Ejemplo n.º 1
    def activate(request, activation_key):
      '''This view displays the account activation page.

      **Required arguments**

        The activation key to validate and use for activating the user.
        User gets it with his account activation email.


        Template rendered if an account was activated.


            An :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm`
            displayed so that a user can immediately login.

        Template rendered if an account was not activated.

        **Context**: none.
      from registration.models import RegistrationProfile

      activation_key = activation_key.lower() # Normalize before trying anything with it.
      user = RegistrationProfile.objects.activate_user(activation_key)
      if not user:
        return render_to_response2(request, 'authentication/register/activate_error.html')
        from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm
        form = AuthenticationForm(initial={'username': user.username})
        return render_to_response2(request, 'authentication/register/activate_done.html', {'form': form})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def render(request):
  if request.method == 'POST':
    form = None
    source = None

    form_input = MarkupInputForm(request.POST)
    form_upload = MarkupUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

    if form_input.is_valid():
      form = form_input
      source = form_input.cleaned_data['source']
    elif form_upload.is_valid():
      form = form_upload
      source = request.FILES['file'].read()

    if form is not None:
      template_name = None
      if form.is_markdown():
        template_name = 'markup/result-markdown.html'
      elif form.is_textile():
        template_name = 'markup/result-textile.html'
      elif form.is_restructuredtext():
        template_name = 'markup/result-restructuredtext.html'

      response = render_to_response2(request, template_name, {'source': source})
      response.set_cookie(COOKIE_DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE, form.cleaned_data['markup_type'])
      return response

    initial = {}
    markup_type = request.COOKIES.get(COOKIE_DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE, '')
    if markup_type in MarkupForm.MARKUP_TYPES:
      initial['markup_type'] = markup_type
    form_input = MarkupInputForm(initial=initial)
    form_upload = MarkupUploadForm(initial=initial)

  return render_to_response2(request, 'markup/source.html', {
    'form_input': form_input,
    'form_upload': form_upload,
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def profile(request):
    '''The profile page containing

    * password change form;
    * forms to associate and dissociate OpenID's;
    * a button to delete account.

    **Authentication restrictions**

    If a user that is not logged in tries to visit this page, he will
    be redirected to the login page. If he successfully logs in there,
    he'll be redirected back here.


      Page template.


        A :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.SetPasswordForm`.
        Form errors for ``form_add_openid`` (see below).
        An :class:`django_authopenid.forms.AssociateOpenID`.
        An :class:`authentication.forms.DeleteOpenidForm`.
        An :class:`authentication.forms.DeleteAccountForm`.

      Templates rendered after the change password form was submitted and user's
      password was successfull changed.


        The link for previous page tracking or ``''`` if it is unknown
        (i.e., was not passed);
    from django.contrib.auth.forms import SetPasswordForm
    from django_authopenid.forms import AssociateOpenID
    from forms import DeleteOpenidForm, DeleteAccountForm

    redirect_to = next = request.GET.get('next')
    if not redirect_to or '://' in redirect_to:
      redirect_to = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
      next = ''

    form_change_password = SetPasswordForm(request.user)
    form_add_openid_msg = ''
    form_add_openid = AssociateOpenID(request.user)
    form_delete_openid = DeleteOpenidForm.new(request.user)
    form_delete = DeleteAccountForm()
    if request.method == 'POST':
      if 'new_password1' in request.POST.keys():
        form_change_password = SetPasswordForm(request.user, request.POST)
        if form_change_password.is_valid():
          return render_to_response2(request, 'authentication/profile/password_changed.html', {'next': next})
      elif 'openid_url' in request.POST.keys():
        form_add_openid = AssociateOpenID(request.user, request.POST)
        if form_add_openid.is_valid():
          openid_url = form_add_openid.cleaned_data['openid_url']
          redirect_url = "%s?%s" % (
            urllib.urlencode({'next': redirect_to, 'openid_url': openid_url})
            return Overrides.Authopenid.ask_openid(request, openid_url, redirect_url)
          except Overrides.Authopenid.OpenidError, e:
            form_add_openid_msg = unicode(e)

      elif 'openid_url_to_delete' in request.POST.keys():
        form_delete_openid = DeleteOpenidForm.process(request.user, request.POST)
        form_delete = DeleteAccountForm(request.POST)
        if form_delete.is_valid():
          return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def forget_password(request, activation_key):
    '''Login a user if a valid activation key is passed.

    **Required arguments**

      The activation key taken by the user from a forget-password email.


      Page template.


          Set to ``True`` if the supplied key is invalid (expired, etc.),
          otherwise set to ``False``.
          Set to ``True`` if the account user tries to login to with this
          activation key is disabled, otherwise set to ``False``. Do not
          check this variable if ``key_invalid`` is ``True``.
          If the user successfully logged in, this variable is set to the
          :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` object corresponding to the
          user. If ``key_invalid`` or ``account_disabled`` is ``True``, this
          variable is set to ``None``.
    key_invalid = False
    account_disabled = False
    user = None

    activation_key = activation_key.lower() # Normalize before trying anything with it.
    user = LoginEmail.objects.activate(activation_key)
    if user is None:
      key_invalid = True

      if not user.is_active:
        account_disabled = True
          # We **must** authenticate the user before calling ``login`` (see
          # `Calling authenticate() first <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/#how-to-log-a-user-in>`__
          # note in Django documentation).
          # As the standard authentication backend always takes user's password
          # and we (and the user itself) do not know it, the only way to log
          # the user in is to write our own unsafe authentication backend
          # that considers an username to be enough.
          # **NOTE**: The user object returned can be not exactly equal to the
          # "previous" object we got from ``LoginEmail.object.activate``.
          # Actually, Django adds ``backend`` attribute on the object, so
          # calling ``login`` with the "previous" object will lead to an error.
        user = auth.authenticate(username=user.username)
        auth.login(request, user)

    return render_to_response2(request, 'authentication/login/forget_password/activate.html', {
      'key_invalid': key_invalid,
      'account_disabled': account_disabled,
      'user': user,
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def register(request):
      '''This view displays the registration page.


        Template of the page.


          An :class:`authentication.forms.RegistrationForm`.

        Templates for subject and body of account activation emails.


          Site name (set in admin).
          Activation key.
          Activation key expiry date.

        Templates of pages displayed after an account activation email was sent
        or if an error occured during it.


          The link for previous page tracking or ``''`` if it is unknown
          (i.e., was not passed);
          (only for `"authentication/register/email_error.html"` template)
          description of the error occured.
      from registration.models import RegistrationProfile
      from registration.views import register as registration_register
      from forms import RegistrationForm

      form_class = RegistrationForm
      template_name = 'authentication/register/register.html'

      redirect_to = next = request.GET.get('next')
      if not redirect_to or '://' in redirect_to:
        redirect_to = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
        next = ''

      if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
          user = form.save()

          # Send email

          activation_key = RegistrationProfile.objects.get(user=user).activation_key
          expiry_date = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(

          templatename = 'email_sent'
          context = {'next': next}
            send_mail(user, request,
                'username': user.username,
                'sitename': Site.objects.get_current().name,
                'activation_key': activation_key,
                'expiry_date': expiry_date,
          except NoEmailException, e:
            # This must never occur
            raise e
          except SMTPException, e:
            templatename = 'email_error'
            context['error'] = unicode(e)

          templatename = 'authentication/register/' + templatename + '.html'
          return render_to_response2(request, templatename, context)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def login(request):
      '''Replacement for :meth:`django_authopenid.views.signin` written
      to supply the ``forget-password`` form to the template.

      This view displays the login page containing

      * OpenID login form;
      * traditional login form;
      * forget-password form;
      * a link to the registration page.


        Template of the login page.


          Form errors for ``form1`` (see below).
          An :class:`authentication.forms.OpenidLoginForm`.
          An :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm`.
          An :class:`authentication.forms.RegisteredUserForm` to enter username.
          The link for previous page tracking or ``""`` if it is unknown
          (i.e., was not passed).

        Templates for subject and body of forget-password emails.


          Site name (set in admin).
          Activation key.
          Activation key expiry date.

        Templates of pages displayed after a login email was sent or
        if an error occured during it.


          The link for previous page tracking or ``''`` if it is unknown
          (i.e., was not passed);
          (only for `"authentication/login/forget_password/email_error.html"` template)
          description of the error occured.
      from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm
      from forms import OpenidLoginForm, RegisteredUserForm

      template_name = 'authentication/login/login.html'
      openid_form = OpenidLoginForm
      auth_form = AuthenticationForm

      redirect_to = next = request.GET.get('next')
      if not redirect_to or '://' in redirect_to:
        redirect_to = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
        next = ''

      form1_msg = ''
      form1 = openid_form()
      form2 = auth_form()
      form_forget_password = RegisteredUserForm()
      if request.POST:

        if 'openid_url' in request.POST.keys():
          form1 = openid_form(data=request.POST)
          if form1.is_valid():
            openid_url = form1.cleaned_data['openid_url']
            # Unfortunately, Django does not provide a way to assign form
            # errors here. That's why we have to pass errors from OpenID
            # processing to separate ``msg`` template context variable.
            # Another solution would be to move the calls below
            # to the ``clean`` method of the class ``form1`` belongs to.
            # The calls are not related to form processing at all, so
            # this solution is even more ugly. Also, it would require
            # much of monkey patching inside :mod:`django_authopenid`.
            redirect_url = "%s?%s" % (
                # Here we send ``openid_url`` GET parameter in order
                # to be able to restore ``openid_url`` form field value
                # if an error occurs and we'll render the same forms again.
                # As we pass URL of this page to OpenID provider as
                # ``complete_url`` (see ``ask_openid`` call below), we will
                # get in this view function again after the user confirms his
                # identity on his OpenID provider's page. In order to know
                # whether to check GET parameters the provider sent back to us,
                # we must know whether we get to this view function at user's
                # will or from an OpenID provider. This is the second purpose
                # of the ``openid_url`` GET parameter: if it is present,
                # we got from a provider.
              urllib.urlencode({'next': redirect_to, 'openid_url': openid_url})
              return Overrides.Authopenid.ask_openid(request, openid_url, redirect_url)
            except Overrides.Authopenid.OpenidError, e:
              form1_msg = unicode(e)

        elif 'password' in request.POST.keys():
          # perform normal Django authentification
          form2 = auth_form(data=request.POST)
          if form2.is_valid():
            auth.login(request, form2.get_user())
            if request.session.test_cookie_worked():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)

          # forget password
          form_forget_password = RegisteredUserForm(request.POST)
          if form_forget_password.is_valid():
            user = form_forget_password.user()
            email = LoginEmail.objects.create_email(user)

            templatename = 'email_sent'
            context = {'next': next}
              send_mail(user, request,
            except NoEmailException:
              templatename = 'email_none'
            except SMTPException, e:
              templatename = 'email_error'
              context['error'] = unicode(e)
            templatename = 'authentication/login/forget_password/' + templatename + '.html'
            return render_to_response2(request, templatename, context)
Ejemplo n.º 7
              urllib.urlencode({ 'next': next }),
            user = rel.user
            if user.is_active:
              user = auth.authenticate(username=user.username)
              auth.login(request, user)
              return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
              form1_msg = _('This account is disabled.')
              form1 = openid_form(initial={'openid_url': openid.openid})

      return render_to_response2(request, template_name, {
        'msg': form1_msg,
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
        'form_forget_password': form_forget_password,
        'next': redirect_to,

  class Registration:
    '''Modified view functions from :mod:`django-registration`.'''

      # Replacement for ``registration.views.register``.
      # Use custom form instead of ``registration.forms.RegistrationForm`` and
      # send email manually, as I consider indication of expiration date
      # more convenient than indication of amount of activation days.
      # We can't do such arithmetic directly in the template, and
      # writing a template tag for this is ugly.