def init_problem(self):
     Create a ProblemSolver instance, and set the velocity and acceleration bounds
     """ = ProblemSolver(self.fullbody)
     if self.path_planner.v_max >= 0:"Kinodynamic/velocityBound", self.path_planner.v_max)
     if self.path_planner.a_max >= 0:"Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", self.path_planner.a_max)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def startDefaultSolver(self):
     self.repeat += 1
     name =
     self.problem.selectProblem(str(self.index) + ' ' + str(self.repeat))
     self.robot = HyQ(name) = ProblemSolver(self.robot)"VisibilityPrmPlanner")"RandomShortcut")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def startNodeSolver(self, node):
     self.repeat += 1
     name =
     self.problem.selectProblem(str(self.index) + ' ' + str(self.repeat))
     self.robot = HyQ(name) = ProblemSolver(self.robot)
     cfg = node.getAgentCurrentConfig(self.index)
     print 'this iteration, the agent', name, 'starts from ', cfg[0], cfg[1]"VisibilityPrmPlanner")"RandomShortcut")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def initScene(Robot, envName="multicontact/ground", genLimbsDB=True):
    from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, ViewerFactory
    from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmfullbody import FullBody
    from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
    fullBody = Robot()
    fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100])
        [-100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100])
    fullBody.setReferenceConfig(fullBody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6)
    fullBody.setPostureWeights(fullBody.postureWeights[::] + [0] * 6)
        if genLimbsDB:
            fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=100)
            fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=1)
    except AttributeError:
            "WARNING initScene : fullBody do not have loadAllLimbs, some scripts may fails."
    ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
    vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
        "package://hpp_environments/urdf/" + envName + ".urdf", "planning")
    v = vf.createViewer(ghost=True, displayCoM=True)
    return fullBody, v
 def init_problem(self):
     Load the robot, set the bounds and the ROM filters and then
     Create a ProblemSolver instance and set the default parameters.
     The values of v_max, a_max, mu, size_foot_x and size_foot_y must be defined before calling this method
     self.set_rom_filters() = ProblemSolver(self.rbprmBuilder)
     # define parameters used by various methods :
     if self.v_max >= 0:"Kinodynamic/velocityBound", self.v_max)
     if self.a_max >= 0:"Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", self.a_max)
     if self.size_foot_x > 0:"DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", self.size_foot_x)
     if self.size_foot_y > 0:"DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", self.size_foot_y)"DynamicPlanner/friction", 0.5)
     # sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :"ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def initScene(Robot, envName="multicontact/ground"):
    from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, ViewerFactory
    from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmfullbody import FullBody
    from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
    fullBody = Robot()
        fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=1)
    except AttributeError:
        print "WARNING initScene : fullBody do not have loadAllLimbs, some scripts may fails."
    ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
    vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
    vf.loadObstacleModel("hpp_environments", envName, "planning")
    v = vf.createViewer(displayCoM=True)
    return fullBody, v
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def start(self):
     # self.problem.selectProblem(0) = ProblemSolver(self.agents[0].robot)
     self.vf = ViewerFactory(
     if self.env != None:
         self.vf.loadObstacleModel(self.env.packageName, self.env.urdfName,
     self.r = self.vf.createViewer()
     for a in self.agents:
         # self.loadAgentView(a.index)
         # self.r(a.start_config)
         print 'the agent ',, ' now has a backup plan of length', a.getProposedPlanLength(
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, path_planner):
     Constructor, run the guide path and save the results
     :param path_planner: an instance of a child class of AbstractPathPlanner
     self.path_planner = path_planner
     # ID of the guide path used in problemSolver, default to the last one = - 1
     # Save the guide planning problem in a specific instance,
     # such that we can use it again even after creating the "fullbody" problem: = Client()"guide_planning")
     ProblemSolver(path_planner.rbprmBuilder)"default"), "guide_planning",
     # copy bounds and limbs used from path planning :
     self.used_limbs = path_planner.used_limbs
     self.root_translation_bounds = self.path_planner.root_translation_bounds
     # increase bounds from path planning, to leave room for the root motion during the steps
     for i in range(3):
         self.root_translation_bounds[2 * i] -= 0.1
         self.root_translation_bounds[2 * i + 1] += 0.1
     # settings related to the 'interpolate' method:
     self.dt = 0.01  # discretisation step used
     self.robustness = 0  # robustness treshold
     # (see
     self.filter_states = True  # if True, after contact generation try to remove all the redundant steps
     self.test_reachability = True  # if True, check feasibility of the contact transition during contact generation
     self.quasi_static = True  # if True, use the 2-PAC method to check feasibility, if False use CROC
     self.erase_previous_states = True  # if False, keep^the previously computed states if 'interpolate' is called a second time
     self.static_stability = True  # if True, the acceleration computed by the guide is ignored during contact planning
     self.init_contacts = self.used_limbs  # limbs in contact in the initial configuration
     # the order of the limbs in the list define the initial order in which the contacts are removed when then cannot be maintained anymore
     self.end_contacts = self.used_limbs  # limbs in contact in the final configuration
     self.configs = [
     ]  # will contains the whole body configuration computed after calling 'interpolate'
def build_fullbody(Robot, genLimbsDB=True, context = None):
    Build an rbprm FullBody instance
    :param Robot: The class of the robot
    :param genLimbsDB: if true, generate the limbs database
    :param context: An optional string that give a name to a corba context instance
    :return: a fullbody instance and a problemsolver containing this fullbody
    # Local import, as they are optional dependencies
    from hpp.corbaserver import createContext, loadServerPlugin, Client, ProblemSolver
    from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm import Client as RbprmClient
    if context:
        loadServerPlugin(context, '')
        loadServerPlugin(context, '')
        hpp_client = Client(context=context)
        rbprm_client = RbprmClient(context=context)
        hpp_client = None
        rbprm_client = None
    fullBody = Robot(client = hpp_client, clientRbprm = rbprm_client)
    fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100])
    fullBody.client.robot.setExtraConfigSpaceBounds([-100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100])
    fullBody.setReferenceConfig(fullBody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6)
    fullBody.setPostureWeights(fullBody.postureWeights[::] + [0] * 6)
        if genLimbsDB:
            fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=100)
            fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=1)
    except AttributeError:
        print("WARNING initScene : fullBody do not have loadAllLimbs, some scripts may fails.")
    ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
    fullBody.setCurrentConfig(fullBody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6)
    return fullBody, ps
Ejemplo n.º 10
from hpp.corbaserver import * 

from hpp.corbaserver.nassime import RobotChaine
robot = RobotChaine ('robot_chaine', True)

robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xyz", [-4, 12, -4, 12, -2, 4])
robot.tf_root = 'base_link'

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
v = Viewer (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:3] = [1, 2, 1]
q_goal [0:3] = [9.15, 7.5, 0.5]

v.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "env_simple", "simple")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)


ps.addPathOptimizer ("RandomShortcut")
Ejemplo n.º 11
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot('pr2', False)

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver(robot)

from gepetto.corbaserver import Client as GuiClient
guiClient = GuiClient()

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
Viewer.sceneName = '0_scene_hpp_'
r = Viewer(ps, guiClient)

from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
pp = PathPlayer(robot.client, r)
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('hyq_rhleg_rom', ['Support'])
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('hyq_rfleg_rom', ['Support'])
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('hyq_lhleg_rom', ['Support'])
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('hyq_lfleg_rom', ['Support'])
# We also bound the rotations of the torso. (z, y, x)
rbprmBuilder.boundSO3([-4, 4, -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1])
# Add 6 extraDOF to the problem, used to store the linear velocity and acceleration of the root
# We set the bounds of this extraDof with velocity and acceleration bounds (expect on z axis)
    [-vMax, vMax, -vMax, vMax, 0, 0, -aMax, aMax, -aMax, aMax, 0, 0])
indexECS = rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize(
) - rbprmBuilder.client.robot.getDimensionExtraConfigSpace()

# Creating an instance of HPP problem solver
ps = ProblemSolver(rbprmBuilder)
# define parameters used by various methods :
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", aMax)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", 0.01)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", 0.01)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/friction", 0.5)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/forceYawOrientation", True)
# sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :
ps.setParameter("ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)
ps.setParameter("PathOptimization/RandomShortcut/NumberOfLoops", 50)

# initialize the viewer :
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
Ejemplo n.º 13
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot

robot = Robot("pr2")
robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_xy", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp_ros import ScenePublisher

r = ScenePublisher(robot)

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver

ps = ProblemSolver(robot)

q_init = [
Ejemplo n.º 14
from hpp.corbaserver.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory

Robot.urdfSuffix = '_reduced'
Robot.srdfSuffix = ''

# Define which problems are to be solved

# Load HRP2 and a screwgun {{{3
robot = Robot ('hrp2')
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
#~ ps.selectPathPlanner ("DiffusingPlanner")
# ps.addPathOptimizer ("SmallSteps")
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xyz", [-4,4,-4,4,-4,4])
#~ vf.loadObstacleModel ("hpp_tutorial", "box", "box")
#~ ps.moveObstacle ("box/base_link_0", [0.5,0.415,0.7,1,0,0,0])

wcl = WSClient ()

ps.setErrorThreshold (1e-3)
ps.setMaxIterations (60)
# 3}}}

# Define configurations {{{3
half_sitting = q = robot.getInitialConfig ()
Ejemplo n.º 15
from hpp.corbaserver.practicals.ur5 import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory, PathPlayer

robot = Robot('ur5')
ps = ProblemSolver(robot)

vf = ViewerFactory(ps)

vf.loadObstacleModel("hpp_practicals", "ur_benchmark/obstacles", "obstacles")
vf.loadObstacleModel("hpp_practicals", "ur_benchmark/table", "table")
vf.loadObstacleModel("hpp_practicals", "ur_benchmark/wall", "wall")

v = vf.createViewer()

q1 = [0, -1.57, 1.57, 0, 0, 0]
q2 = [0.2, -1.57, -1.8, 0, 0.8, 0]
q3 = [1.57, -1.57, -1.8, 0, 0.8, 0]



from motion_planner import MotionPlanner

m = MotionPlanner(robot, ps)
pathId = m.solveBiRRT(maxIter=1000)

pp = PathPlayer(v)
Ejemplo n.º 16
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer

robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xy", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5

vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")

ps.selectPathValidation ("Dichotomy", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
#/usr/bin/env python

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver.wholebody_step.client import Client as WsClient

Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule'
Robot.srdfSuffix= '_capsule'

robot = Robot ('hrp2_14')
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xyz", [-3, 3, -3, 3, 0, 1])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

cl = robot.client

r = Viewer (ps)
q0 = robot.getInitialConfig ()
r (q0)

# Add constraints
wcl = WsClient ()
wcl.problem.addStaticStabilityConstraints ("balance", q0, robot.leftAnkle,

ps.setNumericalConstraints ("balance", ["balance/relative-com",
Ejemplo n.º 18
# Script which goes with potential_description package.
# Load simple 'robot' cylinder and obstacle to test methods.

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver.simple_robot import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
import time
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

kRange = 5
robot = Robot ('simple_robot')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xy', [-kRange, kRange, -kRange, kRange])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client
Viewer.withFloor = True
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (cl, r)

# q = [x, y, z, theta] # (z not considered since planar)
q1 = [-4, 4, 1, 0]; q2 = [4, -4, 1, 0] # obstS 1
#q1 = [2.4, -4.6, 1.0, 0.0]; q2 = [-0.4, 4.6, 1.0, 0.0] # obstS 2

ps.setInitialConfig (q1)
ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

# Load box obstacle in HPP for collision avoidance #
Ejemplo n.º 19
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer

import time  


print("chargement robot")
robot = Robot ('robot_boule', True)
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xyz", [0,5,0,2,0,2])	
# room : -5,4,-7,5,0.5,0.5
robot.tf_root = 'base_link'

ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
v = Viewer (ps)
q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()

q_init[0:3] = [0.5, 1, 1]	#z=0.4 pour sphere
v (q_init)
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_goal [0:3] = [5,1, 1]
#v (q_goal)

print("chargement map")
v.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "tunnel", "tunnel")

#/usr/bin/env python
# Script which goes with animals_description package.
# Easy way to test planning algo (no internal DoF) on SO3 joint.

from hpp.corbaserver.ant_sphere import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
import numpy as np
from viewer_display_library import normalizeDir, plotVerticalCone, plotCone, plotPath, plotVerticalConeWaypoints, plotFrame, plotThetaPlane, shootNormPlot, plotStraightLine, plotConeWaypoints
from parseLog import parseNodes, parseIntersectionConePlane, parseAlphaAngles

robot = Robot ('robot')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-2, 2, -2, 2, -0.1, 8])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, qw, qx, qy, qz, nx, ny, nz, theta]
q1 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
q2 = [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","cave","cave")

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve ()

# verif orientation:
Ejemplo n.º 21
# Script which goes with gravity.launch, to simulate Hrp2 in the space with a spaceship from a movie and an emu character from See gravity_description package.

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
import time
import sys

Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule'
Robot.srdfSuffix= '_capsule'
robot = Robot ('hrp2_14')
#robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-5, 10, -10, 10, -5, 5])
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-3, 10, -4, 4, -3, 5])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (cl, r)

# Difficult init config
q3 = [1.45, 1.05, -0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8, 1.0, -1.0, -0.85, 0.0, -0.65, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.9, 0.0, -0.6, -0.3, 0.7, -0.4, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.1, -0.15, -0.1, 0.3, -0.418879, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, -0.8, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0]

q2 = [6.55, -2.91, 1.605, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 1.0, -0.4, -1.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.5, -0.2, 0.1, -0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

q4 = [7.60, -2.41, 0.545, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, -0.4, -0.55, 0.0, -0.6, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -2.8, 0.0, 0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.4, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.1, 1.2, -0.4, 0.2, -0.3, 0.0, -0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0.0]

# Load obstacles in HPP
cl.obstacle.loadObstacleModel('gravity_description','gravity_decor','') # do not move (position in urdf)
cl.obstacle.loadObstacleModel('gravity_description','emu','') # loaded as an obstacle for now
Ejemplo n.º 22
# RUNS version! launch command: "python -i"
# Script which goes with animals_description package, runs version of Benchmark3.
# The script launches a point-robot and the cave environment.
# It defines init and final configs, and solve them for .. couples of mu / vmax (parabola constraints).
# Do not forget to launch it in Release mode !

from hpp.corbaserver.sphere import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
import math
import numpy as np

robot = Robot ('robot')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-2.6, 2.6, -6, 4.5, -2.5, 1.6]) # low end
#robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-2.6, 2.6, -6, 4.5, -2.5, 7]) # top end
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, q1, q2, q3, q4, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, theta]
q11 = [-0.18, 3.5, -0.11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
q22 = [0.4, -5.2, -0.7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] # cave low end
#q22 = [0.27, -5.75, 5.90, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] # cave top end

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

vmax = 8; mu = 1.2
#vmax = 6.5; mu = 0.5
#cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(mu); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(vmax)
class AbstractPathPlanner:

    rbprmBuilder = None
    ps = None
    v = None
    afftool = None
    pp = None
    extra_dof_bounds = None
    robot_node_name = None  # name of the robot in the node list of the viewer

    def __init__(self):
        self.v_max = -1  # bounds on the linear velocity for the root, negative values mean unused
        self.a_max = -1  # bounds on the linear acceleration for the root, negative values mean unused
        self.root_translation_bounds = [
        ] * 6  # bounds on the root translation position (-x, +x, -y, +y, -z, +z)
        self.root_rotation_bounds = [
            -3.14, 3.14, -0.01, 0.01, -0.01, 0.01
        ]  # bounds on the rotation of the root (-z, z, -y, y, -x, x)
        # The rotation bounds are only used during the random sampling, they are not enforced along the path
        self.extra_dof = 6  # number of extra config appended after the joints configuration, 6 to store linear root velocity and acceleration = 0.5  # friction coefficient between the robot and the environment
        self.used_limbs = [
        ]  # names of the limbs that must be in contact during all the motion
        self.size_foot_x = 0  # size of the feet along the x axis
        self.size_foot_y = 0  # size of the feet along the y axis
        self.q_init = []
        self.q_goal = []

    def load_rbprm(self):
        Build an rbprmBuilder instance for the correct robot and initialize it's extra config size

    def set_configurations(self):
        self.q_init = self.rbprmBuilder.getCurrentConfig()
        self.q_goal = self.rbprmBuilder.getCurrentConfig()
        self.q_init[2] = self.rbprmBuilder.ref_height
        self.q_goal[2] = self.rbprmBuilder.ref_height

    def compute_extra_config_bounds(self):
        Compute extra dof bounds from the current values of v_max and a_max
        By default, set symmetrical bounds on x and y axis and bounds z axis values to 0
        # bounds for the extradof : by default use v_max/a_max on x and y axis and 0 on z axis
        self.extra_dof_bounds = [
            -self.v_max, self.v_max, -self.v_max, self.v_max, 0, 0,
            -self.a_max, self.a_max, -self.a_max, self.a_max, 0, 0

    def set_joints_bounds(self):
        Set the root translation and rotation bounds as well as the the extra dofs bounds

    def set_rom_filters(self):
        Define which ROM must be in collision at all time and with which kind of affordances
        By default it set all the roms in used_limbs to be in contact with 'support' affordances
        for limb in self.used_limbs:
            self.rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter(limb, ['Support'])

    def init_problem(self):
        Load the robot, set the bounds and the ROM filters and then
        Create a ProblemSolver instance and set the default parameters.
        The values of v_max, a_max, mu, size_foot_x and size_foot_y must be defined before calling this method
        self.set_rom_filters() = ProblemSolver(self.rbprmBuilder)
        # define parameters used by various methods :
        if self.v_max >= 0:
  "Kinodynamic/velocityBound", self.v_max)
        if self.a_max >= 0:
  "Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", self.a_max)
        if self.size_foot_x > 0:
  "DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", self.size_foot_x)
        if self.size_foot_y > 0:
  "DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", self.size_foot_y)"DynamicPlanner/friction", 0.5)
        # sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :"ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)

    def init_viewer(self,
                    reduce_sizes=[0, 0, 0],
        Build an instance of hpp-gepetto-viewer from the current problemSolver
        :param env_name: name of the urdf describing the environment
        :param env_package: name of the package containing this urdf (default to hpp_environments)
        :param reduce_sizes: Distance used to reduce the affordances plan toward the center of the plane
        (in order to avoid putting contacts closes to the edges of the surface)
        :param visualize_affordances: list of affordances type to visualize, default to none
        vf = ViewerFactory(
        self.afftool = AffordanceTool()
        self.afftool.setAffordanceConfig('Support', [0.5, 0.03, 0.00005])
        self.afftool.loadObstacleModel("package://" + env_package + "/urdf/" +
                                       env_name + ".urdf",

        self.v = vf.createViewer(ghost=True, displayArrows=True)
        self.pp = PathPlayer(self.v)
        for aff_type in visualize_affordances:
            self.afftool.visualiseAffordances(aff_type, self.v,

    def init_planner(self, kinodynamic=True, optimize=True):
        Select the rbprm methods, and the kinodynamic ones if required
        :param kinodynamic: if True, also select the kinodynamic methods
        :param optimize: if True, add randomShortcut path optimizer (or randomShortcutDynamic if kinodynamic is also True)
        """"RbprmShooter")"RbprmPathValidation", 0.05)
        if kinodynamic:
        if optimize:
            if kinodynamic:

    def solve(self):
        Solve the path planning problem.
        q_init and q_goal must have been defined before calling this method
        if len(self.q_init) != self.rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize():
            raise ValueError(
                "Initial configuration vector do not have the right size")
        if len(self.q_goal) != self.rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize():
            raise ValueError(
                "Goal configuration vector do not have the right size")
        t =
        print("Guide planning time : ", t)

    def display_path(self, path_id=-1, dt=0.1):
        Display the path in the viewer, if no path specified display the last one
        :param path_id: the Id of the path specified, default to the most recent one
        :param dt: discretization step used to display the path (default to 0.1)
        if self.pp is not None:
            if path_id < 0:
                path_id = - 1
            self.pp.dt = dt

    def play_path(self, path_id=-1, dt=0.01):
        play the path in the viewer, if no path specified display the last one
        :param path_id: the Id of the path specified, default to the most recent one
        :param dt: discretization step used to display the path (default to 0.01)
        if self.pp is not None:
            if path_id < 0:
                path_id = - 1
            self.pp.dt = dt

    def hide_rom(self):
        Remove the current robot from the display
        self.v.client.gui.setVisibility(self.robot_node_name, "OFF")

    def show_rom(self):
        Add the current robot to the display
        self.v.client.gui.setVisibility(self.robot_node_name, "ON")

    def run(self):
        Must be defined in the child class to run all the methods with the correct arguments.
        # example of definition:
        # define initial and goal position
        self.q_init[:2] = [0, 0]
        self.q_goal[:2] = [1, 0]
        self.init_viewer("multicontact/ground", visualize_affordances=["Support"])
Ejemplo n.º 24
Robot.srdfSuffix= '_capsule'

robot = Robot ('hrp2_14')
robot.setTranslationBounds (-3, 3, -3, 3, 0, 1)
cl = robot.client

r = ScenePublisher (robot)
q0 = robot.getInitialConfig ()
r (q0)

# Add constraints
wcl = WsClient ()
wcl.problem.addStaticStabilityConstraints ("balance", q0, robot.leftAnkle,

ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
ps.setNumericalConstraints ("balance", ["balance/relative-com",

# lock hands in closed position
lockedDofs = robot.leftHandClosed ()
for name, value in lockedDofs.iteritems ():
    ps.lockDof (name, value, 0, 0)

lockedDofs = robot.rightHandClosed ()
for name, value in lockedDofs.iteritems ():
    ps.lockDof (name, value, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 25
from hpp.corbaserver.practicals.ur5 import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory, PathPlayer

robot = Robot ('ur5')
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

vf = ViewerFactory (ps)

vf.loadObstacleModel ("hpp_practicals","ur_benchmark/obstacles","obstacles")
vf.loadObstacleModel ("hpp_practicals","ur_benchmark/table","table")
vf.loadObstacleModel ("hpp_practicals","ur_benchmark/wall","wall")

v = vf.createViewer ()

q1 = [0, -1.57, 1.57, 0, 0, 0]; q2 = [0.2, -1.57, -1.8, 0, 0.8, 0]
q3 = [1.57, -1.57, -1.8, 0, 0.8, 0]

v (q2)
v (q3)

ps.setInitialConfig (q2)
ps.addGoalConfig (q3)

from motion_planner import MotionPlanner
m = MotionPlanner (robot, ps)
pathId = m.solveBiRRT (maxIter = 1000)

pp = PathPlayer (v)
#pp (pathId)
Ejemplo n.º 26
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xy", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp_ros import ScenePublisher
r = ScenePublisher (robot)

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2
r (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
r (q_goal)

ps.loadObstacleFromUrdf ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
# Script which goes with potential_description package.
# Load planar 'robot' cylinder and concave obstacles.

from hpp.corbaserver.potential import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
import time
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

kRange = 5
robot = Robot ('potential')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xy', [-kRange, kRange, -kRange, kRange])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# q = [x, y, theta] # (z not considered since planar)
q1 = [-4, 4, 1, 0]; q2 = [4, -4, 1, 0] # obstS 1
#q1 = [-4, 4, 0]; q2 = [4, -4, 0] # obstS 1

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

#ps.createOrientationConstraint ("orConstraint", "base_joint_rz", "", [1,0,0,0], [0,0,1])
#ps.setNumericalConstraints ("constraints", ["orConstraint"])

ps.selectPathPlanner ("VisibilityPrmPlanner")
ps.selectPathValidation ("Dichotomy", 0.)
Ejemplo n.º 28
from hpp.corbaserver.ur5_robot import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
import CORBA

robot = Robot ('ur5')
cl = robot.client
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

# q = ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'] 6 DoF#
q1 = [0, -1.57, 1.57, 0, 0, 0]; q2 = [0.2, -1.57, -1.8, 0, 0.8, 0]
q3 = [0, -1.57, 1.57, 3.267256451, 0, 0]

q_init = q1;
# q_goal = q2
q_goal = q3

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory, PathPlayerGui
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)
# vf.loadObstacleModel ("ur_description","obstacles","obstacles")
vf.loadObstacleModel ("ur_description","table","table")
# vf.loadObstacleModel ("ur_description","wall","wall")

ps.lockJoint("elbow_joint", [q1[2]])

ps.selectPathValidation("Progressive", .05)

ps.setParameter("SplineGradientBased/alphaInit", CORBA.Any(CORBA.TC_double, 0.3))
ps.setParameter("SplineGradientBased/alwaysStopAtFirst", CORBA.Any(CORBA.TC_boolean, True))
ps.setParameter("SplineGradientBased/linearizeAtEachStep", CORBA.Any(CORBA.TC_boolean, False))
#/usr/bin/env python
# Script which goes with puzzle_description package.
# RViz command : roslaunch puzzle_description puzzle.launch
# Easy way to test planning algo (no internal DoF) on SO3 joint.

from hpp.corbaserver.puzzle import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver

robot = Robot ('puzzle') # object5
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-0.9, 0.9, -0.9, 0.9, -1., 1.])
#robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-0.6, 0.6, -0.6, 0.6, -0.3, 1.0])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

q1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; q2 = [0.0, 0.0, -0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
#q1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; q2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # simpler
#q1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; q2 = [0.0, 0.0, -0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # simpler2

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("puzzle_description","decor_very_easy","decor_very_easy")
r.loadObstacleModel ("puzzle_description","decor_easy","decor_easy")
r(q2) # r(q1)

#q1bis = q2; q2bis = [0.0, 0.0, -0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
#ps.resetGoalConfigs (); ps.setInitialConfig (q1bis); ps.addGoalConfig (q2bis); ps.solve ()
# ps.resetGoalConfigs (); ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2bis); ps.solve ()
#i = ps.numberPaths()-1
Ejemplo n.º 30
Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule'
Robot.srdfSuffix= '_capsule'

robot = Robot ('hrp2_14')
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xyz", (-3, 3, -3, 3, 0, 1))
cl = robot.client

q0 = robot.getInitialConfig ()

# Add constraints
wcl = WsClient ()
wcl.problem.addStaticStabilityConstraints ("balance", q0, robot.leftAnkle,
                                           robot.rightAnkle, "",

ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
ps.setNumericalConstraints ("balance", ["balance/relative-com",

# lock hands in closed position
lockedjoints = robot.leftHandClosed ()
for name, value in lockedjoints.iteritems ():
    ps.lockJoint (name, value)

lockedjoints = robot.rightHandClosed ()
for name, value in lockedjoints.iteritems ():
    ps.lockJoint (name, value)
Ejemplo n.º 31
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xy", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

# On travis, we do not compile the viewer (yet?)
# from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
# r = ViewerFactory (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2
# r (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
# r (q_goal)

# r.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")
ps.loadObstacleFromUrdf ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen/")
Ejemplo n.º 32
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_xy", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver(robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig()
q_goal = q_init[::]
q_init[0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['torso_lift_joint']
q_init[rank] = 0.2

q_goal[0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal[rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal[rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal[rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal[rank] = -0.5

vf.loadObstacleModel("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")

#/usr/bin/env python
# Benchmark3. Script which goes with animals_description package.
# The script launches a point-robot and the cave_mono_short environment.
# It defines init and final configs, and solve them for 2 couples of mu / vmax (parabola constraints).

from hpp.corbaserver.sphere import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from viewer_display_library import normalizeDir, plotCone, plotFrame, plotThetaPlane, shootNormPlot, plotStraightLine, plotConeWaypoints, plotSampleSubPath, contactPosition, addLight, plotSphere, plotSpheresWaypoints
import math
import numpy as np

robot = Robot ('robot')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-2.6, 2.6, -3, 4.2, -2.5, 4])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, q1, q2, q3, q4, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, theta]
q11 = [-0.3, 3.65, -0.25, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
q22 = [-0.18, -2.2, -0.4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","cave","cave")
#addLight (r, [-0.3, 3.8, 0,1,0,0,0], "li"); addLight (r, [-0.18, -3, 0.1,1,0,0,0], "li1"); addLight (r, [-0.3, 4, 0,1,0,0,0], "li3")

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)
# Benchmark2mesh. Script which goes with animals_description package.
# The script launches a point-robot and the environment containing an environment 3d mesh (with windows).
# It defines init and final configs, and solve them for 2 couples of mu / vmax (parabola constraints).

#blender/ -p /local/mcampana/devel/hpp/videos/ -i robot.urdf -o

from hpp.corbaserver.sphere import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from viewer_display_library import normalizeDir, plotCone, plotFrame, plotThetaPlane, shootNormPlot, plotStraightLine, plotConeWaypoints, plotSampleSubPath, contactPosition, addLight, plotSphere, plotSpheresWaypoints, plotConesRoadmap, plotEdgesRoadmap
import math
import numpy as np

robot = Robot ('robot')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-5, 5, -5, 5, -1, 7])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, q1, q2, q3, q4, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, theta]
q11 = [-3.8, 2.4, 1.2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [3.5, -3.3, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps); gui = r.client.gui
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","envir3d_window_mesh","envir3d_window_mesh")
#addLight (r, [-3,3,4,1,0,0,0], "li"); addLight (r, [3,-3,4,1,0,0,0], "li1")

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)
joint1L_bounds_prev = fullBody.getJointBounds('leg_left_1_joint')
joint3L_bounds_prev = fullBody.getJointBounds('leg_left_3_joint')
joint1R_bounds_prev = fullBody.getJointBounds('leg_right_1_joint')
joint3R_bounds_prev = fullBody.getJointBounds('leg_right_3_joint')
fullBody.setJointBounds('leg_left_1_joint', [-0.2, 0.7])
fullBody.setJointBounds('leg_left_3_joint', [-1.3, 0.4])
fullBody.setJointBounds('leg_right_1_joint', [-0.7, 0.2])
fullBody.setJointBounds('leg_right_3_joint', [-1.3, 0.4])

# add the 6 extraDof for velocity and acceleration (see * script)
vMax = 0.5  # linear velocity bound for the root
aMax = 0.5  # linear acceleration bound for the root
    [-vMax, vMax, -vMax, vMax, 0, 0, -aMax, aMax, -aMax, aMax, 0, 0])
ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", aMax)
ps.setRandomSeed(random.SystemRandom().randint(0, 999999))

#load the viewer
    v = vf.createViewer(displayCoM=True)
except Exception:
    print("No viewer started !")

    class FakeViewer():
        sceneName = ""

        def __init__(self):
Ejemplo n.º 36
args = parser.parse_args()

Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule'
Robot.srdfSuffix = '_capsule'
#Robot.urdfSuffix = ''
#Robot.srdfSuffix= ''

robot = Robot('hrp2_14')
                     [-3, 3, -3, 3, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1])
cl = robot.client

q0 = robot.getInitialConfig()

# Add constraints
ps = ProblemSolver(robot)
ps.addPartialCom('hrp2_14', ['root_joint'])
robot.createSlidingStabilityConstraint("balance/", 'hrp2_14', robot.leftAnkle,
                                       robot.rightAnkle, q0)
ps.setNumericalConstraints("balance", [

# lock hands in closed position
lockedjointDict = robot.leftHandClosed()
lockedJoints = list()
for name, value in lockedjointDict.iteritems():
    ljName = "locked_" + name
    ps.createLockedJoint(ljName, name, value)
Ejemplo n.º 37
# The following lines set constraint on the valid configurations:
# a configuration is valid only if all limbs can create a contact with the corresponding afforcances type
for rom in rbprmBuilder.urdfNameRom :
    rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter(rom, ['Support'])

# We also bound the rotations of the torso. (z, y, x)
# Add 6 extraDOF to the problem, used to store the linear velocity and acceleration of the root
# We set the bounds of this extraDof with velocity and acceleration bounds (expect on z axis)
indexECS = rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize() - rbprmBuilder.client.robot.getDimensionExtraConfigSpace()

# Creating an instance of HPP problem solver 
ps = ProblemSolver( rbprmBuilder )
# define parameters used by various methods : 
# sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :

# initialize the viewer :
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("root_joint", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2
vf (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
vf (q_goal)

vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
Ejemplo n.º 39
fullBody.setJointBounds("LF_KFE", [-1.4, 0.0])
fullBody.setJointBounds("RF_KFE", [-1.4, 0.0])
fullBody.setJointBounds("LH_KFE", [0.0, 1.4])
fullBody.setJointBounds("RH_KFE", [0.0, 1.4])
fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-20, 20, -20, 20, -20, 20])
dict_heuristic = {
    fullBody.rLegId: "static",
    fullBody.lLegId: "static",
    fullBody.rArmId: "fixedStep04",
    fullBody.lArmId: "fixedStep04",
fullBody.loadAllLimbs(dict_heuristic, "ReferenceConfiguration", nbSamples=12)

nbSamples = 1

ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
v = vf.createViewer()
rootName = "root_joint"

zero = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rLegId = fullBody.rLegId
rLeg = fullBody.rleg
rfoot = fullBody.rfoot
rLegOffset = fullBody.offset[:]
lLegOffset = fullBody.offset[:]
rArmOffset = fullBody.offset[:]
lArmOffset = fullBody.offset[:]

lLegId = fullBody.lLegId
lLeg = fullBody.lleg
#/usr/bin/env python
# Script which goes with gravity.launch, to simulate Hrp2 in the space with a spaceship from a movie and an emu character from See gravity_description package.

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver.emu import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver import Client

robot = Robot ('emu')
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (cl, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("gravity_description","gravity_decor","gravity_decor") # visual
#r.loadObstacleModel ("gravity_description","stone","stone")

xStone = 10
yEmu = 5+0.2
zEmu = 6-1
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [xStone-2, xStone+2, yEmu-1, yEmu+2, zEmu-0.5, zEmu+0.5])
# List of configs
q1 = [xStone+2, yEmu+0, zEmu, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
q2 = [xStone+1.5, yEmu+0.8, zEmu, 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781]
q3 = [xStone+1, yEmu+1.4, zEmu, 0, 0, 0, 1]
q4 = [xStone+0.5, yEmu+1.7, zEmu, -0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781]
#q5 = [xStone+0, yEmu+2, zEmu, -1, 0, 0, 0]
q5 = [xStone+0, yEmu+2, zEmu, -0.99, 0.14003571, 0.013, 0.011]
q6 = [xStone-0.5, yEmu+1.7, zEmu, -0.707106781, 0, 0, -0.707106781]
q7 = [xStone-1, yEmu+1.4, zEmu, 0, 0, 0, -1]
q8 = [xStone-1.5, yEmu+0.8, zEmu, 0.707106781, 0, 0, -0.707106781]
q9 = [xStone-2, yEmu+0, zEmu, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 41
from hpp import Quaternion

robot = Robot ('romeo')
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_x", [-4, 3])
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_y", [-5, 3])
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_z", [0, 2])

r = ScenePublisher (robot)

# Get half-sitting configuration
q = robot.getInitialConfig ()
q[0] = -3
q[1] = -4
r (q)

ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

# create static stability constraint
wcl = WholebodyStepClient ()
wcl.problem.addStaticStabilityConstraints ("balance", q, robot.leftAnkle,

# Define quatenion for righthand orientation constraints
#quat = Quaternion()
#quat.fromRPY(-1.55, -1.55, 0.0) # Right hand horizontal, grasping to -z
#quat.fromRPY(-1.55, 0.0, 0.0)   # Right hand vertical, pointing down
#quat.fromRPY(0.0, 0.0, -1.55)   # Right hand vertical, pointing forward

Ejemplo n.º 42
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer

import time

white = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
green = [0.23, 0.75, 0.2, 0.5]
brown = [0.85, 0.75, 0.15, 0.5]

print("chargement robot")
robot = Robot('robot_boule', True)
robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_xyz", [0, 9, 0, 12, 0.5, 0.5])
# room : -5,4,-7,5,0.5,0.5
robot.tf_root = 'base_link'

ps = ProblemSolver(robot)
v = Viewer(ps)
q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig()

q_init[0:3] = [9, 7.5, 0.5]
q_goal = q_init[::]
q_goal[0:3] = [0, 1.5, 0.5]
#v (q_goal)

print("chargement map")
v.loadObstacleModel("iai_maps", "labyrinth2", "labyrinth2")

Ejemplo n.º 43
#/usr/bin/env python

import time
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2_with_set import Robot
robot = Robot ('pr2_with_set') # will containt the set fixed on the left hand... (moving with l_wrist_flex_joint)
robot.setJointBounds ("base_joint_xy", [-4, -0.5, -7, -1.5])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
Viewer.withFloor = True
r = Viewer (ps)
r.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps","kitchen_area","kitchen_area") # visual kitchen
r.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps","floor","floor")

q1 = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q1 [0:2] = [-3.4, -6]
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']] = 0.13
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_pan_joint']] = 0.5 # ecarte les bras
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_pan_joint']] = -0.5
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_upper_arm_roll_joint']] = 1.57 # tourne bras sur lui-mm
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_upper_arm_roll_joint']] = -1.57
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']] = -0.49 # plier coude
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']] = -0.50
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_wrist_flex_joint']] = -0.2 # plie poignet
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_wrist_flex_joint']] = -0.2
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_gripper_r_finger_joint']] = 0.09 # ouvrir pince
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_gripper_l_finger_joint']] = 0.12
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_gripper_r_finger_joint']] = 0.13
q1 [robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_gripper_l_finger_joint']] = 0.095
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("root_joint", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2
vf (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
vf (q_goal)

vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
Ejemplo n.º 45
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
from math import pi

robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("root_joint", [-4, -3, -5, -3,-2,2,-2,2])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5

vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")
#/usr/bin/env python
# Script which goes with puzzle_description package.
# RViz command : roslaunch puzzle_description puzzle.launch
# Easy way to test planning algo (no internal DoF) on SO3 joint.
# b hpp::core::pathOptimization::GradientBased::initialize (const PathVectorPtr_t& path)

from hpp.corbaserver.puzzle import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
import time
import math

robot = Robot ('puzzle')
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("puzzle_description","decor_very_easy","decor_very_easy")

robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-2.2, +2.2, -0.2, 2.2, -0.5, 0.5])
Q = []
Q.append ( [0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
Q.append ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8573289792052967, 0.5110043077178016, 0.0474382998474562, 0.04014009987092448])
Q.append ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.47002595717039686, 0.8761976030104256, 0.08134045836690892, 0.06882654169507678])
Q.append ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.05139523108351973, 0.9913748854243123, 0.09203276443212992, 0.07787387759641762]) # !
Q.append ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5581511991721069, 0.8236712340507641, 0.07646425360117025, 0.06470052227791329])
Q.append ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9056431645733478, 0.420939551154707, 0.03907727653904272, 0.033065387840728454]) # ! one turn
from hpp.corbaserver.sphere import Robot
#from hpp.corbaserver.ant import Robot
#from hpp.corbaserver.ant_sphere import Robot
#from hpp.corbaserver.monopod_mesh import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from viewer_display_library import normalizeDir, plotCone, plotFrame, plotThetaPlane, shootNormPlot, plotStraightLine, plotConeWaypoints, plotSampleSubPath, contactPosition, addLight, plotSphere, plotSpheresWaypoints
from parseLog import parseNodes, parseIntersectionConePlane, parseAlphaAngles
from parabola_plot_tools import parabPlotDoubleProjCones, parabPlotOriginCones
import math
import numpy as np

robot = Robot ('robot')
#robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-3.9, 3.9, -3.9, 3.9, 1, 12]) # plane
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-6, 6, -6, 6, 2, 9]) # environment_3d
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, q1, q2, q3, q4, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, theta]
#q1 = [-1.5, -1.5, 3.41, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q2 = [2.6, 3.7, 3.41, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
#q11 = [2.5, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [-2.5, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0] # plane with theta = Pi
#q11 = [-2.5, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [2.5, 2.7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0] # plane with theta ~= 0
#q11 = [-2.5, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1,-0.1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [2.5, 2.7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.1, 0, 0, 1, 0] # plane with theta ~= 0 MONOPOD
#q11 = [-2.5, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [2.5, 2.7, 9, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0] # multiple-planes (3 planes)
q11 = [-5, 3.1, 4.2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [5.2, -5.2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0] # environment_3d

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
Ejemplo n.º 48
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot

robot = Robot('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_xy", [-4, -3, -5, -3])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver

ps = ProblemSolver(robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory

r = ViewerFactory(ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig()
q_goal = q_init[::]
q_init[0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['torso_lift_joint']
q_init[rank] = 0.2

q_goal[0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal[rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal[rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal[rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal[rank] = -0.5
Ejemplo n.º 49
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('talos_lleg_rom', [
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('talos_rleg_rom', ['Support'])
# We also bound the rotations of the torso. (z, y, x)
rbprmBuilder.boundSO3([-4., 4., -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1])
# Add 6 extraDOF to the problem, used to store the linear velocity and acceleration of the root
# We set the bounds of this extraDof with velocity and acceleration bounds (expect on z axis)
    [-vMax, vMax, -vMax, vMax, -10., 10., -aMax, aMax, -aMax, aMax, -10., 10.])
indexECS = rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize(
) - rbprmBuilder.client.robot.getDimensionExtraConfigSpace()

# Creating an instance of HPP problem solver
ps = ProblemSolver(rbprmBuilder)
# define parameters used by various methods :
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", aMax)
# force the orientation of the trunk to match the direction of the motion
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/forceYawOrientation", False)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", 0.2)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", 0.12)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/friction", mu)
# sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :
ps.setParameter("ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)
ps.setParameter("PathOptimization/RandomShortcut/NumberOfLoops", 100)

# initialize the viewer :
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
for rom in rbprmBuilder.urdfNameRom:
    rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter(rom, ['Support'])

# We also bound the rotations of the torso. (z, y, x)
rbprmBuilder.boundSO3([-1.7, 1.7, -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1])
# Add 6 extraDOF to the problem, used to store the linear velocity and acceleration of the root
# We set the bounds of this extraDof with velocity and acceleration bounds (expect on z axis)
    [-vMax, vMax, -vMax, vMax, 0, 0, -aMax, aMax, -aMax, aMax, 0, 0])
indexECS = rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize(
) - rbprmBuilder.client.robot.getDimensionExtraConfigSpace()

# Creating an instance of HPP problem solver
ps = ProblemSolver(rbprmBuilder)
# define parameters used by various methods :
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", aMax)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", 0.01)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", 0.01)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/friction", mu)
# sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :
ps.setParameter("ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)

# initialize the viewer :
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)

# load the module to analyse the environnement and compute the possible contact surfaces
from hpp.corbaserver.affordance.affordance import AffordanceTool
Ejemplo n.º 51
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
from math import pi

robot = Robot ('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds ("root_joint", [-4, -3, -5, -3,-2,2,-2,2])

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5

vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")
# Benchmark4. Script which goes with animals_description package.
# The script launches a point-robot and the scene_jump_harder (mesh version 10) environment.
# It defines init and final configs, and solve them for .. couples of mu / vmax (parabola constraints).

from hpp.corbaserver.sphere import Robot
#from hpp.corbaserver.sphere_mesh import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import Client
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from viewer_display_library import normalizeDir, plotCone, plotFrame, plotThetaPlane, shootNormPlot, plotStraightLine, plotConeWaypoints, plotSampleSubPath, contactPosition, addLight, plotSphere, plotSpheresWaypoints, plotConesRoadmap
import math
import numpy as np

robot = Robot ('robot')
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-6, 6.8, -2.5, 3.2, 0, 8])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, q1, q2, q3, q4, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, theta]
q11 = [6.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; q22 = [-4.4, -1.5, 6.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps); gui = r.client.gui
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","scene_jump_harder","scene_jump_harder")

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)
Ejemplo n.º 53
#/usr/bin/env python
# Script which goes with gravity.launch, to simulate Hrp2 in the space with a spaceship from a movie and an emu character from See gravity_description package.

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver import Client

#Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule'
#Robot.srdfSuffix= '_capsule'
robot = Robot ('hrp2_14')
#robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-5, 10, -10, 10, -5, 5])
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-3, 10, -4, 4, -3, 5])
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (cl, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("gravity_description","emu","emu")
r.loadObstacleModel ("gravity_description","gravity_decor","gravity_decor")

# Difficult init config
q1 = [1.45, 1.05, -0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8, 1.0, -1.0, -0.85, 0.0, -0.65, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.9, 0.0, -0.6, -0.3, 0.7, -0.4, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.1, -0.15, -0.1, 0.3, -0.418879, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, -0.8, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0]

q2 = [6.55, -2.91, 1.605, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 1.0, -0.4, -1.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.5, -0.2, 0.1, -0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

q2hard = [7.60, -2.41, 0.545, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, -0.4, -0.55, 0.0, -0.6, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -2.8, 0.0, 0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.4, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.1, 1.2, -0.4, 0.2, -0.3, 0.0, -0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0.0]


# qf should be invalid
Ejemplo n.º 54
Robot.srdfSuffix = '_capsule'

robot = Robot('hrp2_14')
robot.setTranslationBounds(-3, 3, -3, 3, 0, 1)
cl = robot.client

r = ScenePublisher(robot)
q0 = robot.getInitialConfig()

# Add constraints
wcl = WsClient()
wcl.problem.addStaticStabilityConstraints("balance", q0, robot.leftAnkle,

ps = ProblemSolver(robot)
ps.setNumericalConstraints("balance", [
    "balance/relative-com", "balance/relative-orientation",
    "balance/relative-position", "balance/orientation-left-foot",

# lock hands in closed position
lockedDofs = robot.leftHandClosed()
for name, value in lockedDofs.iteritems():
    ps.lockDof(name, value, 0, 0)

lockedDofs = robot.rightHandClosed()
for name, value in lockedDofs.iteritems():
    ps.lockDof(name, value, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 55
from hpp.corbaserver.pr2 import Robot
robot = Robot('pr2')
robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_x", [-4, -3])
robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_y", [-5, -3])

from hpp_ros import ScenePublisher
r = ScenePublisher(robot)

from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver(robot)

q_init = [
    -3.2, -4, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,

q_goal = [
    -3.2, -4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0

ps.loadObstacleFromUrdf("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "")

ps.selectPathValidation("Dichotomy", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 56
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('talos_lleg_rom', [
rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter('talos_rleg_rom', ['Support'])
# We also bound the rotations of the torso. (z, y, x)
rbprmBuilder.boundSO3([-1.7, 1.7, -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1])
# Add 6 extraDOF to the problem, used to store the linear velocity and acceleration of the root
# We set the bounds of this extraDof with velocity and acceleration bounds (expect on z axis)
    [-vMax, vMax, -vMax, vMax, 0, 0, -aMax, aMax, -aMax, aMax, 0, 0])
indexECS = rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize(
) - rbprmBuilder.client.robot.getDimensionExtraConfigSpace()

# Creating an instance of HPP problem solver
ps = ProblemSolver(rbprmBuilder)
# define parameters used by various methods :
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", aMax)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", 0.2)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", 0.12)
ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/friction", 0.5)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/forceYawOrientation", True)
# sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :
ps.setParameter("ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)

# initialize the viewer :
from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
vf = ViewerFactory(ps)

# load the module to analyse the environnement and compute the possible contact surfaces
#original from antonio
q1=[0,1.5,0.64870180180254433111, 0.9249114088877176,0,0,-0.38018270043406405,0,0,0,0,0.26179900000000000393,0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.26179900000000000393,-0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268,0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268,0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0]
#q1=[0,1.5,0.64870180180254433111, 1,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0,0.26179900000000000393,0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.26179900000000000393,-0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268,0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268,0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0]

#original from antonio
q2=[0,-2.5,0.64870180180254433111, 0.7101853756232854, 0, 0, -0.7040147244559684, 0,0,0,0,0.26179900000000000393, 0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927, -0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927, 0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.26179900000000000393, -0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927, -0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927, 0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268, 0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268, 0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0]
#q2=[0,-2.5,0.64870180180254433111, 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0.26179900000000000393, 0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927, -0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927, 0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0.26179900000000000393, -0.1745299999999999907,0,-0.52359900000000003661,0,0,0.1745319999999999927, -0.1745319999999999927,0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927, 0.1745319999999999927,-0.1745319999999999927,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268, 0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0,0,0,-0.45378600000000002268, 0.87266500000000002402,-0.41887900000000000134,0]

publisher = ScenePublisher(robot)

## Add constraints
solver = ProblemSolver (robot)
print "diffusing planner (general RRT implementation)"

solver.setInitialConfig (q1)
solver.addGoalConfig (q2)

#mpc = MPClient()
#pc = mpc.precomputation
#cnames = pc.getNumericalConstraints (robot.getInitialConfig())
#solver.setNumericalConstraints ("stability-constraints", cnames)
## add obstacles
print "solve"
start_time = float(time.time())