Ejemplo n.º 1
def listen_steemd(trail_blocks=2):
    steemd = get_adapter()
    curr_block = db_last_block()
    last_hash = False

    while True:
        curr_block = curr_block + 1

        # if trailing too close, take a pause
        while trail_blocks > 0:
            if curr_block <= steemd.head_block() - trail_blocks:

        # get the target block; if DNE, pause and retry
        block = steemd.get_block(curr_block)
        while not block:
            block = steemd.get_block(curr_block)

        num = int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16)
        print("[LIVE] Got block {} at {} with {} txs -- ".format(
            num, block['timestamp'], len(block['transactions'])),

        # ensure the block we received links to our last
        if last_hash and last_hash != block['previous']:
            # this condition is very rare unless trail_blocks is 0 and fork is
            # encountered; to handle gracefully, implement a pop_block method
            raise Exception("Unlinkable block: have {}, got {} -> {})".format(
                last_hash, block['previous'], block['block_id']))
        last_hash = block['block_id']

        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        query("START TRANSACTION")

        dirty = process_block(block)
        update_posts_batch(Posts.urls_to_tuples(dirty), steemd,

        paidout = select_paidout_posts(block['timestamp'])
        update_posts_batch(paidout, steemd, block['timestamp'])


        print("{} edits, {} payouts".format(len(dirty), len(paidout)))
        secs = time.perf_counter() - start_time

        if secs > 1:
            print("WARNING: block {} process took {}s".format(num, secs))

        # approx once per hour, update accounts
        if num % 1200 == 0:
            print("Performing account maintenance...")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def cache_missing_posts():
    # cached posts inserted sequentially, so just compare MAX(id)'s
    sql = ("SELECT (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id), 0) FROM hive_posts) - "
           "(SELECT IFNULL(MAX(post_id), 0) FROM hive_posts_cache)")
    missing_count = query_one(sql)
    print("[INIT] Found {} missing post cache entries".format(missing_count))

    if not missing_count:

    # process in batches of 1m posts
    missing = select_missing_posts(1e6)
    while missing:
        update_posts_batch(missing, get_adapter())
        missing = select_missing_posts(1e6)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sync_from_steemd(is_initial_sync):
    steemd = get_adapter()
    dirty = set()

    lbound = db_last_block() + 1
    ubound = steemd.last_irreversible_block_num()

    print("[SYNC] {} blocks to batch sync".format(ubound - lbound + 1))
    print("[SYNC] start sync from block %d" % lbound)

    while lbound < ubound:
        to = min(lbound + 1000, ubound)

        lap_0 = time.time()
        blocks = steemd.get_blocks_range(lbound, to)
        lap_1 = time.time()
        dirty |= process_blocks(blocks, is_initial_sync)
        lap_2 = time.time()

        rate = (to - lbound) / (lap_2 - lap_0)
        rps = int((to - lbound) / (lap_1 - lap_0))
        wps = int((to - lbound) / (lap_2 - lap_1))
            "[SYNC] Got block {} ({}/s, {}rps {}wps) -- {}m remaining".format(
                to - 1, round(rate, 1), rps, wps,
                round((ubound - to) / rate / 60, 2)))

        lbound = to

    # batch update post cache after catching up to head block
    if not is_initial_sync:

        print("[PREP] Update {} edited posts".format(len(dirty)))
        update_posts_batch(urls_to_tuples(dirty), steemd)

        date = steemd.head_time()
        paidout = select_paidout_posts(date)
        print("[PREP] Process {} payouts since {}".format(len(paidout), date))
        update_posts_batch(paidout, steemd, date)