Ejemplo n.º 1
def allgather(tensor, name=None):
    """An op which concatenates the input tensor with the same input tensor on
    all other Horovod processes.

    The concatenation is done on the first dimension, so the input tensors on the
    different processes must have the same rank and shape, except for the first
    dimension, which is allowed to be different.

      A tensor of the same type as `tensor`, concatenated on dimension zero
      across all processes. The shape is identical to the input shape, except for
      the first dimension, which may be greater and is the sum of all first
      dimensions of the tensors in different Horovod processes.
    if name is None:
        name = 'HorovodAllgather_%s' % _normalize_name(tensor.name)
    # Ring allreduce transfer the same amount of data as allgather
    # so we're using allreduce instead
    n = size()
    k = rank()
    shape = tensor.shape.as_list()
    shapeL = tuple([k * shape[0]] + shape[1:])
    shapeR = tuple([(n - k - 1) * shape[0]] + shape[1:])
    left = tf.zeros(shapeL, dtype=tensor.dtype)
    right = tf.zeros(shapeR, dtype=tensor.dtype)
    concat = tf.concat([left, tensor, right], 0, name=name)
    return _allreduce(concat) # This function perfroms sum, not avg
Ejemplo n.º 2
def allreduce_async(tensor, average=True, name=None):
    A function that performs asynchronous averaging or summation of the input tensor
    over all the Horovod processes. The input tensor is not modified.

    The reduction operation is keyed by the name. If name is not provided, an incremented
    auto-generated name is used. The tensor type and shape must be the same on all
    Horovod processes for a given name. The reduction will not start until all processes
    are ready to send and receive the tensor.

        tensor: A tensor to average and sum.
        average: A flag indicating whether to compute average or summation,
                 defaults to average.
        name: A name of the reduction operation.

        A handle to the allreduce operation that can be used with `poll()` or
    if average:
        output = tensor.div(size())
        return _allreduce_async(output, output, name)
        output = tensor.new(tensor.shape)
        return _allreduce_async(tensor, output, name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def allreduce(tensor,
    """Perform an allreduce on a tf.Tensor or tf.IndexedSlices.

        tensor: tf.Tensor, tf.Variable, or tf.IndexedSlices to reduce.
        The shape of the input must be identical across all ranks.
        average: If True, computes the average over all ranks.
                 Otherwise, computes the sum over all ranks.
        device_dense: Device to be used for dense tensors. Uses GPU by default
                      if Horovod was build with HOROVOD_GPU_ALLREDUCE.
        device_sparse: Device to be used for sparse tensors. Uses GPU by default
                       if Horovod was build with HOROVOD_GPU_ALLGATHER.
        compression: Compression algorithm used to reduce the amount of data
                     sent and received by each worker node.  Defaults to not
                     using compression.

    This function performs a bandwidth-optimal ring allreduce on the input
    tensor. If the input is an tf.IndexedSlices, the function instead does an
    allgather on the values and the indices, effectively doing an allreduce on
    the represented tensor.
    if isinstance(tensor, tf.IndexedSlices):
        with tf.device(device_sparse):
            # For IndexedSlices, do two allgathers intead of an allreduce.
            horovod_size = tf.cast(size(), tensor.values.dtype)
            values = allgather(tensor.values)
            indices = allgather(tensor.indices)

            # To make this operation into an average, divide all gathered values by
            # the Horovod size.
            new_values = tf.div(values, horovod_size) if average else values
        return tf.IndexedSlices(new_values,
        with tf.device(device_dense):
            compressor = compression.get_compressor(tensor.dtype)
            horovod_size = tf.cast(size(), dtype=tensor.dtype)
            tensor_to_sum = tf.div(tensor, horovod_size) if average else tensor
            tensor_compressed = compressor.compress(tensor_to_sum)
            summed_tensor_compressed = _allreduce(tensor_compressed)
            new_tensor = compressor.decompress(summed_tensor_compressed)
        return new_tensor
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, params, named_parameters=None, use_gpu=True, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=1e-4, use_allgather=True):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(params)

        if named_parameters is not None:
            named_parameters = list(named_parameters)
            named_parameters = []

        # make sure that named_parameters are tuples
        if any([not isinstance(p, tuple) for p in named_parameters]):
            raise ValueError('named_parameters should be a sequence of '
                             'tuples (name, parameter), usually produced by '

        self._parameter_names = {v: k for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}
        self._use_gpu = use_gpu
        self._use_nesterov = True
        self._momentum = momentum
        self._weight_decay = weight_decay
        self._debug = True #False
        self._use_allgather = use_allgather ##True
        #self._use_allgather = False##True

        # define U for residue, V for momentum
        if self._use_gpu:
            self._V = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()).cuda() for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._U = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()).cuda() for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._U = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()).cuda() for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._masks = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()).cuda() for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._compressed_msg = {k: torch.zeros(0).cuda() for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._V = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()) for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._U = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()) for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._U = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()) for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._masks = {k: torch.zeros(v.size()) for k, v
                                     in sorted(named_parameters)}
            self._compressed_msg = {k: torch.zeros(0) for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}
        self._compressed_len= {k: torch.zeros(0, dtype=torch.long) for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}
        self._compressed_msg_size = {k: 0 for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}
        self._v_ref = {k: [] for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}

        self._handles = {}
        self._grad_accs = []

        if size() > 1:
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        grad_reduced = allreduce(grad_output, average=False)

        dim_t = torch.IntTensor([ctx.dim])
        dim = allgather(dim_t).view(size())

        r = rank()
        offset = torch.sum(dim.narrow(0, 0, r)).data[0] if r != 0 else 0
        return grad_reduced.narrow(0, offset, ctx.dim), None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def allreduce(tensor, average=True, device_dense='', device_sparse=''):
    """Perform an allreduce on a tf.Tensor or tf.IndexedSlices.

        tensor: tf.Tensor, tf.Variable, or tf.IndexedSlices to reduce.
        The shape of the input must be identical across all ranks.
        average: If True, computes the average over all ranks.
                 Otherwise, computes the sum over all ranks.
        device_dense: Device to be used for dense tensors. Uses GPU by default
                      if Horovod was build with HOROVOD_GPU_ALLREDUCE.
        device_sparse: Device to be used for sparse tensors. Uses GPU by default
                       if Horovod was build with HOROVOD_GPU_ALLGATHER.

    This function performs a bandwidth-optimal ring allreduce on the input
    tensor. If the input is an tf.IndexedSlices, the function instead does an
    allgather on the values and the indices, effectively doing an allreduce on
    the represented tensor.
    if isinstance(tensor, tf.IndexedSlices):
        with tf.device(device_sparse):
            # For IndexedSlices, do two allgathers intead of an allreduce.
            horovod_size = tf.cast(size(), tensor.values.dtype)
            values = allgather(tensor.values)
            indices = allgather(tensor.indices)

            # To make this operation into an average, divide all gathered values by
            # the Horovod size.
            new_values = tf.div(values, horovod_size) if average else values
        return tf.IndexedSlices(new_values, indices,
        with tf.device(device_dense):
            horovod_size = tf.cast(size(), tensor.dtype)
            summed_tensor = _allreduce(tensor)
            new_tensor = (tf.div(summed_tensor, horovod_size)
                          if average else summed_tensor)
        return new_tensor
Ejemplo n.º 7
def reduce_gradients(grads_and_vars, on_horovod):
    if on_horovod:
        from horovod.common import size
        from horovod.tensorflow import allreduce

        if size() > 1:
            averaged_grads_and_vars = []
            with tf.name_scope("all_reduce"):
                for grad, var in grads_and_vars:
                    if grad is not None:
                        avg_grad = allreduce(grad)
                        averaged_grads_and_vars.append((avg_grad, var))
                        averaged_grads_and_vars.append((None, var))
            return averaged_grads_and_vars
            return grads_and_vars
        raise NotImplementedError("Reduce in tower-mode is not implemented.")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, params, named_parameters=None):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(params)

        if named_parameters is not None:
            named_parameters = list(named_parameters)
            named_parameters = []

        # make sure that named_parameters are tuples
        if any([not isinstance(p, tuple) for p in named_parameters]):
            raise ValueError('named_parameters should be a sequence of '
                             'tuples (name, parameter), usually produced by '

        self._parameter_names = {v: k for k, v in sorted(named_parameters)}
        self._handles = {}
        self._grad_accs = []

        if size() > 1:
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, params, named_parameters=None):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(params)

        if named_parameters is not None:
            named_parameters = list(named_parameters)
            named_parameters = []

        # make sure that named_parameters are tuples
        if any([not isinstance(p, tuple) for p in named_parameters]):
            raise ValueError('named_parameters should be a sequence of '
                             'tuples (name, parameter), usually produced by '

        self._parameter_names = {v: k for k, v
                                 in sorted(named_parameters)}
        self._handles = {}
        self._grad_accs = []

        if size() > 1:
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _allgather_grad(op, grad):
    """Gradient for allgather op.

      op: An operation.
      grad: `Tensor` gradient with respect to the output of the op.

      The gradient with respect to the input of the op.
    grad = _allreduce(grad)

    x = op.inputs[0]
    d0 = x.get_shape().as_list()[0]
    d = tf.convert_to_tensor([d0], dtype=tf.int32)

    s = size()
    d = tf.reshape(allgather(d), [s])

    splits = tf.split(grad, num_or_size_splits=d, axis=0)
    return splits[rank()]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def compute_gradients(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Compute gradients of all trainable variables.

        See Optimizer.compute_gradients() for more info.

        In DistributedOptimizer, compute_gradients() is overriden to also
        allreduce the gradients before returning them.
        gradients = self._optimizer.compute_gradients(*args, **kwargs)
        if size() > 1:
            averaged_gradients = []
            with tf.name_scope(self._name + "_Allreduce"):
                for grad, var in gradients:
                    if grad is not None:
                        avg_grad = allreduce(grad, device_dense=self._device_dense,
                        averaged_gradients.append((avg_grad, var))
                        averaged_gradients.append((None, var))
            return averaged_gradients
            return gradients
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def compute_gradients(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Compute gradients of all trainable variables.

        See Optimizer.compute_gradients() for more info.

        In DistributedOptimizer, compute_gradients() is overriden to also
        allreduce the gradients before returning them.
        gradients = self._optimizer.compute_gradients(*args, **kwargs)
        if size() > 1:
            averaged_gradients = []
            with tf.name_scope(self._name + "_Allreduce"):
                for grad, var in gradients:
                    if grad is not None:
                        avg_grad = allreduce(grad, device_dense=self._device_dense,
                        averaged_gradients.append((avg_grad, var))
                        averaged_gradients.append((None, var))
            return averaged_gradients
            return gradients
def test_horovod_size():
    """Test that the size returned by hvd.size() is correct."""
    _, true_size = mpi_env_rank_and_size()
    size = hvd.size()
    assert true_size == size