Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_children_comments(self):
        Banana banana
        if self.comment is None:

        for sym in self.get_children_symbols():
            if isinstance(sym, ParameterSymbol):
                sym.comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.argname)
            elif isinstance(sym, FieldSymbol):
                param_comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.member_name)
                if param_comment and (not sym.comment
                                      or not sym.comment.description):
                    sym.comment = param_comment
            elif isinstance(sym, EnumMemberSymbol):
                if not sym.comment or not sym.comment.description:
                    sym.comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.unique_name)
            elif isinstance(sym, ReturnItemSymbol):
                tag = self.comment.tags.get('returns')
                sym.comment = comment_from_tag(tag)
            elif type(sym) == Symbol:
                sym.comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.display_name)

            if isinstance(sym, Symbol):
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def translate_tags(self, comment, link_resolver, include_resolver):
     """Banana banana
     for tname in ('deprecated',):
         tag = comment.tags.get(tname)
         if tag is not None and tag.description:
             comment = comment_from_tag(tag)
             ast = self.comment_to_ast(comment, link_resolver, include_resolver)
             tag.description = self.ast_to_html(ast, link_resolver) or ''
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_children_comments(self):
        Banana banana
        if self.comment is None:

        for sym in self.get_children_symbols():
            if type(sym) == ParameterSymbol:
                sym.comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.argname)
            elif type(sym) == FieldSymbol:
                if not sym.comment or not sym.comment.description:
                    sym.comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.member_name)
            elif type(sym) == ReturnItemSymbol:
                tag = self.comment.tags.get('returns')
                sym.comment = comment_from_tag(tag)
            elif type(sym) == Symbol:
                sym.comment = self.comment.params.get(sym.display_name)