Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_message(self, new_message: UDPMessage) -> NoReturn:
        """Read incoming message and do the needed action associated to the message.

        This function contains three cases, the first one is when the added message requires the creation of a new
        topic. The function will create the topic if it is possible and then will check the dead letter queue to
        check if there are messages associated to this new topic. The outdated messages in the dlq will be deleted at
        this step.

        The second case is when a data message is received. If the associated topic exists, the message will be added to
        this topic. If the topic is completed with the incoming message, the image will be rebuild and
        added to img_queue.

        The third case is when the message cannot be processed now. If it is the case it will be put in the dlq to be
        processed later.

        :param new_message: The message to process.
        topic = int.from_bytes(new_message.topic, 'little')
        msg_nb = int.from_bytes(new_message.message_nb, 'little')
        if msg_nb == 0 and (topic not in self.open_topic.keys()):
            self.open_topic[topic] = VideoTopic.from_message(new_message)
        elif topic in self.open_topic.keys(
        ) and self.open_topic[topic].nb_packet >= msg_nb:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_from_message_correctly_create_a_new_video_topic():
    # Given
    nb_packet = 3
    total_bytes = 90
    height = 10
    length = 3
    pixel_size = 3

    expected_payload = nb_packet.to_bytes(ImageManager.NB_PACKET_SIZE, 'little') + total_bytes.to_bytes(
        ImageManager.TOTAL_BYTES_SIZE, 'little') + height.to_bytes(ImageManager.HEIGHT_SIZE, 'little') + length.to_bytes(
        ImageManager.LENGTH_SIZE, 'little') + pixel_size.to_bytes(ImageManager.SIZE_PIXEL_SIZE, 'little')
    expected_topic = 10

    # When
    header = ImageManager.get_header_msg(expected_topic, nb_packet, total_bytes, height, length, pixel_size)
    header_message = UDPMessage.from_bytes(header)
    result = VideoTopic.from_message(header_message)

    # Then
    assert result.nb_packet == nb_packet
    assert result.total_bytes == total_bytes
    assert result.height == height
    assert result.length == length
    assert result.pixel_size == pixel_size
    assert result.time_creation == int.from_bytes(header_message.time_creation, 'little')