Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    model_folder = sys.argv[1]

    with open(model_folder + '/pose0.gp') as f:
        gpmodel = pickle.load(f)

    mosaic = TagMosaic(0.0254)

    for imfile in sys.argv[2:]:
        im = imread(imfile)
        im = rgb2gray(im)
        detections = [ TagDetectionEx(d) for d in get_tag_detections(im) ]

        # Rectify tag detections and store in `c1` attribute
        det_i = np.array([ d.c0 for d in detections ])
        undist = gpmodel.predict(det_i)

        for d, r in zip(detections, undist):
            d.c1 = np.add(d.c0, r)

        def line_fit_sqerr(points):
            """ smallest eigen value of covariance """
            cov = np.cov(points)
            return np.linalg.eig(cov)[0].min()

        # Row-wise average residual
        tag_row = lambda d: mosaic.get_row(d.id)

        sq_errs = []
        for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_row):
            rectified = np.array([ d.c1 for d in group ])
            if len(rectified) < 3: continue
            sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

        sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
        row_rmse, row_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

        # Col-wise average residual
        tag_col = lambda d: mosaic.get_col(d.id)

        sq_errs = []
        for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_col):
            rectified = np.array([ d.c1 for d in group ])
            if len(rectified) < 3: continue
            sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

        sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
        col_rmse, col_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

        print '[ %d, %.2f, %.2f ],' % (
            np.sqrt(row_rmse**2 + col_rmse**2),
            max(row_rmaxse, col_rmaxse))
def main():
    model_folder = sys.argv[1]

    with open(model_folder + '/classic.poly') as f:
        model = pickle.load(f)

    mosaic = TagMosaic(0.0254)

    for imfile in sys.argv[2:]:
        im = imread(imfile)
        im = rgb2gray(im)
        detections = [ TagDetectionEx(d) for d in get_tag_detections(im) ]

        # Rectify tag detections and store in `c1` attribute
        det_i = np.array([ d.c0 for d in detections ])
        undist = np.array([ model.undistort(p) for p in det_i ])

        for d, r in zip(detections, undist):
            d.c1 = np.add(d.c0, r)

        def line_fit_sqerr(points):
            """ smallest eigen value of covariance """
            cov = np.cov(points)
            return np.linalg.eig(cov)[0].min()

        # Row-wise average residual
        tag_row = lambda d: mosaic.get_row(d.id)

        sq_errs = []
        for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_row):
            rectified = np.array([ d.c1 for d in group ])
            if len(rectified) < 3: continue
            sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

        sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
        row_rmse, row_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

        # Col-wise average residual
        tag_col = lambda d: mosaic.get_col(d.id)

        sq_errs = []
        for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_col):
            rectified = np.array([ d.c1 for d in group ])
            if len(rectified) < 3: continue
            sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

        sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
        col_rmse, col_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

        print '[ %s, %.2f, %.2f ],' % (
            np.sqrt(row_rmse**2 + col_rmse**2),
            max(row_rmaxse, col_rmaxse))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    model_folder = sys.argv[1]
    test_image = sys.argv[2]

    zoom_levels = [
        float(f.split('/')[-2]) for f in iglob(model_folder + '/*/')
    zoom_levels = np.array(sorted(zoom_levels))
    test_zoom = float(test_image.split('/')[-2])

    test_zoom_pos = np.searchsorted(zoom_levels, test_zoom)
    zoom0 = zoom_levels[test_zoom_pos - 1]
    zoom1 = zoom_levels[test_zoom_pos]

    with open('%s/%03d/classic.poly' % (model_folder, zoom0)) as f:
        model0 = pickle.load(f)

    with open('%s/%03d/classic.poly' % (model_folder, zoom1)) as f:
        model1 = pickle.load(f)

    def interpolate_predict(query_points):
        predict0 = np.array([model0.undistort(q) for q in query_points])
        predict1 = np.array([model1.undistort(q) for q in query_points])

        t = (zoom1 - test_zoom) / (zoom1 - zoom0)
        return t * predict0 + (1. - t) * predict1

    im = imread(test_image)
    im = rgb2gray(im)
    detections = [TagDetectionEx(d) for d in get_tag_detections(im)]

    # Rectify tag detections and store in `c1` attribute
    det_i = np.array([d.c0 for d in detections])
    undist = interpolate_predict(det_i)

    for d, r in zip(detections, undist):
        d.c1 = np.add(d.c0, r)

    def line_fit_sqerr(points):
        """ smallest eigen value of covariance """
        cov = np.cov(points)
        return np.linalg.eig(cov)[0].min()

    mosaic = TagMosaic(0.0254)

    # Row-wise average residual
    tag_row = lambda d: mosaic.get_row(d.id)

    sq_errs = []
    for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_row):
        rectified = np.array([d.c1 for d in group])
        if len(rectified) < 3: continue

    sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
    row_rmse, row_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

    # Col-wise average residual
    tag_col = lambda d: mosaic.get_col(d.id)

    sq_errs = []
    for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_col):
        rectified = np.array([d.c1 for d in group])
        if len(rectified) < 3: continue

    sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
    col_rmse, col_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

    print '( %d, %.2f, %.2f ),' % (int(
        test_image.split('/')[-2]), np.sqrt(row_rmse**2 + col_rmse**2),
                                   max(row_rmaxse, col_rmaxse))
def main():
    model_folder = sys.argv[1]
    test_image = sys.argv[2]

    zoom_levels = [ float(f.split('/')[-2]) for f in iglob(model_folder + '/*/') ]
    zoom_levels = np.array(sorted(zoom_levels))
    test_zoom = float(test_image.split('/')[-2])

    test_zoom_pos = np.searchsorted(zoom_levels, test_zoom)
    zoom0 = zoom_levels[test_zoom_pos-1]
    zoom1 = zoom_levels[test_zoom_pos]

    with open('%s/%03d/pose0.gp' % (model_folder,zoom0)) as f:
        gpmodel0 = pickle.load(f)

    with open('%s/%03d/pose0.gp' % (model_folder,zoom1)) as f:
        gpmodel1 = pickle.load(f)

    def interpolate_predict(query_points):
        predict0 = gpmodel0.predict(query_points)
        predict1 = gpmodel1.predict(query_points)

        t = (zoom1-test_zoom) / (zoom1-zoom0)
        return t*predict0 + (1.-t)*predict1

    im = imread(test_image)
    im = rgb2gray(im)
    detections = [ TagDetectionEx(d) for d in get_tag_detections(im) ]

    # Rectify tag detections and store in `c1` attribute
    det_i = np.array([ d.c0 for d in detections ])
    undist = interpolate_predict(det_i)

    for d, r in zip(detections, undist):
        d.c1 = np.add(d.c0, r)

    def line_fit_sqerr(points):
        """ smallest eigen value of covariance """
        cov = np.cov(points)
        return np.linalg.eig(cov)[0].min()

    mosaic = TagMosaic(0.0254)

    # Row-wise average residual
    tag_row = lambda d: mosaic.get_row(d.id)

    sq_errs = []
    for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_row):
        rectified = np.array([ d.c1 for d in group ])
        if len(rectified) < 3: continue
        sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

    sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
    row_rmse, row_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

    # Col-wise average residual
    tag_col = lambda d: mosaic.get_col(d.id)

    sq_errs = []
    for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_col):
        rectified = np.array([ d.c1 for d in group ])
        if len(rectified) < 3: continue
        sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

    sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
    col_rmse, col_rmaxse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.mean()), np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

    print '[ %d, %.2f, %.2f ],' % (
        np.sqrt(row_rmse**2 + col_rmse**2),
        max(row_rmaxse, col_rmaxse))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8})

    model_folder = sys.argv[1]

    with open(model_folder + '/pose0.gp') as f:
        gpmodel = pickle.load(f)

    mosaic = TagMosaic(0.0254)

    for num, imfile in enumerate(sys.argv[2:14]):
        im = imread(imfile)
        im = rgb2gray(im)
        detections = [ TagDetectionEx(d) for d in get_tag_detections(im) ]
        print imfile

        # Rectify tag detections and store in `c1` attribute
        det_i = np.array([ d.c0 for d in detections ])
        undist = gpmodel.predict(det_i)
        rectified = det_i + undist

        for d, r in zip(detections, undist):
            d.c1 = np.add(d.c0, r)

        plt.subplot(3, 4, num+1)

        plt.plot(det_i[:,0], det_i[:,1], 'o', markersize=3, markeredgecolor='b', markerfacecolor='c')
        plt.plot(rectified[:,0], rectified[:,1], 'ko', markersize=3)

        def line_fit_sqerr(points):
            """ smallest eigen value of covariance """
            cov = np.cov(points)
            return np.linalg.eig(cov)[0].min()

        # Plot rows
        tag_row = lambda d: mosaic.get_row(d.id)

        sq_errs = []
        colors = cycle(['#922428', '#CC2529'])
        for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_row):
            rectified = np.array([d.c1 for d in group])
            plt.plot(rectified[:,0], rectified[:,1], '-', color=colors.next())
            if len(rectified) < 3: continue
            sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

        sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
        row_rmse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

        # Plot cols
        tag_col = lambda d: mosaic.get_col(d.id)

        sq_errs = []
        colors = cycle(['#6B4C9A', '#396AB1'])
        for _, group in groupby(detections, key=tag_col):
            rectified = np.array([d.c1 for d in group])
            plt.plot(rectified[:,0], rectified[:,1], '-', color=colors.next())
            if len(rectified) < 3: continue
            sq_errs.append( line_fit_sqerr(rectified.T) )

        sq_errs = np.array(sq_errs)
        col_rmse = np.sqrt(sq_errs.max())

        plt.title( '%s (%.1f, %.1f)' % (imfile.split('/')[-1], row_rmse, col_rmse) )
