def __init__(self, nominal, initial, knockIn, knockOut, highRate, lowRate, strike, startDate, endDate, frequency, currency, dayCount="Act/365", adjMethod="Mod. Following", isStub=True): self.nominal = nominal self.startDate = startDate self.endDate = endDate self.frequency = frequency self.dayCount = dayCount self.adjMethod = adjMethod self.currency = currency self.isStub = isStub self.initial = initial self.knockInLevel = knockIn * initial self.knockOutLevel = knockOut * initial self.highRate = highRate self.lowRate = lowRate self.strikeLevel = strike * initial #""" Additional structure to store prices for different dates: Makes it faster and easier to run bootstrap """ self.prices = {} if self.currency == "USD": self.holidayArray = holidays.UnitedStates() elif self.currency == "SEK": self.holidayArray = holidays.Sweden() elif self.currency == "JPY": self.holidayArray = holidays.Japan() self.cfDates = DateUtils.GenerateCashFlowDates(startDate, endDate, None, frequency, adjMethod, isStub, self.holidayArray) self.pv = 0.0 self.cfs = [] self.cfPVs = [] self.cfDays = [] self.dfs = [] self.pvTotal = 0.0
def __init__( self, nominal, startDate, endDate, spread, frequency, currency, # koProb, dayCount="Act/365", adjMethod="Mod. Following", isStub=True): self.nominal = nominal self.startDate = startDate self.endDate = endDate self.spread = spread self.frequency = frequency self.dayCount = dayCount self.adjMethod = adjMethod self.currency = currency # self.koProb = koProb self.isStub = isStub #""" Additional structure to store prices for different dates: Makes it faster and easier to run bootstrap """ self.prices = {} if self.currency == "USD": self.holidayArray = holidays.UnitedStates() elif self.currency == "SEK": self.holidayArray = holidays.Sweden() elif self.currency == "JPY": self.holidayArray = holidays.Japan() self.cfDates = DateUtils.GenerateCashFlowDates(startDate, endDate, None, frequency, adjMethod, isStub, self.holidayArray) self.pv = 0.0 self.cfs = [] self.cfPVs = [] self.cfDays = [] self.dfs = [] self.pvTotal = 0.0
def get_holidays(self): """ Holiday handling. Sets holiday effect to the interval of plus one day minus the days before that in the week. And adds a specific effect to the fellesferie mondays """ if == "NO": hdays = holidays.Norway(years = range(2015,2021), include_sundays=False) if == "SE": hdays = holidays.Sweden(years = range(2015,2021), include_sundays=False) hdays_array = [] for dates, name in hdays.items(): hdays_array.append([dates, name]) hdays_df = pd.DataFrame(hdays_array, columns=['ds', 'holiday']) hdays_df['lower_window'] = - hdays_df['ds'].apply(lambda x: x.weekday()) hdays_df['upper_window'] = 2 # Get fellesferie fellesferie_mondays = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ds', 'holiday']) i = 1 for year in hdays.years: print(date(year, 7, 1)) all_days = pd.date_range(start=date(year, 7, 1), end=date(year, 7, 31), freq='W-MON')[-3:] print(all_days) all_days_df = pd.DataFrame({'ds': all_days}) all_days_df['holiday'] = 'felles_'+(all_days_df.index+1).astype(str) fellesferie_mondays = pd.concat([fellesferie_mondays, all_days_df]) fellesferie_mondays['lower_window'] = 0 fellesferie_mondays['upper_window'] = 6 hdays_df = pd.concat([hdays_df, fellesferie_mondays]) return hdays_df
'NL': 16.570, 'PL': 38.53, 'SE': 9.341 } holiday_op = [ ('AT', holidays.Austria()), # holidays for each country ('BE', holidays.Belgium()), # implented this way because of bug in library ('CH', holidays.Switzerland()), ('CZ', holidays.Czech()), ('DE', holidays.Germany()), ('DK', holidays.Denmark()), ('FR', holidays.France()), ('LU', holidays.Luxembourg()), ('NL', holidays.Netherlands()), ('PL', holidays.Poland()), ('SE', holidays.Sweden()) ] def timedata(dt): # create time data extra information for influxDB (makes sorting easier) timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(dt) year = timestamp.year month = timestamp.month hour = timestamp.hour minute = timestamp.minute weekday = timestamp.weekday() # determine the holiday export weight # for DE only holiday, holiday = 1.0 # for DE+ others holidays, holiday > 1.0
def _get_fridays(self, N, start_date=None): """ Get a list of the Fika Fridays. If a start date is not supplied, the current date is assumed Holidays are also defined here for now, due to a bug in the holidays package. :param N: the number of Fridays that you need :param start_date: the starting date """ if not start_date: # get current date start_date = self.fikaholidays = holidays.Sweden() # DEFINE HOLIDAYS month = start_date.month if month <= 9: summer_year = start_date.year winter_year = start_date.year else: summer_year = start_date.year + 1 winter_year = start_date.year # add summer for the coming midsummer and August day = date(summer_year, 6, 20) while day.month < 9: if day not in holidays.Sweden(): self.fikaholidays.append(day) day = day + timedelta(days=1) # add winter for the coming Christmas period day = date(winter_year, 12, 20) weeks_off = 3 end_day = day + timedelta(weeks=3) while day < end_day: if day not in holidays.Sweden(): self.fikaholidays.append(day) day = day + timedelta(days=1) # GET FRIDAYS # index of week friday_index = 4 # Find the next Friday after the start date while start_date.weekday() != friday_index: start_date = start_date + timedelta(days=1) friday = start_date while len(self.fikafridays) < N: # check for holidays (also on the thursday before) thursday = friday - timedelta(days=1) if (friday not in self.fikaholidays and thursday not in self.fikaholidays): #if friday not in holidays.Sweden() and thursday not in holidays.Sweden(): self.fikafridays.append(friday) # go to the next week friday = friday + timedelta(days=7)
import datetime as dt import holidays import random from time import sleep from configparser import ConfigParser import psycopg2 from psycopg2 import extras import logging swe_holidays = holidays.Sweden() # first define how to read config # read config files def read_config(filename='database.ini', section='postgresql'): # create a parser parser = ConfigParser() # read config file # get section, default to postgresql db = {} if parser.has_section(section): params = parser.items(section) for param in params: db[param[0]] = param[1] else: raise Exception('Section {0} not found in the {1} file'.format( section, filename))
def setUp(self): self.holidays_without_sundays = holidays.Sweden(include_sundays=False) self.holidays_with_sundays = holidays.Sweden()