Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_connection(self, args, hpn_query=None, rev_query=None, port_query=None, exact_match=False, 
                             return_dictionary=True, show_connection=False):
        Return information on parts connected to args.connection -- NEED TO INCLUDE USING START/STOP_TIME!!!
        It should get connections immediately adjacent to one part (upstream and downstream).

        Returns connection_dict, a dictionary keyed on part number of adjacent connections

        args:  arguments as per mc and parts argument parser
        hpn_query:  the input hera part number (whole or first part thereof)
        port_query:  a specifiable port name,  default is 'all'
        exact_match:  boolean to enforce full part number match
        show_connection:  boolean to call show_part or not

        if hpn_query is None:
            hpn_query = args.connection
            exact_match = args.exact_match
        if rev_query is None:
            rev_query = args.revision_number
        if not exact_match and hpn_query[-1]!='%':
            hpn_query = hpn_query+'%'
        if port_query is None:
            port_query = args.specify_port
        connection_dict = {}
        db = mc.connect_to_mc_db(args)
        with db.sessionmaker() as session:
            ### Find where the part is in the upward connection
            for match_connection in session.query(part_connect.Connections).filter(part_connect.Connections.up.like(hpn_query)):
                if port_query=='all' or match_connection.b_on_up == port_query:
                    #-#THIS SHOULD HAVE WORKED BUT DOESN'T#-#
                    #-#if match_connection.up not in connection_dict.keys() and match_connection.up in self.connections_dictionary.keys():
                    #-#    connection_dict[match_connection.up] = copy.deepcopy(self.connections_dictionary[match_connection.up])
                    #-#    continue
                    if match_connection.up not in connection_dict.keys():
                        revq = rev_query.upper()
                        if revq == 'LAST':
                            if match_connection.up not in self.last_revisions.keys():
                                self.last_revisions[match_connection.up] = part_connect.get_last_revision_number(args,match_connection.up,False)
                            revq = self.last_revisions[match_connection.up]
                        connection_dict[match_connection.up] = {'rev':revq,
                                                                'a_ports':[], 'up_parts':[],   'up_rev':[],  'b_on_up':[], 
                                                                'b_ports':[], 'down_parts':[], 'down_rev':[],'a_on_down':[],
                                                                'start_on_down':[], 'stop_on_down':[], 'repr_down':[],
                                                                'start_on_up':[],   'stop_on_up':[],   'repr_up':[]}
            ### Find where the part is in the downward connection
            for match_connection in session.query(part_connect.Connections).filter(part_connect.Connections.down.like(hpn_query)):
                if port_query=='all' or match_connection.a_on_down == port_query:
                    #-#THIS SHOULD HAVE WORKED BUT DOESN'T#-#
                    #-#if match_connection.down not in connection_dict.keys() and match_connection.down in self.connections_dictionary.keys():
                    #-#    connection_dict[match_connection.down] = copy.deepcopy(self.connections_dictionary[match_connection.down])
                    #-#    continue
                    if match_connection.down not in connection_dict.keys():
                        revq = rev_query.upper()
                        if revq == 'LAST':
                            if match_connection.down not in self.last_revisions.keys():
                                self.last_revisions[match_connection.down] = part_connect.get_last_revision_number(args,match_connection.down,False)
                            revq = self.last_revisions[match_connection.down]
                        connection_dict[match_connection.down] = {'rev':revq,
                                                                  'a_ports':[], 'up_parts':[],   'up_rev':[],  'b_on_up':[], 
                                                                  'b_ports':[], 'down_parts':[], 'down_rev':[],'a_on_down':[],
                                                                  'start_on_down':[], 'stop_on_down':[], 'repr_down':[],
                                                                  'start_on_up':[],   'stop_on_up':[],   'repr_up':[]}
        connection_dict = self.__check_ports(args,connection_dict,rev_query)
        for pkey in connection_dict.keys():
            if pkey not in self.connections_dictionary.keys():
                self.connections_dictionary[pkey] = copy.copy(connection_dict[pkey])
        if show_connection:
            self.show_connection(args, connection_dict)
        if return_dictionary:
            return connection_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_part(self, args, hpn_query=None, rev_query=None, exact_match=False, return_dictionary=True, show_part=False):
        Return information on a part.  It will return all matching first characters unless exact_match==True.

        Returns part_dict, a dictionary keyed on hera part number with part data as found in hera_mc tables

        args:  arguments as per mc and parts argument parser
        hpn_query:  the input hera part number (whole or first part thereof)
        exact_match:  boolean to enforce full part number match
        show_part:  boolean to call show_part or not

        if hpn_query is None:
            hpn_query = args.hpn
            exact_match = args.exact_match
        if rev_query is None:
            rev_query = args.revision_number
        if not exact_match and hpn_query[-1]!='%':
            hpn_query = hpn_query+'%'

        local_parts_keys = []
        part_dict = {}
        db = mc.connect_to_mc_db(args)
        with db.sessionmaker() as session:
            ### Get parts to check and fill in last_revisions and connections_dictionary as able
            for match_part in session.query(part_connect.Parts).filter(part_connect.Parts.hpn.like(hpn_query)):
                if match_part.hpn not in local_parts_keys:
                    if match_part.hpn not in self.last_revisions.keys():
                        self.last_revisions[match_part.hpn] = part_connect.get_last_revision_number(args,match_part.hpn,False)
                    if match_part.hpn not in self.connections_dictionary.keys():
                        self.get_connection(args, hpn_query=match_part.hpn, rev_query = rev_query, port_query='all', 
                                        exact_match=True, return_dictionary=False, show_connection=False)
            ### Now get unique part/rev and put into dictionary
            for match_key in local_parts_keys:
                revq = rev_query.upper()
                if revq == 'LAST':
                    revq = self.last_revisions[match_key]
                part_query = session.query(part_connect.Parts).filter( (part_connect.Parts.hpn==match_key) &
                                                                       (part_connect.Parts.hpn_rev==revq) )
                part_and_rev = part_query.all()
                part_cnt = part_query.count()
                if not part_cnt:     ### None found.
                elif part_cnt == 1:
                    part = part_and_rev[0]   ### Found only one.
                    is_connected = self.is_in_connections_db(args,part.hpn,part.hpn_rev)
                    psd_for_dict = part.stop_date
                    if not part.stop_date:
                        psd_for_dict = 'N/A'
                    part_dict[part.hpn] = {'rev':part.hpn_rev, 'is_connected':is_connected,
                                           'hptype': part.hptype,
                                           'manufacturer_number': part.manufacturer_number,
                                           'start_date': part.start_date, 'stop_date': psd_for_dict,
                                           'a_ports': [], 'b_ports': [], 'short_description':'', 'geo':None}
                    part_dict[part.hpn]['repr'] = part.__repr__()  # Keep for now
                    for part_info in session.query(part_connect.PartInfo).filter( (part_connect.PartInfo.hpn == part.hpn) &
                                                                                  (part_connect.PartInfo.hpn_rev == part.hpn_rev) ):
                        part_dict[part.hpn]['short_description'] = part_info.short_description
                    part_dict[part.hpn]['a_ports'] = self.connections_dictionary[part.hpn]['a_ports']
                    part_dict[part.hpn]['b_ports'] = self.connections_dictionary[part.hpn]['b_ports']
                    if part.hptype == 'station':
                        args.locate = part.hpn
                        part_dict[part.hpn]['geo'] = geo_location.locate_station(args, show_geo=False)
                    if part.hpn not in self.parts_dictionary.keys():
                        self.parts_dictionary[part.hpn] = part_dict[part.hpn]  ### This only handles the most recent revs.
                else:   ### Found more than one, which shouldn't happen.
                    print("Warning part_handling:175:  Well, being here is a surprise -- should only be one part.", part.hpn)
        if show_part:
            if len(part_dict.keys()) == 0:
                print(hpn_query,' not found.')
                self.show_part(args, part_dict)
        if return_dictionary:
            return part_dict