def process_data(conn,script_params,file_id,coords,sr_pix_size,nm_per_pixel):
        Calculates the neighbour distance in all the rectangular rois
    image_id = script_params['ImageID']
    image = conn.getObject("Image",image_id)
    if not image:
        message = 'Could not find specified image'
        return message
    imageName = image.getName()
    name,ext = os.path.splitext(imageName)
    if 'ome' in name:
        name = name.split('.')[0]
        new_name = name + '_sr_histogram.ome' + ext
        new_name = name + '_sr_histogram' + ext
    parentDataset = image.getParent()
    parentProject = parentDataset.getParent()
    updateService = conn.getUpdateService()
    frame_width = image.getSizeX()
    print 'frame_width',frame_width
    frame_height = image.getSizeY()
    print 'frame_height',frame_height 
    sizeT = 1
    sizeZ = 1
    if 'czi' in ext:
        num_frames = image.getSizeT()
        num_frames = image.getSizeZ()
    if 'zeiss2d2chan' in script_params['File_Type']:
        sizeC = 2
        sizeC = 1
    binsx = (frame_width * nm_per_pixel) / sr_pix_size
    binsy = (frame_height * nm_per_pixel) / sr_pix_size
    hist_data = np.zeros((sizeC,binsy,binsx))
    for c in range(sizeC):
        hist = calc_hist('2d',coords[c,:,:],num_frames,binsy,binsx)
        hist_data[c,:,:] = hist
    def plane_gen():
        for z in range(sizeZ):
            for c in range(sizeC):
                for t in range(sizeT):
                    plane = hist_data[c,:,:]
                    yield plane     
    description = "Created from image:\n  Name: %s\n  File ID: %d" % (imageName, file_id)
    newImg = conn.createImageFromNumpySeq(
        plane_gen(), new_name,
        sizeZ=sizeZ, sizeC=sizeC, sizeT=sizeT,

    if newImg:
        iid = newImg.getId()
        print "New Image Id = %s" % iid
        # put new images in existing dataset
        dataset = None
        if parentDataset is not None and parentDataset.canLink():
            parentDataset = parentDataset._obj
            parentDataset = None
        parentProject = None    # don't add Dataset to parent.
        if parentDataset is None:
            link = None
            print "No dataset created or found for new images."\
                " Images will be orphans."
            dsLink = omero.model.DatasetImageLinkI()
            dsLink.parent = omero.model.DatasetI(
      , False)
            dsLink.child = omero.model.ImageI(iid, False)
            if parentProject and parentProject.canLink():
                # and put it in the   current project
                projectLink = omero.model.ProjectDatasetLinkI()
                projectLink.parent = omero.model.ProjectI(
                    parentProject.getId(), False)
                projectLink.child = omero.model.DatasetI(
          , False)
        message = 'Super resolution histogram successfully created'
        message = 'Something went wrong, could not make super resolution histogram'
    return message