Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, pos, parent):
        self.pos = pos  # Node position
        self.coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(self.pos, 50)
        self.coor_obs = hp.cartesianToCoor(self.pos, en.grid.n)
        self.parent = parent  # Node parent
        self.e_in = None
        if parent == None:
            self.cost = 0  # If no parent (node is root) cost is 0
            self.cost = parent.cost + np.linalg.norm(
                pos - parent.pos)  # Cost of node (from root to node)

        self.children = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def add_trace_to_grid(self, trace, t_start):
        """ Given a trace and the starting time add the obstacle cells to the obstacle grid """

        t = t_start
        for point in trace:
            t += 1
            coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(point, en.grid.n)
            if t < en.t_simulation:
                neighbours = [[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1],
                              [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 0]]
                for neighbour in neighbours:
                    coor_neighbour = [
                        coor[0] + neighbour[0], coor[1] + neighbour[1]
                    if 0 <= coor_neighbour[
                            0] < en.grid.n and 0 <= coor_neighbour[
                                1] < en.grid.n:
                        for obstacle in en.grid.grid[t][coor_neighbour[0]][
                            # print("collision between ", obstacle, "and ", drone)
                            if obstacle != True and "collision" not in en.grid.grid[
                        if self not in en.grid.grid[t][coor_neighbour[0]][
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, root, t_start):
     self.nodes = []
     self.edges = []
     self.localizer_grid = [[[] for _ in range(self.n)]
                            for _ in range(self.n)]
     hub_coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(root.pos, self.n)
     self.t_start = t_start
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def is_colliding(self):
     colliding = False
     cuts = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)  # Cut unit in 10 uniform intervals
     for cut in cuts:
         cut_pos = (self.en.pos -
                    self.st.pos) * cut + self.st.pos  # Position of cut
         coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(cut_pos,
                                   en.grid.n)  # Grid coordinates of cut
         t = min(
             self.graph.t_start + int(self.st.cost + self.len / 0.05 * cut),
             en.t_simulation - 1)
         r = 1
         for i in range(min(max(-r + coor[0], 0), 100),
                        min(max(r + 1 + coor[0], 0), 100)):
             for j in range(min(max(-r + coor[1], 0), 100),
                            min(max(r + 1 + coor[1], 0), 100)):
                 colliding = len(
                 ) or colliding  # Set colliding = True if cell on the grid has obstacle
     return colliding
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def newIteration(self):

        step_range = 0.5
        neighbor_range = 1

        if True:  # If a path HAS NOT been yet found, then just create a random point (RRT*)
            x_random = hp.random_pos_collision_free()
        else:  # If a path HAS been found already, then create random point within an ellipse (informed RRT*)
            x_random = hp.random_pos_ellipse_collision_free(
                self.path.cost, self.goal.pos, self.start.pos)

        coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(x_random, 50)
        """ Look for the nearest node to x_random """
        r = 0
        found = []
        min_dist = math.inf
        while len(found) == 0:
            for i in range(min(max(-r + coor[0], 0), 50),
                           min(max(r + 1 + coor[0], 0), 50)):
                for j in range(min(max(-r + coor[1], 0), 50),
                               min(max(r + 1 + coor[1], 0), 50)):
                    for node in self.localizer_grid[i][j]:
                        if np.linalg.norm(node.pos - x_random) < min_dist:
                            n_nearest = node
                            min_dist = np.linalg.norm(node.pos - x_random)

            r += 1
        """ Create a point close to n_nearest on the direction of x_random """
        x_new = (x_random - n_nearest.pos) / np.linalg.norm(
            n_nearest.pos - x_random) * step_range + n_nearest.pos
        x_new_coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(x_new, self.n)
        """ Define a set of nodes on the neighbourhood of x_new """
        N_near = []
        r = 5
        for i in range(min(max(-r + x_new_coor[0], 0), self.n),
                       min(max(r + 1 + x_new_coor[0], 0), self.n)):
            for j in range(min(max(-r + x_new_coor[1], 0), self.n),
                           min(max(r + 1 + x_new_coor[1], 0), self.n)):
                for node in self.localizer_grid[i][j]:
                    if np.linalg.norm(node.pos - x_new) < neighbor_range:
        """ Find for which node in N_near the path to root would be the least """
        n_min = n_nearest
        c_min = n_nearest.cost + np.linalg.norm(n_nearest.pos - x_new)
        for n_near in N_near:
            cost = n_near.cost + np.linalg.norm(n_near.pos - x_new)
            if cost < c_min:
                c_min = cost
                n_min = n_near
        """ Create new node at x_new with parent n_min and an edge connecting parent and n_new """
        n_new = Node(x_new, n_min)
        e_new = Edge(n_min, n_new, self)
        # n_new.e_in = e_new
        """ If the new edge is not colliding with any obstacle in the grid, then add it to the graph """
        if not e_new.is_colliding():
            new_coor = hp.cartesianToCoor(n_new.pos, self.n)
            n_new.e_in = e_new
            """ RRT* | erase inefficient connections and create shorter connections in the neighbourhood of x_new """
            for n_near in N_near:
                cost = n_new.cost + np.linalg.norm(n_new.pos - n_near.pos)
                if cost < n_near.cost:
                    e_new = Edge(n_new, n_near, self)
                    if not e_new.is_colliding():
                        n_near.parent = n_new
                        n_near.cost = cost
                        n_near.e_in = e_new