Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_stream(self):
        """ get the events of the channel.
        Return: the events in success or None in fail.
        _logger.info("create peer delivery stream")

        if self._signed_event is not None:
            return self._peer.delivery(self._signed_event,

        seek_info = self._create_seek_info(self._start, self._stop)

        kwargs = {}
        if self._peer._client_cert_path:
            with open(self._peer._client_cert_path, 'rb') as f:
                b64der = pem_to_der(f.read())
                kwargs['tls_cert_hash'] = sha256(b64der).digest()

        tx_context = TXContext(self._requestor, self._requestor.cryptoSuite,

        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            self._channel_name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch,

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)

        # this is a stream response
        return self._peer.delivery(envelope, filtered=self._filtered)
    def get_block_between(self, tx_context, orderer, start, end):
            tx_context: tx_context instance
            orderer: orderer instance
            start: id of block to start query for
            end: id of block to end query for

        Returns: block(s)
        seek_info = create_seek_info(start, end)
        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            self._name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)

        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)
        response = orderer.delivery(envelope)

        if response[0].block is None or response[0].block == '':
            _logger.error("fail to get block start from %s to %s" %
                          (str(start), str(end)))
            return None

        _logger.info("get block successfully, start from %s to %s" %
                     (str(start), str(end)))

        return response[0].block
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_genesis_block(self, tx_context, channel_name):
        """ get the genesis block of the channel.
        Return: the genesis block in success or None in fail.
        _logger.info("get genesis block - start")

        seek_info = create_seek_info(0, 0)
        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            channel_name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)
        response = self.delivery(envelope)

        if response[0].block is None or response[0].block == '':
            _logger.error("fail to get genesis block")
            return None

        _logger.info("get genesis block successfully, block=%s",
        return response[0].block
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_genesis_block(self, tx_context, channel_name):
        """get the genesis block of the channel

        :return: the genesis block in success or None in fail
        :rtype: Block/None
        _logger.info("get genesis block - start")

        seek_info = create_seek_info(0, 0)

        kwargs = {}
        if self._client_cert_path:
            with open(self._client_cert_path, 'rb') as f:
                b64der = pem_to_der(f.read())
                kwargs['tls_cert_hash'] = sha256(b64der).digest()

        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            channel_name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch, **kwargs)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)

        # this is a stream response
        return self.delivery(envelope)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_events(self,
        """ get the events of the channel.
        Return: the events in success or None in fail.
        _logger.info("get events")

        seek_info = create_seek_info(start, stop, behavior)

        kwargs = {}
        if self._client_cert_path:
            with open(self._client_cert_path, 'rb') as f:
                b64der = pem_to_der(f.read())
                kwargs['tls_cert_hash'] = sha256(b64der).digest()

        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            channel_name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch, **kwargs)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)

        # this is a stream response
        return self.delivery(envelope, filtered=filtered)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_genesis_block(self, tx_context, channel_name):
        """ get the genesis block of the channel.
        Return: the genesis block in success or None in fail.
        _logger.info("get genesis block - start")

        seek_info = create_seek_info(0, 0)
        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            channel_name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)

        # this is a stream response
        return self.delivery(envelope)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_genesis_block(self):
        """ get the genesis block of the channel.
        Return: the genesis block in success or None in fail.
        _logger.info("get genesis block - start")

        orderer = self._get_random_orderer()

        tx_context = self._client.tx_context

        seek_info = create_seek_info(0, 0)
        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            self.name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)

        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)
        q = Queue(1)
        response = orderer.delivery(envelope)
        response.subscribe(on_next=lambda x: q.put(x),
                           on_error=lambda x: q.put(x))

        res, _ = q.get(timeout=5)

        if res.block is None or res.block == '':
            _logger.error("fail to get genesis block")
            return None

        _logger.info("get genesis block successfully, block=%s",
        return res.block
    async def get_channel_config_with_orderer(self, tx_context, orderer):
        """Query the current config block for this channel

            tx_context: tx_context instance
            peers: peers in the channel

            :class:`ChaincodeQueryResponse` channelinfo with height,
            currently the only useful information.

        seek_info = create_seek_info()

        kwargs = {}
        if orderer._client_cert_path:
            with open(orderer._client_cert_path, 'rb') as f:
                b64der = pem_to_der(f.read())
                kwargs['tls_cert_hash'] = sha256(b64der).digest()

        seek_info_header = build_channel_header(
            common_pb2.HeaderType.Value('DELIVER_SEEK_INFO'), tx_context.tx_id,
            self.name, current_timestamp(), tx_context.epoch, **kwargs)

        seek_header = build_header(tx_context.identity, seek_info_header,

        seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
        sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
        envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)

        # this is a stream response
        block = None
        stream = orderer.delivery(envelope)
        async for v in stream:
            if v.block is None or v.block == '':
                msg = "fail to get block"
                raise Exception(msg)
            block = v.block

        block = BlockDecoder().decode(block.SerializeToString())

        last_config = block['metadata']['metadata'][common_pb2.LAST_CONFIG]

        # if nor first block
        if 'index' in last_config['value']:
            seek_info = create_seek_info(last_config['value']['index'],
            seek_payload_bytes = create_seek_payload(seek_header, seek_info)
            sig = tx_context.sign(seek_payload_bytes)
            envelope = create_envelope(sig, seek_payload_bytes)

            block = None
            stream = orderer.delivery(envelope)
            async for v in stream:
                if v.block is None or v.block == '':
                    msg = "fail to get block"
                    raise Exception(msg)
                block = v.block

            block = BlockDecoder().decode(block.SerializeToString())

        envelope = block['data']['data'][0]
        payload = envelope['payload']
        channel_header = payload['header']['channel_header']

        if channel_header['type'] != common_pb2.CONFIG:
            raise Exception(f'Block must be of type "CONFIG"'
                            f' ({common_pb2.CONFIG}), but got'
                            f' "{channel_header["type"]}" instead')

        config_envelope = payload['data']
        return config_envelope