Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_script_output(fn_h5, grp_name, results, args):
    '''Store the output of a script in an open HDF5 file


            The HDF5 filename

            The name of the group where the results will be stored.

            A dictionary with results.

            The results of the command line parser. All arguments are stored
            as attributes in the HDF5 output file.
    with LockedH5File(fn_h5) as f:
        # Store results
        grp = f.require_group(grp_name)
        for key in grp.keys():
            del grp[key]
        dump_h5(grp, results)

        # Store command-line arguments arguments
        store_args(args, grp)

        if log.do_medium:
            log('Results written to %s:%s' % (fn_h5, grp_name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def write_script_output(fn_h5, grp_name, results, args):
    '''Store the output of a script in an open HDF5 file


            The HDF5 filename

            The name of the group where the results will be stored.

            A dictionary with results.

            The results of the command line parser. All arguments are stored
            as attributes in the HDF5 output file.
    with LockedH5File(fn_h5) as f:
        # Store results
        grp = f.require_group(grp_name)
        for key in grp.keys():
            del grp[key]
        dump_h5(grp, results)

        # Store command-line arguments arguments
        store_args(args, grp)

        if log.do_medium:
            log('Results written to %s:%s' % (fn_h5, grp_name))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, part, keys, args):
    '''Write the output of horton-wpart.py or horton-cpart.py


            The filename for the HDF5 output file.

            the destination group

            The partitioning object (instance of subclass of

            The keys of the cached items that must go in the HDF5 outut file.

            The results of the command line parser. All arguments are stored
            as attributes in the HDF5 output file.
    def get_results(part, keys):
        results = {}
        for key in keys:
            if isinstance(key, basestring):
                results[key] = part[key]
            elif isinstance(key, tuple):
                assert len(key) == 2
                index = key[1]
                assert isinstance(index, int)
                assert index >= 0
                assert index < part.natom
                atom_results = results.setdefault('atom_%05i' % index, {})
                atom_results[key[0]] = part[key]
        return results

    # Store the results in an HDF5 file
    with LockedH5File(fn_h5) as f:
        # Transform results to a suitable dictionary structure
        results = get_results(part, keys)

        # Store results
        grp = f.require_group(grp_name)
        for key in grp.keys():
            del grp[key]
        dump_h5(grp, results)

        # Store command line arguments
        store_args(args, grp)

        if args.debug:
            # Collect debug results
            debug_keys = [
                key for key in part.cache.iterkeys() if key not in keys
            debug_results = get_results(part, debug_keys)

            # Store additional data for debugging
            if 'debug' in grp:
                del grp['debug']
            debuggrp = f.create_group('debug')
            dump_h5(debuggrp, debug_results)

        if log.do_medium:
            log('Results written to %s:%s' % (fn_h5, grp_name))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, part, keys, args):
    '''Write the output of horton-wpart.py or horton-cpart.py


            The filename for the HDF5 output file.

            the destination group

            The partitioning object (instance of subclass of

            The keys of the cached items that must go in the HDF5 outut file.

            The results of the command line parser. All arguments are stored
            as attributes in the HDF5 output file.
    def get_results(part, keys):
        results = {}
        for key in keys:
            if isinstance(key, basestring):
                results[key] = part[key]
            elif isinstance(key, tuple):
                assert len(key) == 2
                index = key[1]
                assert isinstance(index, int)
                assert index >= 0
                assert index < part.natom
                atom_results = results.setdefault('atom_%05i' % index, {})
                atom_results[key[0]] = part[key]
        return results

    # Store the results in an HDF5 file
    with LockedH5File(fn_h5) as f:
        # Transform results to a suitable dictionary structure
        results = get_results(part, keys)

        # Store results
        grp = f.require_group(grp_name)
        for key in grp.keys():
            del grp[key]
        dump_h5(grp, results)

        # Store command line arguments
        store_args(args, grp)

        if args.debug:
            # Collect debug results
            debug_keys = [key for key in part.cache.iterkeys() if key not in keys]
            debug_results = get_results(part, debug_keys)

            # Store additional data for debugging
            if 'debug' in grp:
                del grp['debug']
            debuggrp = f.create_group('debug')
            dump_h5(debuggrp, debug_results)

        if log.do_medium:
            log('Results written to %s:%s' % (fn_h5, grp_name))