Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_accumulate_at(self):
        indices = np.asarray((1, 1, -1, 2, 0), dtype=np.int64)
        weights = np.asarray((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

        res = hg.accumulate_at(indices, weights, hg.Accumulators.sum)
        expected_res = np.asarray((5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(res == expected_res))

        weights_vec = np.asarray(((1, 6), (2, 7), (3, 8), (4, 9), (5, 10)))
        res_vec = hg.accumulate_at(indices, weights_vec, hg.Accumulators.sum)
        expected_res_vec = np.asarray(((5, 10), (3, 13), (4, 9)))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(res_vec == expected_res_vec))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rag_accumulate_on_edges(rag, accumulator, edge_weights):
    Weights rag edges by accumulating values from the edge weights of the original graph.

    For any edge index :math:`ei` of the rag,
    :math:`result[ei] = accumulate(\{edge\_weights[j] | rag\_edge\_map[j] == ei\})`

    :param rag: input region adjacency graph (Concept :class:`~higra.RegionAdjacencyGraph`)
    :param edge_weights: edge weights on the original graph
    :param accumulator: see :class:`~higra.Accumulators`
    :return: edge weights on the region adjacency graph

    detail = hg.CptRegionAdjacencyGraph.construct(rag)

    new_weights = hg.accumulate_at(detail["edge_map"], edge_weights,

    return new_weights
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rag_accumulate_on_vertices(rag, accumulator, vertex_weights):
    Weights rag vertices by accumulating values from the vertex weights of the original graph.

    For any vertex index :math:`i` of the rag,
    :math:`result[i] = accumulator(\{vertex\_weights[j] | rag\_vertex\_map[j] == i\})`

    :param rag: input region adjacency graph (Concept :class:`~higra.RegionAdjacencyGraph`)
    :param vertex_weights: vertex weights on the original graph
    :param accumulator: see :class:`~higra.Accumulators`
    :return: vertex weights on the region adjacency graph

    detail = hg.CptRegionAdjacencyGraph.construct(rag)
    vertex_weights = hg.linearize_vertex_weights(vertex_weights,

    new_weights = hg.accumulate_at(detail["vertex_map"], vertex_weights,

    return new_weights
Ejemplo n.º 4
def attribute_tree_sampling_probability(tree, leaf_graph, leaf_graph_edge_weights, model='edge'):
    Given a tree :math:`T`, estimate the probability that a node :math:`n` of the tree represents the smallest cluster
    containing a pair of vertices :math:`\{a, b\}` of the graph :math:`G=(V, E)`
    with edge weights :math:`w`.

    This method is defined in [1]_.

    We define the probability :math:`P(\{a,b\})` of a pair of vertices :math:`\{a,b\}` as :math:`w(\{a,b\}) / Z`
    with :math:`Z=\sum_{e\in E}w(E)` if :math:`\{a,b\}` is an edge of :math:`G` and 0 otherwise.
    Then the probability :math:`P(a)` of a vertex :math:`b` is defined as :math:`\sum_{b\in V}P(\{a, b\})`

    Two sampling strategies are proposed for sampling pairs of vertices to compute the probability of a node of the tree:

    - *edge*: the probability of sampling the pair :math:`\{a, b\}` is given by :math:`P(\{a, b\})`; and
    - *null*: the probability of sampling the pair :math:`\{a, b\}` is given by the product of the probabilities
      of :math:`a` and :math:`b`: :math:`P(a)*P(b)`.

    Assuming that the edge weights on the leaf graph of a hierarchy represents similarities:

    .. epigraph::

        *We expect these distributions to differ significantly if the tree indeed represents the hierarchical structure of the graph.
        Specifically, we expect [the edge distribution] to be mostly concentrated on deep nodes of the tree
        (far from the root), as two nodes* :math:`u`, :math:`v` *connected with high weight* :math:`w(\{u, v\})` *in the graph
        typically  belong to a small cluster, representative of the clustering structure of the graph; on the contrary,
        we expect [the null distribution] to be concentrated over shallow nodes (close to the root) as two nodes*
        :math:`w(\{u, v\})` *sampled independently at random typically belong to large clusters, less representative of the
        clustering structure of the graph*. [1]_

    .. [1] Charpentier, B. & Bonald, T. (2019).  `"Tree Sampling Divergence: An Information-Theoretic Metric for \
           Hierarchical Graph Clustering." <https://hal.telecom-paristech.fr/hal-02144394/document>`_ Proceedings of IJCAI.


    The tree sampling divergence runtime complexity depends of the sampling model:

     - *edge*: :math:`\mathcal{O}(N\log(N) + M)` with :math:`N` the number of  nodes in the tree and :math:`M` the number of edges in the leaf graph.
     - *null*: :math:`\mathcal{O}(N\\times C^2)` with :math:`N` the number of nodes in the tree  and :math:`C` the maximal number of children of a node in the tree.


    The :func:`~higra.tree_sampling_divergence` is a non supervised hierarchical cost function defined as the
    Kullback-Leibler divergence between the edge sampling model and the independent (null) sampling model.

    :param tree: Input tree
    :param leaf_graph: Graph defined on the leaves of the input tree
    :param leaf_graph_edge_weights: Edge weights of the leaf graphs (similarities)
    :param model: defines the edge sampling strategy, either "edge" or "null"
    :return: a 1d array
    if model not in ("edge", "null"):
        raise ValueError("Parameter 'model' must be either 'edge' or 'null'.")

    if model == 'edge':
        lca_map = hg.attribute_lca_map(tree, leaf_graph=leaf_graph)
        leaf_graph_edge_weights = leaf_graph_edge_weights / np.sum(leaf_graph_edge_weights)
        return hg.accumulate_at(lca_map, leaf_graph_edge_weights, hg.Accumulators.sum)
    else:  # model = 'null'
        leaf_graph_vertex_weights = hg.accumulate_graph_edges(leaf_graph, leaf_graph_edge_weights, hg.Accumulators.sum)
        leaf_graph_vertex_weights = leaf_graph_vertex_weights / np.sum(leaf_graph_edge_weights)
        tree_node_weights = hg.accumulate_sequential(tree, leaf_graph_vertex_weights, hg.Accumulators.sum)
        return hg.attribute_children_pair_sum_product(tree, tree_node_weights)