Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, data=None, copy=True) :
        """Can either be initialized with a raw data array or with None"""
        # Dictionary that holds all data other than .data.  This is safe to 
        # be accessed and updated by the user.
        self.field = {}
        # Dictionary with the same keys as field but holds the axes over which
        # a parameter varies.  For instance, the LST variable varies over the
        # 'time' axis.  axes['LST'] should thus be ('time') and
        # shape(field['LST']) should be (ntimes, ).
        self.field_axes = {}
        # To write data to fits you need a fits format for each field.
        self.field_formats = {}
        # Dictionary that holds the history of this data.  It's keys are
        # history entries for hte data.  They must be strings starting with a
        # three digit integer ennumerating the histories.  The corresponding
        # values give additional details, held in a tuple of strings.  The
        # intension is that when merging data, histories must be identical, but
        # details can be merged.
        self.history = History()

        if data is None :
            self.data = ma.zeros(tuple(sp.zeros(len(self.axes))), float)
            self.data_set = False
        else :
            self.set_data(data, copy=copy)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SpeedGraph (Canvas):
    """UI element for graphing the speed history"""

    def __init__(self, root):
        Canvas.__init__(self, root, width=102, height=40, highlightthickness=0, background=root.theme.bg_color)
        self.theme = root.theme
        self.history = History(100)
        self.height = 40

    def add(self, speed):
        """adds a new data point to the history

            speed: current speed, given as a float
        y =  self.height - speed/30. * self.height

    def plot(self):
        """displays the current speed history as a line graph

        Note: Currently, this method deletes all previous line objects
        and creates new ones. This is rather slow and could be improved.


        for x,y in enumerate(self.history):
            prev_x = max(x-1, 0)
            if x == 0: prev_y = y

            self.create_line(prev_x,prev_y,x,y, width=2, fill=self.theme.active_color)
            prev_y = y
Ejemplo n.º 3
class BaseData(object) :
    """This is a base class for variouse Data Containers which are intended to
    hold data contained in fits files (maps, scans, etc.).
    # This should be overwritten by classes inheriting from this one.
    axes = ()

    def __init__(self, data=None, copy=True) :
        """Can either be initialized with a raw data array or with None"""
        # Dictionary that holds all data other than .data.  This is safe to 
        # be accessed and updated by the user.
        self.field = {}
        # Dictionary with the same keys as field but holds the axes over which
        # a parameter varies.  For instance, the LST variable varies over the
        # 'time' axis.  axes['LST'] should thus be ('time') and
        # shape(field['LST']) should be (ntimes, ).
        self.field_axes = {}
        # To write data to fits you need a fits format for each field.
        self.field_formats = {}
        # Dictionary that holds the history of this data.  It's keys are
        # history entries for hte data.  They must be strings starting with a
        # three digit integer ennumerating the histories.  The corresponding
        # values give additional details, held in a tuple of strings.  The
        # intension is that when merging data, histories must be identical, but
        # details can be merged.
        self.history = History()

        if data is None :
            self.data = ma.zeros(tuple(sp.zeros(len(self.axes))), float)
            self.data_set = False
        else :
            self.set_data(data, copy=copy)

    def set_data(self, data, copy=True) :
        """Set the data to passed array."""
        # Feel free to play around with the precision.
        self.data = ma.array(data, dtype=sp.float64, copy=copy)
        self.data_set = True
        self.dims = sp.shape(data)

    def set_field(self, field_name, field_data, axis_names=(), format=None) :
        """Set field data to be stored.

        Note that these operation can also be done by accessing the 'field' and
        'field_axes' dictionaries directly, but using this function combines a
        few operations that go together.  It also does some sanity checks.
        Using this function is safer.

        Arguments are the field name (like 'CRVAL2', or 'SCAN'), field data
        (numpy array or appropriate length according to axis_names), axis_names
        (tuple of names like ('time', ) or ('pol',) or simply () for 0D data),
        and finally a fits format string (like '1E' or '10A', see fits
        field_data = sp.array(field_data)
        if type(axis_names) is str :
            a_names = (axis_names,)
        else :
            a_names = axis_names
        if not format:
            if field_data.dtype == sp.float64:
                format = 'D'
            elif field_data.dtype == sp.float32:
                format = 'E'
            elif field_data.dtype == sp.int16:
                format = 'I'
            elif field_data.dtype == sp.int32:
                format = 'J'
            elif field_data.dtype == sp.int64:
                format = 'K'
            elif field_data.dtype == sp.complex64:
                format = 'C'
            elif field_data.dtype == sp.complex128:
                format = 'M'
                raise ce.DataError("dtype not understood.")
        self.field[field_name] = sp.array(field_data)
        self.field_axes[field_name] = tuple(a_names)
        self.field_formats[field_name] = str(format)

    def _verify_single_axis_names(self, axis_names) :
        axis_indices = []
        temp_axes = list(self.axes)
        for name in axis_names :
            if not name in temp_axes :
                raise ValueError("Field axes must contain only entries from: ",
        sorted = list(axis_indices)
        if not axis_indices == sorted :
            raise ValueError("Field axes must be well sorted.")

    def verify(self) :
        """Verifies that all the data is consistant.

        This method should be run every time you muck around with the data
        and field entries.  It simply checks that all the data is consistant
        (axes, lengths etc.).

        Note that even if you know that your DataBlock will pass the verify,
        you still need to verify as this tells the DataBlock that you are done
        messing with the data.  It then sets some internal variables.
        if self.data_set :
            self.dims = sp.shape(self.data)
        else :
            raise RunTimeError('Data needs to be set before running verify()')

        # Will delete these keys if they are found in 'field', then see if any
        # are left over.
        axes_keys = self.field_axes.keys()
        format_keys = self.field_formats.keys()
        for field_name in self.field.iterkeys() :
            # Check for keys in fields and not in field_axes, the oposite is
            # done outside this loop.
            if ((not self.field_axes.has_key(field_name)) or 
                (not self.field_formats.has_key(field_name))) :
                raise ce.DataError("Dictionaries 'field', 'field_axes' and "
                                   "field_formats must have the same keys.")
            # Check all the axes
            axes = self.field_axes[field_name] # for saving keystrokes only
            # Check the shape.
            field_data_shape = sp.shape(self.field[field_name])
            for ii in range(len(axes)) :
                axis_ind = list(self.axes).index(axes[ii])
                if field_data_shape[ii] != self.dims[axis_ind] :
                    raise ce.DataError("The shape of the data in one of the "
                                       "fields is incompatible with the shape "
                                       "of the main data. field: "+field_name)
            # Check the format string.
            # TODO: This should do something better than just check that there
            # is a string.
            if not type(self.field_formats[field_name]) is str :
                print type(self.field_formats[field_name])
                print self.field_formats[field_name]
                raise ce.DataError("The field_format must be type str. field: "
                                   + field_name)
        # The opposite of the first check in the loop.
        if len(axes_keys) or len(format_keys) :
            raise ce.DataError("Dictionaries 'field', 'field_axes' and "
                               "field_formats must have the same keys.")

    def add_history(self, history_entry, details=()) :
        """Adds a history entry."""
        self.history.add(history_entry, details=details)

    def print_history(self) :
        """print_history function called on self.history."""

Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, root):
     Canvas.__init__(self, root, width=102, height=40, highlightthickness=0, background=root.theme.bg_color)
     self.theme = root.theme
     self.history = History(100)
     self.height = 40