Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):

            while True:
                data = self.panda.can_recv()
                for msg in data:
                    decoded_msg = None
                        decoded_msg = self.decode_msg(msg)
                    except KeyError:
                    except ValueError:
                    if decoded_msg:
                        # print decoded_msg
                        # continue
                        for k in decoded_msg.keys():
                            if 'STEER_TORQUE' in k:
                                print decoded_msg
                                print msg
                                print "---"
                                steer_msg = create_steering_control(1000, 0)[0]
                                print steer_msg
                                print self.decode_msg(steer_msg)
                                self.panda.can_send(steer_msg[0], steer_msg[2],
                                # msg_to_send = self.encode_msg(891, {'CHECKSUM': 15, 'COUNTER': 1, 'WIPERS': 1})
                                # self.panda.can_send(msg[0], '\x00\x00\x01 \x00\x00\x00\x00', 0)

                # for pending_msg in self.pending_msg:
                #     panda.can_send(0xXXXX, pending_msg, 0)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        idx_counter = 0
        total_cmds_sent = 0
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            cmd = create_gas_command(self.gas_val, idx_counter)
            print("command is: " + str(cmd))
            print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
                  ") Gas val: " + str(self.gas_val))
            self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 0)

            cmd = create_steering_control(self.steer_val, idx_counter)[0]
            print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
                  ") steer val: " + str(self.steer_val))
            self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 0)

            # (apply_brake, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, chime, idx):
            cmd = create_brake_command(self.brake_val, 1, 0, 0, idx_counter)
            print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
                  ") brake val: " + str(self.brake_val))
            self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 0)

            idx_counter += 1
            idx_counter %= 4
            total_cmds_sent += 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def run(self):
     idx_counter = 0
     total_cmds_sent = 0
     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
         cmd = create_steering_control(self.steer_val, idx_counter)[0]
         print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
               ") steer val: " + str(self.steer_val))
         self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 0)
         idx_counter += 1
         idx_counter %= 4
         total_cmds_sent += 1
    def run(self):
        idx_counter = 0
        total_cmds_sent = 0
        iterations = 0
        last_rate = time.time()
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            #print("rate: " + str(self.rate_buttons))
            if iterations % (100 / self.rate_buttons) == 0:
                if self.cruise_modifier != 0.0:
                    if self.cruise_modifier > 0.0:
                        cruise_command = 'accel_res'
                    elif self.cruise_modifier < 0.0:
                        cruise_command = 'decel_set'

                    settings_command = 'none'
                    print("Sending cruise command: " + cruise_command)

                    # (xmission_speed, engine_rpm=2000, odometer=3, idx=0):
                    cmd = create_buttons_command(cruise_command,
                                                 settings_command, idx_counter)
                    print("command is: " + str(cmd))
                    print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" +
                          str(total_cmds_sent) + ") engine modifier val: " +
                    self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1)

            cmd = create_steering_control(self.steer_val, idx_counter)[0]
            # print("Sending: " + str(cmd) +
            #       " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
            #       ") steer val: " + str(self.steer_val))
            self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1)

            # (apply_brake, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, chime, idx):
            cmd = create_brake_command(self.brake_val, 1, 0, 0, idx_counter)
            # print("Sending: " + str(cmd) +
            #       " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
            #       ") brake val: " + str(self.brake_val))
            self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1)

            idx_counter += 1
            idx_counter %= 4
            # its wrong, but who cares
            total_cmds_sent += 1
            iterations += 1
    def run(self):
        idx_counter = 0
        idx_counter_engine = 0
        total_cmds_sent = 0
        last_received_xmission_speed = 0
        last_received_odometer = 0
        last_received_xmission_speed_2 = 0
        last_engine_rpm = 0
        iterations = 0
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # receive first
            block = self.p.can_recv()
            for msg in block:
                # if its an engine message
                if msg[0] == 344 and msg[3] == 0:
                    fields = self.parser.decode_message(msg[0], msg[2])
                    # print("we read engine message with speed:")
                    # print(fields['XMISSION_SPEED'])
                    last_received_xmission_speed = fields['XMISSION_SPEED']
                    last_received_odometer = fields['ODOMETER']
                    last_received_xmission_speed_2 = fields['XMISSION_SPEED2']
                    last_engine_rpm = fields['ENGINE_RPM']

            # Engine rpm stuff
            if self.engine_modifier != 0.0:
                # we need to invert the modifier signal
                # cause we are tricking the cruise control to go at the speed we want
                # so we need to create a engine data message that ssays
                # we are driving slower than we should in order for it to accelerate
                # limit to +- 15kmph the max acceleration requested
                speed = last_received_xmission_speed + \
                    (15.0 * self.engine_modifier * -1.0)
                print("latest_received_xmission_speed: " +
                print("we modify by: " +
                      str((15.0 * self.engine_modifier * -1.0)))
                print("which results in: " + str(speed))

                # (xmission_speed, engine_rpm=2000, odometer=3, idx=0):
                cmd = create_engine_data(speed, last_engine_rpm,
                idx_counter_engine += 1
                idx_counter_engine %= 4
                print("command is: " + str(cmd))
                print("Sending: " + str(cmd) + " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
                      ") engine modifier val: " + str(self.engine_modifier))
                print("speed:" + str(speed) + " rpm: " + str(last_engine_rpm))
                self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 0)

            if iterations % 5 == 0:
                cmd = create_steering_control(self.steer_val, idx_counter)[0]
                # print("Sending: " + str(cmd) +
                #       " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
                #       ") steer val: " + str(self.steer_val))
                self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1)

                # (apply_brake, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, chime, idx):
                cmd = create_brake_command(self.brake_val, 1, 0, 0,
                # print("Sending: " + str(cmd) +
                #       " (#" + str(total_cmds_sent) +
                #       ") brake val: " + str(self.brake_val))
                self.p.can_send(cmd[0], cmd[2], 1)

                idx_counter += 1
                idx_counter %= 4
            # its wrong, but who cares
            total_cmds_sent += 1
            iterations += 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
from accum_msgs_tools import replace_messages_by_id
from cPickle import load, dump
import sys
from honda_create_msgs import create_steering_control

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: ")
        print(sys.argv[0] + " accum.pickle")
    pickle_accum_file = sys.argv[1]
    pickle_timestamps_file = pickle_accum_file.replace('.pickle',
    frame_id = 228
    _, _, new_message, _ = create_steering_control(-3840, 0)[0]
    print("Replacing all messages with frame_id: " + str(frame_id))
    print("To have data field '" + str(new_message) + "'")
    print len(new_message)

    accum = load(open(pickle_accum_file, 'r'))
    timestamps = load(open(pickle_timestamps_file, 'r'))

    replaced_accum = replace_messages_by_id(frame_id, accum, new_message)

    replaced_accum_file = pickle_accum_file.replace('.pickle',
    replaced_accum_timestamp_file = pickle_timestamps_file.replace(
        '_timestamps.pickle', '_replaced_timestamps.pickle')
    print("Writing to " + replaced_accum_file + " and " +
Ejemplo n.º 7

    # What we know about steering:
    #  {'frame_id': 228,
    # 'name': 'STEERING_CONTROL',
    # 'nodes': ['ADAS'],
    # 'signals': [signal('STEER_TORQUE', 7, 16, 'big_endian', True, 1, 0, -3840, 3840, 'None', False, None, None, None),
    #             signal('STEER_TORQUE_REQUEST', 23, 1, 'big_endian', False, 1, 0, 0, 1, 'None', False, None, None, None),
    #             signal('SET_ME_X00', 22, 7, 'big_endian', False, 1, 0, 0, 127, 'None', False, None, None, None),
    #             signal('SET_ME_X00_2', 31, 8, 'big_endian', False, 1, 0, 0, 0, 'None', False, None, None, None),
    #             signal('COUNTER', 37, 2, 'big_endian', False, 1, 0, 0, 3, 'None', False, None, None, None),
    #             signal('CHECKSUM', 35, 4, 'big_endian', False, 1, 0, 0, 15, 'None', False, None, None, None)]},

    #                    apply_steer, idx
    # idx refers to the COUNTER field we see
    steer_cmd = create_steering_control(3840, 0)[0]
    # print steer_cmd
    # Looks like: [228, 0, '\x0f\x00\x80\x00\x0f', 0]

    rp = RosPack()
    pkg_path = rp.get_path('panda_bridge_ros')
    can_msg_parser = load_dbc_file(pkg_path + '/config/' +

    # Let's double check the steer_cmd
    decoded_steer_cmd = can_msg_parser.decode_message(steer_cmd[0],

    # {'CHECKSUM': 15, 'COUNTER': 0, 'STEER_TORQUE': 3840, 'SET_ME_X00': 0, 'STEER_TORQUE_REQUEST': 1, 'SET_ME_X00_2': 0}

    print("Press Enter to send steering commands, enter a number to change the steer value")