Ejemplo n.º 1
    def hyper(self, dimnames, replacedim, indexed=False, all=True):
        if isinstance(replacedim, string_types):
            replacedim = self.ivardata[replacedim]
        out = DataBlock()
        out.blockname = self.blockname
        dims = []
        sortdata = []
        for x in dimnames:
            if indexed:
                newname = "%s_index" % x
                newname = x
        dims = tuple(dims)
        dims_shape = tuple(len(x.data) for x in dims)


        sortorder = sorted(zip(*sortdata))
        sortorderidx = [x[-1] for x in sortorder]

        for dim in dims:
            out.ivardata[dim.name] = dim

        for k, v in self.vardata.items():
            if replacedim not in v.dims:
                if all:
                    out[k] = v
                1 + 0  # coverage.py bug necessary to get coverage for
                # continue on next line
            if k in out.ivardata:
            i = v.dims_index(replacedim)
            v = hfarray(v.take(sortorderidx, axis=i), copy=False, order="C")
            new_shape = v.shape[:i] + dims_shape + v.shape[i + 1:]
            v.shape = new_shape
            v.dims = v.dims[:i] + dims + v.dims[i + 1:]
            out[k] = v

        for k, v in self.ivardata.items():
            if k not in out and k != replacedim.name:
                out[k] = v
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_4(self):
     a = DimSweep(self.dim, name="P")
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "P")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "Hz")
     self.assertAllclose(a.data, range(10))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_3(self):
     a = DimSweep(self.dim, unit="m")
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "a")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "m")
     self.assertAllclose(a.data, range(10))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_str(self):
     d = DimSweep("a", ["a"])
     self.assertEqual(d.outputformat, "%s")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_num(self):
     d = DimSweep("a", [1., 2., 3])
     self.assertEqual(d.outputformat, "%.16e")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_7(self):
     a = DimSweep("P", data=np.array([0, 1, 2]), unit="W")
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "P")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "W")
     self.assertAllclose(a.data, range(3))
Ejemplo n.º 7
                outputformat = dims[0].outputformat
        return _hfarray.__new__(subtype, data, dims=dims, dtype=dtype,
                                copy=copy, order=order, subok=subok,
                                ndmin=ndmin, unit=unit,
                                outputformat=outputformat, info=info)

class ValueArray(hfarray):
    """This class is included, for compatibility reasons.
    Do not use in new code."""

def make_matrix(data, dims, iname="i", jname="j"):
    dims = dims + (DimMatrix_i(iname, arange(data.shape[-2])),
                   DimMatrix_j(jname, arange(data.shape[-1])))
    return hfarray(data, dims, copy=False)

def make_vector(data, dims, jname="j"):
    dims = dims + (DimMatrix_j(jname, arange(data.shape[-1])),)
    return hfarray(data, dims, copy=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fi = DimSweep("freq", linspace(0, 10e9, 11))
    ri = DimRep("rep", range(10))
    a = hfarray(zeros((11, 10)), (fi, ri))
    b = hfarray(zeros((11, )), (fi, ))
    c = hfarray(zeros((10, )), (ri, ))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_date_1(self):
     res = np.array(["2012-05-30 12:12:31", "2012-05-31 12:12:31"],
     d = DimSweep("a", res)
     self.assertEqual(d.data.dtype, np.dtype("datetime64[us]"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_obj(self):
     d = DimSweep("a", np.array([Object(), Object()]))
     self.assertEqual(d.data.dtype, np.object)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_5(self):
     self._helper((DimSweep("d", 3), ComplexIndepAxis("cplx", 2),
                   ComplexDerivAxis("cplx", 2)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_1(self):
     a = DimSweep(self.dim)
     self.assertEqual(a, self.dim)
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "a")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "Hz")
     self.assertAllclose(a.data, range(10))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_2(self):
     self._helper((DimSweep("d", 3), ComplexDiagAxis("cplx", 2)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def setUp(self):
     self.dim = DimSweep("a", 10, unit="Hz")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_1(self):
     self._helper_false((DimSweep("d", 3), ))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_5(self):
     a = DimSweep(self.dim, name="P", unit="W", data=range(3))
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "P")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "W")
     self.assertAllclose(a.data, range(3))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_2(self):
     a = DimSweep(self.dim, data=range(5))
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "a")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "Hz")
     self.assertAllclose(a.data, range(5))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_6(self):
     a = DimSweep("P", data=set([0, 1, 2]), unit="W")
     self.assertEqual(a.name, "P")
     self.assertEqual(a.unit, "W")
     self.assertAllclose(sorted(a.data), range(3))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_empty(self):
     d = DimSweep("a", [])
     self.assertEqual(d.data.dtype, np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_hfarray(self):
     a = hfarray(self.dim)
     self.assertAllclose(a, range(10))
     self.assertEqual(a.dims, (DimSweep("a", 10, unit="Hz"), ))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_int(self):
     d = DimSweep("a", [1, 2, 3])
     self.assertEqual(d.outputformat, "%d")
Ejemplo n.º 21
class _hfarray(ndarray):
    u"""Basklass som ej skall anvandas direkt
    default_dim = (DimSweep("freq", array(0)), DimRep("rep", array(0)))

    def __new__(subtype, data, dims=None, dtype=None, copy=True, order=None,
                subok=False, ndmin=0, unit=None, outputformat=None, info=None):

        if info is not None:
            deprecate("hfarray, use dims not info")
            if dims is not None:
                raise ValueError("Can not specify both info and dims")
            dims = info

        # Make sure we are working with an array, and copy the data
        # if requested
        subarr = np.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy,
                          order=order, subok=subok,

        # Transform 'subarr' from an ndarray to our new subclass.
        subarr = subarr.view(subtype)

        # Use the specified 'dims' parameter if given
        if dims is None:
            if hasattr(data, 'dims'):
                dims = tuple(data.dims)
            elif subarr.ndim == 0:
                dims = tuple()
            elif len(subarr.shape) <= len(subtype.default_dim):
                dims = tuple(x.__class__(x.name, range(size))
                             for (x, size) in zip(subtype.default_dim,
                msg = ("On creation of %s *dims* "
                       "must be specified" % subtype.__name__)
                raise DimensionMismatchError(msg)

        subarr._dims = Dims(dims)
        # Check to see that dims matches shape
        if outputformat is not None:
            subarr.outputformat = outputformat
        elif hasattr(data, "outputformat"):
            subarr.outputformat = data.outputformat
            if is_integer(subarr):
                subarr.outputformat = "%d"
            elif is_numlike(subarr):
                subarr.outputformat = "%.16e"
            elif np.issubdtype(subarr.dtype, np.datetime64):
                subarr.outputformat = "%s"
                subarr.outputformat = "%s"

        # Finally, we must return the newly created object:
        if unit is None and hasattr(data, "unit"):
            subarr.__dict__["unit"] = data.unit
            subarr.__dict__["unit"] = unit
        return subarr

    def dims(self):
        return self._dims

    def dims(self, value):
        self._dims = Dims(value)

    def info(self):
        deprecate("hfarray, use dims not info")
        return self.dims

    def info(self, value):
        deprecate("hfarray, use dims not info")
        self.dims = value

    def __repr__(self):
        prefix = " " * (len(self.__class__.__name__) - 5)
        r = np.asarray(self).__repr__()
        rlist = r.split("\n")
        out = [rlist[0].replace("array", self.__class__.__name__)]

        for rad in rlist[1:]:
            out.append(prefix + rad)
        return "\n".join(out)

    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        self.__dict__["_dims"] = Dims(getattr(obj, "_dims", Dims()))
        self.__dict__["outputformat"] = getattr(obj, "outputformat", "%.16e")
        self.__dict__["unit"] = getattr(obj, "unit", None)

    def verify_dimension(self):
        u"""Internal function that checks to see if the arrays dimensions match
           those of the *dims* specification.
        if len(self.dims) != self.ndim:
            raise HFArrayShapeDimsMismatchError

    def dims_index(self, name, cls=None):
        u"""Leta upp index for axisobjekt med *name*
        for idx, ax in enumerate(self.dims):
            if ax.name == name:
                if cls is None:
                    return idx
                elif isinstance(ax, cls):
                    return idx
        msg = "Can not find AxisObject with name:%r and cls:%s" % (name, cls)
        raise IndexError(msg)

    def info_index(self, name, cls=None):
        deprecate("info_index deprecated")
        return self.dims_index(name, cls)

    def replace_dim(self, olddim, newdim):
        if isinstance(olddim, string_types):
            olddim = self.dims_index(olddim)
            olddim = self.dims[olddim]
            if np.issubclass_(newdim, DimBase):
                newdim = newdim(olddim)
        self.dims = replace_dim(self.dims, olddim, newdim)
        return self.dims

    def view(self, dtype=None, type=None):
        u"""Return view of *data* i.e. new *hfarray* object but pointing to
           same data.
        if type is None:
            return self.__class__(ndarray.view(self, dtype=self.dtype),
                                  dims=self.dims, copy=False)
            return ndarray.view(self, dtype=self.dtype, type=type)

    def reorder_dimensions(self, *order):
        u"""Omorganiserar ordningen pa Axis i *dims*. Genom att flytta Axis
           objekten som raknas upp i *order* till borjan.

        infos = list(self.dims[:])
        neworder = []
        for dim in order:
            del infos[infos.index(dim)]
        for dim in infos:
        return self.transpose(*neworder)

    def transpose(self, *order):
        u"""Returnerar hfarray med dimensionerna omorganiserade i ordning
        som ges av *order*. *order* anger index i *dims* listan.

           .. todo:: Ta aven emot en lista med Axis objekt.
        if not order:
            order = range(self.ndim)[::-1]
        return self.__class__(ndarray.transpose(self, *order),
                              dims=[self.dims[i] for i in order], copy=False)

    def T(self):
        return self.transpose()

    def t(self):
        """transpose dimensions indicated by DimMatrix_i and DimMatrix_j

        The position of the dimensions will be kept but the data will be

        The dimensions will be transformed like:
        (..., DimMatrix_i("i", [1, 2, 3]), DimMatrix_j("j", [1, 2]),) =>
        (..., DimMatrix_i("i", [1, 2]), DimMatrix_j("j", [1, 2, 3]),) =>
        di = None
        dj = None
        for dim in self.dims:
            if isinstance(dim, DimMatrix_i):
                di = dim
            elif isinstance(dim, DimMatrix_j):
                dj = dim
        if di is None or dj is None:
            return self
        i = self.dims_index(di)
        j = self.dims_index(dj)
        order = list(range(self.ndim))
        order[i], order[j] = order[j], order[i]
        out = self.transpose(*order)
        newdims = list(out.dims)
        newdims[i], newdims[j], = (DimMatrix_i(di.name, dj.data),
                                   DimMatrix_j(dj.name, di.data))
        out.dims = Dims(newdims)
        return out

    def take(self, indices, axis=None, out=None, mode="raise"):
        if axis is None:
            data = np.ndarray.take(self, indices, axis, out, mode)
            return hfarray(data, dims=(DimAnonymous("anon1", indices), ))
        axis = self.dims_index(axis_handler(self, axis))
        olddim = self.dims[axis]
        newdim = olddim.__class__(olddim.name, indices)
        data = np.ndarray.take(self, indices, axis, out, mode)
        newdims = list(self.dims)
        newdims[axis] = newdim
        data.dims = Dims(newdims)
        return data

    def squeeze(self, axis=None):
        u"""Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array.

        dims, dimidxs = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)

        if dims is None:
            newinfo = [ax for idx, ax in enumerate(self.dims)
                       if self.shape[idx] != 1]
            newinfo = [ax for idx, ax in enumerate(self.dims)
                       if idx not in dimidxs]
        return self.__class__(ndarray.squeeze(self, axis=dimidxs),
                              dims=newinfo, copy=False)

    def apply_outputformat(fun):
        def __getitem__(self, *x, **kw):
            out = fun(self, *x, **kw)
            if hasattr(self, "outputformat") and hasattr(out, "outputformat"):
                out.outputformat = self.outputformat
            if hasattr(self, "unit") and hasattr(out, "unit"):
                out.unit = self.unit
            return out
        return __getitem__

    def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
        return self.__getitem__(slice(start, stop))

    def __getitem__(self, x):
        if x is newaxis or (isinstance(x, tuple) and newaxis in x):
            return self.view(type=ndarray, dtype=self.dtype)[x]
        if x is Ellipsis:
            return self.view()
        if isinstance(x, tuple):
            indices = x
            indices = (x,)
        ellipsis_and_ints = True
        orig_indices = indices
        for i in indices:
            if isinstance(i, integer_types) or i is Ellipsis:
                ellipsis_and_ints = False

        ellips_count = len([i for i in indices
                            if isinstance(i, type(Ellipsis))])
        if ellips_count == 1:
            i = indices.index(Ellipsis)
            indices = (indices[:i] + (slice(None),) *
                       (self.ndim - (len(x) - 1)) + indices[i + 1:])
        elif ellips_count > 1:
            raise IndexError("Can not handle more than one Ellipsis")

        dims = self.dims
        testbool = (len(indices) == 1 and
                    isinstance(indices[0], hfarray) and
                    indices[0].dtype == bool)
        if testbool:
            reorder = []
            for dim in self.dims:
                if dim not in indices[0].dims:
            reorder2 = reorder + list(indices[0].dims)
            reordered = self.reorder_dimensions(*reorder2)
            if len(indices[0].dims) == 1:
                dim = indices[0].dims[0]
                newdim = dim.__class__(dim.name,
                newdim = get_new_anonymous_dim(self, int(np.sum(indices[0])))

            dims = (reordered.dims[:len(reorder)] +
                    (newdim,) +
                    reordered.dims[len(reorder) + len(indices[0].dims):])
            idx = (slice(None), ) * len(reorder) + (indices[0],)
            return hfarray(ndarray.__getitem__(reordered, idx), dims=dims)

        indices = indices + (slice(None),) * (self.ndim - len(indices))
        dims = []
        dim_in_indices = dict((x.dims[0].name, x.dims[0]) for x in indices
                              if isinstance(x, hfarray))
        for idx, dim in zip(indices, self.dims):
            if isinstance(idx, integer_types):
            elif isinstance(idx, slice):
                dims.append(dim_in_indices.get(dim.name, dim))
        if ellipsis_and_ints:
            indices = orig_indices
        out = ndarray.__getitem__(self, indices)
        if isinstance(out, ndarray):
            return self.__class__(out, dims=dims, copy=False)
            return out

    def __and__(self, other):
        q = ndarray.__and__(self, other)
        return q

    def __or__(self, other):
        q = ndarray.__or__(self, other)
        return q

    def __xor__(self, other):
        q = ndarray.__xor__(self, other)
        return q

    def __add__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__add__(self, other)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__sub__(self, other)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__mul__(self, other)

    def __div__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__div__(self, other)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__truediv__(self, other)

    def __pow__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__pow__(self, other)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        q = ndarray.__rand__(self, other)
        return q

    def __ror__(self, other):
        q = ndarray.__ror__(self, other)
        return q

    def __rxor__(self, other):
        q = ndarray.__rxor__(self, other)
        return q

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self.__add__(other)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return (-self).__add__(other)

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        return self.__mul__(other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return ndarray.__eq__(self, other)

    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return np.divide(other, self)

    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        return np.divide(other, self)

    def __rpow__(self, other):
        return np.power(other, self)

    def __abs__(self):
        return ndarray.__abs__(self)

    def __neg__(self):
        return ndarray.__neg__(self)

    def copy(self):
        u"""Skapa kopia av objekt
        return self.__class__(self)

    def rss(self, axis=None):
        u"""Berakna kvadratsumma over *axis*. Dar *axis* specas av index till

           .. todo:: Ta aven emot en lista med Axis objekt.
        return (abs(self) ** 2).sum(axis) ** 0.5

    def sum(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False,
            dims, dimidx = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)
        except IndexError:
            if dimerror:
                return self
        r = np.asarray(self).sum(dimidx, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True)
        res = hfarray(r, dims=self.dims)
        if not keepdims:
            res = res.squeeze(axis=dimidx)
        return res

    def mean(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False,
            dims, dimidx = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)
        except IndexError:
            if dimerror:
                return self
        r = np.asarray(self).mean(dimidx, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True)
        res = hfarray(r, dims=self.dims)
        if not keepdims:
            res = res.squeeze(axis=dimidx)
        return res

    def std(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False,
        u"""Berakna standardavvikelse over *axis*. Dar *axis* specas av index
           till *dims*.

           .. todo:: Ta aven emot en lista med Axis objekt.
            dims, dimidx = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)
        except IndexError:
            if dimerror:
                return self
        r = np.asarray(self).std(dimidx, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True)
        res = hfarray(r, dims=self.dims)
        if not keepdims:
            res = res.squeeze(axis=dimidx)
        return res

    def var(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False,
        u"""Berakna standardavvikelse over *axis*. Dar *axis* specas av index
           till *dims*.

           .. todo:: Ta aven emot en lista med Axis objekt.
            dims, dimidx = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)
        except IndexError:
            if dimerror:
                return self
        r = np.asarray(self).var(dimidx, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True)
        res = hfarray(r, dims=self.dims)
        if not keepdims:
            res = res.squeeze(axis=dimidx)
        return res

    def min(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False, dimerror=True):
        u"""Berakna minsta varde over *axis*. Dar *axis* specas av index
           till *dims*.

           .. todo:: Ta aven emot en lista med Axis objekt.
            dims, dimidx = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)
        except IndexError:
            if dimerror:
                return self
        r = np.asarray(self).min(dimidx, out=out, keepdims=True)
        res = hfarray(r, dims=self.dims)
        if not keepdims:
            res = res.squeeze(axis=dimidx)
        return res

    def max(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False, dimerror=True):
        u"""Berakna storsta varde over *axis*. Dar *axis* specas av index
           till *dims*.

           .. todo:: Ta aven emot en lista med Axis objekt.
            dims, dimidx = multiple_axis_handler(self, axis)
        except IndexError:
            if dimerror:
                return self
        r = np.asarray(self).max(dimidx, out=out, keepdims=True)
        res = hfarray(r, dims=self.dims)
        if not keepdims:
            res = res.squeeze(axis=dimidx)
        return res

    def cumprod(self, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None):
        if axis is None:
            raise HFArrayError("Must choose axis for cumulative product")
        axis = axis_handler(self, axis)
        result = np.asarray(self).cumprod(axis=self.dims_index(axis),
                                          dtype=dtype, out=out)
        return self.__class__(result, dims=self.dims, copy=False)

    def cumsum(self, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None):
        if axis is None:
            raise HFArrayError("Must choose axis for cumulative product")
        axis = axis_handler(self, axis)
        result = np.asarray(self).cumsum(axis=self.dims_index(axis),
                                         dtype=dtype, out=out)
        return self.__class__(result, dims=self.dims, copy=False)

    def help(self):
        out = "\n".join(["class: %(_class)s",
                         "dtype: %(dtype)s",
                         "shape: %(shape)r",
                         "dims:  (%(dims)s)"])
        dims = ["%r" % self.dims[0]]
        for i in self.dims[1:]:
            dims.append("        %r" % i)
        out = out % dict(_class=self.__class__.__name__,
        return out

    def add_dim(self, dim, axis=0):
        if dim is None:
            return self
        if dim in self.dims:
            return self
        axis = min(axis, self.ndim)
        out = self[(slice(None), ) * axis + (None, )]
        if len(dim.data) > 1:
            out = out.repeat(len(dim.data), axis)
        dims = list(self.dims)
        dims.insert(axis, dim)
        return self.__class__(out, dims=dims, copy=False)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    vg              <6x6x201>
    def complex_normal(loc=0, scale=1, dims=None):
        size = [x.data.shape[0] for x in dims]
        result = np.empty(size, np.complex128)
        result[:].real = rnd.normal(loc, scale, size)
        result[:].imag = rnd.normal(loc, scale, size)
        return hfarray(result, dims=dims)

    def normal(loc=0, scale=1, dims=None):
        size = [x.data.shape[0] for x in dims]
        return hfarray(rnd.normal(loc, scale, size), dims=dims)

    db = DataBlock()
    db.blockname = "RFmeas.LDMOS69.Spar"
    freq = DimSweep("freq", linspace(50e6, 20.05e9, 201))
    vd = DimSweep("vd", linspace(0, 5, 6))
    vg = DimSweep("vg", linspace(0, 5, 6))
    sweep_dims = (vd, vg, freq)
    matrix_dims = (DimMatrix_i("i", 2), DimMatrix_j("j", 2))

    db.freq = freq
    db.vd = vd
    db.vg = vg

    db.H = complex_normal(dims=sweep_dims + matrix_dims)
    db.Id = normal(dims=sweep_dims)
    db.Ig = normal(dims=sweep_dims)
    db.S = complex_normal(dims=sweep_dims)
    db.Ig = normal(dims=sweep_dims)
    db.Ig = normal(dims=sweep_dims)