def setupWebDAVCalendar(cfgScript): createLink([dirEtcHttpdConfd(cfgScript), 'mycalendar.conf'], HTTPD_CONFD_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK | UTILS_CREATE_LINK_DELETE, 0644, 'root', 'root') chprops(join(srvDirMaco(), '.htpasswd.calendars'), 0440, 'apache', 'apache') mymakedirs(srvDirCalendars()) runCmd('chown', '-R', 'apache:apache', srvDirCalendars()) setupMacoPolicy(cfgScript) info('Configured WebDAV on HTTPD for calendars.')
def configureNest(cfgScript): main = cfgScript.getMain() nest = main.serviceNest() repoPath = nest.getCentralRepoPath() info("Installing 'Mercurial'...") info("Creating the '" + repoPath + "' repository...") mymakedirs(repoPath) runCmd('groupadd', NEST_RW_GROUP) info("Added the '" + NEST_RW_GROUP + "' group.") runCmd('usermod', '-a', '-G', NEST_RW_GROUP, 'matej') info("Added the user 'matej' to the '" + NEST_RW_GROUP + "' group.") runCmd('chown', '-R', 'root:root', repoPath) runCmd('setfacl', '-b', repoPath) runCmd('setfacl', '-R', '-m', 'd:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d:o:0,d:m:rwx,m:rwx,d:u:apache:rx,d:g:apache:rx,d:u:root:rwx,d:g:root:rwx,d:g:' + NEST_RW_GROUP + ':rwx,u:apache:rx,g:apache:rx,g:' + NEST_RW_GROUP + ':rwx', repoPath) info("Configured Nest access rights.") createLink([ main.dirNastavitve(), 'Mercurial/Server Configuration/' ], CRON_WEEKLY_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK | UTILS_CREATE_LINK_DELETE, 0550, 'root', 'root') createLink([ main.dirNastavitve(), 'Mercurial/Server Configuration/hgrc' ], MERCURIAL_ETC_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK, 0444, 'root', 'root') restoreconR(MERCURIAL_ETC_DIR) restoreconR(CRON_WEEKLY_DIR) info('Installed the global Mercurial configuration file and configured the repository backup creation script.')
def setupMySvnPolicy(cfgScript): if 'noselinux' in argv: info('MySVN SELinux policy not applied.') return if (runCmd([dirSvnPolicy(cfgScript), ''], 'clean') != 0 or runCmd([dirSvnPolicy(cfgScript), '']) != 0): raise Exception("Could not install the MySVN SELinux policy.") info("Installed the the MySVN SELinux policy.")
def setupMacoPolicy(cfgScript): if 'noselinux' in argv: info('General Maco SELinux policy not applied.') return if (runCmd([dirMacoSeLinuxPolicy(cfgScript), ''], 'clean') != 0 or runCmd([dirMacoSeLinuxPolicy(cfgScript), '']) != 0): raise Exception("Could not install the general Maco SELinux policy.") info("Installed the general Maco SELinux policy.")
def restorecon(*paths): """ Restores the SELinux contexts of the given files. @param paths The files/directories for which to restore their contexts. """ paths = flatten(paths) for path in paths: runCmd('restorecon', path)
def setupSvn(cfgScript): runCmd('chown', '-R', 'apache:apache', srvDirSvn()) setupMySvnPolicy(cfgScript) createLink([dirSvn(cfgScript), 'SVNBackup'], CRON_WEEKLY_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK | UTILS_CREATE_LINK_DELETE, 0550, 'root', 'root') restoreconR(CRON_WEEKLY_DIR) info('Installed the weekly SVN backup cron script.') restoreconR(srvDirSvn()) info('Configured the SVN repository.')
def restoreconR(*paths): """ Restores the SELinux contexts of the given files. This method also recurses into directories. @param paths The files/directories for which to restore their contexts. """ paths = flatten(paths) for path in paths: runCmd('restorecon', '-R', path)
def installPrivateKey(cfgScript, keyPath, destName = None): """ Installs the given private key into the '/etc/pki/tls/private' folder. @param cfgScript The context object (provides us with the path to the tool for decrypting private keys). @param keyPath The path to the private key to install. """ keyPath = joinPaths(keyPath) if destName is None: destPath = join(KEYS_DIR, basename(keyPath)) else: destPath = join(KEYS_DIR, destName) if not exists(destPath): runCmd([dirCertifikati(cfgScript), ''], keyPath, '-o', destPath) chmod(destPath, 0400) # restorecon(destPath) info("Installed private key '" + destPath + "'.")
def setupPostfix(cfgScript): installUrbasPrivateKey(cfgScript, '', '') installUrbasCert(cfgScript, '', '') createLink([dirPostfix(cfgScript), ''], POSTFIX_ETC_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK, 0644, 'root', 'root') createLink([dirPostfix(cfgScript), ''], POSTFIX_ETC_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK, 0644, 'root', 'root') createLink([dirPostfix(cfgScript), 'sasl', 'smtpd.conf'], [POSTFIX_ETC_DIR, 'sasl'], UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK, 0644, 'root', 'root') createLink([dirPostfix(cfgScript), 'aliases'], ETC_DIR, UTILS_CREATE_LINK_HARD_LINK, 0644, 'root', 'root') # restorecon(join(ETC_DIR, 'aliases')) srcAliases = join(dirPostfix(cfgScript), 'aliases') runCmd('postalias', 'hash:' + srcAliases) aliases = join(ETC_DIR, 'aliases.db') if exists(aliases): remove(aliases) move(join(dirPostfix(cfgScript), 'aliases.db'), aliases) chprops(aliases, 0644, 'root', 'smmsp') # restorecon(aliases) runCmd('newaliases') runCmd('postmap', 'hash:' + join(dirPostfix(cfgScript), 'local_recipient_table')) try: remove(join(POSTFIX_ETC_DIR, 'local_recipient_table.db')) except Exception as ex: info("Could not remove '" + join(POSTFIX_ETC_DIR, 'local_recipient_table.db') + "'."); move(join(dirPostfix(cfgScript), 'local_recipient_table.db'), POSTFIX_ETC_DIR) chprops(join(POSTFIX_ETC_DIR, 'local_recipient_table.db'), 0644, 'root', 'root')
def createUser(uname, fullName): if not userExists(uname): runCmd('useradd', '-U', '-m', '-c', fullName, uname) runCmd('passwd', uname) info("Created user '" + uname + "'.")
def userExists(uname): return runCmd('id', uname) == 0
def addRepository(self, uri): runCmd(PACKAGE_MANAGER, '-y', '-v', 'localinstall', '--nogpgcheck', uri)
def install(self, *packages): if packages: packages = flatten(packages) if runCmd(PACKAGE_MANAGER, "-y", "install", packages): raise Exception("Installation process failed.") info("Installed packages: " + ", ".join(packages))