Ejemplo n.º 1
    def draw_triangle(self,
                      color=(255, 255, 255),
        a = size * rotate(np.array([0, 0.5]), angle)
        b = size * rotate(np.array([0, -0.5]), angle)
        c = size * rotate(np.array([np.sqrt(3) / 2, 0]), angle)

        if chromatic_aberration:
            offset = 0.05 * size * basis(0)

            points = [
                self.world_to_screen(-self.zoom / 100 * p + position - offset)
                for p in [a, b, c]
            pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (255, 0, 0), points)

            points = [
                self.world_to_screen(-self.zoom / 100 * p + position + offset)
                for p in [a, b, c]
            pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (0, 255, 255), points)

        points = [
            self.world_to_screen(-self.zoom / 100 * p + position)
            for p in [a, b, c]
        pygame.draw.polygon(screen, color, points)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def shore_tile(island, tileset, row, col):
    island_width = len(island[0])-1
    island_height = len(island)-1
    if row is 0 or row is not 0 and island[row-1][col] is 0:
        if col is 0 or col is not 0 and island[row][col-1] is 0: return get_tile(tileset['corner'])
        elif col is island_width or col is not island_width and island[row][col+1] is 0: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['corner']),90)
        else: return get_tile(tileset['side'])
    if row is island_height or row is not island_height and island[row+1][col] is 0:
        if col is 0 or col is not 0 and island[row][col-1] is 0: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['corner']),270)
        elif col is island_width or col is not island_width and island[row][col+1] is 0: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['corner']),180)
        else: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['side']),180)
    if col is 0 or col is not 0 and island[row][col-1] is 0: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['side']), 270)
    if col is island_width or col is not island_width and island[row][col+1] is 0: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['side']),90)
    else: return rotate(get_tile(tileset['inland']), rand(4)*90)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def upload(thing_id):

    print "thing id:" + thing_id

    # Get the name of the uploaded file
    file = request.files['file']
    print("upload request ....")
    print file
    print file.filename

    # Check if the file is one of the allowed types/extensions
    if file and allowed_file(file.filename):

        filename = thing_id + '.jpg'
        file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))

        img = cv2.imread(
            os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']) + '/' + filename)
        img = helpers.rotate(img, 270)
        _, _, response = helpers.detectTriangles(img)

        global live_image
        live_image = img

        mqtt.publish(thing_id + '/sensors/camera',
        return jsonify(response)

    return "bad file"
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def draw(self, screen, camera, image_handler):
     self.image_path = f'body_{self.parent.body_type}'
     super().draw(screen, camera, image_handler)
     image = image_handler.images['blood']
     for b in self.blood:
         camera.draw_image(screen, image,
                           self.position + rotate(b[0], self.angle), 1,
                           self.direction, self.angle + b[1])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def rotate(self, angle):
     for i in range(len(self.xs)):
         v = np.array([self.xs[i], self.ys[i]])
         v = rotate(v, angle)
         self.xs[i] = v[0]
         self.ys[i] = v[1]
         self.angles[i] += angle
     self.angle += angle
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def draw(self, screen, camera, image_handler):
        if not self.image_path:
            self.debug_draw(screen, camera, image_handler)

        image = image_handler.images[self.image_path]

        pos = self.position + rotate(self.image_position, self.angle)
        camera.draw_image(screen, image, pos, self.size, self.direction, self.angle)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gen(show, size, dir, axis, basis):

    for point in basis.sites:
        np.multiply(point, size, out=point)

    original = np.array(basis.sites)
    cube = []

    lattice = [size, size, size]

    im = np.array(axis)
    ix = np.array(dir)
    R = helpers.rotate(ix, im)

    file = open('basis.input', 'w')

        str(lattice[0]) + ' ' + str(lattice[1]) + ' ' + str(lattice[2]) + '\n')
    file.write(str(dir[0]) + ' ' + str(dir[1]) + ' ' + str(dir[2]) + '\n')
    file.write(str(axis[0]) + ' ' + str(axis[1]) + ' ' + str(axis[2]) + '\n')

    for i in range(len(original)):
        v = original[i]
        p = np.asarray(np.asarray((np.matmul(R, v))[0])[0])

    if show:
        fig = plt.figure()
    if show:
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    for p in original:
        if show:
            ax.scatter(p[0], p[1], p[2], c='g')
    n = 0
    for p in cube:
        if show:
            ax.scatter(p[0], p[1], p[2], c='r')
            str(p[0]) + '\t' + str(p[1]) + '\t' + str(p[2]) + '\t' +
            str(basis.atoms[n]) + '\n')
        n = n + 1

    if show:
        ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
        ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
        ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

        ax.set_xlim(-size, size)
        ax.set_ylim(-size, size)
        ax.set_zlim(-size, size)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getMutations(n: int, placed: Tuple[int, ...]) -> List[Tuple[int, ...]]:
    Simple approach to identify all mutations of a combination
    :return: all mutations of the current placement by rotation and mirroring.
    ret: Set[Tuple[int,
                   ...]] = set()  # make sure we take every element only once.
    ret.add(mirror(n, placed))
    # rotate 3 times and mirror always
    last = placed
    for i in range(3):
        last = rotate(n, last)
        ret.add(mirror(n, last))
    return list(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def animate(self, time_step):
        anim = self.animations[self.animation]

        self.image_path = anim.image_path

        pos, angle = anim.update(self.animation_direction * time_step)

        pos[0] *= self.direction

        pos = rotate(pos, self.animation_angle)
        self.relative_position = pos

        self.set_position(self.position + pos)
        self.angle = self.direction * angle + self.animation_angle

        if not self.loop and anim.time >= anim.times[-1]:
            anim.time = anim.times[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def addRef(self, direction):

        #Normalize the direction.
        ss = math.sqrt(direction[0]**2 + direction[1]**2 + direction[2]**2)
        direction[0] /= ss
        direction[1] /= ss
        direction[2] /= ss


        im = np.array(self.axis)
        #im = np.array(direction)
        ix = np.array(self.dir)
        #ix = np.array(direction)
        R = helpers.rotate(ix, im)
        #R_inv = R#np.linalg.inv(R)
        R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R)

        ex = np.asarray(np.matmul(R_inv, np.array([1, 0, 0])))[0]
        ey = np.asarray(np.matmul(R_inv, np.array([0, 1, 0])))[0]
        ez = np.asarray(np.matmul(R_inv, np.array([0, 0, 1])))[0]

        #direction = self.axis
        #Convert the direction to the local coordinate ststem
        tmp = [0, 0, 0]
        tmp[0] = ex[0] * direction[0] + ex[1] * direction[1] + ex[
            2] * direction[2]
        tmp[1] = ey[0] * direction[0] + ey[1] * direction[1] + ey[
            2] * direction[2]
        tmp[2] = ez[0] * direction[0] + ez[1] * direction[1] + ez[
            2] * direction[2]

        for i in range(10):
            p = [0, 0, 0]
            p[0] = p[0] + tmp[0] * i / 1.0
            p[1] = p[1] + tmp[1] * i / 1.0
            p[2] = p[2] + tmp[2] * i / 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def draw_shadow(self, screen, camera, image_handler, light):
        r = self.position - light
        pos = self.position + 0.5 * r / norm(r) + rotate(self.image_position, self.angle)
        image = image_handler.images[f'shadow_{self.image_path}']

        camera.draw_image(screen, image, pos, self.size, self.direction, self.angle)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def rotate(self, delta_angle):
     if self.collider:
         r = self.collider.position - self.position
         self.collider.position = self.position + rotate(r, delta_angle)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def gen(_size, _dir, _axis, _basis, _n, zTop, zBottom):
    basisgen.gen(False, _size, _dir, _axis, _basis)
    file = open('basis.input', 'r')
    onlyTop = False
    if onlyTop:
        zBottom = -2.5*_size
    n = 0;
    # Repeat distance for crystal
    lattice = [0,0,0]
    dir = [0,0,1]
    axis = [0,0,1]
    # List of basis coordinates
    basis = []
    # Lists of crystal coordinates to export
    crystal = []
    for line in file:
        arr = line.split()
        if n==0 :
            lattice[0] = float(arr[0].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            lattice[1] = float(arr[1].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            lattice[2] = float(arr[2].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            n = n + 1
        if n==1 :
            dir[0] = int(arr[0].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            dir[1] = int(arr[1].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            dir[2] = int(arr[2].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            n = n + 1
        if n==2 :
            axis[0] = int(arr[0].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            axis[1] = int(arr[1].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            axis[2] = int(arr[2].replace('D0','').replace('d0',''))
            n = n + 1
        n = n + 1
    im = np.array(axis)
    ix = np.array(dir)
    R = helpers.rotate(ix, im)
    R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R)
    ex = np.asarray(np.matmul(R_inv, np.array([1,0,0])))[0]*lattice[0]
    ey = np.asarray(np.matmul(R_inv, np.array([0,1,0])))[0]*lattice[1]
    ez = np.asarray(np.matmul(R_inv, np.array([0,0,1])))[0]*lattice[2]
    maxZ = -1e20
    maxZI = 0
    minZ = 1e20
    minZI = 0
    for i in range(len(basis)):
        if basis[i][2]>maxZ:
            maxZI = i
            maxZ = basis[i][2]
        if basis[i][2]<minZ:
            minZI = i
            minZ = basis[i][2]
    n = 0
    m = 0
    diff = [0,0,0]
    ns = -_n
    ne = _n

    for x in range(ns, ne):
        for y in range(ns, ne):
            for z in range(ns, ne):
                diff[0] = (ex[0] * x + ex[1] * y + ex[2] * z)
                diff[1] = (ey[0] * x + ey[1] * y + ey[2] * z)
                diff[2] = (ez[0] * x + ez[1] * y + ez[2] * z)
                # Check if entire cell fits
                if (diff[2] + basis[maxZI][2]) <= zTop:
                    for i in range(len(basis)):
                        if onlyTop and i!=maxZI:
                        px = diff[0] + basis[i][0]
                        py = diff[1] + basis[i][1]
                        pz = diff[2] + basis[i][2]
                        if pz < zBottom:
                        site = [px,py,pz,_basis.atoms[i]]
                        if not site in crystal:
    print('Generated Points, Now Clearing Duplicates')
    n = len(crystal)
    print(str(n)+ ' Points to check')
    print('Duplicates Cleared')
    output = open('crystal.input', 'w')
    for site in crystal:
        output.write(str(site[0])+'\t'+str(site[1])+ '\t'+ str(site[2]) \
    return crystal
Ejemplo n.º 14
def tiles(island, tileset):
    for row in range(len(island)):
        for col in range(len(island[0])):
            if island[row][col] == 1: island[row][col] = rotate(get_tile(tileset['mainland']), rand(4)*90)
            elif island[row][col] == 2: island[row][col] = shore_tile(island, tileset, row, col)