Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    # Set Defaults
    iout = 1
    npsample = ['128', '128', '64']

    # Parse Arguments
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        npsample = re.split(',', sys.argv[2])
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        iout = int(sys.argv[1])

    # Compute Requested Outputs
    if iout < 0:
        iouts = range(1, abs(iout) + 1)
        iouts = range(iout, iout + 1)

    # Define Region of Interest (Box Units)
    center    = 0.5
    radius    = 0.4
    thickness = 0.2

    # Sample Points
    nx = int(npsample[0])
    ny = int(npsample[1])
    nz = int(npsample[2])

    # Generate Sampling Points
    x, y, z = mkpoints_xyz(center, radius, thickness, nx, ny, nz)

    # Some Reshaping
    zz, yy, xx = mkvec(z, y, x)
    points = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], 3))
    for ii in range(xx.shape[0]):
        points[ii,:] = np.array([xx[ii], yy[ii], zz[ii]])

    # Loop Over Outputs
    for iiout in iouts:

        # Open Ramses Output
        output = RamsesOutput(".", iiout)
        source = output.amr_source(["P"])

        # Fetch Ramses Data
        points_dset = sample_points(source, points)

        # Allocate Memory for Output Array
        PXY = np.zeros((nx, ny))

        # Integrate Along Z (Simpson's Rule)
        print "(%s UTC) Integrating..." % strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())
        idx_lo = 0
        for ix in range(nx):
            for iy in range(ny):
                idx_hi = idx_lo + nz
                PXY[ix,iy] = simps(points_dset["P"][idx_lo:idx_hi], z)
                idx_lo = idx_hi
        print "(%s UTC) Done Integrating." % strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())

        # Compute Limits, Centre, Rescale
        ext = np.array([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()])
        ext = ( ext - 0.5 ) * output.info["boxlen"]

        # Save 2D Pressure Map
        np.savez('PXY_%i.npz' % iiout, \
            x=x, y=y, z=z,\
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():

	# Defaults
	iout = 1
	npsample = ['128', '128', '64']
	npbin = ['32', '32']

	# Parse Arguments
	if len(sys.argv) == 4:
		npbin = re.split(',', sys.argv[3])
	if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
		npsample = re.split(',', sys.argv[2])
	if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
		iout = int(sys.argv[1])

	# Compute Requested Outputs
	if iout < 0:
		iouts = range(1, abs(iout) + 1)
		iouts = range(iout, iout + 1)

	# Define Region of Interest (Box Units)
	center    = 0.5
	radius    = 0.4
	thickness = 0.2

	# Sample Points
	nr   = int(npsample[0])
	nphi = int(npsample[1])
	nz   = int(npsample[2])

	# Binning Points
	nrbins = int(npbin[0])
	nzbins = int(npbin[1])

	# Give Feedback
	print "Computing RZ Profile(s) for Output(s) %s." % iouts
	print "Sampling Grid with %ix%ix%i = %i Points." % ( nr, nphi, nz, nr * nphi * nz )
	print ""

	# Generate Sampling Points
	x, y, z = mkpoints_rpz(center, radius, thickness, nr, nphi, nz)

	# Make Sampling Vectors, Reshape Them
	xx, yy, zz = mkvec(x, y, z)
	points = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], 3))
	for ii in range(xx.shape[0]):
		points[ii,:] = np.array([xx[ii], yy[ii], zz[ii]])

	# Loop Desired Outputs
	for iiout in iouts:

		# Link AMR Data
		output = RamsesOutput(".", iiout)
		source = output.amr_source(["rho"])

		# Sample AMR Data
		point_dset = sample_points(source, points)

		# Shift Origin, Convert to RZ Coordinates
		points_xyz  = points
		points_xyz0 = points_xyz - 0.5
		points_r0   = np.sqrt(points_xyz0[:,0]**2. + points_xyz0[:,1]**2.)
		points_z0   = points_xyz0[:,2]

		print ""
		print "Binning onto (RxZ) = (%ix%i) Grid." % ( nrbins, nzbins )

		# Prepare Bins
		rbins = np.linspace(0.0, radius, nrbins + 1)
		zbins = np.linspace(-thickness/2., thickness/2., nzbins + 1)

		# Binning Routine
		rhoRZ, rbins, zbins = prof2d(points_r0, points_z0, point_dset["rho"], rbins, zbins)

		# Compute Extent
		ext = np.array([rbins.min(), rbins.max(), -thickness/2., thickness/2.])

		# Save Binned Data
		fname = 'rhoRZ_%i.npz' % iiout

		print ""
		print "Saving Data to File %s..." % fname

		# Save Binned Data
			rhoRZ=rhoRZ, rbins=rbins, zbins=zbins,\
			center=center, radius=radius, thickness=thickness,\
			nr=nr, nphi=nphi, nz=nz,\
			nrbins=nrbins, nzbins=nzbins)

		print "Done."
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():

    # Set Defaults
    iout = 1
    npsample = ['128', '128', '64']

    # Parse Arguments
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        npsample = re.split(',', sys.argv[2])
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        iout = int(sys.argv[1])

    # Compute Requested Outputs
    if iout < 0:
        iouts = range(1, abs(iout) + 1)
        iouts = range(iout, iout + 1)

    # Define Region of Interest (Box Units)
    center    = 0.5
    radius    = 0.4
    thickness = 0.2

    # Sample Points
    nx = int(npsample[0])
    ny = int(npsample[1])
    nz = int(npsample[2])

    # Generate Sampling Points
    x, y, z = mkpoints_xyz(center, radius, thickness, nx, ny, nz)

    # Some Reshaping
    zz, yy, xx = mkvec(z, y, x)
    points = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], 3))
    for ii in range(xx.shape[0]):
        points[ii,:] = np.array([xx[ii], yy[ii], zz[ii]])

    # Loop Over Outputs
    for iiout in iouts:

        # Open Ramses Output
        output = RamsesOutput(".", iiout)
        source = output.amr_source(["rho", "vel"])

        # Fetch Ramses Data
        points_dset = sample_points(source, points)

        # Allocate Memory for Output Array
        OmegaXY = np.zeros((nx, ny))

        # Average Along Z
        print "(%s UTC) Z-Averaging XY Velocity Field..." % strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())
        idx_lo = 0
        for ix in range(nx):
            for iy in range(ny):
                idx_hi = idx_lo + nz
                v_x = points_dset["vel"][idx_lo:idx_hi,0]
                v_y = points_dset["vel"][idx_lo:idx_hi,1]
                v_xy = np.sqrt(v_x**2. + v_y**2.)
                rho_tot = np.sum(points_dset["rho"][idx_lo:idx_hi])
                weight = points_dset["rho"][idx_lo:idx_hi] / rho_tot
                v_xy_avg = np.sum(v_xy * weight) / nz
                r = np.sqrt((x[ix] - 0.5)**2. + (y[iy]-0.5)**2.) * output.info["boxlen"]
                OmegaXY[ix,iy] = v_xy_avg / r
                idx_lo = idx_hi
        print "(%s UTC) Done Averaging." % strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())

        # Compute Limits, Centre, Rescale
        ext = np.array([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()])
        ext = ( ext - 0.5 ) * output.info["boxlen"]

        # Save Z-Averaged Planar Angular Velocity Map
        np.savez('OmegaXY_%i.npz' % iiout, \
            x=x, y=y, z=z,\