Ejemplo n.º 1
 def find_max(A, len_):
     max_ = hcl.local(A[0], "max")
     act_ = hcl.local(0, "act")
     with hcl.for_(0, len_) as i:
         with hcl.if_(A[i] > max_[0]):
             max_[0] = A[i]
             act_[0] = i
     return max_[0], act_[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def align(curr_i, curr_j, next_i, next_j):
            outA = hcl.local(0, "a")
            outB = hcl.local(0, "b")

            with hcl.if_(next_i[0] == curr_i[0]):
                outA[0] = 0
            with hcl.else_():
                outA[0] = seqA[curr_i[0] - 1]

            with hcl.if_(next_j[0] == curr_j[0]):
                outB[0] = 0
            with hcl.else_():
                outB[0] = seqB[curr_j[0] - 1]
            return outA[0], outB[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def insertion_sort(A):

    # Introduce a stage.
    with hcl.Stage("S"):
        # for i in range(1, A.shape[0])
        # We can name the axis
        with hcl.for_(1, A.shape[0], name="i") as i:
            key = hcl.local(A[i], "key")
            j = hcl.local(i - 1, "j")
            # while(j >= 0 && key < A[j])
            with hcl.while_(hcl.and_(j >= 0, key < A[j])):
                A[j + 1] = A[j]
                j[0] -= 1
            A[j + 1] = key[0]
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def clamp(val, min_, max_):
     local = hcl.local(val)
     with hcl.if_(val < min_):
         local[0] = min_
     with hcl.elif_(val > max_):
         local[0] = max_
     return local[0]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def update_knn(dist, knn_mat, i, j):
     max_id = hcl.local(0, "max_id")
     with hcl.for_(0, 3) as k:
         with hcl.if_(knn_mat[i][k] > knn_mat[i][max_id.v]):
             max_id.v = k
     with hcl.if_(dist[i][j] < knn_mat[i][max_id.v]):
         knn_mat[i][max_id.v] = dist[i][j]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def Sigmoid(exponent):
   ret = hcl.local(0.0, "sigmoid", FTYPE)
   with hcl.if_(exponent > hcl.cast(FTYPE, 4.0)):
     ret[0] = 1.0
   with hcl.elif_(exponent < hcl.cast(FTYPE, -4.0)):
     ret[0] = 0.0
   with hcl.else_():
     with hcl.if_(exponent < hcl.cast(FTYPE, 0.0)):
       num = hcl.local(0, dtype = hcl.UFixed(18, 8))
       num[0][18:0] = exponent[29:11]
       num[0] = ~(num[0] << 8) + 1
       index = 2047.0 - num[0]
       ret[0] = lut[hcl.cast(hcl.Int(32), index)]
     with hcl.else_():
       index = exponent[21:11]
       ret[0] = lut[hcl.cast(hcl.Int(32), index)]
   return ret[0]
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _mvpodd_reduce(*args):
     """compute {1, -1} dot product on packed data."""
     temp = hcl.local(0, name='mvpodd_acc', dtype=hcl.Int(64))
     with hcl.for_(0, in_block_num) as o:
         with hcl.for_(0, block_size) as i:
             temp[0] += tvm.popcount(d_packed[args[0], i+block_size*o] ^ w_packed[args[1], i+block_size*o])
     temp[0] = ppac_config.elem_num - temp[0]*2
     return temp[0]
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def kernel(A):
     with hcl.Stage():
         i = hcl.local(0)
         with hcl.while_(True):
             with hcl.if_(i[0] > 5):
             A[i[0]] = i[0]
             i[0] += 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_next(action, i, j):
     act_ = hcl.local(action[i][j], "act")
     next_i = hcl.local(0, "next_i")
     next_j = hcl.local(0, "next_j")
     with hcl.if_(act_[0] == 0):
         next_i[0] = i - 1
         next_j[0] = j - 1
     with hcl.elif_(act_[0] == 1):
         next_i[0] = i - 1
         next_j[0] = j
     with hcl.elif_(act_[0] == 2):
         next_i[0] = i
         next_j[0] = j - 1
     with hcl.else_():
         next_i[0] = i
         next_j[0] = j
     return next_i[0], next_j[0]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def sort_knn(knn_mat, i, j):
     val = hcl.local(0, "val")
     with hcl.if_( j == 1 ):
         with hcl.if_( knn_mat[i][1] > knn_mat[i][2] ):
             val.v = knn_mat[i][1] 
             knn_mat[i][1] = knn_mat[i][2]
             knn_mat[i][2] = val.v
     with hcl.else_():
         with hcl.if_( knn_mat[i][0] > knn_mat[i][1] ):
             val.v = knn_mat[i][0] 
             knn_mat[i][0] = knn_mat[i][1]
             knn_mat[i][1] = val.v
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def fft(X_real, X_imag, IndexTable, F_real, F_imag):
        L = X_real.shape[0]
        if np.log2(L) % 1 > 0:
            raise ValueError("Length of input vector (1d tensor) must be power of 2")
        num_stages = int(np.log2(L))

        # bit reverse permutation
        hcl.update(F_real, lambda i: X_real[IndexTable[i]], name='F_real_update')
        hcl.update(F_imag, lambda i: X_imag[IndexTable[i]], name='F_imag_update')

        with hcl.Stage("Out"):
            one = hcl.local(1, dtype="int32")
            with hcl.for_(0, num_stages) as stage:
                DFTpts = one[0] << (stage + 1)
                numBF = DFTpts / 2
                e = -2 * np.pi / DFTpts
                a = hcl.local(0)
                with hcl.for_(0, numBF) as j:
                    c = hcl.local(hcl.cos(a[0]))
                    s = hcl.local(hcl.sin(a[0]))
                    a[0] = a[0] + e
                    with hcl.for_(j, L + DFTpts - 1, DFTpts) as i:
                        i_lower = i + numBF
                        temp_r = hcl.local(F_real[i_lower] * c - F_imag[i_lower] * s)
                        temp_i = hcl.local(F_imag[i_lower] * c + F_real[i_lower] * s)
                        F_real[i_lower] = F_real[i] - temp_r[0]
                        F_imag[i_lower] = F_imag[i] - temp_i[0]
                        F_real[i] = F_real[i] + temp_r[0]
                        F_imag[i] = F_imag[i] + temp_i[0]
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def knn_vote(knn_mat, j):
     id0 = hcl.local(0, "id0")
     id1 = hcl.local(0, "id1")
     id2 = hcl.local(0, "id2")
     count = hcl.local(0, "count")
     with hcl.for_(0, 10) as n:
         with hcl.if_(knn_mat[n][0] < knn_mat[id0.v][0]):
             id0.v = n
     with hcl.for_(0, 10) as m:
         with hcl.if_(knn_mat[m][0] < knn_mat[id1.v][0]):
             id1.v = m
     with hcl.for_(0, 10) as k:
         with hcl.if_(knn_mat[k][0] < knn_mat[id2.v][0]):
             id2.v = k
     with hcl.if_(j == id0.v):
         count.v += 1 
     with hcl.elif_(j == id1.v):
         count.v += 1 
     with hcl.elif_(j == id2.v):
         count.v += 1 
     with hcl.else_():
         count.v += 0 
     return count.v
Ejemplo n.º 13
        def loop_kernel(labels):
            # assign cluster
            with hcl.for_(0, N, name="N") as n:
                min_dist = hcl.local(100000)
                with hcl.for_(0, K) as k:
                    dist = hcl.local(0)
                    with hcl.for_(0, dim) as d:
                        dist_ = points[n, d] - means[k, d]
                        dist[0] += dist_ * dist_
                    with hcl.if_(dist[0] < min_dist[0]):
                        min_dist[0] = dist[0]
                        labels[n] = k
            # update mean
            num_k = hcl.compute((K, ), lambda x: 0)
            sum_k = hcl.compute((K, dim), lambda x, y: 0)

            def calc_sum(n):
                num_k[labels[n]] += 1
                with hcl.for_(0, dim) as d:
                    sum_k[labels[n], d] += points[n, d]

            hcl.mutate((N, ), lambda n: calc_sum(n), "calc_sum")
            hcl.update(means, lambda k, d: sum_k[k, d] // num_k[k],
Ejemplo n.º 14
#d1Local is N(d1); d2local is N(d2)
Loop = 1
X = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
T = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
S = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
r = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
sigma = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
C = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
P = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
xdiv1 = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
xdiv2 = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
d1Local = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
d2Local = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
with hcl.stage() as s:
    xlogterm = hcl.local(0)
    xlogterm[0] = hcl.log(S[0] / X[0])
    xpowerterm = hcl.local(0)
    xpowerterm[0] = 0.5 * sigma[0] * sigma[0]
    xnum = hcl.local(0)
    xnum[0] = xlogterm[0] + (r[0] + xpowerterm[0]) * T[0]
    xsqrtterm = hcl.local(0)
    xsqrtterm[0] = hcl.sqrt(T[0])
    xden = hcl.local(0)
    xden[0] = sigma[0] * xsqrtterm[0]
    #xdiv1 = hcl.local(0)
    xdiv1[0] = xnum[0] / xden[0]
    #xdiv2 = hcl.local(0)
    xdiv2[0] = xdiv1[0] - xden[0]
    futurevaluex = hcl.local(0)
    futurevaluex[0] = X[0] * hcl.exp(-r[0] * T[0])
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def mul(A, B, x):
     temp = hcl.local(0)
     with hcl.for_(0, x) as i:
         temp[0] += add(A, B, x)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def kernel(A):
     with hcl.Stage():
         a = hcl.local(0)
         with hcl.while_(a[0] < 10):
             A[a[0]] = a[0]
             a[0] += 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def popcount(num):
     out = hcl.local(0, "out")
     with hcl.for_(0, train_images.type.bits) as i:
         # Bit selection operation
         out[0] += num[i]
     return out[0]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def smith_waterman(seqA, seqB, consA, consB):
        def similarity_score(a, b):
            return hcl.select(a == b, 1, penalty)

        def find_max(A, len_):
            max_ = hcl.local(A[0], "max")
            act_ = hcl.local(0, "act")
            with hcl.for_(0, len_) as i:
                with hcl.if_(A[i] > max_[0]):
                    max_[0] = A[i]
                    act_[0] = i
            return max_[0], act_[0]

        matrix_max = hcl.local(0, "maxtrix_max")
        i_max = hcl.local(0, "i_max")
        j_max = hcl.local(0, "j_max")

        matrix = hcl.compute((lenA + 1, lenB + 1), lambda x, y: 0, "matrix")
        action = hcl.compute(matrix.shape, lambda x, y: 3, "action")

        def populate_matrix(i, j):
            trace_back = hcl.compute((4, ), lambda x: 0, "trace_back")

            with hcl.if_(hcl.and_(i != 0, j != 0)):
                trace_back[0] = matrix[i-1, j-1] + \
                                similarity_score(seqA[i-1], seqB[j-1])
                trace_back[1] = matrix[i - 1, j] + penalty
                trace_back[2] = matrix[i, j - 1] + penalty
                trace_back[3] = 0
                matrix[i, j], action[i, j] = find_max(trace_back, 4)
                with hcl.if_(matrix[i, j] > matrix_max[0]):
                    matrix_max[0] = matrix[i, j]
                    i_max[0] = i
                    j_max[0] = j

        P = hcl.mutate((lenA + 1, lenB + 1),
                       lambda i, j: populate_matrix(i, j))

        def align(curr_i, curr_j, next_i, next_j):
            outA = hcl.local(0, "a")
            outB = hcl.local(0, "b")

            with hcl.if_(next_i[0] == curr_i[0]):
                outA[0] = 0
            with hcl.else_():
                outA[0] = seqA[curr_i[0] - 1]

            with hcl.if_(next_j[0] == curr_j[0]):
                outB[0] = 0
            with hcl.else_():
                outB[0] = seqB[curr_j[0] - 1]
            return outA[0], outB[0]

        def get_next(action, i, j):
            act_ = hcl.local(action[i][j], "act")
            next_i = hcl.local(0, "next_i")
            next_j = hcl.local(0, "next_j")
            with hcl.if_(act_[0] == 0):
                next_i[0] = i - 1
                next_j[0] = j - 1
            with hcl.elif_(act_[0] == 1):
                next_i[0] = i - 1
                next_j[0] = j
            with hcl.elif_(act_[0] == 2):
                next_i[0] = i
                next_j[0] = j - 1
            with hcl.else_():
                next_i[0] = i
                next_j[0] = j
            return next_i[0], next_j[0]

        with hcl.Stage("T"):
            curr_i = hcl.local(i_max[0], "curr_i")
            curr_j = hcl.local(j_max[0], "curr_j")
            next_i = hcl.local(0, "next_i")
            next_j = hcl.local(0, "next_j")
            next_i[0], next_j[0] = get_next(action, curr_i[0], curr_j[0])
            tick = hcl.local(0, "tick")

            with hcl.while_(
                    hcl.or_(curr_i[0] != next_i[0], curr_j[0] != next_j[0])):
                consA[tick[0]], consB[tick[0]] = \
                    align(curr_i, curr_j, next_i, next_j)
                curr_i[0], curr_j[0] = next_i[0], next_j[0]
                next_i[0], next_j[0] = get_next(action, curr_i[0], curr_j[0])
                tick[0] += 1
Ejemplo n.º 19
def for_loop(a):
    with hcl.Stage("S"):
        b = hcl.local(a, "b")
        with hcl.for_(0, 5, name="i") as i:
            b[0] = b[0] + 1
        return b
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def bitcount(v):
     out = hcl.local(0, "out", dtype=hcl.UInt(32))
     with hcl.for_(0, 3) as i:
         out[0] += v[i]
     return out[0]
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _assign_val(*args):
     temp = hcl.local(0, name='sim_acc', dtype=hcl.UInt(64))
     temp[0] = tvm.popcount(~(x[args[0]] ^ y[args[1]]))
     return temp[0]
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _assign_val(*args):
     temp = hcl.local(0, name='pack_acc', dtype=hcl.UInt(8))
     with hcl.for_(0, 8) as i:
         temp[0] = temp[0] | (tensor[args[0], i + args[1]*8] << i)
     return temp[0]
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def popcount(num):
     out = hcl.local(0, "out")
     with hcl.for_(0, train_images.type.bits) as i:
         out.v += num[i]
     return out.v