Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _dispatchSoapRequest(self, request):
             envelope = XML(request.soap_data)
             body = envelope.find("{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Body")
             # determine UPnP action
             action = body.find("{%s}%s" % (request.soap_ns, request.soap_action))
             # look up the action in the service
             upnp_action = self.service._actions[request.soap_action]
             # build a list of the action arguments
             in_args = {}
             for arg in action:
                 in_args[arg.tag] = arg.text
             # execute the UPnP action
             logger.log_debug("executing %s#%s" % (self.service.serviceID, request.soap_action))
             out_args = upnp_action(request, self.service, in_args)
             # return the action response
             env = Element("s:Envelope")
             env.attrib['xmlns:s'] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
             env.attrib['s:encodingStyle'] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
             env.attrib['xmlns:i'] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance"
             body = SubElement(env, "s:Body")
             resp = SubElement(body, "u:%sResponse" % request.soap_action)
             resp.attrib['xmlns:u'] = request.soap_ns
             for (name,type,value) in out_args:
                 arg = SubElement(resp, name)
                 arg.attrib["i:type"] = type
                 arg.text = value
             output = xmlprint(env)
             return HttpResponse(200, headers={'EXT': ''}, stream=output)
         except UPNPError, e:
             raise e
         except Exception, e:
             logger.log_error("caught unhandled exception: %s" % e)
             raise UPNPError(500, "Internal server error")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def http_SUBSCRIBE(self, request):
         # if there is no SID header, then this is a subscribe
         if not request.headers.hasHeader('sid'):
             # check that the NT header exists and is 'upnp:event'
             if not request.headers.hasHeader('nt'):
                 return Response(400)
             nt = request.headers.getHeader('nt')
             if not nt == 'upnp:event':
                 return Response(412)
             # get subscription timeout
             if request.headers.hasHeader('timeout'):
                 timeout = request.headers.getHeader('timeout')
                 timeout = 1800
             # get callbacks
             if not request.headers.hasHeader('callback'):
                 return Response(412)
             callbacks = request.headers.getHeader('callback')
             # create new subscription
             s = self.service._subscribe(callbacks, timeout)
             # send the SID and timeout back in the response
             return Response(200, {'sid': s.id, 'timeout': s.timeout})
         # otherwise this is a renewal
             if request.headers.hasHeader('nt'):
                 return Response(400)
             if request.headers.hasHeader('callback'):
                 return Response(400)
             sid = request.headers.getHeader('sid')
             return Response(200)
     except Exception, e:
         logger.log_error("SUBSCRIBE failed: %s" % e)
         return Response(500)
Ejemplo n.º 3
     arg = a.pop(0)
         arg_value = arguments[arg.name]
         parsed_value = arg.parse(arg_value)
         logger.log_debug("parsed %s => '%s'" % (arg.name, arg_value))
     except KeyError:
         raise Exception("missing required InArgument %s" % arg.name)
     except Exception, e:
         raise e
     out_args = self.action(service, request, *parsed_args)
 except UPNPError, e:
     raise e
 except Exception, e:
     logger.log_error("caught exception executing %s: %s" % (arg.name, e))
     raise UPNPError(500, "Internal server error")
 a = self.out_args[:]
 parsed_args = []
 while not a == []:
     arg = a.pop(0)
         arg_value = out_args[arg.name]
         parsed_value = arg.write(arg_value)
         logger.log_debug("wrote %s => %s" % (arg.name,parsed_value))
         parsed_args.append((arg.name, arg.type, parsed_value))
     except KeyError:
         raise Exception("missing required OutArgument %s" % arg.name)
     except Exception, e:
         raise e
 return parsed_args