def estimate(run_id, conf):
    """Estimate space needed in directories : hiseq, bcl and fastq
    if it has not enough space free send a warning mail

        run_id: the run id
        conf: configuration dictionary

    # retrieve data from RunInfo.xml
    run_info = hiseq_run.get_run_info(run_id, conf)

    # retrieve count lane
    lane_count = run_info.getFlowCellLaneCount()

    # retrieve count cycle
    cycle_count = 0
    for read in run_info.getReads():
        cycle_count = cycle_count + read.getNumberCycles()

    # retrieve data from runParameters.xml
    run_param_path = common.get_run_parameters_path(run_id, conf)

    # Estimate space needed +10%

    # Set factor and ratio util
    run_factor = lane_count * cycle_count * 1.10
    # bcl file : compressed or not, info in runParameters.xml
    ratio_bcl = ratio_bcl_compressed(run_param_path)

    # quality data for Q30 : compressed or not
    ratio_quality = compressed_quality_data(run_param_path)

    # for hiseq data
    check_space_needed_and_free(run_id, 'hiseq', run_factor, conf)

    # for bcl files
    check_space_needed_and_free(run_id, 'bcl', run_factor * ratio_bcl * ratio_quality, conf)

    # for fastq files
    check_space_needed_and_free(run_id, 'fastq', run_factor, conf)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def send_report(run_id, conf):
    """Send a mail with the first base report.

        run_id: the run id
        conf: configuration dictionary

    # Retrieve features the current run in RunInfos.xml file

    run_info = hiseq_run.get_run_info(run_id, conf)

    if run_info is None:
        return False

    # TODO ?? add check sample-sheet if demux step enable
    # add warning in report if useful

    reads = run_info.getReads()
    error_cycles_per_read_not_indexes_count = 0
    reads_indexed_count = 0
    reads_not_indexed_count = 0
    cycles_count = 0
    cycles_per_read_not_indexed = 0

    for read in reads:
        cycles_count += read.getNumberCycles()
        if read.isIndexedRead():
            reads_indexed_count += 1
            reads_not_indexed_count += 1
            if cycles_per_read_not_indexed == 0:
                cycles_per_read_not_indexed = read.getNumberCycles()

            # Check same cycles count for each reads not indexed
            error_cycles_per_read_not_indexes_count = cycles_per_read_not_indexed != read.getNumberCycles()

    # Identification type run according to data in RunInfos.xml : SR or PE
    if reads_not_indexed_count == 1:
        type_run_estimated = "SR-" + str(cycles_per_read_not_indexed) + " with " + str(
            reads_indexed_count) + " index"
        if reads_indexed_count > 1:
            type_run_estimated += "es"
    elif reads_not_indexed_count == 2:
        type_run_estimated = "PE-" + str(cycles_per_read_not_indexed) + " with " + str(
            reads_indexed_count) + " index"
        if reads_indexed_count > 1:
            type_run_estimated += "es"
        type_run_estimated = "Undetermined run type (" + str(reads_not_indexed_count) + " reads with " + str(
            reads_indexed_count) + " index)"
        if reads_indexed_count > 1:
            type_run_estimated += "es"
        type_run_estimated += ")"

    description_run = "Informations about this run:\n"
    description_run += "\t- Sequencer: " + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) + ".\n"
    description_run += "\t- " + str(run_info.getFlowCellLaneCount()) + " lanes with " + str(
        run_info.alignToPhix.size()) + " aligned to Phix.\n"
    description_run += "\t- " + str(reads_not_indexed_count) + " read"
    if reads_not_indexed_count > 1:
        description_run += "s"
    description_run += " and " + str(reads_indexed_count) + " index"
    if reads_indexed_count > 1:
        description_run += "es"
    description_run += ".\n"

    if error_cycles_per_read_not_indexes_count or cycles_per_read_not_indexed == 0:
        description_run += "\t- ERROR : cycles count per read different between reads (" + str(
            cycles_count) + " total cycles).\n"
        description_run += "\t- " + str(cycles_per_read_not_indexed) + " cycles per read (" + str(
            cycles_count) + " total cycles).\n"

    description_run += "\t- Estimated run type: " + type_run_estimated + ".\n"

    attachment_file = str(hiseq_run.find_hiseq_run_path(run_id, conf)) + '/' + run_id + '/' + common.FIRST_BASE_REPORT_FILE

    # If the First base report file exists, send it by email
    if common.is_file_readable(attachment_file):

        message = 'You will find attached to this message the first base report for the run ' + \
                  run_id + '.\n\n' + description_run
        common.send_msg_with_attachment('[Aozan] First base report for the run ' + type_run_estimated + '  ' + run_id +
                                        ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf),
                                        message, attachment_file, False, conf)
        # With other no attachment file
        message = 'You will find below the parameters of the run ' + run_id + '.\n\n' + description_run
        common.send_msg('[Aozan] New run ' + type_run_estimated + ' ' + run_id + ' on ' +
                        common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), message,
                        False, conf)

    return True