Ejemplo n.º 1
def serve(cfg, sockl, threadmax):
	global totloops, totconns
	# Our expiry timers.
	ttick = 0
	if 'dropipafter' not in cfg:
		expireevery = -1
	elif 'expireevery' in cfg:
		expireevery = cfg['expireevery']
		# Pick a default.
		expireevery = 60
	# Set up our thread configuration object.
	tcfg = ThreadConf(cfg, threadmax)
	# Do we want to drop a file on error?
	droponerr = 0
	if 'onfileerror' in cfg and cfg['onfileerror'] == 'drop':
		droponerr = 1

	# Set up the objects through which we will obtain the roots of
	# the rules and actions evaluators.
	loadRules = Reloader(cfg['rulefile'], rules.parsefile, rules.BadInput,
			     "rules", droponerr)
	loadActs = Reloader(cfg['actionfile'], actions.parsefile,
			    actions.BadAction, "actions", droponerr)

	# We attempt our first load now, rather than waiting for our
	# first connection, so that we produce feedback on program
	# startup about broken configuration files.
	rroot = loadRules.curroot()
	aroot = loadActs.curroot()

	# Having acquired our initial setup, start running forever.
	while 1:
		# We are now done. Perform periodic sweep actions.
		# Note that 'expireevery' of 0 means 'on every connection';
		# use a negative number to turn it off.
		if expireevery >= 0 and time.time() - ttick >= expireevery:
			log.debug(3, "Expiring the IP times info")
			ttick = time.time()
		# (we do these at the bottom, because they may take some
		# time, and we want to service our active connection first.)
		# Yes, yes, this is the top. Relative to getting a new
		# socket to deal with, it's the bottom.

		newsocks = proc.nextconnection(sockl, reaper)

		# Immediately attempt reload; god knows how long we've
		# been asleep.
		rroot = loadRules.curroot()
		aroot = loadActs.curroot()

		# We may have rules that have completed evaluations
		# waiting for us to turn them into actual actions.

		# Dispatch does all the work of handling a new connection.
		# newsocks is [] if we were just being signalled that
		# there was work waiting for dispatchaction().
		# dispatch() will thread or not thread things as
		# appropriate.
		if newsocks:
			totloops += 1; totconns += len(newsocks)
			for newsock in newsocks:
				dispatch(newsock, rroot, aroot, tcfg)

		# Make sure we are disassociating ourselves from the new
		# sockets to encourage their deallocation & cleanup, if any
		# is necessary.
		newsocks = None