Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: peer.py Proyecto: t2d/hachat
 def processMessage(self, msg, fromAddr):
     '''processes the received messages'''
     if isinstance(msg, message.HeloMessage):
         # set your own ip if you dont know it
         if self.ip == "null":
             self.ip = msg.recipientIP
             self.key = Host.constructKey(self.ip, self.port)
             logging.info("You're now connected to a Hachat-network. Your key is " + self.key)
         senderIP = fromAddr[0]
         key = Host.constructKey(senderIP, msg.senderPort)
         logging.debug("received: HELO from " + str(key))
         if key in self.hosts:
              # if you know Host set status that Host had contact
             host = self.hosts[key]
             host.lastSeen = 1 
             logging.debug(key + " already in hostlist - refreshing lastSeen")
             # add new host to hostlist
     # only accept Messages from Peers in self.hosts        
             sender = msg.origin
         except Exception, e:
             logging.debug("Msg needs origin, but doesn't have one " + str(msg))
             # overriding sender with lastHop
             sender = msg.lastHop
         except Exception, e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: peer.py Proyecto: t2d/hachat
 def addToHosts(self, addr):
     '''check if already in hostlist otherwise add'''
     # construct key and tuple
     if isinstance(addr, str):
         key = addr
         (hostIP, hostPort) = re.split(':', addr, 1)
     elif isinstance(addr, tuple):
         (hostIP, hostPort) = addr
         key = Host.constructKey(hostIP, hostPort)
     # if host is not the peer itself
     if hostIP != self.ip or int(hostPort) != int(self.port):
         if not (key in self.hosts):
             # insert in host dict
             logging.debug("adding " + key + " to hostlist")
             Host(self, hostIP, hostPort)
         logging.debug("Now %d Hosts in HostList and %d Hosts in knownHosts"%(len(self.hosts), len(self.knownPeers)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: peer.py Proyecto: t2d/hachat
 def forwardMsg(self, msg, Oneneigbour=None):
     '''forwarding TextMessage, but not to initial sender
     if host is set, it will only forward to this single host'''
     msgSender = msg.origin
     # rewrite lastHop
     oldLastHop = msg.lastHop
     msg.lastHop = self.key
     if Oneneigbour == None:
         for h in self.hosts.values():
             hostAddr = Host.constructKey(h.hostIP, h.hostPort)
             # don't forward to origin or lastHop
             if msgSender != hostAddr and oldLastHop != hostAddr:
                 #logging.debug("Message " +  msg.text + " from " + msgSender + " will be forwarded to " + hostAddr )
                 logging.debug("Message " + msg.text + " will not be forwarded to initial sender " + msgSender + " and lastHop " + oldLastHop)
         host = self.hosts[Oneneigbour]
         logging.debug("Will forward msg to " + Oneneigbour)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: peer.py Proyecto: t2d/hachat
 def __init__(self, firstHost = None, port = None, name = "temp", ip = None, testmode = False):
     self.name = name # set peer name
     self.inSocket = None # Socket für eingehende Verbindungen
     self.hosts = {} # Dict. der bekannten Hosts
     self.knownPeers = {} # Dict (ip:port) : name
     self.msgParts = {}
     # set own ip if you already know it
     if ip != None:
         self.ip = ip
         self.ip = "null"
     # open socket
     self.inSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
     if port == None:
         # bind on random port
         self.inSocket.bind(('', 0))
         # bind on given port
         self.inSocket.bind(('', int(port)))
     self.port = int(self.inSocket.getsockname()[1]) # port where peer listens on
     logging.info("Listening on port " + str(self.port))
     self.history = message.History(const.HISTORY_SAVEDMSGSLIMIT, const.HISTORY_SAVEDHASHESLIMIT)
     self.gui = gui.gui(self)
     # lock for hostlist (not needed atm)
     # self.hostlock = threading.RLock()
     # start receiveLoop
     self.rThread = threading.Thread(target=self.startRecvLoop)
     self.rThread.daemon = True
     # start sendLoop
     if testmode == True:
         #if testmode is true, sendLoop will drop random parts of msgs
         self.sThread = threading.Thread(target=self.sendLoop, args=(True,))
         self.sThread.daemon = True
         self.sThread = threading.Thread(target=self.sendLoop, args=(False,))
         self.sThread.daemon = True
     # start maintenance Loop
     self.counter = 0
     self.mThread = threading.Thread(target=self.maintenanceLoop)
     self.mThread.daemon = True
     # send HELO to first host if you know one
     if firstHost != None:
         self.key = None
         (hostIP, hostPort) = firstHost
         h = Host(self, hostIP, hostPort)
         h.bootstrap = True
         # wait until you're connected to the network
         while self.key == None:
         #Initial Request for some more hosts from firstHost
         key = h.constructKey(hostIP, hostPort)
         logging.debug("Initial Request for some peers from " + key)
         self.requestHosts(key, const.MIN_PEERLIMIT) # and get some more hosts
         #Initial Request for History
         logging.debug("Initial Request for History from " + key)
         self.getHistory(key, initial=True)
         self.key = Host.constructKey(self.ip, self.port)
         logging.info("You created a new Hachat-network. Your key is " + self.key)
     if testmode == True:
         self.generateMsgParts(10, 3000) #generates Randome Text-Msgs
     #start gui