Ejemplo n.º 1
 def draw(self, baseTransform=hm.identity()):
     # TODO draw and recurse down only when this Actor is enabled
     # TODO move to a more generic approach?
     #   e.g.:- for component in self.components: component.apply()
     #   But how do we ensure order is maintained? (Mesh must be rendered after applying Transform and Material) OrderedDict?
     self.transform = baseTransform
         if hasattr(self, 'transform_matrix'
                    ):  # if there is a full transform, use it
             self.transform = np.dot(self.transform, self.transform_matrix)
             self.transform = hm.translation(
                 self.transform, self.components['Transform'].translation
             )  # TODO make transform relative to parent, not absolute
             self.transform = hm.rotation(
                 self.transform, self.components['Transform'].rotation[0],
                 [1, 0, 0])
             self.transform = hm.rotation(
                 self.transform, self.components['Transform'].rotation[1],
                 [0, 1, 0])
             self.transform = hm.rotation(
                 self.transform, self.components['Transform'].rotation[2],
                 [0, 0, 1])
             self.transform = hm.scale(self.transform,
     except KeyError, AttributeError:
         # Transform component not present or incomplete/invalid
         pass  # use base (parent) transform (?) - should get set in next step
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
   # * Initialize ZMQ context and open subscriber, publisher sockets
   self.logger.debug("ZMQ version: {}, PyZMQ version: {}".format(zmq.zmq_version(), zmq.pyzmq_version()))
   # ** Context
   self.zmqContext = zmq.Context()
   # ** Subscriber
   self.subSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.SUB)
   time.sleep(0.005)  # mandatory sleep for ZMQ backend
   self.logger.debug("[sub] Connected to {}".format(self.sub_address))
   # ** Subscriber topics for input messages
   self.subSocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.sub_topic)
   self.subSocket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, self.sub_socket_linger)
   self.logger.debug("[sub]Subscribed to topic \"{}\"".format(self.sub_topic))
   time.sleep(0.005)  # mandatory sleep for ZMQ backend
   # ** Publisher
   self.pubSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.PUB)
   time.sleep(0.005)  # mandatory sleep for ZMQ backend
   self.logger.debug("[pub] Bound to {}".format(self.pub_address))
   # * Initialize other members
   self.valid = False
   self.buttons = [0, 0]  # primary, secondary
   self.transform = hm.translation(hm.identity(), self.position_offset)
   #self.position = self.position_offset
   self.loop = True  # TODO ensure this is properly shared across threads
   # * Start sensing loop
   self.senseThread = Thread(target=self.senseLoop)
   self.senseThread.daemon = True  # to prevent indefinite wait on recv()
   time.sleep(0.005)  # sleep to allow child thread to run
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def draw(self, baseTransform=hm.identity()):
   # TODO draw and recurse down only when this Actor is enabled
   # TODO move to a more generic approach?
   #   e.g.:- for component in self.components: component.apply()
   #   But how do we ensure order is maintained? (Mesh must be rendered after applying Transform and Material) OrderedDict?
   self.transform = baseTransform
     if hasattr(self, 'transform_matrix'):  # if there is a full transform, use it
       self.transform = np.dot(self.transform, self.transform_matrix)
       self.transform = hm.translation(self.transform, self.components['Transform'].translation)  # TODO make transform relative to parent, not absolute
       self.transform = hm.rotation(self.transform, self.components['Transform'].rotation[0], [1, 0, 0])
       self.transform = hm.rotation(self.transform, self.components['Transform'].rotation[1], [0, 1, 0])
       self.transform = hm.rotation(self.transform, self.components['Transform'].rotation[2], [0, 0, 1])
       self.transform = hm.scale(self.transform, self.components['Transform'].scale)
   except KeyError, AttributeError:
     # Transform component not present or incomplete/invalid
     pass  # use base (parent) transform (?) - should get set in next step
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        # * Initialize ZMQ context and open subscriber, publisher sockets
        self.logger.debug("ZMQ version: {}, PyZMQ version: {}".format(
            zmq.zmq_version(), zmq.pyzmq_version()))
        # ** Context
        self.zmqContext = zmq.Context()
        # ** Subscriber
        self.subSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.SUB)
        time.sleep(0.005)  # mandatory sleep for ZMQ backend
        self.logger.debug("[sub] Connected to {}".format(self.sub_address))
        # ** Subscriber topics for input messages
        self.subSocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.sub_topic)
        self.subSocket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, self.sub_socket_linger)
        self.logger.debug("[sub]Subscribed to topic \"{}\"".format(
        time.sleep(0.005)  # mandatory sleep for ZMQ backend
        # ** Publisher
        self.pubSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.PUB)
        time.sleep(0.005)  # mandatory sleep for ZMQ backend
        self.logger.debug("[pub] Bound to {}".format(self.pub_address))

        # * Initialize other members
        self.valid = False
        self.buttons = [0, 0]  # primary, secondary
        self.transform = hm.translation(hm.identity(), self.position_offset)
        #self.position = self.position_offset
        self.loop = True  # TODO ensure this is properly shared across threads

        # * Start sensing loop
        self.senseThread = Thread(target=self.senseLoop)
        self.senseThread.daemon = True  # to prevent indefinite wait on recv()
        time.sleep(0.005)  # sleep to allow child thread to run
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def pollInput(self):
        currentTime = time.clock()
        elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timer
        self.timer = currentTime

        #tempWheelPosition = glfw.GetMouseWheel()
        #if tempWheelPosition != self.wheelPosition:
        #self.wheelPosition = tempWheelPosition
        #self.setView(hm.lookat(hm.identity(), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 55.0 - self.wheelPosition, 1.0], dtype = np.float32), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype = np.float32)))

        if glfw.GetKey('M'):
            print "Initializing manual control"
            self.manualControl = True
            self.context.scene.transform = hm.translation(
                hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60])
            mouseX, mouseY = glfw.GetMousePos()
            self.calcArcBallVector(mouseX, mouseY)
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey('P'):
            print "Stopping manual control"
            self.manualControl = False
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey('A') and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), 60 * elapsedTime, [0, 1, 0]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]),

        if glfw.GetKey('D') and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), -60 * elapsedTime, [0, 1, 0]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]),

        if glfw.GetKey('W') and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), -60 * elapsedTime, [1, 0, 0]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]),

        if glfw.GetKey('S') and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), 60 * elapsedTime, [1, 0, 0]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]),

        if glfw.GetKey('Q') and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), -60 * elapsedTime, [0, 0, 1]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]),

        if glfw.GetKey('E') and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), 60 * elapsedTime, [0, 0, 1]),
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]),

        if glfw.GetKey('1'):
            print "1 pressed"

        if glfw.GetKey('2'):
            print "2 pressed"

        if glfw.GetKey('3'):
            print "3 pressed"

        if glfw.GetKey('X'):
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey('T'):
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey('I'):
            inputSnapshot = self.context.cubeTracker.imageIn  # grab current input image as snapshot
            cv2.imshow("Input snapshot",
                       inputSnapshot)  # show snapshot in a window
            #cv2.imwrite(self.input_snapshot_file, inputSnapshot)  # write snapshot to file (NOTE doesn't work!)
            #print "Input snapshot saved to {}".format(self.input_snapshot_file)
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey(glfw.KEY_ESC):
            if not self.quitting:
                self.doQuit = True
                self.quitting = True

        if not self.leftPressed and glfw.GetMouseButton(
            self.leftPressed = True
            self.context.scene.hideCube = not self.context.scene.hideCube

        if not glfw.GetMouseButton(glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT):
            self.leftPressed = False

        if not self.rightPressed and glfw.GetMouseButton(
            self.rightPressed = True
            self.oldMouseX, self.oldMouseY = glfw.GetMousePos()
            self.curMouseX = self.oldMouseX
            self.curMouseY = self.oldMouseY

        if not glfw.GetMouseButton(glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT):
            self.rightPressed = False

        if self.rightPressed:  #OK
            self.curMouseX, self.curMouseY = glfw.GetMousePos()  #OK
            if self.curMouseX != self.oldMouseX or self.curMouseY != self.oldMouseY:  #OK
                oldVec = self.calcArcBallVector(self.oldMouseX,
                                                self.oldMouseY)  #OK
                curVec = self.calcArcBallVector(self.curMouseX,
                                                self.curMouseY)  #OK
                angle = math.acos(min(1.0, np.dot(oldVec, curVec)))  #OK
                cameraAxis = np.cross(oldVec, curVec)  #OK
                cameraAxis /= np.linalg.norm(
                    ord=2)  # normalize cameraAxis to be a unit vector
                cameraToObjectCoords = np.linalg.inv(
                    np.dot(self.context.renderer.view[:-1, :-1],
                           self.context.scene.transform[:-1, :-1]))  #???
                cameraAxisObjectCoords = np.dot(cameraToObjectCoords,
                                                cameraAxis)  #OK
                self.context.scene.transform = hm.rotation(
                    self.context.scene.transform, math.degrees(angle),
                    cameraAxisObjectCoords)  #OK
                self.oldMouseX = self.curMouseX  #OK
                self.oldMouseY = self.curMouseY  #OK
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def pollInput(self):
        currentTime = time.clock()
        elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timer
        self.timer = currentTime

        # tempWheelPosition = glfw.GetMouseWheel()
        # if tempWheelPosition != self.wheelPosition:
        # self.wheelPosition = tempWheelPosition
        # self.setView(hm.lookat(hm.identity(), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 55.0 - self.wheelPosition, 1.0], dtype = np.float32), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype = np.float32)))

        if glfw.GetKey("M"):
            print "Initializing manual control"
            self.manualControl = True
            self.context.scene.transform = hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60])
            mouseX, mouseY = glfw.GetMousePos()
            self.calcArcBallVector(mouseX, mouseY)
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey("P"):
            print "Stopping manual control"
            self.manualControl = False
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey("A") and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), 60 * elapsedTime, [0, 1, 0]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]), self.context.scene.transform

        if glfw.GetKey("D") and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), -60 * elapsedTime, [0, 1, 0]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]), self.context.scene.transform

        if glfw.GetKey("W") and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), -60 * elapsedTime, [1, 0, 0]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]), self.context.scene.transform

        if glfw.GetKey("S") and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), 60 * elapsedTime, [1, 0, 0]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]), self.context.scene.transform

        if glfw.GetKey("Q") and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), -60 * elapsedTime, [0, 0, 1]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]), self.context.scene.transform

        if glfw.GetKey("E") and self.manualControl:
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, -60]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.rotation(hm.identity(), 60 * elapsedTime, [0, 0, 1]), self.context.scene.transform
            self.context.scene.transform = np.dot(
                hm.translation(hm.identity(), [0, 0, 60]), self.context.scene.transform

        if glfw.GetKey("1"):
            print "1 pressed"

        if glfw.GetKey("2"):
            print "2 pressed"

        if glfw.GetKey("3"):
            print "3 pressed"

        if glfw.GetKey("X"):
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey("T"):
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey("I"):
            inputSnapshot = self.context.cubeTracker.imageIn  # grab current input image as snapshot
            cv2.imshow("Input snapshot", inputSnapshot)  # show snapshot in a window
            # cv2.imwrite(self.input_snapshot_file, inputSnapshot)  # write snapshot to file (NOTE doesn't work!)
            # print "Input snapshot saved to {}".format(self.input_snapshot_file)
            time.sleep(0.5)  # TODO prevent multiple key-presses properly

        if glfw.GetKey(glfw.KEY_ESC):
            if not self.quitting:
                self.doQuit = True
                self.quitting = True

        if not self.leftPressed and glfw.GetMouseButton(glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT):
            self.leftPressed = True
            self.context.scene.hideCube = not self.context.scene.hideCube

        if not glfw.GetMouseButton(glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT):
            self.leftPressed = False

        if not self.rightPressed and glfw.GetMouseButton(glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT):
            self.rightPressed = True
            self.oldMouseX, self.oldMouseY = glfw.GetMousePos()
            self.curMouseX = self.oldMouseX
            self.curMouseY = self.oldMouseY

        if not glfw.GetMouseButton(glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT):
            self.rightPressed = False

        if self.rightPressed:  # OK
            self.curMouseX, self.curMouseY = glfw.GetMousePos()  # OK
            if self.curMouseX != self.oldMouseX or self.curMouseY != self.oldMouseY:  # OK
                oldVec = self.calcArcBallVector(self.oldMouseX, self.oldMouseY)  # OK
                curVec = self.calcArcBallVector(self.curMouseX, self.curMouseY)  # OK
                angle = math.acos(min(1.0, np.dot(oldVec, curVec)))  # OK
                cameraAxis = np.cross(oldVec, curVec)  # OK
                cameraAxis /= np.linalg.norm(cameraAxis, ord=2)  # normalize cameraAxis to be a unit vector
                cameraToObjectCoords = np.linalg.inv(
                    np.dot(self.context.renderer.view[:-1, :-1], self.context.scene.transform[:-1, :-1])
                )  # ???
                cameraAxisObjectCoords = np.dot(cameraToObjectCoords, cameraAxis)  # OK
                self.context.scene.transform = hm.rotation(
                    self.context.scene.transform, math.degrees(angle), cameraAxisObjectCoords
                )  # OK
                self.oldMouseX = self.curMouseX  # OK
                self.oldMouseY = self.curMouseY  # OK
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, entity, options):
     Component.__init__(self, entity, options)
     self.matrix = np.identity(4)
     self.matrix = hommat.translation(self.matrix, [0, 0, -150])