Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, type, prefix=None, params=None, hostmask=None, target=None, msg=None, 
		nick=None, ident=None, host=None, encoding="utf-8", command=None, argument=None, priority=10, **kwargs):
		self.type = type
		self.prefix = prefix
		self.params = params
		self.hostmask = hostmask
		self.nick = coerceToUnicode(nick, encoding) if nick else nick
		self.ident = coerceToUnicode(ident, encoding) if ident else ident
		# Note: if unicode/punycode hostnames becomes a thing for IRC, .decode("idna") I guess
		self.host = host
		self.target = coerceToUnicode(target, encoding) if target else target
		# if there is a msg, it's already unicode (done in dispatcher.)
		self.msg = msg
		self.command = command
		self.argument = argument
		# kwargs is a dict of uncommon event attributes which will be looked up on attribute access
		self.kwargs = kwargs
		# might be useful
		self.time = time()
		self.dtime = datetime.now()
		self.priority = priority
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        self.type = type
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.params = params
        self.hostmask = hostmask
        self.nick = coerceToUnicode(nick, encoding) if nick else nick
        self.ident = coerceToUnicode(ident, encoding) if ident else ident
        # Note: if unicode/punycode hostnames becomes a thing for IRC, .decode("idna") I guess
        self.host = host

        self.target = coerceToUnicode(target, encoding) if target else target

        # if there is a msg, it's already unicode (done in dispatcher.)
        self.msg = msg

        self.command = command
        self.argument = argument

        # kwargs is a dict of uncommon event attributes which will be looked up on attribute access
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        # might be useful
        self.time = time()
        self.dtime = datetime.now()
        self.priority = priority
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def dispatch(self, botinst, eventtype, **eventkwargs):
		settings = self.settings
		servername = settings.serverlabel
		cont_or_wrap = botinst.container
		event = None
		# Case insensitivity for etypes (convenience) 
		#TODO: (is this a bad idea?)
		eventtype = eventtype.lower()
		msg = eventkwargs.get("msg", None)
		if msg and eventtype != "sendmsg": eventkwargs["msg"] = msg = coerceToUnicode(eventkwargs["msg"], settings.encoding)
		command = ""
		if eventtype != "sendmsg" and msg and msg.startswith(settings.commandprefix):
			#case insensitive command (see below)
			#commands can't have spaces in them, and lol command prefix can't be a space
			#if you want a case sensitive match you can do your command as a regex
			command, argument = commandSplit(msg)
			#support multiple character commandprefix
			command = command[len(settings.commandprefix):]
			# Maintain case for event, for funny things like replying in all caps
			eventkwargs["command"], eventkwargs["argument"] = (command, argument)
			command = command.lower()
		eventmap = self.eventmap
		if eventtype in eventmap:
			# TODO: Event and wrapper creation could possible be delayed even further maybe
			if event is None: 
				eventkwargs["encoding"] = settings.encoding
				event, cont_or_wrap = self.createEventAndWrap(cont_or_wrap, eventtype, eventkwargs)
			#lol dispatcher is 100 more simple now, but at the cost of more dict...
			for mapping in eventmap[eventtype]["instant"]:
				self._dispatchreally(mapping.function, event, cont_or_wrap)
				if mapping.priority == 0: break #lol cheap and easy way to support total override
			#super fast command dispatching now... Only thing left that's slow is the regex but has to be
			for mapping in eventmap[eventtype]["command"].get(command,()):
				self._dispatchreally(mapping.function, event, cont_or_wrap)
				if mapping.priority == 0: break
			# TODO: Consider this:
			# super priority==0 override doesn't really make much sense on a regex, but whatever
			for mapping in eventmap[eventtype]["regex"]:
				result = mapping.regex.search(msg)
				if result:
					event.regex_match = result
					self._dispatchreally(mapping.function, event, cont_or_wrap)
					if mapping.priority == 0: break
		if eventtype in self.waitmap:
			#special map to deal with WaitData
			#delayed event creation as late as possible:
			if event is None: 
				event, cont_or_wrap = self.createEventAndWrap(cont_or_wrap, eventtype, eventkwargs)
			wdset = self.waitmap[eventtype]
			remove = []
			for wd in wdset:
				# if found stopevent add it to list to remove after iteration
				if eventtype in wd.stope:
					wd.done = True
				elif eventtype in wd.interestede:
			if remove:
				for x in remove:
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def dispatch(self, botinst, event_type, **eventkwargs):
		settings = self.settings
		cont_or_wrap = botinst.container
		event = None
		# Case insensitivity for event_type lookups
		l_event_type = event_type.lower()
		dispatched = False
		msg = eventkwargs.get("msg", None)
		if msg and l_event_type != "sendmsg": eventkwargs["msg"] = msg = coerceToUnicode(eventkwargs["msg"], settings.encoding)
		command = ""
		if l_event_type != "sendmsg" and msg and msg.startswith(settings.commandprefix):
			#case insensitive command (see below)
			#commands can't have spaces in them, and lol command prefix can't be a space
			#if you want a case sensitive match you can do your command as a regex
			command, argument = commandSplit(msg)
			#support multiple character commandprefix
			command = command[len(settings.commandprefix):]
			# Maintain case for event, for funny things like replying in all caps
			eventkwargs["command"], eventkwargs["argument"] = (command, argument)
			command = command.lower()
		eventmap = self.eventmap
		if l_event_type in eventmap:
			# TODO: Event and wrapper creation could possible be delayed even further maybe
			if event is None: 
				eventkwargs["encoding"] = settings.encoding
				event, cont_or_wrap = self.createEventAndWrap(cont_or_wrap, l_event_type, eventkwargs)
			if self.debug >= 2: print "DISPATCHING: %s" % event
			#lol dispatcher is 100 more simple now, but at the cost of more dict...
			for mapping in eventmap[l_event_type]["instant"]:
				self._dispatchreally(mapping.function, event, cont_or_wrap, self.debug)
				dispatched = True
				if mapping.priority == 0: break #lol cheap and easy way to support total override
			#super fast command dispatching now... Only thing left that's slow is the regex but has to be
			for mapping in eventmap[l_event_type]["command"].get(command,()):
				if mapping.admin and (event.nick.lower() not in settings.admins):
					# TODO: Do we bot.say("access denied") ?
				self._dispatchreally(mapping.function, event, cont_or_wrap, self.debug)
				dispatched = True
				if mapping.priority == 0: break
			# TODO: Consider this:
			# super priority==0 override doesn't really make much sense on a regex, but whatever
			for mapping in eventmap[l_event_type]["regex"]:
				result = mapping.regex.search(msg)
				if result:
					event.regex_match = result
					self._dispatchreally(mapping.function, event, cont_or_wrap, self.debug)
					dispatched = True
					if mapping.priority == 0: break

		if l_event_type in self.waitmap:
			#special map to deal with WaitData
			#delayed event creation as late as possible:
			if event is None: 
				event, cont_or_wrap = self.createEventAndWrap(cont_or_wrap, event_type, eventkwargs)
			wdset = self.waitmap[l_event_type]
			remove = []
			for wd in wdset:
				# if found stopevent add it to list to remove after iteration
				if l_event_type in wd.stope:
					wd.done = True
					dispatched = True
				elif l_event_type in wd.interestede:
					dispatched = True
			if remove:
				for x in remove:
		return dispatched