Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_plant():
    """Example of a network using a dynamic plant as the output layer."""

    eps = 1e-6  # value to use for finite differences computations
    dt = 1e-2  # size of time step
    sig_len = 40  # how many time steps to train over
    batch_size = 32  # how many updates to perform with static input
    num_batches = 20000  # how many batches to run total

    import sys
    # NOTE: Change to wherever you keep your arm models
    from arms.two_link.arm_python import Arm as Arm
    print 'Plant is: ', Arm
    arm = Arm(dt=dt, init_q=[0.736134824578, 1.85227640003])

    num_states = arm.DOF * 2  # are states are [positions, velocities]
    targets = gen_targets(arm=arm, sig_len=sig_len)  # target joint angles
    init_state = np.zeros((len(targets), num_states))  # initial velocity = 0
    init_state[:, :arm.DOF] = arm.init_q  # set up the initial joint angles
    plant = PlantArm(arm=arm, targets=targets, init_state=init_state, eps=eps)

    # open up weights folder and checked for saved weights
    import glob
    files = sorted(glob.glob('weights/rnn*'))
    if len(files) > 0:
        # if weights found, load them up and keep going from last trial
        W = np.load(files[-1])['arr_0']
        print 'loading from ', files[-1]
        last_trial = int(
        print 'last_trial: ', last_trial
        # if no weights found, start fresh with new random seed
        W = None
        last_trial = -1
        seed = np.random.randint(100000000)
        print 'seed : ', seed

    # specify the network structure and loss functions
    from hessianfree.loss_funcs import SquaredError, SparseL2
    rnn = RNNet(
        # specify the number of nodes in each layer
        shape=[num_states * 2, 32, 32, num_states, num_states],
        # specify the function of the nodes in each layer
        layers=[Linear(), Tanh(), Tanh(),
                Linear(), plant],
        # specify the layers that have recurrent connections
        rec_layers=[1, 2],
        # specify the connections between layers
            0: [1, 2],
            1: [2],
            2: [3],
            3: [4]
        # specify the loss function
            # squared error between plant output and targets

    # set up masking so that weights between network output
    # and the plant aren't modified in learning, always = 1
    offset, W_end, b_end = rnn.offsets[(3, 4)]
    rnn.mask = np.zeros(rnn.W.shape, dtype=bool)
    rnn.mask[offset:b_end] = True
    rnn.W[offset:W_end] = np.eye(4).flatten()

    for ii in range(last_trial + 1, num_batches):
        print '============================================='
        print 'training batch ', ii
        err = rnn.run_batches(plant,
        # save the weights to file, track trial and error
        err = rnn.best_error
        name = 'weights/rnn_weights-trial%04i-err%.5f' % (ii, err)
        np.savez_compressed(name, rnn.W)
        print '============================================='
        print 'network: ', name
        print 'final error: ', err
        print '============================================='

    return rnn.best_error
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_plant():
    """Example of a network using a dynamic plant as the output layer."""

    eps = 1e-6 # value to use for finite differences computations
    dt = 1e-2 # size of time step 
    sig_len = 40 # how many time steps to train over
    batch_size = 32 # how many updates to perform with static input
    num_batches = 20000 # how many batches to run total

    import sys
    # NOTE: Change to wherever you keep your arm models
    from arms.two_link.arm_python import Arm as Arm
    print 'Plant is: ', Arm
    arm = Arm(dt=dt, init_q=[0.736134824578, 1.85227640003])

    num_states = arm.DOF * 2 # are states are [positions, velocities]
    targets = gen_targets(arm=arm, sig_len=sig_len) # target joint angles
    init_state = np.zeros((len(targets), num_states)) # initial velocity = 0
    init_state[:, :arm.DOF] = arm.init_q # set up the initial joint angles 
    plant = PlantArm(arm=arm, targets=targets, 
                        init_state=init_state, eps=eps)

    # open up weights folder and checked for saved weights
    import glob
    files = sorted(glob.glob('weights/rnn*'))
    if len(files) > 0:
        # if weights found, load them up and keep going from last trial
        W = np.load(files[-1])['arr_0'] 
        print 'loading from ', files[-1]
        last_trial = int(files[-1].split('weights/rnn_weights-trial')[1].split('-err')[0])
        print 'last_trial: ', last_trial
        # if no weights found, start fresh with new random seed
        W = None
        last_trial = -1
        seed = np.random.randint(100000000)
        print 'seed : ', seed

    # specify the network structure and loss functions
    from hessianfree.loss_funcs import SquaredError, SparseL2
    rnn = RNNet(
        # specify the number of nodes in each layer
        shape=[num_states * 2, 32, 32, num_states, num_states], 
        # specify the function of the nodes in each layer
        layers=[Linear(), Tanh(), Tanh(), Linear(), plant],
        # specify the layers that have recurrent connections
        # specify the connections between layers
        conns={0:[1, 2], 1:[2], 2:[3], 3:[4]},
        # specify the loss function
            # squared error between plant output and targets

    # set up masking so that weights between network output
    # and the plant aren't modified in learning, always = 1
    offset, W_end, b_end = rnn.offsets[(3,4)]
    rnn.mask = np.zeros(rnn.W.shape, dtype=bool)
    rnn.mask[offset:b_end] = True
    rnn.W[offset:W_end] = np.eye(4).flatten()

    for ii in range(last_trial+1, num_batches):
        print '============================================='
        print 'training batch ', ii
        err = rnn.run_batches(plant, None, max_epochs=batch_size,
                        optimizer=HessianFree(CG_iter=96, init_damping=100))
        # save the weights to file, track trial and error 
        err = rnn.best_error
        name = 'weights/rnn_weights-trial%04i-err%.5f'%(ii, err) 
        np.savez_compressed(name, rnn.W)
        print '============================================='
        print 'network: ', name
        print 'final error: ', err 
        print '============================================='

    return rnn.best_error