def add_robot(self, robot_name, bounds): model_wrapper = self.model_wrapper color = self.robot_color if robot_name == "sphere": radius = 0.03 geom = hppfcl.Sphere(radius) sphere_mesh = Mesh(name="robot", geometry=geom, color=color) robot = FreeFlyer(model_wrapper, sphere_mesh, bounds) elif robot_name == "sphere2d": radius = 0.01 geom = hppfcl.Sphere(radius) sphere_mesh = Mesh(name="robot", geometry=geom, color=color) robot = FreeFlyer(model_wrapper, sphere_mesh, bounds) elif robot_name == "s_shape": mesh_path = "../assets/s_shape_description/s_shape.stl" scale = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) s_mesh = Mesh(name="robot", geometry_path=mesh_path, color=color, scale=scale) robot = FreeFlyer(model_wrapper, s_mesh, bounds) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown robot: {robot_name}") self.robot_n_joints = robot.n_joints return robot
def addTerrainsToGeomModel(gmodel, terrain, obstacles): """ Add a list of stepstones and obstacles to the robot geometry object. Each step stone is defined by its SE3 placement. It is added as a red disk of 20cm radius. Each obstacles is defined by its 3d position. It is added as a white sphere of radius 20cm. - gmodel is a pinocchio geometry model - terrain is a list of SE3 placement of the step stones - obstacles is a list of 3d position of the sphere centers. """ # Create pinocchio 3d objects for each step stone for i, d in enumerate(terrain): # The step stones have name "debris0X" and are attached to the world (jointId=0). g2 = pin.GeometryObject("debris%02d" % i, 0, hppfcl.Cylinder(.2, .01), d) g2.meshColor = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1.]) gmodel.addGeometryObject(g2) # Create Pinocchio 3d objects for the obstacles. for i, obs in enumerate(obstacles): # The obstacles have name "obs0X" and are attached to the world (jointId=0). g2 = pin.GeometryObject("obs%02d" % i, 0, hppfcl.Sphere(.2), pin.SE3(np.eye(3), obs)) g2.meshColor = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1.]) gmodel.addGeometryObject(g2) # Add the collision pair to check the robot collision against the step stones and the obstacles. # For simplicity, does not activate the self-collision pairs. ngeomRobot = len(gmodel.geometryObjects) - len(terrain) - len(obstacles) for irobot in range(ngeomRobot): for ienv in range(len(terrain) + len(obstacles)): gmodel.addCollisionPair(pin.CollisionPair(irobot, ngeomRobot + ienv))
def sample_geom(np_random, obst_type, size, index=None): geom = None path = "" scale = np.ones(3) if obst_type != "boxes": size /= 2 if obst_type == "boxes": geom = hppfcl.Box(*size) elif obst_type == "shapes": j = np.random.randint(3) if j == 0: r = 1.3 * size[0] geom = hppfcl.Sphere(r) elif j == 1: geom = hppfcl.Cylinder(size[0] / 1.5, size[1] * 3) elif j == 2: # geom = hppfcl.Cone(size[0] * 1.5, 3 * size[1]) geom = hppfcl.Capsule(size[0], 2 * size[1]) elif obst_type == "ycb": dataset_path = "YCB_PATH" files = os.listdir(dataset_path) idx = np.random.randint(len(files)) path = os.path.join(dataset_path, files[idx]) scale = 3.5 * np.ones(3) return geom, path, scale
def show_joints(self): raise ValueError("To be reimplemented") goal_jts = utils.get_oMi(self.model,, self.goal_state["q"]) for i, jt_se3 in enumerate(goal_jts): self.add_mesh( f"jt{i}", geom=hppfcl.Sphere(0.07), placement=jt_se3, check_collision=False, color=(0, 0, 1, 1.0), ) self._create_data() self._create_viz()
def dict_to_geom(props): geom_name = props["name"] if geom_name == "capsule": geom = hppfcl.Capsule(props["radius"], props["halfLength"]) elif geom_name == "cylinder": geom = hppfcl.Cylinder(props["radius"], props["halfLength"]) elif geom_name == "box": geom = hppfcl.Box(2 * props["halfSide"][:, None]) elif geom_name == "sphere": geom = hppfcl.Sphere(props["radius"]) elif geom_name == "cone": geom = hppfcl.Cone(props["radius"], props["halfLength"]) elif geom_name == "mesh": geom = None else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported geometry type for {geom_name}.") return geom
def test_sphere(self): sphere = hppfcl.Sphere(1.) self.assertIsInstance(sphere, hppfcl.Sphere) self.assertIsInstance(sphere, hppfcl.ShapeBase) self.assertIsInstance(sphere, hppfcl.CollisionGeometry) self.assertEqual(sphere.getNodeType(), hppfcl.NODE_TYPE.GEOM_SPHERE) self.assertEqual(sphere.radius, 1.) sphere.radius = 2. self.assertEqual(sphere.radius, 2.) com = sphere.computeCOM() self.assertApprox(com, np.zeros(3)) V = sphere.computeVolume() V_ref = 4. * np.pi / 3 * sphere.radius**3 self.assertApprox(V, V_ref) I0 = sphere.computeMomentofInertia() I0_ref = 0.4 * V_ref * sphere.radius * sphere.radius * np.identity(3) self.assertApprox(I0, I0_ref) Ic = sphere.computeMomentofInertiaRelatedToCOM() self.assertApprox(Ic, I0_ref)
import pinocchio as pin try: import hppfcl except ImportError: print("This example requires hppfcl") sys.exit(0) from pinocchio.visualize import GepettoVisualizer pin.switchToNumpyArray() model = pin.Model() geom_model = pin.GeometryModel() geometries = [ hppfcl.Capsule(0.1, 0.8), hppfcl.Sphere(0.5), hppfcl.Box(1, 1, 1), hppfcl.Cylinder(0.1, 1.0), hppfcl.Cone(0.5, 1.0), ] for i, geom in enumerate(geometries): placement = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), np.array([i, 0, 0])) geom_obj = pin.GeometryObject("obj{}".format(i), 0, 0, geom, placement) color = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 4) color[3] = 1 geom_obj.meshColor = color geom_model.addGeometryObject(geom_obj) viz = GepettoVisualizer( model=model, collision_model=geom_model,
import hppfcl as fcl import numpy as np import math import time import sys N = 10 # number of pendulums model = pin.Model() geom_model = pin.GeometryModel() parent_id = 0 joint_placement = pin.SE3.Identity() body_mass = 1. body_radius = 0.1 shape0 = fcl.Sphere(body_radius) geom0_obj = pin.GeometryObject("base", 0, shape0, pin.SE3.Identity()) geom0_obj.meshColor = np.array([1., 0.1, 0.1, 1.]) geom_model.addGeometryObject(geom0_obj) for k in range(N): joint_name = "joint_" + str(k + 1) joint_id = model.addJoint(parent_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name) body_inertia = pin.Inertia.FromSphere(body_mass, body_radius) body_placement = joint_placement.copy() body_placement.translation[2] = 1. model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, body_inertia, body_placement) geom1_name = "ball_" + str(k + 1)
def make_geom_obj(self, name, radius): geom = hppfcl.Sphere(radius) mesh = Mesh(name=name, geometry=geom) return mesh.geom_obj()
def make_geom_obj(self, name): geom = hppfcl.Sphere(self.radius) mesh = Mesh(name=name, geometry=geom, color=self.color) return mesh.geom_obj()
body_placement = geometry_placement model.appendBodyToJoint( joint_id, body_inertia, body_placement ) # We need to rotate the inertia as it is expressed in the LOCAL frame of the geometry shape_cart = fcl.Cylinder(cart_radius, cart_length) geom_cart = pin.GeometryObject("shape_cart", joint_id, shape_cart, geometry_placement) geom_cart.meshColor = np.array([1., 0.1, 0.1, 1.]) geom_model.addGeometryObject(geom_cart) parent_id = joint_id else: base_radius = 0.2 shape_base = fcl.Sphere(base_radius) geom_base = pin.GeometryObject("base", 0, shape_base, pin.SE3.Identity()) geom_base.meshColor = np.array([1., 0.1, 0.1, 1.]) geom_model.addGeometryObject(geom_base) joint_placement = pin.SE3.Identity() body_mass = 1. body_radius = 0.1 for k in range(N): joint_name = "joint_" + str(k + 1) joint_id = model.addJoint(parent_id, pin.JointModelRX(), joint_placement, joint_name) body_inertia = pin.Inertia.FromSphere(body_mass, body_radius) body_placement = joint_placement.copy()