
        # For a description of mt and mtp see the comment in
        # ActsMsListValPh3.pl and
        # http://intf.uni-muenster.de/cbgm/actsPh3/guide_en.html#Ancestors

        json['mt'], json['mtp'] = 0.0, 0.0
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT a.affinity as mt, a.equal::float / c.length as mtp
        FROM affinity a
        JOIN ms_ranges c
          ON (a.ms_id1, a.rg_id) = (c.ms_id, c.rg_id)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = 2 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, rg_id = rg_id))
        if res.rowcount > 0:
            json['mt'], json['mtp'] = res.fetchone ()

        return make_json_response (json)
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def cliques_json (passage_or_id):
    """ Endpoint.  Serve all cliques found in a passage.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.


    auth ()

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response (passage.cliques ())
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def manuscript_json (hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.


    auth ()

    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get ('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        ms = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        return make_json_response (ms.to_json ())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def login_action(req):
    # get form fields
    challenge = req.form.get('challenge')
    uid = req.form.get('uid')
    response = req.form.get('response')
    # validate the response
    auth = h.auth(req)
    v = auth.validate(challenge, uid, response)
    if v:
        # find the user in the user base (not the same as the credential store)
        userbase = h.userbase(req)
        user = userbase.getuser(uid)
        # user does not exist yet, create it
        if user is None:
            user = userbase.newuser(uid)
        # set the user session
        if user is not None:
            usersession = h.usersession(req)
    return h.redirect('/')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def login_form(req):
    t = h.cheetah_template(req, "login.html")
    # create challenge for login
    auth = h.auth(req)
    t.challenge = auth.new_challenge()
    return h.cheetah_response(t)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def attesting_csv (passage_or_id, labez):
    """ Serve all relatives of all mss. attesting labez at passage. """

    auth ()

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)

        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT ms_id, hs, hsnr
        FROM apparatus_view
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id AND labez = :labez
        ORDER BY hsnr
        """, dict (parameters, pass_id = passage.pass_id, labez = labez))

        Attesting = collections.namedtuple ('Attesting', 'ms_id hs hsnr')

        return csvify (Attesting._fields, list (map (Attesting._make, res)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def attestation_json (passage_or_id):

    auth ()

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)

        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT ms_id, labez
        FROM apparatus
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        ORDER BY ms_id
        """, dict (parameters, pass_id = passage.pass_id))

        attestations = {}
        for row in res:
            ms_id, labez = row
            attestations[str (ms_id)] = labez

        return make_json_response ({
            'attestations': attestations
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def apparatus_json (passage_or_id):
    """ The contents of the apparatus table. """

    auth ()

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)

        # list of labez => lesart
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT labez, reading (labez, lesart)
        FROM readings
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        ORDER BY labez
        """, dict (parameters, pass_id = passage.pass_id))

        Readings = collections.namedtuple ('Readings', 'labez lesart')
        readings = [ Readings._make (r)._asdict () for r in res ]

        # list of labez_clique => manuscripts
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique, labezsuf, reading (labez, lesart), ms_id, hs, hsnr, certainty
        FROM apparatus_cliques_view
        WHERE pass_id = :pass_id
        ORDER BY hsnr, labez, clique
        """, dict (parameters, pass_id = passage.pass_id))

        Manuscripts = collections.namedtuple (
            'labez clique labez_clique labezsuf lesart ms_id hs hsnr certainty'
        manuscripts = [ Manuscripts._make (r)._asdict () for r in res ]

        return make_json_response ({
            'readings'    : readings,
            'manuscripts' : manuscripts,

    return 'Error'
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def passage_json (passage_or_id = None):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a passage.

    Return information about a passage or navigate to it.

    :param string passage_or_id: The passage id.
    :param string siglum:        The siglum of the book to navigate to.
    :param string chapter:       The chapter to navigate to.
    :param string verse:         The verse to navigate to.
    :param string word:          The word (range) to navigate to.
    :param string button:        The button pressed.


    auth ()

    passage_or_id = request.args.get ('pass_id') or passage_or_id or '0'

    siglum  = request.args.get ('siglum')
    chapter = request.args.get ('chapter')
    verse   = request.args.get ('verse')
    word    = request.args.get ('word')
    button  = request.args.get ('button')

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        if siglum and chapter and verse and word and button == 'Go':
            parsed_passage = Passage.parse ("%s %s:%s/%s" % (siglum, chapter, verse, word))
            # log (logging.INFO, parsed_passage)
            passage = Passage (conn, parsed_passage)
            return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())

        if button in ('-1', '1'):
            passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
            passage = Passage (conn, int (passage.pass_id) + int (button))
            return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())

        passage = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        return make_json_response (passage.to_json ())
Ejemplo n.º 16
def comparison_summary_csv ():
    """Endpoint. Serve a CSV table. (see also :func:`comparison_summary`)"""

    auth ()

    return csvify (_ComparisonRowCalcFields._fields, comparison_summary ())
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def suggest_json ():
    """Endpoint.  The suggestion drop-downs in the navigator.

    Serves a list of books, chapters, verses, or words that the user can enter
    in the navigation gadget.  It suggests only entities that are actually in
    the database.


    auth ()

    # the name of the current field
    field   = request.args.get ('currentfield')

    # the term the user entered in the current field
    term    = request.args.get ('term') or ''
    term    = '^' + re.escape (term.split ('-')[0])

    # terms entered in previous fields
    siglum  = request.args.get ('siglum')  or ''
    chapter = request.args.get ('chapter') or 'All'
    verse   = request.args.get ('verse')   or '1'

    Words = collections.namedtuple (
        'Words', 'kapanf, versanf, wortanf, kapend, versend, wortend, lemma')

    res = []
    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:

        if field == 'siglum':
            # only show those books that actually are in the database
            res = execute (conn, """
            SELECT DISTINCT siglum, siglum, book, bk_id
            FROM passages_view b
            WHERE siglum ~ :term OR book ~ :term
            ORDER BY bk_id
            """, dict (parameters, term = term))
            return flask.json.jsonify (
                [ { 'value' : r[0], 'label' : r[1], 'description' : r[2] } for r in res ])

        if field == 'chapter':
            res = execute (conn, """
            SELECT range, range
            FROM ranges_view
            WHERE siglum = :siglum AND range ~ '[1-9][0-9]*' AND range ~ :term
            ORDER BY range::integer
            """, dict (parameters, siglum = siglum, term = term))
            return flask.json.jsonify ([ { 'value' : r[0], 'label' : r[1] } for r in res ])

        if field == 'verse':
            res = execute (conn, """
            SELECT DISTINCT verse, verse
            FROM passages_view
            WHERE variant AND siglum = :siglum AND chapter = :chapter AND verse::varchar ~ :term
            ORDER BY verse
            """, dict (parameters, siglum = siglum, chapter = chapter, term = term))
            return flask.json.jsonify ([ { 'value' : r[0], 'label' : r[1] } for r in res ])

        if field == 'word':
            res = execute (conn, """
            SELECT chapter, verse, word,
                            adr2chapter (p.endadr), adr2verse (p.endadr), adr2word (p.endadr),
                            COALESCE (string_agg (n.lemma, ' ' ORDER BY n.begadr), '') as lemma
            FROM passages_view p
            LEFT JOIN nestle n
              ON (p.passage @> n.passage)
            WHERE variant AND siglum = :siglum AND chapter = :chapter AND verse = :verse AND word::varchar ~ :term
            GROUP BY chapter, verse, word, p.endadr
            ORDER BY word, adr2verse (p.endadr), adr2word (p.endadr)
            """, dict (parameters, siglum = siglum, chapter = chapter, verse = verse, term = term))
            res = map (Words._make, res)
            res = map (_f_map_word, res)
            return flask.json.jsonify (
                [ { 'value' : r[0], 'label' : r[1], 'description' : r[2] } for r in res ])

    return flask.json.jsonify ([])
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: cceh/ntg
def relatives_csv (passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Output a table of the nearest relatives of a manuscript.

    Output a table of the nearest relatives/ancestors/descendants of a
    manuscript and what they attest.


    auth ()

    type_     = request.args.get ('type') or 'rel'
    chapter   = request.args.get ('range') or 'All'
    limit     = int (request.args.get ('limit') or 0)
    labez     = request.args.get ('labez') or 'all'
    mode      = request.args.get ('mode') or 'sim'
    include   = request.args.getlist ('include[]') or []
    fragments = request.args.getlist ('fragments[]') or []

    view = 'affinity_view' if mode == 'rec' else 'affinity_p_view'

    where = ''
    if type_ == 'anc':
        where =  ' AND older < newer'
    if type_ == 'des':
        where =  ' AND older >= newer'

    if labez == 'all':
        where += " AND labez !~ '^z'"
    elif labez == 'all+lac':
        where += " AND labez = '%s'" % labez

    if 'fragments' in fragments:
        frag_where = ''
        frag_where = 'AND aff.common > aff.ms1_length / 2'

    limit = '' if limit == 0 else ' LIMIT %d' % limit

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:

        passage   = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        ms        = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id     = passage.range_id (chapter)

        exclude = get_excluded_ms_ids (conn, include)

        # Get the X most similar manuscripts and their attestations
        res = execute (conn, """
        /* get the LIMIT closest ancestors for this node */
        WITH ranks AS (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2,
            rank () OVER (ORDER BY affinity DESC, common, older, newer DESC, ms_id2) AS rank,
          FROM {view} aff
          WHERE ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude
            AND newer > older {frag_where}
          ORDER BY affinity DESC

        SELECT r.rank,
               aff.ms_id2 as ms_id,
               aff.common - aff.equal - aff.older - aff.newer - aff.unclear as norel,
               CASE WHEN aff.newer < aff.older THEN ''
                    WHEN aff.newer = aff.older THEN '-'
                    ELSE '>'
               END as direction,
          {view} aff
        JOIN apparatus_view_agg a
          ON aff.ms_id2 = a.ms_id
        JOIN manuscripts ms
          ON aff.ms_id2 = ms.ms_id
        LEFT JOIN ranks r
          ON r.ms_id2 = aff.ms_id2
        WHERE aff.ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude AND aff.ms_id1 = :ms_id1
              AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND aff.common > 0
              AND a.pass_id = :pass_id {where} {frag_where}
        ORDER BY affinity DESC, r.rank, newer DESC, older DESC, hsnr
        """, dict (parameters, where = where, frag_where = frag_where,
                   ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, hsnr = ms.hsnr,
                   pass_id = passage.pass_id, rg_id = rg_id, limit = limit,
                   view = view, exclude = exclude))

        Relatives = collections.namedtuple (
            'rank ms_id hs hsnr length common equal older newer unclear norel direction affinity labez'
        return csvify (Relatives._fields, list (map (Relatives._make, res)))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def comparison_detail_csv ():
    """Endpoint. Serve a CSV table. (see also :func:`comparison_detail`)"""

    auth ()

    return csvify (_ComparisonDetailRowCalcFields._fields, comparison_detail ())