def get_fits(y, gt, extra_vars): if extra_vars['figure_name'] == 'tbp': tcs = np.zeros((2, len(extra_vars['vals']))) for i in range(len(extra_vars['vals'])): tcs[0, i] = np.corrcoef( y[0, i][::iceil(extra_vars['npoints'] / float(len(extra_vars['vals'])))], gt[0][i, 1:])[0, 1] tcs[1, i] = np.corrcoef( y[1, i][::iceil(extra_vars['npoints'] / float(len(extra_vars['vals'])))], gt[1][i, 1:])[0, 1] it_score = np.mean(tcs) # ** 2) elif extra_vars['figure_name'] == 'tbtcso': tcs = np.zeros((y.shape[0])) for i in range(y.shape[0]): tcs[i] = np.corrcoef(y[i, :], gt[0][i, :])[0, 1] it_score = np.mean(tcs) # ** 2) elif extra_vars['figure_name'] == 'bw': tcs = np.zeros((y.shape[0], y.shape[1])) for r in range(y.shape[0]): for c in range(y.shape[1]): tcs[r, c] = np.corrcoef(np.squeeze(y[r, c, :]), np.squeeze(gt[1][r, c, :]))[0, 1]**2 it_score = np.nanmean(tcs) elif extra_vars['figure_name'] == 'tbtcso': rs = np.zeros((gt.shape[0])) for i, r in enumerate(gt): rs[i] = np.corrcoef(y, r) it_score = np.mean(rs) else: it_score = np.corrcoef(y, gt)[0, 1] # ** 2 return it_score
def draw_ecrf(ax, loc=None, srf=_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS['srf'], ssn=_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS['ssn'], ssf=_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS['ssf'], off=0.5): xlims = ax.get_xlim() ylims = ax.get_ylim() if loc is None: loc = [sum(xlims) / 2., sum(ylims) / 2.] ul = lambda sz: [ loc[0] - ifloor(sz / 2.0) - off, loc[1] - ifloor(sz / 2.0) - off ] ur = lambda sz: [ loc[0] + iceil(sz / 2.0) - off, loc[1] - ifloor(sz / 2.0) - off ] lr = lambda sz: [ loc[0] + iceil(sz / 2.0) - off, loc[1] + iceil(sz / 2.0) - off ] ll = lambda sz: [ loc[0] - ifloor(sz / 2.0) - off, loc[1] + iceil(sz / 2.0) - off ] # draw CRF ax.plot(ul(srf), ur(srf), color='r') ax.plot(ur(srf), lr(srf), color='r') ax.plot(lr(srf), ll(srf), color='r') ax.plot(ll(srf), ul(srf), color='r') # draw neCRF ax.plot(ul(ssn), ur(ssn), color='g') ax.plot(ur(ssn), lr(ssn), color='g') ax.plot(lr(ssn), ll(ssn), color='g') ax.plot(ll(ssn), ul(ssn), color='g') # draw feCRF ax.plot(ul(ssf), ur(ssf), color='b') ax.plot(ur(ssf), lr(ssf), color='b') ax.plot(lr(ssf), ll(ssf), color='b') ax.plot(ll(ssf), ul(ssf), color='b') # restore plot limits ax.set_xlim(xlims) ax.set_ylim(ylims) return
def get_wl87_stim(size, dists, cval, sval, ch, cw, sh, sw): """""" im = sp.zeros((len(dists), 1, size, size)) im[:] = sp.nan for idx, ds in enumerate(dists): u = size // 2 - ifloor(ch / 2.) v = size // 2 + iceil(ch / 2.) w = size // 2 - ifloor(cw / 2.) z = size // 2 + iceil(cw / 2.) a = size // 2 - ifloor(sw / 2.) b = size // 2 + iceil(sw / 2.) it = u - ds - sh jt = v + ds im[idx, 0, u:v, w:z] = cval im[idx, 0, it:it + sh, a:b] = sval im[idx, 0, jt:jt + sh, a:b] = sval return im
def get_population_agaussian(stimulus, npoints=50, fdomain=DEFAULT_FDOMAIN, baseline=DEFAULT_BASELINE_AGAUSSIAN, scale=DEFAULT_SCALE_AGAUSSIAN): """""" loci = np.linspace(fdomain[0], fdomain[1], npoints) b_min, b_max = min(baseline), max(baseline) s_min, s_max = min(scale), max(scale) bs_ = np.linspace(b_min, b_max, iceil(npoints / 2.)) _bs = np.linspace(b_max, b_min, iceil(npoints / 2.)) baselines = np.concatenate((_bs[:ifloor(npoints / 2.)], bs_)) sc_ = np.linspace(s_min, s_max, iceil(npoints / 2.)) _sc = np.linspace(s_max, s_min, iceil(npoints / 2.)) scales = np.concatenate((_sc[:ifloor(npoints / 2.)], sc_)) h, w = stimulus.shape population = np.zeros((npoints, h, w)) for idx, (loc, bs, sc) in enumerate(zip(loci, baselines, scales)): if loc <= (fdomain[1] + fdomain[0]) / 2.: population[idx] = agaussian(stimulus, loc=loc, bl=bs, br=b_min, sl=sc, sr=s_min) if loc > (fdomain[1] + fdomain[0]) / 2.: population[idx] = agaussian(stimulus, loc=loc, bl=b_min, br=bs, sl=s_min, sr=sc) return population
def TB2015_plaid(size=_DEFAULT_TB2015PP_SIZE, csize=_DEFAULT_TB2015PP_CSIZE, npoints=_DEFAULT_TB2015PP_NPOINTS, scale=_DEFAULT_TB2015PP_SCALE, cval=_DEFAULT_TB2015PP_CVAL): """ """ BUFFERFILE = '/home/dmely/data/buffer_tb2015_plaid_cs5.h5' # map to a sine for the visualizations m = (lambda x: sp.sin(sp.pi * x)) # simulate populations ppop = { 'kind': 'circular', 'npoints': npoints, 'scale': scale, 'fdomain': (0, 1), } vals_ang = sp.array([-90., -60., -30., 0., 30., 60.]) vals = (vals_ang + 90.) / 180. imc1 = stim.get_center_surround(size=size, csize=csize, cval=cval, sval=sp.nan) x1 = utils.get_population(imc1, **ppop) x = sp.zeros((2, len(vals), npoints, size, size)) for vdx, v in enumerate(vals): imc2 = stim.get_center_surround(size=size, csize=csize, cval=v, sval=sp.nan) ims = stim.get_center_surround(size=size, csize=csize, cval=sp.nan, sval=v) x2 = utils.get_population(imc2, **ppop) xs = utils.get_population(ims, **ppop) x[0, vdx] = (x1 + x2) / 2. x[1, vdx] = (x1 + x2) / 2. + xs x.shape = (2 * len(vals), npoints, size, size) try: with h5py.File(BUFFERFILE, 'r') as h5f: pr = h5f['pr'][:] except IOError: with ContextualCircuit(input_shape=x.shape, keeptime=False, i_gpu=_I_GPU) as cx:, from_gpu=False) pr = cx.Y[..., size // 2, size // 2].get() pr.shape = (2, len(vals), npoints) with h5py.File(BUFFERFILE) as h5f: h5f['pr'] = pr # display population responses for plaids and surrounds # raw_input("[Populations] Press Enter to continue.") xticks = sp.array([-90., -60., -30., 0., 30., 60., 90.]) allx = sp.linspace(xticks.min(), xticks.max(), npoints) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, len(vals)) ax_dat = ax[0, :] ax_sim = ax[1, :] # plot digitized data _plot_TrottBorn2015_population_plaid_data(ax=ax_dat) d0 = utils.decode(pr[0], axis=-1, kind='circular_vote') d1 = utils.decode(pr[1], axis=-1, kind='circular_vote') d0_x = d0 * (xticks.max() - xticks.min()) + xticks.min() d1_x = d1 * (xticks.max() - xticks.min()) + xticks.min() # plot simulated for i in range(len(vals)): # population curve ax_sim[i].plot(allx, pr[0, i], color=CELL_LINECOLOR, alpha=CELL_LINEALPHA, markersize=0, label='Plaid only', linestyle='-', linewidth=CELL_LINEWIDTH) ax_sim[i].plot(allx[::iceil(npoints / 6.)], pr[0, i][::iceil(npoints / 6.)], color=CELL_MARKERCOLOR, alpha=CELL_MARKERALPHA, linestyle='None', markersize=CELL_MARKERSIZE, marker='o') ax_sim[i].plot(allx, pr[1, i], color=CELL_LINECOLOR_RED, alpha=CELL_LINEALPHA, markersize=0, label='Plaid + Surround', linestyle='-', linewidth=CELL_LINEWIDTH) ax_sim[i].plot(allx[::iceil(npoints / 6.)], pr[1, i][::iceil(npoints / 6.)], color=CELL_MARKERCOLOR_RED, alpha=CELL_MARKERALPHA, linestyle='None', markersize=CELL_MARKERSIZE, marker='o') ax_sim[i].set_ylim([0.0, pr.max()]) # misc ax_sim[i].set_xticks(xticks) ax_sim[i].set_xticklabels('%i' % (i, ) for i in xticks) ax_sim[i].set_xlim((xticks.min(), xticks.max())) if not PUBLISH: if xticks[i] < 0: tt = 'C2 = C1 - %i deg.' % (sp.absolute(xticks[i]), ) elif xticks[i] > 0: tt = 'C2 = C1 + %i deg.' % (sp.absolute(xticks[i]), ) else: tt = 'C2 = C1' ax_dat[i].set_title(tt, fontweight='bold', fontsize=15.) ax_sim[i].set_xlabel('Orientation\n(relative to preferred)', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15.) if i == 0: ax_dat[i].set_ylabel('Population Response (normalized)', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15.) ax_sim[i].set_ylabel('Population Response (arbitrary units)', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15.) if i == len(vals) - 1: ax_dat[i].yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax_sim[i].yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax_dat[i].set_ylabel('Experimental data (neurophysiology)', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15.) ax_sim[i].set_ylabel('Model simulation', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15.) # ax_sim[i].patch.set_alpha(0.0) for i in range(6): if PUBLISH: ax_dat[i].set_xticklabels([]) ax_dat[i].set_yticklabels([]) ax_sim[i].set_xticklabels([]) ax_sim[i].set_yticklabels([]) ax_sim[i].set_xlim((-93, 93)) ax_dat[i].set_xlim((-93, 93)) # minima loci ax_sim[i].plot([d0_x[i]] * 2, list(ax_sim[i].get_ylim()), color=CELL_LINECOLOR, alpha=CELL_LINEALPHA, linewidth=CELL_ABSCISSA_LW, linestyle='--') ax_sim[i].plot([d1_x[i]] * 2, list(ax_sim[i].get_ylim()), color=CELL_LINECOLOR_RED, alpha=CELL_LINEALPHA, linewidth=CELL_ABSCISSA_LW, linestyle='--') if PUBLISH: CELLFIG(fig=fig, out='/home/dmely/data/cell.out/fig_tb15_pl.pdf') return pr
def _prepare_tensors(self): """ Allocate buffer space on the GPU, etc. """ n, k, h, w = self.input_shape SRF = self.parameters.srf SSN = self.parameters.ssn SSF = self.parameters.ssf OMEGA = ISCONTINUOUS = self.parameters.continuous # computation parameters ######################## self._cudnn_tensor_format = cudnn.cudnnTensorFormat[ 'CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW'] self._cudnn_pooling_mode = cudnn.cudnnPoolingMode[ 'CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING'] self._cudnn_relu_act = cudnn.cudnnActivationMode[ 'CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU'] self._cudnn_data_type = cudnn.cudnnDataType[ 'CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT'] if self.floatX == 'float32' \ else cudnn.cudnnDataType['CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE'] self._cudnn_conv_mode = cudnn.cudnnConvolutionMode[ 'CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION'] # self._cudnn_conv_pref = cudnn.cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference[ # 'CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST'] self._cudnn_conv_pref = cudnn.cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference[ 'CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_NO_WORKSPACE'] # constant tensors ################## self._gpu_negMU = _array2gpu([-1.0 *]) self._gpu_negNU = _array2gpu([-1.0 *]) # return tensors ################ self.X = _empty2gpu((n, k, h, w)) self.Y = _empty2gpu((n, k, h, w)) self._desc_X = cudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() self._desc_Y = cudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() cudnn.cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(self._desc_X, self._cudnn_tensor_format, self._cudnn_data_type, n, k, h, w) cudnn.cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(self._desc_Y, self._cudnn_tensor_format, self._cudnn_data_type, n, k, h, w) if self.keeptime: self.X_t = sp.zeros((self.maxiter + 1, n, k, h, w)) self.Y_t = sp.zeros((self.maxiter + 1, n, k, h, w)) if self.keepvars: self.T_t = sp.zeros((self.maxiter + 1, n, k, h, w)) self.U_t = sp.zeros((self.maxiter + 1, n, k, h, w)) self.P_t = sp.zeros((self.maxiter + 1, n, k, h, w)) self.Q_t = sp.zeros((self.maxiter + 1, n, k, h, w)) # buffer tensors ################ self._gpu_buf1 = _empty2gpu((n, k, h, w)) self._gpu_buf2 = _empty2gpu((n, k, h, w)) self._gpu_buf3 = _empty2gpu((n, k, h, w)) self._gpu_buf4 = _empty2gpu((n, 1, h, w)) self._desc_buf1 = cudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() self._desc_buf2 = cudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() self._desc_buf3 = cudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() self._desc_buf4 = cudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor() cudnn.cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(self._desc_buf1, self._cudnn_tensor_format, self._cudnn_data_type, n, k, h, w) cudnn.cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(self._desc_buf2, self._cudnn_tensor_format, self._cudnn_data_type, n, k, h, w) cudnn.cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(self._desc_buf3, self._cudnn_tensor_format, self._cudnn_data_type, n, k, h, w) cudnn.cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(self._desc_buf4, self._cudnn_tensor_format, self._cudnn_data_type, n, 1, h, w) # broadly-tuned summation ######################### if weights = _sgw(k=k, s=OMEGA) \ if ISCONTINUOUS else _sdw(k=k, s=OMEGA) q_array = sp.array( [sp.roll(weights, shift=shift) for shift in range(k)]) q_array.shape = (k, k, 1, 1) self._gpu_q = _array2gpu(q_array) self._desc_q = cudnn.cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor() self._desc_Q = cudnn.cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor() cudnn.cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(self._desc_q, self._cudnn_data_type, k, k, 1, 1) cudnn.cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(self._desc_Q, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, self._cudnn_conv_mode) self._algo_q = cudnn.cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm( self.cudnnContext, self._desc_X, self._desc_q, self._desc_Q, self._desc_buf1, self._cudnn_conv_pref, 0) assert cudnn.cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim( self._desc_Q, self._desc_X, self._desc_q) == (n, k, h, w) # untuned suppression: reduction across feature axis #################################################### self._gpu_u = _array2gpu(1.0 / k * sp.ones((1, k, 1, 1))) self._desc_u = cudnn.cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor() self._desc_U = cudnn.cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor() cudnn.cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(self._desc_u, self._cudnn_data_type, 1, k, 1, 1) cudnn.cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(self._desc_U, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, self._cudnn_conv_mode) self._algo_u = cudnn.cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm( self.cudnnContext, self._desc_Y, self._desc_u, self._desc_U, self._desc_buf4, self._cudnn_conv_pref, 0) assert cudnn.cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim( self._desc_U, self._desc_Y, self._desc_u) == (n, 1, h, w) # tuned summation: pooling in h, w dimensions ############################################# SSN_ = 2 * ifloor(SSN / 2.0) + 1 p_array = sp.zeros((k, k, SSN_, SSN_)) # Uniform weights #---------------- for pdx in range(k): p_array[pdx, pdx, :SSN, :SSN] = 1.0 p_array[:, :, # exclude classical receptive field! SSN // 2 - ifloor(SRF / 2.0):SSN // 2 + iceil(SRF / 2.0), SSN // 2 - ifloor(SRF / 2.0):SSN // 2 + iceil(SRF / 2.0)] = 0.0 p_array /= SSN**2 - SRF**2 # normalize to get true average # Gaussian weights #----------------- # for pdx in range(k): # p_array[pdx, pdx] = _cg2d(SSN) self._gpu_p = _array2gpu(p_array) self._desc_p = cudnn.cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor() self._desc_P = cudnn.cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor() cudnn.cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(self._desc_p, self._cudnn_data_type, k, k, SSN_, SSN_) cudnn.cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(self._desc_P, SSN_ // 2, SSN_ // 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, self._cudnn_conv_mode) self._algo_p = cudnn.cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm( self.cudnnContext, self._desc_X, self._desc_p, self._desc_P, self._desc_buf1, self._cudnn_conv_pref, 0) # self._algo_p = self._cudnn_conv_pref assert cudnn.cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim( self._desc_P, self._desc_X, self._desc_p) == (n, k, h, w) # tuned suppression: pooling in h, w dimensions ############################################### SSF_ = 2 * ifloor(SSF / 2.0) + 1 t_array = sp.zeros((k, k, SSF_, SSF_)) # Uniform weights #---------------- for tdx in range(k): t_array[tdx, tdx, :SSF, :SSF] = 1.0 t_array[:, :, # exclude near surround! SSF // 2 - ifloor(SSN / 2.0):SSF // 2 + iceil(SSN / 2.0), SSF // 2 - ifloor(SSN / 2.0):SSF // 2 + iceil(SSN / 2.0)] = 0.0 t_array /= SSF**2 - SSN**2 # normalize to get true average # Gaussian weights #----------------- # for tdx in range(k): # t_array[tdx, tdx] = _cg2d(SSF) self._gpu_t = _array2gpu(t_array) self._desc_t = cudnn.cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor() self._desc_T = cudnn.cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor() cudnn.cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(self._desc_t, self._cudnn_data_type, k, k, SSF_, SSF_) cudnn.cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(self._desc_T, SSF_ // 2, SSF_ // 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, self._cudnn_conv_mode) # self._scal_T_alpha = 1.0/(SSF**2.0 - SSN**2.0) # self._scal_T_beta = -1.0/(SSF**2.0 - SSN**2.0) self._algo_t = cudnn.cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm( self.cudnnContext, self._desc_Y, self._desc_t, self._desc_T, self._desc_buf3, self._cudnn_conv_pref, 0) # self._algo_t = self._cudnn_conv_pref assert cudnn.cudnnGetConvolution2dForwardOutputDim( self._desc_T, self._desc_Y, self._desc_t) == (n, k, h, w)