Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _pop(cls, blocks):
        query("START TRANSACTION")

        for block in blocks:
            num = block['num']
            date = block['date']
            print("[FORK] popping block %d @ %s" % (num, date))
            assert num == cls.head_num(), "can only pop head block"

            # get all affected post_ids in this block
            sql = "SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE created_at >= :date"
            post_ids = tuple(query_col(sql, date=date))

            # remove all recent records
            query("DELETE FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE post_id IN :ids",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_feed_cache  WHERE created_at >= :date",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_reblogs     WHERE created_at >= :date",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_follows     WHERE created_at >= :date",
                  date=date)  #*
            query("DELETE FROM hive_post_tags   WHERE post_id IN :ids",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_posts       WHERE id IN :ids",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_blocks      WHERE num = :num", num=num)

        print("[FORK] recovery complete")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pids_by_blog_by_index(account: str, start_index: int, limit: int = 20):
    """Get post_ids for an author's blog (w/ reblogs), paged by index/limit.

    (acct, 2) = returns blog entries 0 up to 2 (3 oldest)
    (acct, 0) = returns all blog entries (limit 0 means return all?)
    (acct, 2, 1) = returns 1 post starting at idx 2
    (acct, 2, 3) = returns 3 posts: idxs (2,1,0)

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id
          FROM hive_feed_cache
         WHERE account_id = :account_id
      ORDER BY created_at
         LIMIT :limit
        OFFSET :offset

    account_id = _get_account_id(account)

    offset = start_index - limit + 1
    assert offset >= 0, 'start_index and limit combination is invalid'

    ids = query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
    return list(reversed(ids))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pids_by_blog(account: str,
                 start_author: str = '',
                 start_permlink: str = '',
                 limit: int = 20):
    account_id = get_account_id(account)

    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        seek = """
          AND created_at <= (
            SELECT created_at
              FROM hive_feed_cache
             WHERE account_id = :account_id
               AND post_id = %d)
        """ % get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id
          FROM hive_feed_cache
         WHERE account_id = :account_id %s
      ORDER BY created_at DESC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def get_followers(account: str, start: str, follow_type: str,
                        limit: int):
    limit = _validate_limit(limit, 1000)
    state = _follow_type_to_int(follow_type)
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)
    seek = ''

    if start:
        seek = """
          AND hf.created_at <= (
            SELECT created_at FROM hive_follows
             WHERE following = :account_id AND follower = %d AND state = :state)
        """ % _get_account_id(start)

    sql = """
        SELECT name FROM hive_follows hf
          JOIN hive_accounts ON hf.follower = id
         WHERE hf.following = :account_id AND state = :state %s
      ORDER BY hf.created_at DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    res = query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, state=state, limit=int(limit))
    return [
        dict(follower=r, following=account, what=[follow_type]) for r in res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _get_discussions(sort, start_author, start_permlink, limit, tag):
    limit = _validate_limit(limit, 20)

    col = ''
    where = []
    if sort == 'trending':
        col = 'sc_trend'
    elif sort == 'hot':
        col = 'sc_hot'
    elif sort == 'created':
        col = 'post_id'
        where.append('depth = 0')
    elif sort == 'promoted':
        col = 'promoted'
        where.append("is_paidout = '0'")
        where.append('promoted > 0')
        raise Exception("unknown sort order {}".format(sort))

    if tag:
        tagged_posts = "SELECT post_id FROM hive_post_tags WHERE tag = :tag"
        where.append("post_id IN (%s)" % tagged_posts)

    start_id = None
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)
        sql = ("SELECT %s FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT 1" %
               (col, _where([*where, "post_id = :start_id"]), col))
        where.append("%s <= (%s)" % (col, sql))

    sql = (
        "SELECT post_id FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT :limit"
        % (_where(where), col))
    ids = query_col(sql, tag=tag, start_id=start_id, limit=limit)
    return _get_posts(ids)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def pids_by_blog(account: str, start_author: str = '',
                 start_permlink: str = '', limit: int = 20):
    """Get a list of post_ids for an author's blog."""
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)

    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)
        if not start_id:
            return []

        seek = """
          AND created_at <= (
            SELECT created_at
              FROM hive_feed_cache
             WHERE account_id = :account_id
               AND post_id = %d)
        """ % start_id

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id
          FROM hive_feed_cache
         WHERE account_id = :account_id %s
      ORDER BY created_at DESC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def get_blog_feed(account: str, skip: int, limit: int, context: str = None):
    """Get a blog feed (posts and reblogs from the specified account)"""
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)
    sql = ("SELECT post_id FROM hive_feed_cache WHERE account_id = :account_id "
           "ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :skip")
    post_ids = query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, skip=skip, limit=limit)
    return _get_posts(post_ids, context)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def pids_by_replies_to_account(start_author: str,
                               start_permlink: str = '',
                               limit: int = 20):
    """Get a list of post_ids representing replies to an author."""
    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        sql = """
          SELECT parent.author,
            FROM hive_posts child
            JOIN hive_posts parent
              ON child.parent_id = parent.id
           WHERE child.author = :author
             AND child.permlink = :permlink
        account, start_date = query_row(sql,
        seek = "AND created_at <= '%s'" % start_date
        account = start_author

    sql = """
       SELECT id FROM hive_posts
        WHERE parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE author = :parent) %s
     ORDER BY created_at DESC
        LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, parent=account, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def _get_top_trending_tags():
    """Get top 50 trending tags among pending posts."""
    sql = """
        SELECT category FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE is_paidout = '0'
      GROUP BY category ORDER BY SUM(payout) DESC LIMIT 50
    return query_col(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 10
async def get_replies_by_last_update(start_author: str,
                                     start_permlink: str = '',
                                     limit: int = 20):
    limit = _validate_limit(limit, 50)
    parent = start_author
    seek = ''

    if start_permlink:
        parent, start_date = query_row("""
          SELECT p.author, c.created_at
            FROM hive_posts c
            JOIN hive_posts p ON c.parent_id = p.id
           WHERE c.author = :a AND c.permlink = :p
        seek = "AND created_at <= '%s'" % start_date

    sql = """
       SELECT id FROM hive_posts
        WHERE parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE author = :parent) %s
     ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    ids = query_col(sql, parent=parent, limit=limit)
    return _get_posts(ids)
Ejemplo n.º 11
async def get_followers(account: str, skip: int, limit: int):
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)
    sql = """
      SELECT name FROM hive_follows hf
        JOIN hive_accounts ON hf.follower = id
       WHERE hf.following = :account_id AND state = 1
    ORDER BY hf.created_at DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :skip
    return query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, skip=skip, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _pop(cls, blocks):
        """Pop head blocks to navigate head to a point prior to fork.

        Without an undo database, there is a limit to how fully we can recover.

        If consistency is critical, run hive with TRAIL_BLOCKS=-1 to only index
        up to last irreversible. Otherwise use TRAIL_BLOCKS=2 to stay closer
        while avoiding the vast majority of microforks.

        As-is, there are a few caveats with the following strategy:

         - follow counts can get out of sync (hive needs to force-recount)
         - follow state could get out of sync (user-recoverable)

        For 1.5, also need to handle:

         - hive_communities
         - hive_members
         - hive_flags
         - hive_modlog
        query("START TRANSACTION")

        for block in blocks:
            num = block['num']
            date = block['date']
            log.warning("[FORK] popping block %d @ %s", num, date)
            assert num == cls.head_num(), "can only pop head block"

            # get all affected post_ids in this block
            sql = "SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE created_at >= :date"
            post_ids = tuple(query_col(sql, date=date))

            # remove all recent records
            query("DELETE FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE post_id IN :ids",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_feed_cache  WHERE created_at >= :date",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_reblogs     WHERE created_at >= :date",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_follows     WHERE created_at >= :date",
                  date=date)  #*
            query("DELETE FROM hive_post_tags   WHERE post_id IN :ids",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_posts       WHERE id IN :ids",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_payments    WHERE block_num = :num",
            query("DELETE FROM hive_blocks      WHERE num = :num", num=num)

        log.warning("[FORK] recovery complete")
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def get_top_trending_tags_summary():
    """Get top 50 trending tags among pending posts."""
    # Same results, more overhead:
    #return [tag['name'] for tag in await get_trending_tags('', 50)]
    sql = """
        SELECT category
          FROM hive_posts_cache
         WHERE is_paidout = '0'
      GROUP BY category
      ORDER BY SUM(payout) DESC
         LIMIT 50
    return query_col(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 14
async def get_related_posts(account: str, permlink: str):
    sql = """
      SELECT p2.id
        FROM hive_posts p1
        JOIN hive_posts p2 ON p1.category = p2.category
        JOIN hive_posts_cache pc ON p2.id = pc.post_id
       WHERE p1.author = :a AND p1.permlink = :p
         AND sc_trend > :t AND p1.id != p2.id
    ORDER BY sc_trend DESC LIMIT 5
    thresh = time.time() / 480000
    post_ids = query_col(sql, a=account, p=permlink, t=thresh)
    return _get_posts(post_ids)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _load_posts_recursive(post_ids):
    posts = _get_posts(post_ids)

    out = {}
    for post, post_id in zip(posts, post_ids):
        out[post['author'] + '/' + post['permlink']] = post

        child_ids = query_col("SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE parent_id = %d" % post_id)
        if child_ids:
            children = _load_posts_recursive(child_ids)
            post['replies'] = list(children.keys())
            out = {**out, **children}

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_following(account: str, start: str, state: int, limit: int):
    """Get a list of accounts followed by a given account."""
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)
    seek = "AND name >= :start" if start else ''

    sql = """
        SELECT name FROM hive_follows hf
     LEFT JOIN hive_accounts ON hf.following = id
         WHERE hf.follower = :account_id
           AND state = :state %s
      ORDER BY name ASC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, start=start, state=state, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _get_posts(ids, context=None):
    sql = """
    SELECT post_id, author, permlink, title, preview, img_url, payout,
           promoted, created_at, payout_at, is_nsfw, rshares, votes, json
      FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE post_id IN :ids

    reblogged_ids = []
    if context:
        reblogged_ids = query_col(
            "SELECT post_id FROM hive_reblogs "
            "WHERE account = :a AND post_id IN :ids",

    # key by id so we can return sorted by input order
    posts_by_id = {}
    for row in query_all(sql, ids=tuple(ids)):
        obj = dict(row)

        if context:
            voters = [csa.split(",")[0] for csa in obj['votes'].split("\n")]
            obj['user_state'] = {
                'reblogged': row['post_id'] in reblogged_ids,
                'voted': context in voters

        # TODO: Object of type 'Decimal' is not JSON serializable
        obj['payout'] = float(obj['payout'])
        obj['promoted'] = float(obj['promoted'])

        # TODO: Object of type 'datetime' is not JSON serializable
        obj['created_at'] = str(obj['created_at'])
        obj['payout_at'] = str(obj['payout_at'])

        obj.pop('votes')  # temp
        obj.pop('json')  # temp
        posts_by_id[row['post_id']] = obj

    # in rare cases of cache inconsistency, recover and warn
    missed = set(ids) - posts_by_id.keys()
    if missed:
        print("WARNING: _get_posts do not exist in cache: {}".format(missed))
        for _id in missed:

    return [posts_by_id[_id] for _id in ids]
Ejemplo n.º 18
async def get_discussions_by_comments(start_author: str,
                                      start_permlink: str = '',
                                      limit: int = 20):
    limit = _validate_limit(limit, 20)
    seek = ''

    if start_permlink:
        seek = """
          AND created_at <= (SELECT created_at FROM hive_posts WHERE id = %d)
        """ % _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)

    sql = """
        SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE author = :account %s AND depth > 0
      ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    ids = query_col(sql, account=start_author, limit=limit)
    return _get_posts(ids)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def pids_by_account_comments(account: str,
                             start_permlink: str = '',
                             limit: int = 20):
    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        seek = """
          AND created_at <= (SELECT created_at FROM hive_posts WHERE id = %d)
        """ % get_post_id(account, start_permlink)

    sql = """
        SELECT id FROM hive_posts
         WHERE author = :account %s
           AND depth > 0
      ORDER BY created_at DESC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account=account, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def pids_by_query(sort, start_author, start_permlink, limit, tag):
    """Get a list of post_ids for a given posts query.

    `sort` can be trending, hot, new, promoted.
    assert sort in ['trending', 'hot', 'created', 'promoted']

    col = ''
    where = []
    if sort == 'trending':
        col = 'sc_trend'
    elif sort == 'hot':
        col = 'sc_hot'
    elif sort == 'created':
        col = 'post_id'
        where.append('depth = 0')
    elif sort == 'promoted':
        col = 'promoted'
        where.append("is_paidout = '0'")
        where.append('promoted > 0')

    if tag:
        tagged_pids = "SELECT post_id FROM hive_post_tags WHERE tag = :tag"
        where.append("post_id IN (%s)" % tagged_pids)

    def _where(conditions):
        return 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(conditions) if conditions else ''

    start_id = None
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)
        if not start_id:
            return []

        sql = ("SELECT %s FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT 1" %
               (col, _where([*where, "post_id = :start_id"]), col))
        where.append("%s <= (%s)" % (col, sql))

    sql = (
        "SELECT post_id FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT :limit"
        % (_where(where), col))

    return query_col(sql, tag=tag, start_id=start_id, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def pids_by_blog_without_reblog(account: str, start_permlink: str = '', limit: int = 20):
    """Get a list of post_ids for an author's blog without reblogs."""

    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = _get_post_id(account, start_permlink)
        if not start_id:
            return []
        seek = "AND id <= %d" % start_id

    sql = """
        SELECT id
          FROM hive_posts
         WHERE author = :account %s
           AND is_deleted = '0'
           AND depth = 0
      ORDER BY id DESC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account=account, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def cache_all_accounts():
    accounts = query_col("SELECT name FROM hive_accounts")
    processed = 0
    total = len(accounts)

    for i in range(0, total, 1000):
        batch = accounts[i:i + 1000]

        lap_0 = time.time()
        sqls = generate_cached_accounts_sql(batch)
        lap_1 = time.time()
        lap_2 = time.time()

        processed += len(batch)
        rem = total - processed
        rate = len(batch) / (lap_2 - lap_0)
        pct_db = int(100 * (lap_2 - lap_1) / (lap_2 - lap_0))
        print(" -- {} of {} ({}/s, {}% db) -- {}m remaining".format(
            processed, total, round(rate, 1), pct_db,
            round(rem / rate / 60, 2)))
Ejemplo n.º 23
async def get_discussions_by_sort_and_tag(sort,
    if skip > 5000:
        raise Exception("cannot skip {} results".format(skip))
    if limit > 100:
        raise Exception("cannot limit {} results".format(limit))

    order = ''
    where = []

    if sort == 'trending':
        order = 'sc_trend DESC'
    elif sort == 'hot':
        order = 'sc_hot DESC'
    elif sort == 'new':
        order = 'post_id DESC'
        where.append('depth = 0')
    elif sort == 'promoted':
        order = 'promoted DESC'
        where.append('is_paidout = 0')
        where.append('promoted > 0')
        raise Exception("unknown sort order {}".format(sort))

    if tag:
            'post_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM hive_post_tags WHERE tag = :tag)')

    if where:
        where = 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(where)
        where = ''

    sql = "SELECT post_id FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s LIMIT :limit OFFSET :skip" % (
        where, order)
    ids = query_col(sql, tag=tag, limit=limit, skip=skip)
    return _get_posts(ids, context)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def pids_by_replies_to_account(start_author: str,
                               start_permlink: str = '',
                               limit: int = 20):
    """Get a list of post_ids representing replies to an author.

    To get the first page of results, specify `start_author` as the
    account being replied to. For successive pages, provide the
    last loaded reply's author/permlink.
    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        sql = """
          SELECT parent.author,
            FROM hive_posts child
            JOIN hive_posts parent
              ON child.parent_id = parent.id
           WHERE child.author = :author
             AND child.permlink = :permlink

        row = query_row(sql, author=start_author, permlink=start_permlink)
        if not row:
            return []

        parent_account = row[0]
        seek = "AND created_at <= '%s'" % row[1]
        parent_account = start_author

    sql = """
       SELECT id FROM hive_posts
        WHERE parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE author = :parent) %s
          AND is_deleted = '0'
     ORDER BY created_at DESC
        LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, parent=parent_account, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 25
async def get_discussions_by_blog(tag: str,
                                  start_author: str = '',
                                  start_permlink: str = '',
                                  limit: int = 20):
    limit = _validate_limit(limit, 20)
    account_id = _get_account_id(tag)
    seek = ''

    if start_permlink:
        seek = """
          AND created_at <= (
            SELECT created_at FROM hive_feed_cache
             WHERE account_id = :account_id AND post_id = %d)
        """ % _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id FROM hive_feed_cache WHERE account_id = :account_id %s
      ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    ids = query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, limit=limit)
    return _get_posts(ids)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def pids_by_account_comments(account: str, start_permlink: str = '', limit: int = 20):
    """Get a list of post_ids representing comments by an author."""
    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = _get_post_id(account, start_permlink)
        if not start_id:
            return []

        seek = """
          AND created_at <= (SELECT created_at FROM hive_posts WHERE id = %d)
        """ % start_id

    sql = """
        SELECT id FROM hive_posts
         WHERE author = :account %s
           AND depth > 0
           AND is_deleted = '0'
      ORDER BY created_at DESC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account=account, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_following(account: str, start: str, state: int, limit: int):
    account_id = get_account_id(account)

    seek = ''
    if start:
        seek = """
          AND hf.created_at <= (
            SELECT created_at FROM hive_follows
             WHERE follower = :account_id
               AND following = %d
               AND state = :state)
        """ % get_account_id(start)

    sql = """
        SELECT name FROM hive_follows hf
          JOIN hive_accounts ON hf.following = id
         WHERE hf.follower = :account_id
           AND state = :state %s
      ORDER BY hf.created_at DESC
         LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_col(sql, account_id=account_id, state=state, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def pids_by_query(sort, tag, start_author, start_permlink, limit):
    col = ''
    where = []
    if sort == 'trending':
        col = 'sc_trend'
    elif sort == 'hot':
        col = 'sc_hot'
    elif sort == 'created':
        col = 'post_id'
        where.append('depth = 0')
    elif sort == 'promoted':
        col = 'promoted'
        where.append("is_paidout = '0'")
        where.append('promoted > 0')
        raise Exception("unknown sort order {}".format(sort))

    if tag:
        tagged_pids = "SELECT post_id FROM hive_post_tags WHERE tag = :tag"
        where.append("post_id IN (%s)" % tagged_pids)

    def _where(conditions):
        return 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(conditions) if conditions else ''

    start_id = None
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)
        sql = ("SELECT %s FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT 1" %
               (col, _where([*where, "post_id = :start_id"]), col))
        where.append("%s <= (%s)" % (col, sql))

    sql = (
        "SELECT post_id FROM hive_posts_cache %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT :limit"
        % (_where(where), col))

    return query_col(sql, tag=tag, start_id=start_id, limit=limit)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def dirty_oldest(cls, limit=50000):
     print("[HIVE] flagging %d oldest accounts for update" % limit)
     sql = "SELECT name FROM hive_accounts ORDER BY cached_at LIMIT :limit"
     return cls.dirty(query_col(sql, limit=limit))
Ejemplo n.º 30
async def get_content_replies(parent: str, parent_permlink: str):
    post_id = _get_post_id(parent, parent_permlink)
    post_ids = query_col("SELECT id FROM hive_posts WHERE parent_id = %d" %
    return _get_posts(post_ids)