def get_editor_config(file_path): """ Returns editorConfig profile for the file at given path Keyword arguments: file_path -- /path/to/file """ return exec_fn(lambda: get_properties(file_path))
def build(config_file): """ Runs build for the given clickable.json file Keyword arguments: config_file -- path to clickable.json """ return exec_fn(lambda: _build(config_file))
def create(dir_name, options): """ Creates a new project Keyword arguments: options -- options for `clickable create --non-interactive ...` """ return exec_fn(lambda: _create(dir_name, options))
def build(config_file, install=False): """ Runs build for the given clickable.json file Keyword arguments: config_file -- path to clickable.json install -- true to install/launch buit app """ return exec_fn(lambda: _build(config_file, install))
def rm(path): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Removes file or dir at the given path, returns {error} if something goes wrong""" return exec_fn(lambda: _rm(path))
def guess_file_path(app_name, file_name): """Guesses file path based on Content source and file name""" return exec_fn(lambda: _guess(app_name, file_name))
def list_files(directories): """Returns listing of directory content using {error, result} format""" return exec_fn(lambda: _list_dir(directories))
def rename(path, new_path): """Rename file or dir, returns {error} if something goes wrong""" return exec_fn(lambda: os_rename(path, new_path))
def test_container_exists(): """Returns Trues if Libertine container exists, False otherwise""" return exec_fn(_test_container_exists)
def update_container(): """ Upgrades built tools within a Libertine container """ return exec_fn(_update_container)
def ensure_container(): """ Creates a Libertine container to execute clickable if not exists """ return exec_fn(_init_container)