Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_nearest_neighbors(nside, pix_idx):
    # TODO
    # Determine mapping of pixel indices at highest resolutions to index
    # in the array pix_idx
    nside_max = np.max(nside)
    pix_idx_highres = []
    for n in np.unique(nside):
        idx = (nside == n)
    l = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    b = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    neighbor_idx = np.empty((8, pix_idx.size), dtype='i8')
    neighbor_dist = np.empty((8, pix_idx.size), dtype='f8')
    for n in np.unique(nside):
        idx = (nside == n)
        l[idx], b[idx] = hputils.pix2lb(n, pix_idx[idx], nest=True)
        neighbor_idx[:, idx] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_prior_ln_Delta_EBV(nside, pix_idx, n_regions=30):
    # Find (l, b) for each pixel
    l = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    b = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    for n in np.unique(nside):
        idx = (nside == n)
        l[idx], b[idx] = hputils.pix2lb(n, pix_idx[idx], nest=True)
    # Determine priors in each pixel
    gal_model = model.TGalacticModel()
    ln_Delta_EBV = np.empty((pix_idx.size, n_regions+1), dtype='f8')
    for i,(ll,bb) in enumerate(zip(l, b)):
        ret = gal_model.EBV_prior(ll, bb, n_regions=n_regions)
        ln_Delta_EBV[i, :] = ret[1]
    return ln_Delta_EBV
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_neighbors_naive(nside, pix_idx, n_neighbors):
    Find the neighbors of each pixel using a naive algorithm.
    Each pixel is defined by a HEALPix nside and pixel index (in nested
    Returns two arrays:
        neighbor_idx   (n_pix, n_neighbors)  Index of each neighbor in
                                             the nside and pix_idx
        neighbor_dist  (n_pix, n_neighbors)  Distance to each neighbor.
    # Determine (l, b) of all pixels
    l = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    b = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    nside_unique = np.unique(nside)
    for n in nside_unique:
        idx = (nside == n)
        l[idx], b[idx] = hputils.pix2lb(n, pix_idx[idx], nest=True)
    # Determine distances between all pixel pairs
    dist = gc_dist_all(l, b)
    # Determine closest neighbors
    sort_idx = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)
    neighbor_idx = sort_idx[:, 1:n_neighbors+1]
    neighbor_dist = np.sort(dist, axis=1)[:, 1:n_neighbors+1]
    return neighbor_idx, neighbor_dist
Ejemplo n.º 4
def load_output_file_unified(f, bounds=None,
	# Pixel locations
	dset = f['locations']
	nside = dset['nside'][:]
	pix_idx = dset['healpix_index'][:]
	cloud_mask = dset['cloud_mask'][:].astype(np.bool)
	los_mask = dset['piecewise_mask'][:].astype(np.bool)
	n_stars = dset['n_stars'][:]
	# Cloud model
	tmp_samples, cloud_lnp, cloud_GR = unpack_dset(f['cloud'],
	n_clouds = tmp_samples.shape[2] / 2
	cloud_mu = tmp_samples[:, :, :n_clouds]
	cloud_delta_EBV = tmp_samples[:, :, n_clouds:]
	# Piecewise-linear model
	los_EBV, los_lnp, los_GR = unpack_dset(f['piecewise'],
	DM_min = float(f['piecewise'].attrs['DM_min'])
	DM_max = float(f['piecewise'].attrs['DM_max'])
	EBV_min, EBV_max = 0., 5.
	# Stacked pdfs
	star_stack = None
	if load_stacked_pdfs:
		dset = f['stacked_pdfs']
		star_stack = dset[:]
		EBV_min = float(dset.attrs['EBV_min'])
		EBV_max = float(dset.attrs['EBV_max'])
	# Filter out-of-bounds pixels
	if bounds != None:
		l = np.empty(nside.size, dtype='f8')
		b = np.empty(nside.size, dtype='f8')
		for n in np.unique(nside):
			idx = (nside == n)
			l[idx], b[idx] = hputils.pix2lb(n, pix_idx[idx], nest=True)
		idx = (  (l >= bounds[0]) & (l <= bounds[1])
		       & (b >= bounds[2]) & (b <= bounds[3])  )
		nside = nside[idx]
		pix_idx = pix_idx[idx]
		cloud_mask = cloud_mask[idx]
		los_mask = los_mask[idx]
		n_stars = n_stars[idx]
		cloud_mu = cloud_mu[idx]
		cloud_delta_EBV = cloud_delta_EBV[idx]
		cloud_GR = cloud_GR[idx]
		cloud_lnp = cloud_lnp[idx]
		los_EBV = los_EBV[idx]
		los_GR = los_GR[idx]
		los_lnp = los_lnp[idx]
		if load_stacked_pdfs:
			star_stack = star_stack[idx]
	# Return
	if len(pix_idx) == 0:
		return None
	pix_info = (pix_idx, nside, cloud_mask, los_mask, n_stars)
	# Cloud information
	cloud_info = None
	if np.sum(cloud_mask) > 0:
		cloud_info = (cloud_mu, cloud_delta_EBV, cloud_lnp, cloud_GR)
	# Piecewise-linear model information
	los_info = None
	if np.sum(los_mask) > 0:
		los_info = (los_EBV, los_lnp, los_GR)
	# Limits on DM and E(B-V) (for l.o.s. fits and stacked surfaces)
	DM_EBV_lim = (DM_min, DM_max, EBV_min, EBV_max)
	return pix_info, cloud_info, los_info, star_stack, DM_EBV_lim
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dust_priors():
    img_fname = pan1 + 'paper-plots/dust_priors.svg'
    dpi = 400
    figsize = (9, 4)
    img_shape = (4000, 2000)
    nside = 16
    n_regions = 30
    sigma_bin = 1.4
    gal_model = model.TGalacticModel()
    n_pix = hp.pixelfunc.nside2npix(nside)
    pix_idx = np.arange(n_pix)
    l, b = hputils.pix2lb(nside, pix_idx)
    log_Delta_EBV = np.empty((n_pix, n_regions+1), dtype='f8')
    # Determine log(Delta EBV) in each pixel and bin
    for i,ll,bb in zip(pix_idx, l, b):
        tmp = gal_model.EBV_prior(ll, bb, n_regions=n_regions, sigma_bin=1.4)
        log_Delta_EBV[i,:] = tmp[1][:]
    scatter = sigma_bin * np.random.normal(size=log_Delta_EBV.shape)
    EBV_rand = np.sum(np.exp(log_Delta_EBV + scatter), axis=1)
    EBV_smooth = np.sum(np.exp(log_Delta_EBV), axis=1) * np.exp(0.5*sigma_bin**2.)
    # Load SFD dust map
    EBV_SFD = model.get_SFD_map(nside=nside)
    # Rasterize maps
    proj = hputils.Hammer_projection()
    nside_arr = nside * np.ones(n_pix, dtype='i8')
    rasterizer = hputils.MapRasterizer(nside_arr, pix_idx, img_shape,
    bounds = rasterizer.get_lb_bounds()
    log_SFD = np.log10(EBV_SFD)
    log_rand = np.log10(EBV_rand)
    log_smooth = np.log10(EBV_smooth)
    log_SFD_diff = log_SFD - log_smooth
    log_rand_diff = log_rand - log_smooth
    print np.percentile(log_SFD_diff, [5., 10., 50., 90., 95.])
    vmin_top = min([np.min(log_SFD), np.min(log_rand)])
    vmax_top = max([np.max(log_SFD), np.max(log_rand)])
    vmax_bot = max([np.max(np.abs(log_SFD_diff)), np.max(np.abs(log_rand_diff))])
    vmin_bot = -vmax_bot
    img_SFD = rasterizer(log_SFD)
    img_rand = rasterizer(log_rand)
    img_SFD_diff = rasterizer(log_SFD_diff)
    img_rand_diff = rasterizer(log_rand_diff)
    # Rasterize regions to shade on maps
    shade_fn = lambda l, b: hputils.lb_in_bounds(l, b, [-60., 60., -5., 5.]).astype('f8')
    img_shade = rasterizer.rasterize_func(shade_fn)
    nside_hidpi = 256
    n_pix_hidpi = hp.pixelfunc.nside2npix(nside_hidpi)
    pix_idx_hidpi = np.arange(n_pix_hidpi)
    nside_arr_hidpi = nside_hidpi * np.ones(n_pix_hidpi, dtype='i8')
    rasterizer_hidpi = hputils.MapRasterizer(nside_arr_hidpi, pix_idx_hidpi,
                                             img_shape, proj=proj)
    bounds_hidpi = rasterizer.get_lb_bounds()
    l, b = hputils.pix2lb(nside_hidpi, pix_idx_hidpi)
    clipped = np.empty(n_pix_hidpi, dtype='f8')
    # Determine log(Delta EBV) in each pixel and bin
    for i,(ll,bb) in enumerate(zip(l, b)):
        tmp = gal_model.EBV_prior(ll, bb, n_regions=n_regions, sigma_bin=1.4)
        clipped[i] = np.max(tmp[1][:]) >= -4. - 1.e-5
    #clipped = (np.max(log_Delta_EBV, axis=1) >= -4. - 1.e-5).astype('f8')
    img_clipped = rasterizer_hidpi(clipped)
    # Plot in 2x2 grid
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
    ax = [fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1) for i in xrange(4)]
    im_11 = ax[0].imshow(img_SFD.T, extent=bounds, aspect='auto',
                            origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
                            vmin=vmin_top, vmax=vmax_top,
    im_12 = ax[1].imshow(img_rand.T, extent=bounds, aspect='auto',
                            origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
                            vmin=vmin_top, vmax=vmax_top,
    im_21 = ax[2].imshow(img_SFD_diff.T, extent=bounds, aspect='auto',
                            origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
                            vmin=vmin_bot, vmax=vmax_bot,
    im_22 = ax[3].imshow(img_rand_diff.T, extent=bounds, aspect='auto',
                            origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
                            vmin=vmin_bot, vmax=vmax_bot,
    for i in xrange(4):
        #ax[i].imshow(img_shade.T, extent=bounds, aspect='auto',
        #                          origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
        #                          vmin=0., vmax=1., cmap='binary',
        #                          alpha=0.25)
        ax[i].imshow(img_clipped.T, extent=bounds_hidpi, aspect='auto',
                                  origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
                                  vmin=0., vmax=1., cmap='binary',
                                  alpha=0.25, rasterized=True)
    fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, right=0.82,
                        bottom=0.02, top=0.92,
                        hspace=0.02, wspace=0.02)
    # Remove axis frames
    for a in ax:
    # Color bars
    x0,y0,w,h = ax[1].get_position().bounds
    cax_top = fig.add_axes([x0 + w + 0.01, y0, 0.03, h])
    x0,y0,w,h = ax[3].get_position().bounds
    cax_bot = fig.add_axes([x0 + w + 0.01, y0, 0.03, h])
    cbar_top = fig.colorbar(im_12, cax=cax_top)
    cbar_bot = fig.colorbar(im_22, cax=cax_bot)
    # Labels
    x0,y0,w,h = ax[0].get_position().bounds
    fig.text(x0+0.5*w, y0+h+0.01, r'$\mathrm{SFD}$',
            fontsize=16, ha='center', va='bottom')
    x0,y0,w,h = ax[1].get_position().bounds
    fig.text(x0+0.5*w, y0+h+0.01, r'$\mathrm{Priors}$',
            fontsize=16, ha='center', va='bottom')
    cbar_top.set_label(r'$\log_{10} \mathrm{E} \left( B - V \right)$',
    cbar_bot.set_label(r'$\log_{10} \left[ \frac{ \mathrm{E} \left( B - V \right) }{ \left< \mathrm{E} \left( B - V \right) \right> } \right]$',
    cbar_top.locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=6)
    cbar_bot.locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=6)
    cbar_bot.solids.set_edgecolor('face') # Fix for matplotlib svg-rendering bug
    cbar_top.solids.set_edgecolor('face') # Fix for matplotlib svg-rendering bug
    fig.savefig(img_fname, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_neighbors(nside, pix_idx, n_neighbors):
    Find the neighbors of each pixel.
    Each pixel is defined by a HEALPix nside and pixel index (in nested
    Returns two arrays:
        neighbor_idx   (n_pix, n_neighbors)  Index of each neighbor in
                                             the nside and pix_idx
        neighbor_dist  (n_pix, n_neighbors)  Distance to each neighbor.
    # Determine (l, b) and which downsampled pixel
    # each (nside, pix_idx) combo belongs to
    nside_rough = np.min(nside)
    if nside_rough != 1:
        nside_rough /= 2
    l = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    b = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    pix_idx_rough = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='i8')
    nside_unique = np.unique(nside)
    for n in nside_unique:
        idx = (nside == n)
        factor = (n / nside_rough)**2
        pix_idx_rough[idx] = pix_idx[idx] / factor
        l[idx], b[idx] = hputils.pix2lb(n, pix_idx[idx], nest=True)
    # For each downsampled pixel, determine nearest neighbors of all subpixels
    neighbor_idx = -np.ones((pix_idx.size, n_neighbors), dtype='i8')
    neighbor_dist = np.inf * np.ones((pix_idx.size, n_neighbors), dtype='f8')
    for i_rough in np.unique(pix_idx_rough):
        rough_neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside_rough, i_rough, nest=True)
        idx_centers = np.argwhere(pix_idx_rough == i_rough)[:,0]
        tmp = [np.argwhere(pix_idx_rough == i)[:,0] for i in rough_neighbors]
        idx_search = np.hstack(tmp)
        dist = gc_dist(l[idx_centers], b[idx_centers],
                       l[idx_search], b[idx_search])
        tmp = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)[:, 1:n_neighbors+1]
        fill = idx_search[tmp]
        neighbor_idx[idx_centers, :fill.shape[1]] = fill
        fill = np.sort(dist, axis=1)[:, 1:n_neighbors+1]
        neighbor_dist[idx_centers, :fill.shape[1]] = fill
    return neighbor_idx, neighbor_dist