Ejemplo n.º 1
def search_hash(h1, arr):
    lowest = -math.inf
    for index, h in enumerate(arr):
        hamming = hamming_distance(h1, h)
        if h != h1 and hamming > lowest:
            result = h
            lowest = hamming
            lowest_idx = index

    return [lowest, lowest_idx, result]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def hamming_dist(self, x, y):
     :param x: hex_str, e.g. 'f012d208' (a 32bits binary code)
     :param y: list, whose elements are hex_str
     :return: list
     results = [None] * len(y)
     for idx, yi in enumerate(y):
         results[idx] = hamming_distance(x, yi)
     return results
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def hammingsimilarity_countingsort(self, x, y, max_dist, threshold):
     jointly compute hamming distance and counting sort
     return the sorting results, and the top result whose distances are less than the threshold
     :param x: hex_str, e.g. 'f012d208' (a 32bits binary code)
     :param y: list, whose elements are hex_str
     :param max_dist: int, equal to code length
     :param threshold: int, the samples with distances less than it should be further refined
     # compute hamming distance and counting sort
     results = [[] for _ in range(max_dist + 1)]
     for idx, yi in enumerate(y):
         hamming_distance(x, yi)
         results[hamming_distance(x, yi)].append(idx)
     # return final sorting result and topk sorting result
     final_result = []
     for idx, value in enumerate(results):
         final_result += value
         top_result = None
         if idx == threshold:
             top_result = copy.deepcopy(final_result)
     return top_result, final_result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def func(x, sub_y, start_idx, suby_len):
    result = [None for _ in range(suby_len)]
    for idx, yi in enumerate(sub_y):
        result[idx] = (hamming_distance(x, yi), start_idx + idx)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def all_hamming(h1, arr):
    result = []
    for h in arr:
        result.append(hamming_distance(h1, h))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_hamming_distance_errors(hex1, hex2, exception, msg):
    with pytest.raises(exception) as excinfo:
        _ = hamming_distance(hex1, hex2)
    assert msg in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_hamming_distance(hex1, hex2, expected):
    assert hamming_distance(hex1, hex2) == expected