Ejemplo n.º 1
def experiment():
    for i in range(10):
    print 'done!'

    print hilbert(-88)
    print hilbert(-123)
    n = 17600773329804421013044164003782933115981289392321878318274335494333497909423750776833564592938824735089487193

    for n in prime_200:
        start = timeit.default_timer()
        r1 = atkin_morain(n)
        print timeit.default_timer() - start, '\n', r1
def experiment():
    for i in range(10):
    print 'done!'

    print hilbert(-88)
    print hilbert(-123)
    n = 17600773329804421013044164003782933115981289392321878318274335494333497909423750776833564592938824735089487193

    for n in prime_200:
        start = timeit.default_timer()
        r1 = atkin_morain(n)
        print timeit.default_timer() - start, '\n', r1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def categorize_block_array(d, base_address, blocksize, pixelsize, addr_space = 'arm'):
    print 'Categorizing blocks in memory, following a 2D Hilbert curve'

    a = []
    timestamp = time.time()
    first_time = timestamp

    for y in xrange(pixelsize):
        row = []
        for x in xrange(pixelsize):
            addr = base_address + blocksize * hilbert(x, y, pixelsize)
            row.extend(categorize_block(d, addr, blocksize, addr_space=addr_space))

            # Keep the crowd informed!
            now = time.time()
            if now > timestamp + 0.5:

                # Estimate time
                completion = (x + y*pixelsize) / float(pixelsize*pixelsize)
                elapsed = now - first_time
                remaining = 0
                if completion > 0.00001:
                    total = elapsed / completion
                    if total > elapsed:
                        remaining = total - elapsed

                print 'block %08x - (%4d,%4d) of %d, %6.2f%% -- %2d:%02d:%02d elapsed, %2d:%02d:%02d est. remaining' % (
                    addr, x, y, pixelsize, 100 * completion,
                    elapsed / (60 * 60), (elapsed / 60) % 60, elapsed % 60,
                    remaining / (60 * 60), (remaining / 60) % 60, remaining % 60)
                timestamp = now

    print 'Calculating global scaling for blue channel'

    # The blue channel still has raw time deltas. Calculate pecentiles so we can scale them.

    times = []
    for row in a:
        for x in xrange(pixelsize):
            times.append(row[2 + 3*x])

    percentile_low  = log(times[int( len(times) * 0.05 )])
    percentile_high = log(times[int( len(times) * 0.95 )])
    percentile_s    = 256.0 / (percentile_high - percentile_low)

    for row in a:
        for x in xrange(pixelsize):
            row[2+3*x] = min(255, max(0, int(0.5 + (log(row[2+3*x]) - percentile_low) * percentile_s)))

    print 'Done scaling'
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 4
def to_hilbert(im):
    im_dat = np.asarray(im)
    w, h = im.size

    if w & (w - 1) != 0 or h & (h - 1) != 0:
        print "Warning, dimensions", w, h, "not powers of two!"

    # let's create a new image for the transformed data
    imout = Image.new(im.mode, (w, h))
    imout_dat = imout.load()

    imout_dat_pos = 0
    for px in hilbert.hilbert(im_dat):
        imout_dat[imout_dat_pos % w, imout_dat_pos // w] = tuple(px)
        imout_dat_pos += 1
    return imout
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_curve(p, d):
    Essentially Algorithm 7.5.9

        parameters a, b for the curve
    # calculate quadratic nonresidue
    g = gen_QNR(p, d)
    # find discriminant
    new_d = gen_discriminant(0)
    uv = cornacchia_smith(p, new_d)
    while jacobi(new_d, p) != 1 or uv is None:
        new_d = gen_discriminant(new_d)
        uv = cornacchia_smith(p, new_d)
    u, v = uv   # storing the result of cornacchia. u^2 + v^2 * |D| = 4*p

    # check for -d = 3 or 4
    # Choose one possible output
    # Look at param_gen for comparison.
    answer = []

    if new_d == -3:
        x = -1
        for i in range(0, 6):
            answer.append((0, x))
            x = (x * g) % p
        return answer

    if new_d == -4:
        x = -1
        for i in range(0, 4):
            answer.append((x, 0))
            x = (x * g) % p
        return answer

    # otherwise compute the hilbert polynomial
    _, t, _ = hilbert(new_d)
    s = [i % p for i in t]
    j = equation.root_Fp(s, p) # Find a root for s in Fp. Algorithm 2.3.10
    c = j * inverse(j - 1728, p) % p
    r = -3 * c % p
    s = 2 * c % p

    return [(r, s), (r * g * g % p, s * (g**3) % p)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ac_hilbert(file, envelope=True):

    Calculating Instantaneous Frequency

    :param file:
    :param envelope: If True, then output envelope of AC and normalized AC by envenlope

    tr = read(file)[0]
    delta = tr.stats.delta
    data = tr.data

    fs = 1 / delta
    xa = hilbert.hilbert(tr.data)
    freq = hilbert.instantaneous_frequency(xa, fs)
    tr.data = freq

    # for i in range(0, len(tr.data)):
    #     d = tr.data[i]
    #     if d > 0.0:
    #         tr.data[i] = 0.0

    fn, fext = os.path.splitext(file)

    if fext == ".norm":
        myext = ".ifn"
        myext = ".if"

    fullname = fn + myext
    print fullname

    tr.write(filename=fullname, format="SAC")

    if envelope:
        fullname = fn + ".env"
        tr.data = hilbert.envelope(xa)
        tr.write(filename=fullname, format="SAC")

        fullname = fn + ".norm"
        tr.data = data / tr.data
        tr.data = np.nan_to_num(tr.data)
        tr.write(filename=fullname, format="SAC")

Ejemplo n.º 7
def curve_parameters(d, p):
    Modified Algorithm 7.5.9 for the use of ecpp
        d: discriminant
        p: number for prime proving

        a list of (a, b) parameters for
    g = gen_QNR(p, d)
    #g = nzmath.ecpp.quasi_primitive(p, d==-3)

    u, v = cornacchia_smith(p, d)
    # go without the check for result of cornacchia because it's done by previous methods.
    if jacobi(d, p) != 1:
        raise ValueError('jacobi(d, p) not equal to 1.')

        # check for -d = 3 or 4
    # Choose one possible output
    # Look at param_gen for comparison.
    answer = []

    if d == -3:
        x = -1 % p
        for i in range(0, 6):
            answer.append((0, x))
            x = (x * g) % p
        return answer

    if d == -4:
        x = -1 % p
        for i in range(0, 4):
            answer.append((x, 0))
            x = (x * g) % p
        return answer

    # otherwise compute the hilbert polynomial
    _, t, _ = hilbert(d)
    s = [int(i % p) for i in t]
    j = equation.root_Fp(s, p) # Find a root for s in Fp. Algorithm 2.3.10
    c = j * inverse(j - 1728, p) % p
    r = -3 * c % p
    s = 2 * c % p

    return [(r, s), (r * g * g % p, s * (g**3) % p)]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def from_hilbert(im):
    w, h = im.size

    if w & (w - 1) != 0 or h & (h - 1) != 0:
        print "Warning, dimensions", w, h, "not powers of two!"

    # let's create a new image for the transformed data
    imout = Image.new(im.mode, (w, h))
    imout_dat = imout.load()

    imout_dat_pos = 0
    im_dat = im.load()
    # we create a matrix of x and y positions which we pass in
    xy = np.dstack(np.mgrid[0:h, 0:w])
    for (px, py) in hilbert.hilbert(xy):
        imout_dat[int(py), int(px)] = tuple(
            im_dat[imout_dat_pos % w, imout_dat_pos // w])
        imout_dat_pos += 1
    return imout
Ejemplo n.º 9
def hilbert_determinant_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    13 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from hilbert import hilbert
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

  print ''
  print '  HILBERT_DETERMINANT computes the HILBERT determinant.'

  m = 5
  n = m
  a = hilbert ( m, n )

  r8mat_print ( m, n, a, '  HILBERT matrix:' )

  value = hilbert_determinant ( n )

  print '  Value =  %g' % ( value )

  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

Ejemplo n.º 10
def hilbert_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    13 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

  print ''
  print 'HILBERT_TEST'
  print '  HILBERT computes the HILBERT matrix.'

  m = 5
  n = m

  a = hilbert ( m, n )
  r8mat_print ( m, n, a, '  HILBERT matrix:' )

  print ''
  print 'HILBERT_TEST'
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

Ejemplo n.º 11
 def msl(self, line, cell=''):
     """Memsquare lookup"""
     args = parse_argstring(self.msl, line)
     return int(args.base + args.scale * hilbert(args.x, args.y, args.width))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def msl(self, line, cell=''):
     """Memsquare lookup"""
     args = parse_argstring(self.msl, line)
     return int(args.base +
                args.scale * hilbert(args.x, args.y, args.width))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    temp.lab_l = Color1.lab_l * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lab_l * t
    temp.lab_a = Color1.lab_a * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lab_a * t
    temp.lab_b = Color1.lab_b * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lab_b * t
    return temp
def lerpLch(Color1, Color2, t): # t = [0,1].
    temp = colors.LCHabColor(0, 0, 0)
    temp.lch_l = Color1.lch_l * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lch_l * t
    temp.lch_c = Color1.lch_c * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lch_c * t
    temp.lch_h = Color1.lch_h * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lch_h * t
    return temp

# Get required Hilbert coordinates
coords = []
print "Calculating Hilbert points..."
hilbert(0, 0, size, 0, 0, size, powers, coords)
exceptions = 0
for d in xrange(len(ratios)):
    if d % 10000 == 0:
        print d,"/",len(ratios)
    if mode == "lab":
        col = lerpLab(ATColor, GCColor, ratios[d][0])
        col = lerpLch(ATColor, GCColor, ratios[d][0])

    if len(ratios[d]) > 1:
        if mode == "lab":
            col = lerpLab(col, black, ratios[d][1])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def categorize_block_array(d,
    print 'Categorizing blocks in memory, following a 2D Hilbert curve'

    a = []
    timestamp = time.time()
    first_time = timestamp

    for y in xrange(pixelsize):
        row = []
        for x in xrange(pixelsize):
            addr = base_address + blocksize * hilbert(x, y, pixelsize)
                categorize_block(d, addr, blocksize, addr_space=addr_space))

            # Keep the crowd informed!
            now = time.time()
            if now > timestamp + 0.5:

                # Estimate time
                completion = (x + y * pixelsize) / float(pixelsize * pixelsize)
                elapsed = now - first_time
                remaining = 0
                if completion > 0.00001:
                    total = elapsed / completion
                    if total > elapsed:
                        remaining = total - elapsed

                print 'block %08x - (%4d,%4d) of %d, %6.2f%% -- %2d:%02d:%02d elapsed, %2d:%02d:%02d est. remaining' % (
                    addr, x, y, pixelsize, 100 * completion, elapsed /
                    (60 * 60), (elapsed / 60) % 60, elapsed % 60, remaining /
                    (60 * 60), (remaining / 60) % 60, remaining % 60)
                timestamp = now


    print 'Calculating global scaling for blue channel'

    # The blue channel still has raw time deltas. Calculate pecentiles so we can scale them.

    times = []
    for row in a:
        for x in xrange(pixelsize):
            times.append(row[2 + 3 * x])

    percentile_low = log(times[int(len(times) * 0.05)])
    percentile_high = log(times[int(len(times) * 0.95)])
    percentile_s = 256.0 / (percentile_high - percentile_low)

    for row in a:
        for x in xrange(pixelsize):
            row[2 + 3 * x] = min(
                    int(0.5 + (log(row[2 + 3 * x]) - percentile_low) *

    print 'Done scaling'
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def sample(fh, order):
     hilbert(plotter, order, n, offset)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def analyze(filename, mode="lab"):
    if mode:
        if not mode in ["lab", "lch"]:
            print("Specify color mode -- Lab or Lch?")
        mode = "lab"
    aligned = False
    outname = ""
    pixelsize = 50 # How many base pairs per pixel?
    count = 0 # current number of base pairs
    group = "" # current group of base pairs
    ratios = [] # List of GC ratios and optionally N ratio.
    unknowns = [] # In case data other than ATGCN is encountered.
    counter = 0

    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
    textfilename = archive.namelist()[0]
    file = archive.open(textfilename)

    for line in file:
        line = line.decode('ascii')
        counter += 1
        if counter % 100000 == 0:
        if not aligned:
            if line[0] == ">":
                txts = line.split(" ")
                print("Checked: " + txts[0])
                outname = txts[0].strip()[1:]
                aligned = True
            group += line.strip()
            if len(group) >= pixelsize:
                GC = AT = N = 0
                working = group[:pixelsize] # Copy the base pairs to work on.
                group = group[pixelsize:] # Remove the worked-on pairs.
                for dna in working:
                    if dna == 'A' or dna == 'T':
                        AT += 1
                    elif dna == 'G' or dna == 'C':
                        GC += 1
                    elif dna == 'N':
                        N += 1
                info = []
                if AT+GC == 0:
                if N != 0:
    # Now that we have all ratio data needed, time to build image.
    # side length = 2^(ceil(ln(sqrt(total))/ln2)).
    # Basically find the smallest image with a side length of 2^n that has enough pixels for this.

    powers = int(math.ceil(math.log(math.sqrt(len(ratios)))/math.log(2)))
    size = 2**powers

    img = Image.new('RGBA', (size, size), (0,0,0,0))
    pixels = img.load()

    # Define the two colors to interpolate between in Lab/Lch.
    if mode == "lab":
        ATColor = colors.LabColor(100, 127, 0) # pink
        GCColor = colors.LabColor(100, -128, 0) # blue
        black = colors.LabColor(0, 0, 0)
        ATColor = colors.LCHabColor(78, 100, 157) # green
        GCColor = colors.LCHabColor(71, 100, 360) # pink
        black = colors.LCHabColor(0, 0, 0)
    def lerpLab(Color1, Color2, t): # t = [0,1].
        temp = colors.LabColor(0, 0, 0)
        temp.lab_l = Color1.lab_l * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lab_l * t
        temp.lab_a = Color1.lab_a * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lab_a * t
        temp.lab_b = Color1.lab_b * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lab_b * t
        return temp
    def lerpLch(Color1, Color2, t): # t = [0,1].
        temp = colors.LCHabColor(0, 0, 0)
        temp.lch_l = Color1.lch_l * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lch_l * t
        temp.lch_c = Color1.lch_c * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lch_c * t
        temp.lch_h = Color1.lch_h * (1.0 - t) + Color2.lch_h * t
        return temp

    # Get required Hilbert coordinates
    coords = []
    print("Calculating Hilbert points...")
    hilbert(0, 0, size, 0, 0, size, powers, coords)
    exceptions = 0
    for d in range(len(ratios)):
        if d % 10000 == 0:
        if mode == "lab":
            col = lerpLab(ATColor, GCColor, ratios[d][0])
            col = lerpLch(ATColor, GCColor, ratios[d][0])

        if len(ratios[d]) > 1:
            if mode == "lab":
                col = lerpLab(col, black, ratios[d][1])
                col = lerpLch(col, black, ratios[d][1])
        # translate Lab/Lch to RGB colors
        r,g,b = conversions.convert_color(col, colors.sRGBColor).get_value_tuple()      
        # Some Lab/Lch colors can't be represented using RGB.
        if r < 0.0:
            r = 0.0
        if g < 0.0:
            g = 0.0
        if b < 0.0:
            b = 0.0
        if r > 1.0:
            r = 1.0
        if g > 1.0:
            g = 1.0
        if b > 1.0:
            b = 1.0

        x, y = coords[d]
        #x = d % size
        #y = d / size
            pixels[x,y] = (int(r*255),int(g*255),int(b*255), 255)
        except IndexError:

    print("Image size: (%d,%d)" % (size, size))
    print(str(exceptions) + " exceptions")

    img.save("output/" + outname + ".png")